diff --git a/source/aom/mq_atvoidsedge.txt b/source/aom/mq_atvoidsedge.txt
index 978b28b..213efff 100644
--- a/source/aom/mq_atvoidsedge.txt
+++ b/source/aom/mq_atvoidsedge.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 The March to Malmouth
 Along the Void's Edge
 Escape the Void
-You found Ulgrim alive, though worse for wear. While he is in no state to fight chthonians, your have restored the warrior to his senses and offered him a glimmer of hope.{^n}{^n}However, you are both still very much trapped within the void. If Garradia spoke the truth, then you can use the void to travel between other parts of Cairn. Though the way ahead is filled with nightmarish foes, you must push onward.
+You found Ulgrim alive, though worse for wear. While he is in no state to fight chthonians, you have restored the warrior to his senses and offered him a glimmer of hope.{^n}{^n}However, you are both still very much trapped within the void. If Garradia spoke the truth, then you can use the void to travel between other parts of Cairn. Though the way ahead is filled with nightmarish foes, you must push onward.
 Escape to the other side of the Void's Edge
diff --git a/source/aom/sq_peoplemalmouth02.txt b/source/aom/sq_peoplemalmouth02.txt
index 6b50f49..e029da2 100644
--- a/source/aom/sq_peoplemalmouth02.txt
+++ b/source/aom/sq_peoplemalmouth02.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Arming the Resistance
 Gather Supplies
-In order to fight back, the Aetherial needs to arm its resistance fighters. Without easy access to the forges and arcane circles, the resistance cannot simply forge new weapons. They have to rely on scavenging. Captain Wilfor's scavengers have become aware of two such stashes out among the ruins of the rowhouses in the Steelcap District. Recover these for the resistance.
+Without easy access to the forges and arcane circles, the resistance cannot simply forge new weapons. They have to rely on scavenging. Captain Wilfor's scavengers have become aware of two such stashes out among the ruins of the rowhouses in the Steelcap District. Recover these for the resistance.
 Find the Weapon Supplies
 Find the Arcane Supplies
diff --git a/source/aom/tagsgdx1_storyelements.txt b/source/aom/tagsgdx1_storyelements.txt
index cebe96c..88f27fb 100644
--- a/source/aom/tagsgdx1_storyelements.txt
+++ b/source/aom/tagsgdx1_storyelements.txt
@@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ tagQuestItemCreedsAdditiveDesc="A pasty concoction with a putrid odor. Inquisito
 tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA09Name=Journal of Inquisitor Creed - 9th Entry
-tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA09codexTitle=Inquisitor Creed - 9th Entry
+tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA09codexTitle=Inquisitor Creed - Entry 9
 tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA09Text=With the help of the Taken, we've dealt a serious blow to the Cult of Ch'thon. I don't want to diminish the immensity of such a triumph, especially given the small force and limited resources we're working with but I fear it has come at great cost. While our attention was focused on denying the Loghorrean entrance to this world, the Aetherials were certainly not idle.{^n}{^n}Many in Devil's Crossing have paid the ultimate price but such is the way of war and it may sound callous to say but we traded well. Losing only a handful while preventing a monstrosity from escaping the void that could have heralded the end of the world as we know it is a win for humanity.{^n}{^n}What disturbs me though is the loss of Ulgrim to the void. Bourbon apparently does not share my concern and I think he sees it as ill-afforded sentiment on my part. Bourbon sees Ulgrim as merely a man but I am certain there is more to him. I believe he is an ascendant, a man who has become a demi-god.{^n}{^n}Ulgrim expertly plays the part of a jovial and unassuming character but his eyes say much more. He makes off-handed references to historical events with details and a familiarity of someone recalling a personal memory. For all his outward jocularity, there is gravity to him and it is clear he has witnessed much; I suspect more than one could experience in a single lifetime.{^n}{^n}Yet, for all that, and despite his obvious efforts to downplay it, Ulgrim possesses remarkable strength and energy for the middle-aged man he appears to be. He often carries himself in a relaxed, casual manner, moving languidly; but at rare moments, I have seen him react and move with impossible speed.{^n}{^n}I feel that he could do much more than he has, in fighting the enemies of man but I am not sure why he is holding back. Perhaps we will never know now. Maybe Bourbon is right, perhaps Ulgrim is lost to the void. Somehow though, I feel we will see him again and, if we do, it would go a long way toward confirming my suspicions.{^n}{^n}Then again, strange times are these, where a nameless wretch, cut down from the noose, has risen to become possibly the greatest hero of our time.{^n}{^n}If the Taken continues on this path and survives this war, I wonder if perhaps they too are on the path of ascendancy.
 tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA10Name=Journal of Inquisitor Creed - 10th Entry
-tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA10codexTitle=Inquisitor Creed - 10th Entry
+tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA10codexTitle=Inquisitor Creed - Entry 10
 tagGDX1LoreObj_InquisitorCreedA10Text=The Taken has forged a path from Burrwitch, through the Gloomwald, and descended again into the very void itself to resurface with none other than Ulgrim. I find it impossible now to dismiss the idea that he is indeed the Ulgrim of legend and an immortal ascendant.{^n}{^n}As much as I am grateful to have such a powerful ally in this war, I cannot help but feel a little on edge when he is present. Between Ulgrim and the recent rumors of Mogdrogen, I am concerned that other divinities may also begin involving themselves in worldly affairs; as it is said they did more commonly in ancient times.{^n}{^n}This leads me back to the lingering mystery of Kymon. It is apparent that he and his followers are drawing power from some godlike force, but who or what? I am very doubtful of Kymon's claim that it is Empyrion that guides him, as he initially suggested. The power I sensed in Kymon's emissary to Homestead had a feeling of...malevolence to it.{^n}{^n}Kymon was once a brethren inquisitor, but he went rogue in the years before the Grim Dawn. He is clearly not Aetherial, but I fear he's entered into some manner of dark pact with an unknown power. Certainly if Empyrion, the high-god of legend, returned to Cairn, a power such as that would be felt on a larger scale than merely one raving fanatic leading a group of vagabonds.{^n}{^n}None the less, whatever entity is behind Kymon's Chosen, clearly it does possess significant power and I am troubled, not knowing its identity or motivations.
 #AreaE Notes
diff --git a/source/fg/mq_d03_foretoldfuture.txt b/source/fg/mq_d03_foretoldfuture.txt
index 0407f27..ecf4e70 100644
--- a/source/fg/mq_d03_foretoldfuture.txt
+++ b/source/fg/mq_d03_foretoldfuture.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A Vision of Hopelessness
 Many in the Dreeg camp are gripped by visions of a hopelessness, of things dear to them destroyed and defiled by the Forgotten God.{^n}{^n}Draellus believes these visions are no coincidence, nor do they prophesy an inevitable future. They may well be a weapon wielded by the servants of the Forgotten God, aimed at driving dissent among worshipers of the three.{^n}{^n}Draellus has asked you to enter his vision of this dark future and seek out the creature at its root.{^n}{^n}Perhaps eliminating this fiend will grant some relief to the afflicted.{^n}{^n}Enter the rift opened by Draellus at the Vanguard of the Three and deal with whatever you find inside.
-Slay the the Mind Reaper
+Slay the Mind Reaper
 Return to Draellus
 The creature at the root of the dark visions has been eliminated, but the future you witnessed seemed all too real.{^n}{^n}Is this to be the world under the reign of Korvaak? The possibility only makes victory in the battle ahead that much more critical.{^n}{^n}Report back to Draellus at the Vanguard of the Three.
diff --git a/source/fg/npc_daila_01.txt b/source/fg/npc_daila_01.txt
index fa7a71d..6e1afea 100644
--- a/source/fg/npc_daila_01.txt
+++ b/source/fg/npc_daila_01.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Daila Thornsbury
-Thank you for bring me the pendant.{^n}{^n}It...offers a degree of closure.
+Thank you for bringing me the pendant.{^n}{^n}It...offers a degree of closure.
 Where will you go from here?
 Just as Dravis was driven by rage burning within him, I felt a purpose in this hunt that I hadn't sensed in a long time.{^n}{^n}But that is over now. I will travel back to Homestead, see my little girl again.{^n}{^n}I'm not sure I can ever fully return to that life though. I hope Oliver will understand.
 Good luck out there, Daila.
diff --git a/source/fg/npc_fatherkymon_01.txt b/source/fg/npc_fatherkymon_01.txt
index 7859038..c3550fd 100644
--- a/source/fg/npc_fatherkymon_01.txt
+++ b/source/fg/npc_fatherkymon_01.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ I am sorry, my [[ms]brother[fs]sister]. Korvaak has seen into your heart.{^n}{^n
 Father Kymon? Why are you doing this?
 What I achieved here this day is paramount to humanity's survival.{^n}{^n}Korvaak may be a bane upon this world, but he is also our only hope against the darkness that's already consuming Cairn.{^n}{^n}The Eldritch Sun is our salvation, not the false gods you serve.
 False gods?
-You do not know? The very gods you allied with are nothing more than lies.{^n}{^n}The Three are not true gods, merely usurpers who will get their just rewards.{^n}{^n}Korvaak is humanity's only hope against Ch'thon and the legions of the void.
+You do not know? The very gods you chose to serve are nothing more than lies.{^n}{^n}The Three are not true gods, merely usurpers who will get their just rewards.{^n}{^n}Korvaak is humanity's only hope against Ch'thon and the legions of the void.
 Doesn't matter. I will stop you! (Attack)
 You're delusional.
diff --git a/source/fg/npc_uroboruuk.txt b/source/fg/npc_uroboruuk.txt
index a3f876d..4d3cded 100644
--- a/source/fg/npc_uroboruuk.txt
+++ b/source/fg/npc_uroboruuk.txt
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ May I ask another question?
