The installation procedures in Ubuntu 18.04/16.04/14.04 LTS and Windows 7/10 are shown here as examples. For Ubuntu 18.04/16.04/14.04 32-bit LTS and Mac, you can get it in S2-Pro wiki. S2-Pro requires CMake 2.8.2+ as dependencies.
You can install these packages using apt:
sudo apt install cmake pkg-config
vcpkg is recommended for building the dependency libraries as follows: For the 32-bit project:
.\vcpkg install cmake
.\vcpkg integrate install
For the 64-bit project:
.\vcpkg install cmake:x64-windows
.\vcpkg integrate install
In the YDLidar S2-Pro SDK directory, run the following commands to compile the project:
git clone
cd S2-Pro/build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Then, in the YDLidar S2-Pro SDK directory, run the following commands to create the Visual Studio solution file. Please replace [vcpkgroot] with your vcpkg installation path. Generate the 32-bit project:
cd build && \
cmake .. "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[vcpkgroot]\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake"
Generate the 64-bit project:
cd build && \
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[vcpkgroot]\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake"
You can now compile the YDLidar SDK in Visual Studio. Note:
- For more windows build and Run, Please refer to How to gerenrate Vs Project by CMake
- For VS2017 or higher, Please refer to CMake projects in visual studio
Three samples are provided in samples, which demonstrate how to configure YDLidar LiDAR units and receive the laser scan data when directly connecting YDLidar S2-Pro SDK to LiDAR units or by using a YDLidar Adapter board, respectively. The sequence diagram is shown as below:
For Ubuntun 18.04/16.04/14.04 LTS, run the ydlidar_test if connect with the Triangle LiDAR unit(s) or TOF LiDAR unit(s):
After compiling the YDLidar SDK as shown in section 4.1.2, you can find ydlidar_test.exe
in the {S2-Pro}\build\Debug or {S2-Pro}\build\Release folder, respectively, which can be run directly.
Then you can see SDK initializing the information as below:
Then you can see SDK Scanning the information as below:
The easiest way to install for Debian/Ubuntu based distributions is to download from and install the .deb package (64-bit) either through the graphical software center if it's available or through the command line with:
sudo dpkg -i <file>.deb
sudo apt-get install -f # Install dependencies
Start VSCode with the following command:
Use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+K Ctrl+O) to open the S2-Pro project.
Use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+B) to build the S2-Pro project.
Select the "Tasks->Run Tasks..." menu command and click "run all unit tests for the S2-Pro project" from a popup menu to check the code style for the S2-Pro project.
Select the "Tasks->Run Tasks..." menu command and click "code style check for the S2-Pro project" from a popup menu to check the code style for the S2-Pro project.
Select the "Tasks->Run Tasks..." menu command and click "clean the S2-Pro project" from a popup menu to clean the S2-Pro project.