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2019.1 SDAccel™ Development Environment Tutorials

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Using Multiple DDR Banks


By default, in the SDAccel™ environment, the data transfer between the kernel and the DDR is achieved using a single DDR bank. In some applications, data movement is a performance bottleneck. In cases where the kernels need to move large amounts of data between the global memory (DDR) and the FPGA, you can use multiple DDR banks. This enables the kernels to access multiple memory banks simultaneously. As a result, the application performance increases.

The System Port mapping option using the xocc --sp switch allows the designer to map kernel ports to specific global memory banks, such as DDR or PLRAM. This tutorial shows you how to map kernel ports to multiple DDR banks.

Tutorial Overview

This tutorial uses a simple example of vector addition. It shows the vadd kernel reading data from in1 and in2 and producing the result, out.

In this tutorial, you will implement the vector addition application using three DDR banks.

Because the default behavior of the XOCC compiler is to use a single DDR bank for data exchange between kernels and global memory, all data access through ports in1, in2, and out will be done through the default DDR bank for the platform.

Assume that in the application, you want to access:

  • in1 through Bank0
  • in2 through Bank1
  • out through Bank2

To achieve the desired mapping, instruct the SDAccel tool to connect each kernel argument to the desired bank.

The example in this tutorial uses a C++ kernel; however, the steps described are also the same for RTL and OpenCL™ API kernels.

Before You Begin

The labs in this tutorial use:

  • BASH Linux shell commands.
  • 2019.1 SDx™ release and the xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1 platform. If necessary, it can be easily extended to other versions and platforms.


  • Before running any of the examples, make sure you have installed Xilinx Runtime (XRT) and the SDAccel development environment as described in the SDAccel Development Environment Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing Guide (UG1238).
  • If you will run applications on the Alveo™ card, ensure the card and software drivers have been correctly installed by following the instructions in the Getting Started with Alveo Data Center Accelerator Cards Guide (UG1301).

Accessing the Tutorial Reference Files

  1. To access the reference files, type the following into a terminal: git clone
  2. Navigate to SDAccel-Tutorials-master/docs/mult-ddr-banks/reference-files.

Tutorial Setup

  1. To set up the SDx environment, platform, and runtime, run the following commands.

      #setup Xilinx SDx tools, XILINX_SDX and XILINX_VIVADO will be set in this step. source <SDX install path>/ for example:
      source /opt/Xilinx/SDx/2019.1/
      #Setup runtime. XILINX_XRT will be set in this step
      source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
  2. Execute the makefile to build the design for HW-Emulation.

    cd reference-files
    make all

    Makefile Options Descriptions

    • MODE := hw_emu: Set the build configuration mode to HW Emulation
    • PLATFORM := xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1: Select the target platform
    • KERNEL_SRC := src/vadd.cpp: List the kernel source files
    • HOST_SRC := src/host.cpp: List the host source files

    As previously mentioned, the default implementation of the design uses a single DDR bank. Observe the messages in the Console during the link step; you should see messages similar to the following.

    ip_name: vadd
    Creating apsys_0.xml
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2226] Inferring mapping for argument vadd_1.in1 to DDR[1]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2226] Inferring mapping for argument vadd_1.in2 to DDR[1]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2226] Inferring mapping for argument vadd_1.out to DDR[1]

    This confirms the mapping is automatically inferred by the SDx environment for each of the kernel arguments in the absence of explicit --sp options being specified.

  3. Run HW-Emulation by executing the makefile with the check option.

    make check

    After the simulation is complete, the following memory connections for the kernel data transfer are reported.

    INFO: [SDx-EM 22] [Wall clock time: 22:51, Emulation time: 0.0569014 ms] Data transfer between kernel(s) and global memory(s)
    vadd_1:m_axi_gmem0-DDR[1]          RD = 0.391 KB               WR = 0.000 KB
    vadd_1:m_axi_gmem1-DDR[1]          RD = 0.391 KB               WR = 0.000 KB
    vadd_1:m_axi_gmem2-DDR[1]          RD = 0.000 KB               WR = 0.391 KB

Now, you will explore how the data transfers can be split across the following:

  • DDR Bank 0
  • DDR Bank 1
  • DDR Bank 2

Set XOCC Linker Options

You will instruct the XOCC Kernel Linker to connect the kernel arguments to the corresponding banks. Use the --sp option to map kernel ports or kernel arguments.