 I need a moment to think.
 I need a moment to think.
 You lived for centuries?
-Yes, I've witnessed the rise of empires and their inevtiable fall. I played no small part in one of them.{^n}{^n}I was there when the gods grew silent and the world was left to the machinations of mortals and ascendants.{^n}{^n}But this is no gift. I paid a dark price for this cursed existence.
+Yes, I've witnessed the rise of empires and their inevitable fall. I played no small part in one of them.{^n}{^n}I was there when the gods grew silent and the world was left to the machinations of mortals and ascendants.{^n}{^n}But this is no gift. I paid a dark price for this cursed existence.
 May I ask another question?
 You mean Arkovia?
diff --git a/source/fg/tagsgdx2_items.txt b/source/fg/tagsgdx2_items.txt
index 93f9c13..50580e9 100644
--- a/source/fg/tagsgdx2_items.txt
+++ b/source/fg/tagsgdx2_items.txt
@@ -306,6 +306,10 @@ tagGDX2HeadD218=Targo's Helm
 tagGDX2HeadD219=Voidsoul Visage
 tagGDX2HeadD220=Rotgheist Mask
 tagGDX2HeadD221=Morgoneth's Visage
+tagGDX2HeadD222=Shattered Realm Ceremonial Mask
+tagGDX2HeadD223=Veilkeeper's Mask
+tagGDX2HeadD224=Goredrinker's Mask
+tagGDX2HeadD225=Mask of Ember's Calling
 tagGDX2HeadF201=Bysmiel Nightshroud Casque
 tagGDX2HeadF202=Bysmiel Dread Hood
@@ -356,6 +360,10 @@ tagGDX2ShoulderD216=Targo's Shoulderguard
 tagGDX2ShoulderD217=Voidsoul Mantle
 tagGDX2ShoulderD218=Rotgheist Shoulderguard
 tagGDX2ShoulderD219=Morgoneth's Dark Mantle
+tagGDX2ShoulderD220=Shattered Realm Ceremonial Mantle
+tagGDX2ShoulderD221=Veilkeeper's Mantle
+tagGDX2ShoulderD222=Goredrinker's Mantle
+tagGDX2ShoulderD223=Mantle of Ember's Calling
 tagGDX2ShoulderF201=Bysmiel Arcane Spaulders
 tagGDX2ShoulderF202=Bysmiel Stormshroud Mantle
@@ -410,6 +418,10 @@ tagGDX2TorsoD216=Targo's Chestguard
 tagGDX2TorsoD217=Voidsoul Armor
 tagGDX2TorsoD218=Rotgheist Chestguard
 tagGDX2TorsoD219=Morgoneth's Black Heart
+tagGDX2TorsoD220=Shattered Realm Ceremonial Armor
+tagGDX2TorsoD221=Veilkeeper's Armor
+tagGDX2TorsoD222=Goredrinker's Armor
+tagGDX2TorsoD223=Armor of Ember's Calling
 tagGDX2TorsoF201=Bysmiel Nightshroud Chestguard
 tagGDX2TorsoF202=Bysmiel Vile Vestments
@@ -582,6 +594,7 @@ tagGDX2NecklaceD211=Rah'Zin's Gem
 tagGDX2NecklaceD212=Blightlord's Vector
 tagGDX2NecklaceD213=Bysmiel's Iris
 tagGDX2NecklaceD214=Rotgheist Emblem
+tagGDX2NecklaceD215=Goredrinker's Ward
 tagGDX2NecklaceF201=Bysmiel Champion Pendant
 tagGDX2NecklaceF202=Bysmiel Veiled Pendant
@@ -622,6 +635,8 @@ tagGDX2MedalD206=Ludrigan's Mark
 tagGDX2MedalD207=Cyclone Mark
 tagGDX2MedalD208=Ghol's Mark
 tagGDX2MedalD209=Bysmiel's Mark
+tagGDX2MedalD210=Veilkeeper's Crest
+tagGDX2MedalD211=Crest of Ember's Calling
 tagGDX2MedalF201=Bysmiel Mark of Manipulation 
 tagGDX2MedalF202=Bysmiel Mark of Storms
@@ -1197,6 +1212,15 @@ tagGDX2ItemSetD218Desc=Rotgheist reveled in slaughter of man and creature alike,
 tagGDX2ItemSetD219Name=Armor of the Eternal Night
 tagGDX2ItemSetD219Desc="Morgoneth peered into the darkness, until the darkness stared back."
+tagGDX2ItemSetD220Desc="Regalia once worn by the resolute Keepers of Ralyoth, who, an eternity ago, stood as custodians to a forgotten god."
+tagGDX2ItemSetD221Desc="Regalia once worn by the resolute Keepers of Ralyoth, who, an eternity ago, stood as custodians to a forgotten god."
