Hello everyone, I need your help.
I am a Chinese who has been persecuted by certain officials of the Chinese government. Because my parents refused to bribe these officials, our family's livestock was poisoned by the criminal underworld they protected, resulting in losses of more than $1.4 million. At the same time, according to the former Chinese Prime Minister, 600 million people in China earn less than $150 a month.
These criminal underworld, who are protected by officials, have repeatedly attacked my parents and deliberately caused accidents, including arson and other vicious incidents. The government did nothing about it and let them do whatever they wanted.
In 2015, my parents first discovered that someone had poisoned our calves and immediately called the police. But not only did the police not take action, the criminal underworld began to threaten my parents. Later, I installed surveillance cameras, but the police leaked the matter to the criminal underworld and provided technical support so that they could continue to commit crimes.
In 2019, the government installed surveillance cameras in the village. However, the local public security bureau colluded with the criminal underworld and directly dismantled the cameras. The police not only helped them destroy the evidence, but also provided the means to commit crimes.
In addition, officials from multiple departments of the local government are providing shelter for the criminal underworld, and the Public Security Bureau is only the executive agency.
Despite China's strict ban on guns, this criminal underworld is still allowed to possess weapons.
To this day, the relevant government departments are still unwilling to solve these problems, and the criminal underworld continues to commit crimes with impunity.
Location: Shanxi Province, China
If possible, I hope you can help spread this message and attract more attention.
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我是一个中国人,一直受到中国政府(山西省)某些官员的迫害。因为我的父母拒绝向这些官员行贿,我们家的牲畜被他们庇护的黑社会投毒,导致损失超过 140 万美元。与此同时,根据前中国总理的说法,中国有 6 亿人月收入不足 150 美元。
2015 年,我的父母首次发现有人给我们的牛犊投毒,随即报警。但警方不仅没有采取行动,黑社会还开始威胁我的父母。后来,我安装了监控摄像头,但警方却将此事泄露给黑社会,并提供技术支持,使他们能够继续作案。
2019 年,政府在村里安装了监控摄像头。然而,当地公安局却与黑社会勾结,直接拆除了这些摄像头。警方不仅帮助他们销毁证据,还提供作案手段。
地点: 中国山西省