  • Kernel args:

    --sp <kernel_cu_name>.<kernel_arg>:<sptag>
    • <kernel_cu_name>: The compute unit (CU) based on the kernel name, followed by _ and index, starting from the value 1. For example, the computer unit name of the vadd kernel will be vadd_1
    • <kernel_arg>: The CU's function argument. For the vadd kernel, the kernel argument can be found in the vadd.cpp file.
    • <sptag>: Represents a memory resource available on the target platform. Valid sptag names include DDR and PLRAM. In this tutorial, target DDR[0], DDR[1], and DDR[2]. You can also do ranges: <sptag>[min:max].
  1. Define the --sp command options for the vadd kernel, and add this to the Makefile.

    The kernel instance name will be: vadd_1. The arguments for the vadd kernel are specified in the vadd.cpp file. The kernel argument (in1, in2, and out) should be connected to DDR[0], DDR[1], and DDR[2].
    Therefore, the --sp options should be:

    --sp vadd_1.in1:DDR[0]
    --sp vadd_1.in2:DDR[1]
    --sp vadd_1.out:DDR[2]
    • Argument in1 accesses DDR Bank0
    • Argument in2 accesses DDR Bank1
    • Argument out accesses DDR Bank2.

    Add the three --sp options to the Makefile, so they are passed to the XOCC Linker. When you put all the --sp options together, you will see the following.

    --sp vadd_1.in1:DDR[0] --sp vadd_1.in2:DDR[1] --sp vadd_1.out:DDR[2]

    To avoid mistakes when specifying these options in the SDAccel tool, locate the following lines in the SDAccel Makefile, and uncomment the XOCC_LINK_OPTS line to specify these options for XOCC Linker.

    # Linker options to map kernel ports to DDR banks
    XOCC_LINK_OPTS := --sp vadd_1.in1:DDR[0] --sp vadd_1.in2:DDR[1] --sp vadd_1.out:DDR[2]

    NOTE: Use the --slr option to assign a CU to a specific SLR when assigning DDR banks. The compute unit should be assigned to the same SLR that contains the memory resources specified by the value.

    The syntax for this option is --slr <COMPUTE_UNIT>:<SLR_NUM>, where COMPUTE_UNIT is the name of the CU, and SLR_NUM is the SLR number the CU is assigned.
    For example, xocc … --slr vadd_1:SLR2 assigns the computer unit named vadd_1 to SLR2.

  2. After you have saved the changes, complete a clean build of the design in HW Emulation mode.

     make clean
     make all

    Again, observe the messages in the Console during the link step; a message similar to the following displays.

    ip_name: vadd
    Creating apsys_0.xml
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0] Port Specs:
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0]   kernel: vadd_1, k_port: in1, sptag: DDR[0]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0]   kernel: vadd_1, k_port: in2, sptag: DDR[1]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0]   kernel: vadd_1, k_port: out, sptag: DDR[2]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2228] Creating mapping for argument vadd_1.in1 to DDR[0] for directive vadd_1.in1:DDR[0]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2228] Creating mapping for argument vadd_1.in2 to DDR[1] for directive vadd_1.in2:DDR[1]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2228] Creating mapping for argument vadd_1.out to DDR[2] for directive vadd_1.out:DDR[2]

    This confirms that the SDAccel environment has correctly mapped the kernel arguments to the specified DDR banks from the --sp options provided.

  3. Run HW-Emulation, and verify the correctness of the design.

    make check

After the simulation is complete, you can see the memory connections for the kernel data transfer reported as follows.

INFO: [SDx-EM 22] [Wall clock time: 23:15, Emulation time: 0.054906 ms] Data transfer between kernel(s) and global memory(s)
vadd_1:m_axi_gmem0-DDR[0]          RD = 0.391 KB               WR = 0.000 KB
vadd_1:m_axi_gmem1-DDR[1]          RD = 0.391 KB               WR = 0.000 KB
vadd_1:m_axi_gmem2-DDR[2]          RD = 0.000 KB               WR = 0.391 KB

You can also open the profile summary report `profile_summary.html' and look at the Memory Resources in the Kernel to Global Memory section showing data transfers. You will see the DDR banks assigned to each of the kernel arguments along with the traffic on each of the interfaces during HW-Emulation.


This tutorial showed you how to change the default mapping of ports in1, in2, and out of kernel vadd from a single DDR bank to multiple DDR banks. You also learned how to:

  • Set XOCC linker options using the --sp switch to bind kernel arguments to multiple DDR banks.
  • Build the application, and verify DDR mapping.
  • Run HW-Emulation, and observe the transfer rate and bandwidth utilization for each port.

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