+tagGDX2ItemSetD222Name=Ember's Calling
+tagGDX2ItemSetD222Desc="Regalia once worn by the resolute Keepers of Ralyoth, who, an eternity ago, stood as custodians to a forgotten god."
diff --git a/source/fg/tagsgdx2_skills.txt b/source/fg/tagsgdx2_skills.txt
index f67fe52..6d81a4b 100644
--- a/source/fg/tagsgdx2_skills.txt
+++ b/source/fg/tagsgdx2_skills.txt
@@ -322,6 +322,9 @@ tagGDX2ItemSkillD262Name=World Gate
 tagGDX2ItemSkillD262Desc=Tear a rift in reality that unravels foes that stand within it. ^oWorld Gates scale with Pet Bonuses.
+tagGDX2ItemSkillD263Name=Keeper of the Veil
+tagGDX2ItemSkillD263Desc=You are filled with resolute purpose fueled by the shattered realm's unstable energies.
 #Component Skills
 tagGDX2CompSkillA033Name=Void Weapons
@@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ tagGDX2RuneSkillD209=Nadaan's Strike
 tagGDX2RuneSkillD209Desc=Shift through the shadows to instantly transport yourself towards a target destination and assault nearby foes with a ring of blades.
 tagGDX2RuneSkillD210=Ultos' Arrival
-tagGDX2RuneSkillD210Desc=Instantly travel through reality itself towards a target destination and arrive in a fiery blaze.
+tagGDX2RuneSkillD210Desc=Instantly travel through reality itself towards a target destination and arrive in a thunderous eruption.
 tagGDX2RuneSkillD211=Astral Rift
 tagGDX2RuneSkillD211Desc=Warp the veil to instantly travel towards a target destination and unleash a surge of arcane energies.
@@ -702,7 +705,7 @@ tagGDX2EnemySkillD13=Impaling Spikes
 tagGDX2EnemySkillD13_Desc=Impaled by poisoned spikes, pinning you to the ground.
 tagGDX2EnemySkillD14=Celestial Presence
-tagGDX2EnemySkillD14_Desc=You stand awe of a celestial being
+tagGDX2EnemySkillD14_Desc=You stand in awe of a celestial being.
 tagGDX2EnemySkillD15=Celestial Effigy
 tagGDX2EnemySkillD15_Desc=An nearby effigy empowers Korvaak and harms mortals.
diff --git a/source/language.def b/source/language.def
index 337dd12..1de893a 100644
--- a/source/language.def
+++ b/source/language.def
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/tags_items.txt b/source/tags_items.txt
index ead6f66..4e5d4d1 100644
--- a/source/tags_items.txt
+++ b/source/tags_items.txt
@@ -3327,7 +3327,7 @@ tagCompA028Name=Vitriolic Gallstone
 tagCompA028Desc="Vitriolic stones formed in the bile of foul beasts."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
 tagCompA029Name=Blessed Whetstone
-tagCompA029Desc="Sharpens even the sharpest of edges, increasing the damage that penetrates enemy armor."^w^n(Used in axes, swords, guns and crossbows.)
+tagCompA029Desc="Sharpens even the sharpest of edges, increasing the damage that penetrates enemy armor."^w^n(Used in axes, swords, guns and crossbows)
 tagCompA030Name=Silk Swatch
 tagCompA030Desc="Western nomads have long known that layered silk can envelop and slow the penetration of piercing projectiles."^w^n(Used in shoulder, chest and leg armor)
@@ -3472,7 +3472,7 @@ tagCompB014Name=^kShard of Beronath
 tagCompB014Desc="But a piece of the legendary spear that felled Beronath, yet still retains great power."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
 tagCompB015Name=^kBloody Whetstone
-tagCompB015Desc="Soaked in the blood of the fallen, this accursed whetstone gives sharpened edges a hunger for blood."^w^n(Used in axes, swords, guns and crossbows.)
+tagCompB015Desc="Soaked in the blood of the fallen, this accursed whetstone gives sharpened edges a hunger for blood."^w^n(Used in axes, swords, guns and crossbows)
 tagCompB016Name=^kAttuned Lodestone
 tagCompB016Desc="These rare and potent stones still echo with the thunder of the storm that birthed them."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals)
diff --git a/source/tags_skills.txt b/source/tags_skills.txt
index fba646b..166903c 100644
--- a/source/tags_skills.txt
+++ b/source/tags_skills.txt
@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ tagItemSkillC041Name=Spectral Wave
 tagItemSkillC041Desc=Unleash a wave of angry spirits to drain the life out of your enemies.
 tagItemSkillC042Name=Add a Notch
-tagItemSkillC042Desc=Adds another notch to the supposed existing thousand, but who is counting anyway? ^oActivates off of default weapon attacks.
