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Este paquete permíteche instalar Redirect de xeito rápido e doado nun servidor YunoHost.
Se non usas YunoHost, le a documentación para saber como instalalo.
This application allows to integrate a custom tile in YunoHost's user portal.
There two typical use cases are covered:
- basic, explicit redirection : this is a "virtual" app tile that just redirects to another url or external website using HTTP code 302
- reverse-proxy : create an app tile to expose an app listening on a specific port, typically something that you manually installed (with or without Docker) locally or on another machine.
Versión proporcionada: 2.1~ynh1
- Web oficial da app: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy
- Tenda YunoHost: https://apps.yunohost.org/app/redirect
- Informar dun problema: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/redirect_ynh/issues
Envía a túa colaboración á rama testing
Para probar a rama testing
, procede deste xeito:
sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/redirect_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade redirect -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/redirect_ynh/tree/testing --debug
Máis info sobre o empaquetado da app: https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps