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Xml serialization

At the center of Xml serialization there are following classes:

  • RapidXmlSaveSerializer,
  • RapidXmlLoadSerializer,
  • formatters from xml_formatters directory:
    • element_formatter,
    • attribute_formatter,
    • etc.

Note Xml serialization is built using RapidXml library by Marcin Kalicinski. See:

Table of Contents

RapidXmlSaveSerializer and RapidXmlLoadSerializer

RapidXmlSaveSerializer and RapidXmlLoadSerializer both represent a whole xml document. The both provide access to document element, which is a top level node of the xml. We can use the document element to store (or load) nodes inside it, like this:

RapidXmlSaveSerializer document("utf-8");
serialize< element_formatter<_name_> >(document.getDocumentElement(), value);

The resulting xml will look like this:


But this xml lacks one important part: the xml declaration. Here's how to add it:

RapidXmlSaveSerializer document("utf-8");
serialize< declaration_formatter<> >(document.getDocumentElement(), encoding);
serialize< element_formatter<_name_> >(document.getDocumentElement(), value);

Now the xml will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Alternatively we can use a special document_formatter to achieve the same result:

RapidXmlSaveSerializer document("utf-8");
using doc_format = document_formatter<element_formatter<_name_>>;
serialize<doc_format>(document, value);

document_formatter simply adds an xml declaration. Please not that it uses document as a serializer (not document.getDocumentElement() as before). It also extracts encoding from the document, so there's no need to specify it manually.

Quick note about element names

Element and attribute names are provided to formatters as compile time strings. Due to limitations of the C++ language, we need to declare such compile time strings as follows:

declare_compile_time_string(name, "value");

In all examples below we use convention, that compile time string for "something"is declared as:

declare_compile_time_string(_something_, "something");

Note It is also possible to use runtime created strings as element and attribute names. Two ways to do this are:

  • using a stateful formatter, for example by calling create_element_formatter(name),
  • using a assign_name formatter.

Those options will be discussed later.

Example: formatting boost::optional

boost::optional<T> is a class that can hold either object T or boost::none. In other words it either holds a value, or is empty. This type will allow us to showcase how to use various formatters to achieve desired results.

So how do we want boost::optional to be expressed in xml?

Format #1: content_exists

Here's the obvious proposal, for empty and not-empty optionals:


We could write a formatter for this by hand (by creating a class with save() and load() methods). But let's use optional_formatter, that is already provided by this library . It has two parameters:

optional_formatter< flag_formatter, value_formatter >

It then formats boost::optional as an empty/not-empty flag (formatted by flag_formatter), followed by the value (if present; formatted by value_formatter). So a formatter for the xml shown above would be like this:

using opt_format = optional_formatter< content_exists, assign_text_content<> >;

In this example we use content_exists formatter for flag. On load it simply checks if element has any content. On save it does nothing. We also use assign_text_content<> as a formatter for value. It simply stores given value as text inside element. So if we will now call this code:

boost::optional<std::string> opt("Hello!");
RapidXmlSaveSerializer document("utf-8");
serialize< opt_format >(document.getDocumentElement(), opt);

We will get:


Wait. That's not what we wanted! But let's analyze: we asked to format value as text content of an element. And the element we gave was document.getDocumentElement(). So in fact we got exactly what we asked for: document element (which does not have a name, and is not marked in any way), filled with text Hello!. But we wanted the optional to be enclosed in an <optional> element, and that is the part that we were missing:

boost::optional<std::string> optEmpty;
boost::optional<std::string> optHello("Hello!");

using opt_format = optional_formatter< content_exists, assign_text_content<> >;
using opt_elt_format = element_formatter< _optional_, opt_format >;

serialize< opt_elt_format >(document.getDocumentElement(), optEmpty);
serialize< opt_elt_format >(document.getDocumentElement(), optHello);

This will produce the desired output:


Format #2: attribute_formatter

Here is another way we might want to format empty and not-empty optionals:

<optional initialized="false"/>
<optional initialized="true">value</optional>

The formatter for this is trivial:

using opt_format = optional_formatter< attribute_formatter<_initialized_>, assign_text_content<> >;
using opt_elt_format = element_formatter< _optional_, opt_format >;

Here we used attribute_formatter to format empty/not-empty flag as an attribute.

Format #3: element_formatter

And yet another way of formatting optionals:


The formatter for this:

using opt_format = optional_formatter< element_formatter<_flag_>, element_formatter<_value_> >;
using opt_elt_format = element_formatter< _optional_, opt_format >;

Format #4: element_counter

Now something more interesting: element that exists when optional has value, and doesn't exist, when optional is empty:


The formatter for this:

using opt_format = optional_formatter< element_counter<_value_>, element_formatter<_value_> >;

Here we used element_counter to format empty/not-empty flag. If the count is greater than zero, then it means optional has a value.

Format #5: assign_name

Here we will format optional is an unusual way: as an element, whose name is the value of the empty/not-empty flag:


The formatter for this:

declare_compile_time_string(_empty_, "");
using opt_format = optional_formatter< assign_name, assign_text_content<> >;
using opt_elt_format = element_formatter< _empty_, opt_format >;

Here we used assign_name to name the parent element.

Final words

On the example of boost::optional we saw various ways to format data. Using the same tools it's very easy to format almost anything exactly the way you want it.