+tagItemSkillC042Desc=Adds another notch to the supposed existing thousand, but who is counting anyway? ^oThis is a melee technique that activates off of default weapon attacks.
 tagItemSkillC043Name=Ring of Everlasting Flame
 tagItemSkillC043Desc=Bathe yourself in incinerating flames that burn all around you to cinders, but leave you unharmed. ^oThis ability must be toggled to maintain its effect.
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ tagItemSkillC045Name=Aether Ward
 tagItemSkillC045Desc=Embrace the powers of the great aether, gaining resistance to the arcane and a strengthened resolve.
 tagItemSkillC046Name=Soul Steal
-tagItemSkillC046Desc=Devour the essence of your target to restore your own. ^oActivates off of default weapon attacks.
+tagItemSkillC046Desc=Devour the essence of your target to restore your own. ^oThis is a melee technique that activates off of default weapon attacks.
 tagItemSkillC047Name=Stoneheart Poison
 tagItemSkillC047Desc=Release the poison contained within this blade, petrifying flesh.
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ tagItemSkillC061Name=Serpent Lash
 tagItemSkillC061Desc=Lash out at your enemy like a vile serpent, injecting your target with a deadly poison. ^oRequires a melee weapon.
-tagItemSkillC062Desc=Take your opponent out of the fight with a swift and precise strike. ^oActivates off of default melee weapon attacks.
+tagItemSkillC062Desc=Take your opponent out of the fight with a swift and precise strike. ^oActivates off of default weapon attacks.
 tagItemSkillC063Name=Prismatic Shield
 tagItemSkillC063Desc=Triggers the runes engraved upon this armor, creating a protective shield around you.
@@ -1166,10 +1166,10 @@ tagItemSkillC074Name=Guardian's Will
 tagItemSkillC074Desc=Your stubborn will to live can save you even from the most dire blows. ^oRequires a shield.
 tagItemSkillC075Name=Marauder's Fury
-tagItemSkillC075Desc=Unleashes a salvo of fire-infused ammunition. ^oEnables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons.
+tagItemSkillC075Desc=Unleashes a salvo of fire-infused ammunition. ^oThis is a ranged technique that activates off of default weapon attacks. Also enables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons.
 tagItemSkillC076Name=Marauder's Justice
-tagItemSkillC076Desc=Unleashes a salvo of cold-infused ammunition. ^oEnables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons.
+tagItemSkillC076Desc=Unleashes a salvo of cold-infused ammunition. ^oThis is a ranged technique that activates off of default weapon attacks. Also enables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons.
 tagItemSkillC077Desc=Overwhelm the mind of your enemy with sheer terror.
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ tagItemSkillC082Name=Voidfire Nova
 tagItemSkillC082Desc=A burst of concentrated negative energy erupts from you.
 tagItemSkillC083Name=Marauder's Salvo
-tagItemSkillC083Desc=When brandishing two pistols, you sometimes unleash a salvo of arcane infused ammunition. ^oEnables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons. Activates off of default weapon attacks.
+tagItemSkillC083Desc=When brandishing two pistols, you sometimes unleash a salvo of arcane infused ammunition. ^oThis is a ranged technique that activates off of default weapon attacks. Also enables the ability to dual wield ranged weapons.
 tagItemSkillC084Desc=Releases a cloud of toxic gases which choke and confuse your enemies.
@@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ tagItemSkillD077Name=Dreeg's Command
 tagItemSkillD077Desc=The commanding presence of Dreeg fills you when threatened, allowing uninterrupted spellcasting.
-tagItemSkillD078Desc=Mastery of two-gun combat has honed you into a deadly weapon. You can fire your guns at the same time with trivial ease, and to lethal effect.
+tagItemSkillD078Desc=Mastery of two-gun combat has honed you into a deadly weapon. You can fire your guns at the same time with trivial ease, and to lethal effect. ^oActivates off of default weapon attacks.
 tagItemSkillD079Name=Elemental Blast
 tagItemSkillD079Desc=A blast of elemental energies erupts from you, pushing back all nearby foes.
@@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ tagItemSkillD083Name=Eternal Haunt
 tagItemSkillD083Desc=Inflict an tormenting haunt upon your foe that spreads among your foes.
-tagItemSkillD084Desc=End your foe with a well-aimed shot.
