This project aims to develop a Social Media API using Django and Django REST Framework. The API will enable users to create, update, and delete posts, follow other users, and view a feed of posts from users they follow. The system will manage user data, posts, and interactions in a simulated social media environment. This project is designed to provide experience in handling user relationships, database interactions, and large datasets, focusing on CRUD operations and API design.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete Posts: Users can perform CRUD operations on posts.
- Post Attributes: Each post includes content, author, timestamp, and optional media (e.g., image URLs).
- Validation: Ensure required fields like content and user are validated.
- Authorization: Users can only update or delete their own posts.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete Users: Implement CRUD operations for users.
- User Attributes: Each user has a unique username, email, password, and optional profile fields like bio and profile picture.
- Authentication: Only authenticated users can create, update, or delete their own posts.
- Follow/Unfollow: Implement endpoints for users to follow and unfollow other users.
- Relationship Management: Store follower and following relationships between users.
- Validation: Ensure users cannot follow themselves.
- User Feed: Allow users to view a feed of posts from the users they follow.
- Sorting: Display posts in reverse chronological order (most recent posts first).
- Filtering: Optionally, allow users to filter the feed by date or search for posts by keyword.
- Django ORM: Use Django ORM to interact with the database.
- Models: Define models for Users, Posts, and Followers.
- Relationships: Ensure each post is linked to a user, and followers/following relationships are tracked efficiently.
- Django Authentication: Implement user authentication using Django’s built-in authentication system.
- Protected Actions: Users must be logged in to create, update, or delete posts, follow other users, or view their feed.
- Optional JWT: Optionally, implement token-based authentication (JWT) for secure access to the API.
- Django Rest Framework (DRF): Use DRF to design and expose the necessary API endpoints.
- RESTful Principles: Follow RESTful principles, using appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for different operations.
- Error Handling: Ensure proper error handling with relevant HTTP status codes (e.g., 404 for not found, 400 for bad request).
- Heroku or PythonAnywhere: Deploy the API on Heroku or PythonAnywhere.
- Security and Performance: Ensure the API is accessible, secure, and performs well in the deployed environment.
- Pagination: Add pagination to the feed of posts for users with large numbers of followed users or a large volume of posts.
- Sorting Options: Provide sorting options such as sorting by date or popularity (likes, comments).
Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:
- Ensure you have Python 3.6 or higher installed.
- Install PostgreSQL and create a database and user.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
bash \
git clone
cd social_media_api
Create and activate a virtual environment:
bash \
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
Install the required dependencies: \
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env
file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:
plaintext \
DEBUG=True # Set to False in production
Update the DATABASES
setting in social_media_api/
to use environment variables:
python \
import os
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import load_dotenv
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': os.getenv('DATABASE_NAME'),
'USER': os.getenv('DATABASE_USER'),
'HOST': os.getenv('DATABASE_HOST'),
'PORT': os.getenv('DATABASE_PORT'),
Apply database migrations:
bash \
python makemigrations
python migrate
Create a superuser to access the Django admin interface:
bash \
python createsuperuser
Collect static files:
bash \
python collectstatic
Start the development server:
bash \
python runserver
You should now be able to access the project at