Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AllowedManualTransitions | List<string> | a list of allowed manual transitions from the shipment current status. | [optional] |
AllowedStatusChanges | List<string> | a list of allowed status changes that can be requested. Requesting any other changes will fail. | [optional] |
AllowsShipmentChangesProcessing | bool | a flag indicating that the shipment changes can be reprocessed within the fulfillment workflow | [optional] |
Created | DateTime | The creation date of the shipment fulfillment state. | [optional] |
CreatedBy | string | the identity of the user who created the state. | [optional] |
ExecutionResult | string | the execution result of the shipment processing | [optional] |
FulfillmentLocationId | string | the unique identifier of the fulfillment location that will complete the shipment process. | [optional] |
FulfillmentLocationScope | string | the fulfillment location scope. | [optional] |
FulfillmentMethodType | string | the FulfillmentMethodType that will be used to complete the shipment. | [optional] |
FulfillmentProviderId | string | the fulfillment provider identifier. | [optional] |
FulfillmentScheduledTimeBeginDate | DateTime | the scheduled time at which fulfillment will begin. | [optional] |
FulfillmentScheduledTimeEndDate | DateTime | the scheduled time at which fulfillment will end. | [optional] |
IsFinished | bool | a value indicating whether if that fulfillment is finished for this shipment. | [optional] |
IsProcessing | bool | a value indicating whether if the shipment is being processed or not. | [optional] |
IsResumable | bool | the fulfillment workflow is resumable. | [optional] |
LastModified | DateTime | the last modification date. | [optional] |
LastModifiedBy | string | the identity of the user who modified the state. | [optional] |
LockedForTaskProcessingUntil | DateTime | the UTC datetime until when the shipment state and content will be exclusively open for modifications by the fulfillment workflow task. | [optional] |
Messages | List<ExecutionMessage> | The execution messages when the shipment was processed | [optional] |
NextStatuses | List<string> | a list of the potential status the shipment could transition to from its current status. | [optional] |
PickUpLocationId | string | The pick-up location identifier required when the selected shipping method type is ship to store; any value will be ignored otherwise. | [optional] |
ReadyToBeginFulfillmentOn | DateTime | the date on which the shipment is ready to be processed. | [optional] |
RetryCount | int | the number of times the workflow was restarted after an error. | [optional] |
ShipmentId | string | the unique system shipment identifier. | [optional] |
ShipmentLastProcessedOn | DateTime | the date and time on which the shipment was last processed | [optional] |
Status | string | the current status of the shipment. | [optional] |
TaskId | string | the fulfillment task Id associated with the shipment processing. | [optional] |
TaskStatus | string | the fulfillment task status associated with the shipment processing. | [optional] |
TaskWorkflowXamlPath | string | the path of the fulfillment workflow. | [optional] |
ValidationResults | List<ValidationResult> | the validation results when the shipment was processed. | [optional] |
WorkflowInError | bool | the fulfillment workflow is in error. | [optional] |