+tagItemSkillD084Desc=End your foe with a well-aimed shot. ^oThis is a ranged technique that activates off of default weapon attacks.
 tagItemSkillD085Name=Fade from Reality
 tagItemSkillD085Desc=When danger strikes, the power of this mantle fades you out of the physical realm, granting you a brief reprieve.
diff --git a/source/tags_tutorial.txt b/source/tags_tutorial.txt
index 3beb917..ce74f77 100644
--- a/source/tags_tutorial.txt
+++ b/source/tags_tutorial.txt
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tagTutorialTip09TextB=In these desperate times, good equipment doesn't come chea
 tagTutorialTip10TextA=Secured Riftgates allow you to traverse quickly between locations. Left-click on a Riftgate to open the World Map and select a destination.
 tagTutorialTip10SubtitleA=Personal Riftgate
-tagTutorialTip10TextB=As an Aether-touched human, you are capable of opening Personal Riftgates. To activate your Personal Riftgate, click on the Rift Travel button located to the right of your skill bar, or press {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagTutorialTip10TextB=As an Aether-touched human, you are capable of opening Personal Riftgates. To activate your Personal Riftgate, click on the Rift Travel button located to the right of your skill bar, or press {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagTutorialTip10TextC=Personal Riftgates can be opened almost anywhere in the world, and are linked to the main Riftgate network. Your Riftgate will remain open until you return to it, and while it remains open your party members may travel to it as well. You can only have one Personal Riftgate open at any given time.
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ tagTutorialTip15TextB=Attribute points can be used to increase your Cunning, Phy
 tagTutorialTip15TextC=Skill points can be used to increase your mastery level, unlock new skills, or improve skills you have already unlocked.
 tagTutorialTip15TextD=Initially, you will earn 3 skill points per level, but as you achieve higher levels, the number of skills points gained goes down to 2 (at level 51+) and finally 1 per level.
 tagTutorialTip15SubtitleA=Assigning Points
-tagTutorialTip15TextE=Attribute points are assigned in the Character Window. Click the icon to the left of the skill bar, or press {^x}[%t0]{^-}. To assign an attribute point, click the "+" next to the appropriate attribute.
-tagTutorialTip15TextF=Skill points are assigned by opening the Skill Window. Click the icon to the left of the skill bar, or press {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagTutorialTip15TextE=Attribute points are assigned in the Character Window. Click the icon to the left of the skill bar, or press {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}. To assign an attribute point, click the "+" next to the appropriate attribute.
+tagTutorialTip15TextF=Skill points are assigned by opening the Skill Window. Click the icon to the left of the skill bar, or press {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagTutorialTip15TextG=You can track your experience on the yellow bar below your health and energy, and in the Character Window. The bar shows your current experience, experience gain, and experience required to reach the next level. When the bar fills up, you gain a level.
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ tagTutorialTip26SubtitleA=Linking Items
 tagTutorialTip26TextB=To link items in the chat, shift-click on the desired item with the chat open. A message will be automatically sent with a link to the item.
-tagTutorialTip27TextA=Joining a party with other players allows you to share experience and loot. You can access the Group Window by clicking the icon, or by pressing {^x}[%t0]{^-}. Parties are also important for PvP sessions.
+tagTutorialTip27TextA=Joining a party with other players allows you to share experience and loot. You can access the Group Window by clicking the icon, or by pressing {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}. Parties are also important for PvP sessions.
 tagTutorialTip27TextB=You can initiate a trade with another player in your party by right-clicking on their portrait and choosing "Trade".
-tagTutorialTip27TextC=You can also chat with other players in the game by using the Chat Window, which can be opened by pressing {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagTutorialTip27TextC=You can also chat with other players in the game by using the Chat Window, which can be opened by pressing {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagTutorialTip28Title=Player Trading
 tagTutorialTip28TextA=You can trade items by placing them within your side of the trade window. You can trade iron bits by typing a value next to the icon at the top of the window.
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ tagTutorialTip59TextA=Devotion Shrines are ancient remnants of a long-lost empir
 tagTutorialTip59CaptionA=Restoring Shrines
 tagTutorialTip59TextB=To Restore a ruined shrine, you must have the required materials in your Personal Stash, Shared Stash, Inventory and Equipped items, taken automatically in that order. If you have all the required materials, you can press the Offer button to restore the Shrine.
 tagTutorialTip59CaptionB=Devotion Points
-tagTutorialTip59TextC=When a shrine is cleansed you earn a devotion point. To allocate your Devotion Points visit the Devotion Window, which can be accessed through the Skill Window. Click the icon located to the left of the skill bar, or press {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagTutorialTip59TextC=When a shrine is cleansed you earn a devotion point. To allocate your Devotion Points visit the Devotion Window, which can be accessed through the Skill Window. Click the icon located to the left of the skill bar, or press {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagTutorialTip60Title=Devotion Window
 tagTutorialTip60TextA=The Devotion Window allows you to dedicate your Devotion Points to various deities and celestial symbols of Cairn.
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ tagTutorialTip69TextD=You can show or hide items based on their attributes. If a
 tagQuickTipMainMenu={^z}Welcome to Grim Dawn!{^-}{^n}{^n}{^w}Tutorial Tips{^-} are currently enabled. You can disable them at any time via the options menu.{^n}{^n}{^w}Normal Difficulty{^-} is intended for less experienced ARPG players.{^n}{^n}For a more challenging experience select {^w}Veteran Difficulty{^-}.
 tagQuickTip06={^z}Untouched Meal{^-}Collecting an untouched meal restores a large amount of Constitution, which allows you to regenerate Health quickly when out of combat.
