- CTF Guide by trailofbits (highly recommended): guide 👶
- Youtube - John Hammond (highly recommended): PicoCTF walkthroughs 👶
- CTF Cheatsheets:
- CTF platforms (hack to learn):
- https://CTFtime.org (best place to find and compete in CTFs)
- http://overthewire.org/wargames/
- https://www.vulnhub.com/
- https://www.hackthebox.eu/
- https://runcode.ninja/
- https://cybrary.it
- https://www.gracefulsecurity.com/
- https://pentesterlab.com/
- https://www.elearnsecurity.com/ 💲
- Bug Bounty Hunting - Offensive Approach to Hunt Bugs| Udemy : free download complete course
- A beginners guide to become a Hacker
- “Day 18: Essential CTF Tools” | Medium
- How I cracked CEH, CHFI & ESCA certifications within 20 days?
- The Book Of Secret Knowledge highly recommended
- https://xapax.gitbooks.io/security/content/
- JS hacks & creativity
Side Note: Watch TV Show called Mr. Robot (Available on amazon prime). Thank me later !