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支持,这些上古玩意几乎没人用,需要用的场景切到旧版本就够了。 相比于追求完整兼容性,更希望看到一个轻量且优雅的Xray内核。 |
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不是挺好吗,以某些版本号为分隔线,分隔新旧版本。 |
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手機用戶比電腦多,應該考慮手機上面的問題 |
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If possible make it modular compilation. So we can compile with what function we needed most. So we can use this on low end devices like openwrt. |
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第3个非常同意, 有些地方过于抽象, 其实代码逻辑原本是很清晰和简洁的 |
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删吧,无用了要了干嘛?而且谁还会用旧的版本? |
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protobuf 能不能移除 |
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Legacy VMess是什么意思啊? |
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支持,可以更激进点上v2.0.0 |
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确实,破坏性更新可以直接加大版本号,然后1.x版本也可以继续进行小更新 |
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Hello from Russia! Are there any plans for a tunnel instead of a proxy? Xray is very good, but why are you only working on proxies? As far as I can see, the implementation of the L3 tunnel does not look very complicated. I would like to implement this, but I don't understand if it's relevant for you? Why only proxies? |
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The problem I have with reality is that the IP is not hidden, there are about 15 of us using the same IP, but after a working day, the server IP is exposed. Cloudflare, if it was possible to set the IP to Proxy ON, many problems would be solved. No other CDN has this IP range, Cloudflare has around 2 million IPs |
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introducing those to remove the deprecated Vmess user-generated-hash (means user alterID) like this: removes the alterID field in common/protocol/header, and a empty protocol.ResponseCommand in proxy/vmess/encoding/command |
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支持!😂代码精简也方便后续开发、 |
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大佬 那个 shadowsocks 2022入站,visiion出站不通的问题 能否给些提示 我想改改 |
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大佬,可以考虑集成xtaci/kcptun这种底层传输方式吗? |
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服务端 interface有allowInsecure参数,在不允许链接有allowInsecure的背景下, 服务端有allowInsecure参数是不是显的多余 |
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Please keep "Reverse Proxy" feature. |
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在这提一嘴 core里内置的mtproto因为版本陈旧无人维护加上用处不大早就该删除了。隔壁应该已经枪毙了 xray这边文档已经删了但是还没有人动手移除mtp的代码 |
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对于1.9.0精简代码,如果精简掉这些无用的代码还能顺便降低CPU占用也好,免得套warp出站狂吃CPU速度还上不去。主要是似乎xray用不了内核的wg |
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目前阶段性进展: 已经移除:
已经发掘但是尚未移除的古旧弃用功能 (需要 investigation 来保证代码能完全移除,包含可能存在的配置代码、相关函数移除或改动,以及对应的 proto)
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尤其是 3,过度抽象,导致代码调用链难以理清、难以维护。 我说这是 v2 架构最失败的设计之一,应该每个研究过代码的人都认同吧。
Xray-core 会在兼容现有配置的前提下,不断精简代码(说不定会删掉一半的代码)、优化性能(TCP 已优化很多,主要剩 UDP)。
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