-tagQuickTip07={^z}You Unlocked a Riftgate!{^-}{^n}{^n}{^w}Rift Travel{^-} {^x}[%t0]{^-} allows you to create a portal which you can use to teleport to the Riftgates found throughout the world of Cairn.
-tagQuickTip08={^z}Tutorial Tips{^-}{^n}{^n}{^s}Tutorial Tips{^-} are currently enabled. You can disable them at any time via the options menu. For more information, simply left click on a tip as it appears, or right click to close it. In game help is accessible at any time in the Codex Window {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagQuickTip07={^z}You Unlocked a Riftgate!{^-}{^n}{^n}{^w}Rift Travel{^-} {^x}[{%t0}]{^-} allows you to create a portal which you can use to teleport to the Riftgates found throughout the world of Cairn.
+tagQuickTip08={^z}Tutorial Tips{^-}{^n}{^n}{^s}Tutorial Tips{^-} are currently enabled. You can disable them at any time via the options menu. For more information, simply left click on a tip as it appears, or right click to close it. In game help is accessible at any time in the Codex Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagQuickTip09={^z}Merchants{^-}{^n}{^n}Merchants allow you to sell your collected loot and buy equipment and potions. Right clicking an item is a the quickest way to buy or sell.
 tagQuickTip11={^z}Personal Riftgate{^-}{^n}{^n}Use the Personal Riftgate to open the World Map and select a Riftgate to travel to.
 tagQuickTip14={^z}Potions{^-}{^n}{^n}Potions have long cooldowns, but they can be used to quickly restore your Health or Energy. To drink a potion, click on the potion icon on the skill bar or press the assigned hotkey. 
@@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ tagQuickTip15={^z}Leveling{^-}{^n}{^n}When you level up you gain Skill and Attri
 tagQuickTip16={^z}Character Window{^-}{^n}{^n}The Character Window allows you to manage your Inventory, Equipment, and view your Stats.
 tagQuickTip20={^z}Components{^-}{^n}{^n}Components apply bonuses to items and equipment and can even offer new abilities.
 tagQuickTip21={^z}Secondary Mastery{^-}{^n}{^n}You reached level 10, and can now select a second Mastery.
-tagQuickTip22={^z}Skill Window{^-}{^n}{^n}The Skill Window {^x}[%t0]{^-} allows you to spend the Skill Points you earn when leveling up.
+tagQuickTip22={^z}Skill Window{^-}{^n}{^n}The Skill Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-} allows you to spend the Skill Points you earn when leveling up.
 tagQuickTip23={^z}Mastery & Skills{^-}{^n}{^n}Increasing the number of points spent in the Mastery Bar allows access to additional skills as well as providing stat bonuses. Remember to learn new skills as well as increasing your mastery.
 tagQuickTip24={^z}Death is Not The End!{^-}{^n}{^n}When you die you lose experience, but you can recover some of the experience you lost by collecting your Grave Marker.
 tagQuickTip26={^z}Chat{^-}{^n}{^n}Press {^x}[Enter]{^-} to chat to other players, or press "Send To" to send a Private Message. Shift-clicking an item sends a viewable link to that item to other players in the game.
-tagQuickTip27={^z}Multiplayer{^-}{^n}{^n}Access the Group Window {^x}[%t0]{^-} to form a party. Press {^x}[Enter]{^-} to chat with other players.
+tagQuickTip27={^z}Multiplayer{^-}{^n}{^n}Access the Group Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-} to form a party. Press {^x}[Enter]{^-} to chat with other players.
 tagQuickTip30={^z}Unassigned Skills!{^-}{^n}{^n}Active skills must be assigned to the skill bar before they can be used. Right click a slot on the bar to assign a skill to it.
 tagQuickTip31={^z}Health Potions{^-}{^n}{^n}When your health is low during combat, use a potion to restore it. Health Potions have a long cooldown but restore a large amount of health.
 tagQuickTip32={^z}Unassigned Points!{^-}{^n}{^n}You have unassigned attribute or skill points. Remember to spend your points when leveling up.
@@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ tagQuickTip46={^z}Constitution Exhausted!{^-}{^n}{^n}When your Constitution runs
 tagQuickTip47={^z}Dismantling{^-}{^n}{^n}The Dismantle Window allows you to break unwanted items down into their component parts, which can then be used for crafting.
 tagQuickTip49={^z}Equipment Comparison{^-}{^n}{^n}Placing the cursor over an item will show a comparison of that item with your current equipment.
 tagQuickTip50={^z}Augments{^-}{^n}{^n}Augments can be used on equipment to add additional bonuses. They can be purchased from Faction Quartermasters when you have met the reputation requirements.
