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Spack packages for Wire-Cell

This repo provides Spack packaging for building the Wire-Cell toolkit (WCT) and prototype (WCP) software and a few additional Spack packaging to build WCT dependencies not already in Spack. It may be used to build development and production runtime environments.

See wcwc for how this packaging is used as part of software ecosystem in a workstation cluster context.

Other Spack packaging of the Wire-Cell Toolkit exists. Of note is the one that exists as part of the FNALssi Spack suite used to build the software ecosystem found in FNAL’s CVMFS space.


The current version of this package can build WCT 0.28.0. If a newer version of WCT has been released, feel free to file a GitHub Issue.

The current version of this package is tested with Spack 0.22.1. Other versions of Spack may (or may not) work.

Quick start

Here is one way to do it.

Install Spack

$ git clone \
  -c feature.manyFiles=true --depth 1 --branch v0.22.1 \ /srv/spack/local

See Installation section of Spack docs for details and options.

Activate Spack shell environment

$ bash --rcfile /srv/spack/local/share/spack/

See Shell support section of the Spack docs for details and options.

Add WCT Spack repo

Clone this repo somewhere and register it with Spack.

$ git clone /srv/spack/repos/wct-spack
$ spack repo add /srv/spack/repos/wct-spack

The Spack repo name is wirecell as set by repo.yaml.

Install WCT

$ spack install wire-cell-toolkit

Install WCP

$ spack install wire-cell-prototype

Build options


Alternatively, you may wish to install a “variant” build that provides additional features requiring more dependencies. Discover what variants are available with:

$ spack info wire-cell-toolkit

For example one may install support for ROOT and HDF5:

$ spack install wire-cell-toolkit+root+hdf


One can build software with more than one compiler as long as it is known to Spack:

$ spack compiler find
$ spack compiler list
$ spack install wire-cell-toolkit%[email protected]

Shell environment variable runtime

Spack provides support for “environment modules” that manages the users shell environment. For example, so that PATH like variables are set.

$ spack load wire-cell-toolkit
$ wire-cell --help

File-system based environment

Note, developers should read this section but skip the example command and see section Developer guide below.

A “Spack view” provides an alternative to shell environment variables for using packages. This method requires far smaller shell environment mangling by providing a single area akin to /usr/local/.

$ spack view add -i myview wire-cell-toolkit
$ ls myview/
bin  etc  include  lib  libexec  man  pkg  sbin  share

To use the software, you may now add the single entry $(pwd)/myview/bin to $PATH and etc for other PATH-like variables.

## only needed if not using direnv
$ myview=$(pwd)/myview
$ export PATH=$myview/bin:$PATH
$ export MANPATH=$myview/man:$myview/share/man:$MANPATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$myview/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Developer guide

This section describes one way to provide a developer environment.

Make a Spack view

After installing at least one instance of wire-cell-toolkit we make a spack view. This provides a single “tidy” directory similar to /usr/local with all the files for a set of packages.

$ cd /path/to/my/dev/area
$ spack view -e wire-cell-toolkit add -i local wire-cell-toolkit 

This builds the view into a directory called local/ with WCT as the “seed” package but excludes wire-cell-toolkit itself.

A view without a toolkit

The above requires the requested instance of wire-cell-toolkit to have been installed by Spack. It is possible to create an equivalent view without building WCT with Spack. This can be needed in rare cases where Spack fails to build WCT but the developer wants Spack to provide dependencies so WCT source can be corrected so Spack build succeeds.

$ spack install wire-cell-dependencies
$ spack view add -i local wire-cell-dependencies 

This wire-cell-dependencies “bundle” package takes the same variants as wire-cell-toolkit.

Manage shell environment with direnv

Typically we developers want to form a strong binding between one of our development areas on disk and the shell environment that is required to build and run the software. This can be managed by hand but that is tedious and error prone. Use of direnv overcomes these problems and is well worth the one-time effort to install.

To configure direnv to use the Spack view, first set up direnv for your particular shell and then perform this one time setup:

$ cd /path/to/my/dev/area
$ echo 'load_prefix local' > .envrc
$ direnv allow

This last command will need repeating if/when you edit the .envrc file. With your shell set up to use direnv it will automatically warn you when it detects a change.

Installing wire-cell-python

The wire-cell-python package provides various useful, ancillary facilities but is not (yet) officially a dependency of WCT. However, developers are strongly recommended to install it as it is used by some of the tests provided by wire-cell-toolkit.

After the above direnv set up, check what Python we have:

$ which python
$ python --version

This should show a modern version of Python provided under the Spack view directory local/. In general, do not use the system Python.

$ cd /path/to/my/dev/area
$ git clone python
$ cd python/
$ pip install -e .

Note, wire-cell-python packaging is still a work in progress and the above will only install core dependencies. Depending on the command line programs and Python modules to be used, the developer may need to install more Python dependencies via pip. This can be done using one or more of the requirements files. For example:

$ pip install -r requirements/base.txt

Future improvements in the wire-cell-python Python packaging will make this unnecessary.

