Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AllowSelectionWithoutScan | bool | a value indicating whether the item allows selection without scan | [optional] |
Brand | string | the Brand of the product. | [optional] |
DisplayName | string | the display name of the product. | [optional] |
IsProductWithoutPrice | bool | True if the product has no price. | [optional] |
ItemFormat | double | the ItemFormat of the product. | [optional] |
PrimaryParentCategoryId | string | the PrimaryParentCategoryId of the product. | [optional] |
ProductWeight | double | The weight of the product. | [optional] |
ProductWeightUOM | string | The weight UOM of the product. | [optional] |
PropertyBag | Dictionary<string, Object> | [optional] | |
UnitOfMeasure | string | the UnitOfMeasure of the product. | [optional] |