-tagQuickTip52={^z}Reputation Gained{^-}{^n}{^n}You have gained some reputation with one of Cairn's factions. You can view your reputation status in the in the Factions Window {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagQuickTip52={^z}Reputation Gained{^-}{^n}{^n}You have gained some reputation with one of Cairn's factions. You can view your reputation status in the in the Factions Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagQuickTip53={^z}Faction Quartermaster{^-}{^n}{^n}Faction Quartermasters allow you to purchase faction related items and enhancements if your reputation meets their requirements.
-tagQuickTip54={^z}Reputation{^-}{^n}{^n}Your Reputation level has increased with one of Cairn's factions. The Factions Window {^x}[%t0]{^-} contains information on the rewards associated with higher reputation levels.
+tagQuickTip54={^z}Reputation{^-}{^n}{^n}Your Reputation level has increased with one of Cairn's factions. The Factions Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-} contains information on the rewards associated with higher reputation levels.
 tagQuickTip55={^z}Faction Window{^-}{^n}{^n}The Faction Window allows you to view your current Reputation with the various friendly and enemy factions, and learn background information about them.
 tagQuickTip56={^z}Bounties{^-}{^n}{^n}Unlike regular quests, bounties are repeatable. Each faction will offer you up to 5 bounties per game session.
-tagQuickTip57={^z}Devotion Shrines{^-}{^n}{^n}Cleansing shrines grants you Devotion Points which can be allocated by accessing the Skills Window {^x}[%t0]{^-}. Devotion is an additional layer of character customization in addition to the Mastery system.
+tagQuickTip57={^z}Devotion Shrines{^-}{^n}{^n}Cleansing shrines grants you Devotion Points which can be allocated by accessing the Skills Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}. Devotion is an additional layer of character customization in addition to the Mastery system.
 tagQuickTip58={^z}Cleansing Shrines{^-}{^n}{^n}Shrines can be cleansed by either making an offering to the gods, or defeating foes trapped within the shrine, depending on the type of shrine you encounter.
-tagQuickTip59={^z}Devotion Points{^-}{^n}{^n}Devotions Points earned from cleansing shrines can be spent in the Devotion Window, accessed via the Skills Window {^x}[%t0]{^-}.
+tagQuickTip59={^z}Devotion Points{^-}{^n}{^n}Devotions Points earned from cleansing shrines can be spent in the Devotion Window, accessed via the Skills Window {^x}[{%t0}]{^-}.
 tagQuickTip60={^z}Devotion Window{^-}{^n}{^n}The Devotion Window allows you to spend Devotion points gained by cleansing shrines. Each spent point allows you to unlock new bonuses and skills.
 tagQuickTip61={^z}Celestial Powers{^-}{^n}{^n}Assign your Celestial Power to a skill by clicking the icon in the Devotion Window and selecting a skill from the list.
 tagQuickTip69={^z}Loot Filter{^-}{^n}{^n}Use the Loot Filter to control what loot drops are displayed on the ground.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/tags_ui.txt b/source/tags_ui.txt
index 621d10c..96d0789 100644
--- a/source/tags_ui.txt
+++ b/source/tags_ui.txt
@@ -2354,6 +2354,7 @@ tagMPNameLevel={%t0} ({%d1})
 tagMPLifeMana={^r}{%d0}/{%d1} {^g}{%d2}/{%d3}
 tagTradeError01={%t0} is currently trading with another player.
 tagTradeError02={%t0} has denied your trade request.
 tagTradeError03={%t0} has requested a trade.
diff --git a/source/tags_uimain.txt b/source/tags_uimain.txt
index ef457e5..ff21a50 100644
--- a/source/tags_uimain.txt
+++ b/source/tags_uimain.txt
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ tagGameStateConnecting=Connecting to Server...
 tagGameStateData=Waiting for Server...
 tagGogMustBeSignedIn=You must be logged into GOG Galaxy to play Grim Dawn in Multiplayer mode. Please login to GOG Galaxy and launch Grim Dawn from the GOG launcher!
+tagEosMustBeSignedIn=You must be logged into the Epic Games Launcher to play Grim Dawn in Multiplayer mode. Please launch Grim Dawn from the Epic Games Launcher!
 tagSteamCloudLimit=You have reached the file limit on Steam's Cloud Storage for Grim Dawn, you must delete a character before you can create another.
@@ -505,6 +506,7 @@ tagMenuError41=Please insert the original Grim Dawn disc.
 tagMenuError42=Steam authentication failed.
 tagMenuError43=The Crucible is currently in progress and cannot be interrupted. The session can be joined once combat is over.
 tagMenuError44=An expansion character with that name already exists.
+tagMenuError45=The selected character is not within the level range required by this server.
 tagConnectAborted=Connect Aborted.
 tagMenuWarning01=Warning:  This will create a copy of your character {%s}.  This copied character can only be used in Custom Games.
 tagMenuWarning02=Would you like to rename this Custom Only Character?
@@ -650,4 +652,4 @@ tagWorking=Working...
\ No newline at end of file