View-based development environment

Finally, the developer can get, build and run WCT. Start by getting a copy of the source:

$ cd /path/to/my/dev/area
$ git clone toolkit
$ cd toolkit

We are now set to configure and build. The Spack view and direnv helps us here wcb will still need help to find some dependencies by giving it --with-* command line options:

$ export myview=/path/to/my/dev/area/local # just for brevity here
$ ./wcb configure \
   --prefix=$myview \
   --with-jsonnet=$myview \
   --with-jsonnet-libs=$myview/lib/ \
   --boost-mt --boost-libs=$myview/lib --boost-include=$myview/include
$ ./wcb install
$ ./wcb --tests  # optional, run many tests

Giving --prefix=$myview to wcb will cause WCT to be installed right into the Spack view directory. Since direnv has minimally set up our environment we (almost) ready for full usage:

$ wire-cell --version

The .envrc file is ideal for capturing the few shell environment variable settings that are needed for developers:

$ cd /path/to/my/dev/area
$ cat << EOF >> .envrc

# Locate configuration files:
path_add WIRECELL_PATH $PWD/toolkit/cfg
path_add WIRECELL_PATH $HOME/opt/wire-cell-data

# Locate BATS for manual running
export BATS_LIB_PATH=$PWD/toolkit/test
PATH_add $PWD/toolkit/test/bats/bin


Automate creation of development areas

Creating the patterns described above can be automated using the provided ./scripts/wct-make-dev script. This script is particularly useful for developer that frequently create new WCT development areas.

$ ./scripts/wct-make-dev /path/to/work [<spec>]
$ ls -a /path/to/work
.  ..  .direnv  .envrc  local  python  toolkit

The script will guess the newest version of WCT available unless <spec> is given. It produces:

  • .direnv/ direnv’s area holding a Python virtual env.
  • .envrc a direnv config file.
  • local/ holding the Spack view.
  • python/ holding git clone of wire-cell-python
  • toolkit/ holding git clone of wire-cell-toolkit

At the end the script prints a few lines which can be copy-pasted to build and install the latter two. Eg:

cd /path/to/work && direnv allow
cd python && pip install -e . && cd -
bash -c "$WIRECELL_CONFIG" && bash -c "$WIRECELL_BUILD"

The developer is free to subsequently modify the generated .envrc file as desired.


Other compilers

When using a non-default compiler one must set CC and CXX before configuring wire-cell-toolkit build with wcb.

More than one wire-cell-toolkit installed

Spack allows multiple packages of the same name to be installed. Commands like spack load or spack view require a package to be identified uniquely. One way to do that is to specify the version and/or set of variants for the desired package. You can discover what is available with:

$ spack find -v wire-cell-toolkit
-- linux-debian11-haswell / [email protected] --------------------------
[email protected]~cppjsonnet~hdf~root+tbb
[email protected]~cppjsonnet~hdf+root+tbb
[email protected]~cppjsonnet+hdf+root+tbb

In this example, adding +root or ~root is enough to make the name unique. You may test uniqueness, eg:

$ spack find -v wire-cell-toolkit~root
==> 1 installed package
-- linux-debian11-haswell / [email protected] --------------------------
[email protected]~cppjsonnet~hdf~root+tbb

If specifying a version and variants are not enough to uniquely determine a package then a “slash-hash” may be used. To discover these you may run:

$ spack find -vl wire-cell-toolkit
==> 2 installed packages
-- linux-debian11-haswell / [email protected] --------------------------
7rxgr7w [email protected]~cppjsonnet~hdf~root+tbb
55c7krd [email protected]~cppjsonnet~hdf+root+tbb
urqwjcm [email protected]~cppjsonnet+hdf+root+tbb

And again to test a match:

$ spack find -vl /55c7krd
==> 1 installed package
-- linux-debian11-haswell / [email protected] --------------------------
55c7krd [email protected]~cppjsonnet~hdf+root+tbb

Using a Spack “scope”

To better keep multiple Spack instances you use separate, a Spack “scope” may be used. Some example ones are provided under scopes/ directory.

use Debian packages to provide packages otherwise built by Spack. For use, see example scripts/wcspack.

Choosing versions

By default, Spack will use preferred versions, usually the newest. You may specify versions of WCT and dependencies at arbitrary detail by spelling out the Spack “spec”.

spack install [email protected]+root ^[email protected]

See more in the Spack docs.

Updating this package

This package is updated infrequently to rely on new releases of Spack and add support for new releases of WCT and its dependencies at versions supported by that new Spack. This section describes how to update.

Either re-clone the Spack repository as in section Install Spack or fetch updates.

$ cd /srv/spack/local/
$ git tag|tail
$ git checkout -b v0.21.2 v0.21.2

Update wire-cell-toolkit versions for recent Releases beyond what are currently captured.

$ spack info wire-cell-toolkit
$ spack checksum wire-cell-toolkit 0.25.3 0.26.0 0.27.0 0.27.1

Copy-paste the new version(...) lines into the

Do a test build.

$ spack install wire-cell-toolkit+root+hdf+tbb


See wire-cell-spack-containers for ideas on how to make and use Docker and Singularity (now Apptainer) containers built via wire-cell-spack methods.