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File metadata and controls

85 lines (49 loc) · 2.6 KB


Repository for paper "Geodemographic Network Immunization for Epidemic Control"



Use Guide

Environment Setup


Data Preparation

Here we publish the LA and NYC datasets used in our paper.

Each dataset contains files of mobility network, cost of locations, initial distribution of agents and 3 attack strategies which are necessary for our proposed LGNI algorithm.

Generating control strategy

Compile and run LGNI.cpp to generate the log file with necessary parameters listed below:

  • Budget.

  • IIS: Number of initially infected spectators.

  • NPI: Number of locations to be controlled per iteration.

  • Step: Maximum number of steps an agent may take.

  • pl: Probability that an infected agent passes an unaffected location making it infectious.

  • lp: Probability that an infected location makes a passing uninfected agent infected.

  • uaf: A parameter to control the initial number of agents in each location.

    ​ Generally set to 1. If set to 2, it means that the number of initial agents of each location double.

  • logfile: Path to save the log file, in which the order of locations to be controlled (control strategy) will be recorded.

  • dataset: Directory of dataset.

  • LB: bool, use LOWER BOUND or not.

  • LS: bool, use LIMITED SPREAD or not.

	cd ./Code/
	g++ -O3 -fopenmp LGNI.cpp -o LGNI.out   # compile
	./LGNI.out Budget IIS NPI Step pl lp logfile dataset LB LS uaf   # run with param
	./LGNI.out 1.0 500 500 3 0.02 0.02 ../log_LGNI.txt ../Data_LA/ 1 1 1    # example

Then generate the control strategy from the log file.

	cd ../
	grep "Adding" log_LGNI.txt > ./Data_LA/Baseline_Controls/LGNI.txt
	sed -i "s/Adding: //g" ./Data_LA/Baseline_Controls/LGNI.txt

The control strategy will be saved in file: Data_LA/Baseline_Controls/LGNI.txt

Evaluating control strategy

Comple and run LGNI_Baseline.cpp to evaluate the control strategy generated by LGNI or other baseline methods under different attack strategies. The results will be recorded in a result file.

Some parameters are different to the LGNI.cpp :

  • logfile: Path to save the result of spread influence under the control strategy to be evaluated and the 4 different attack strategies.

  • CS: Filename of the control strategy to be evaluated.

    cd ./Code/
    g++ -O3 -fopenmp LGNI_Baseline.cpp -o LGNI_Baseline.out     # compile
    ./LGNI_Baseline.out Budget IIS NPI Step pl lp logfile dataset LB CS uaf    # run with param
    ./LGNI_Baseline.out 0.2 500 500 3 0.02 0.02 ../result_LGNI.txt ../Data_LA/ 1 LGNI.txt 1    # example

The result will be recorded in file result_LGNI.txt