Nicholas Ventimiglia |
Databinding is a mechanism to 'connect' your UI widgets (buttons, input, text, lists) to 'view scripts'. This strategy is necessary for the Model-View-ViewModel architecture that is very popular in the C# world. In MVVM Your views's properties, fields and methods are 'observed' by the UI elements and any changes to your view's are communicated to the UI elements so they may update worry free.
Supports inheritance, interfaces, structs and using DLLs
Bind to monobehaviours and plain CLR objects (wont have change notification)
Foundation.Databinding.Model is a dll, so you can place your game model in a class library
Bind to methods, fields, properties or coroutines
Uses IObservableModel interface instead of IPropertyNotifyChange. IObservableModel includes the changed value along side the changed property name as to prevent an additional reflection call.
- FullSerializer Json Library
- Foundation.Tasks Async Library
- Foundation.Localization Translation Library
- Localization may be omitted by using the NoLocalization compilation directive
- Foundation.Injector Is mentioned in the comments. It is not needed but I personally use it so that I dont need to reference my components in the editor.
It is recommended that you inherit your monobehaviours from ObservableBehaviour and your clr objects from ObservableObject. These classes implement the IObservableModel interface for you and include a number of helper methods for quickly publishing changes to your views.
Here is an example model with a single observable property. when the property changes the view (or any other listener) will receive the change event and have an opportunity to update itself.
public class MyModel : ObservableObject {
private int _myProperty;
public int MyProperty
get { return _myProperty; }
// Prevent Stack Overflow in two way binding scenarios
if (_myProperty == value)
_myProperty = value;
// Notify Listeners
NotifyProperty("MyProperty", value);
####Models vs ViewModels
Extending from ObservableBehaviour requires that you make an instance of your view in the scene (since it is an MonoBehaviour). This has the advantage of letting you set properties in your scene view.
Extending from ObservableScriptableObject requires that you make an instance in your editor (since it is an ScriptableObject). This has the advantage of letting you set properties in your editor.
Extending from ObservableObject is my personal choice for most data objects (high scores, profiles, ect). It is a light weight CLR object which does not depend on the UnityEngine.
Once you have your model defined and a mockup of your view using Unity's uGUI UI framework it is time to connect the two.
####Binding Context
The binding context is responsible for gluing your model to your view elements. Once set child binders will update with a listing of properties to bind to.
This script sits at the root of your UI and operates in one of three modes.
- MonoBinding
Viewmodel is a monobehaviour (or observable behavior). Drag and drop the behavior
into the editor field to bind to it.
- MockBinding
Viewmodel is a late bound. Use this option when you would like to set the datatype
for child binders while not actually setting the model instance. Example uses
include list controls where you may know the type of the list item but the actual
item instance is set at run time.
- Property Binding (Hierarchy Binding)
This allows you to index into a model within another model. For instance MyModel.MyUser.MyName
where MyModel is the parent viewmodel, MyUser is a child model and MyName is a property of
the child most model.
Binders sit underneath a binding context and next to their associated ui element. When the binding context is set the binders will update with a listing of valid properties and methods from the model.
There are a number of binders including InputFieldBinder, ButtonBinder, ListBinder and ImageBinders. I believe I have most major controls. If you need a custom binder inherit from BinderBase. If you feel that I have neglected a non specialized binder, let me know and I will make it.
Using a binder is straight forward. Just drag and drop the script onto the control that it will bind to. For instance if you want databinding on an Input Field include the Input Field binder as well.
I have included a AudioManager in this library. The AudioManager extends Unity's audio system with audio layers. This will allow the players to fine tune audio volume by layer (music, sound, ect).
- Audio2DListener : Attach to the main camera(s). Used to spawn audio sources for UI elements.
- Audio2DSource : for global (ui) sounds. Use just like the AudioSource.
- AudioRegulator : Attach to AudioSources to regulate audio volume by layers (music, ui, ect)
- AudioManager : A Clr manager for mediating changes to layer volumes.
Part of the Unity3d Foundation toolkit. A collection of utilities for making high quality data driven games.
- Tasks : An async task library for doing background work or extending coroutines with return results.
- Messenger : Listener pattern. A message broker for relaying events in a loosely coupled way. Supports auto subscription via the [Subscribe] annotation.
- Terminal: A in game terminal for debugging !
- Injector: Service Injector for resolving services and other components. Supports auto injection using the [Inject] annotation
- DataBinding : For MVVM / MVC style databinding. Supports the new uGUI ui library.
- Localization : Supports in editor translation, multiple files and automatic translation of scripts using the [Localized] annotation.
- Cloud : Parse-like storage and account services using a ASP.NET MVC back end. Need to authenticate your users? Reset passwords with branded emails? Save high scores or character data in a database? Maybe write your own authoritative back end? This is it.
- Lobby : The ultimate example scene. Everything you need to deploy for a game, minus the actual game play.
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