description |
List of permissions within ezEdits |
Permission | Description | Permpack |
---|---|---| | /ezedits wiki Prints the link for this wiki in chat |
Basic | | /ezedits info Prints basic plugin info in chat |
Basic |
ezedits.admin.reload | /ezedits reload Reloads the config |
Admin |
ezedits.brush.gradient | //ezbr gradient Binds the gradient brush to an item |
Intermediate |
ezedits.brush.gradientstroke | //ezbr gradientstroke Binds the gradient stroke brush to an item |
Intermediate |
ezedits.brush.paletteshift | //ezbr paletteshift Binds the palette shift brush to an item |
Intermediate |
ezedits.debug | //debugez ... Various debug commands. Not required for normal use |
Admin |
ezedits.debug.loadingbar | //debugez clearLoadingBars Clears any active progress bar on screen. |
Basic |
ezedits.deform.hexagonalize | //ezdeform hexagonalize Deforms the blocks in selection into hexagonal pillars |
Intermediate |
ezedits.deform.noise | //ezdeform noise Deforms the blocks in selection based on a given noise |
Intermediate |
ezedits.deform.rotate | //ezdeform rotate Rotates the blocks in selection |
Basic |
ezedits.deform.voronoialize | //ezdeform voronoialize Deforms the blocks in a selection into voronoi cells |
Intermediate |
ezedits.deform.voronoialize2 | //ezdeform voronoialize2 Deforms the blocks in a selection into voronoi cells approximating the input shapes |
Intermediate |
ezedits.deform.voxelize | //ezdeform voxelize Deforms the blocks in a selection into voxels |
Intermediate |
ezedits.flow.flowfield | //ezflowfield Generates a flowfield within a selection |
Intermediate |
ezedits.flow.flowline | //ezflowline Creates a single flow line from the player position |
Intermediate |
ezedits.gen.cone | //ezshapes cone Generates a Cone at the player's position |
Basic |
ezedits.gen.polydome | //ezshapes polydome Generates a Polydome at the player's position |
Basic |
ezedits.gen.polygon | //ezshapes polygon Generates a Polygon at the player's position |
Basic |
ezedits.gen.square | //ezshapes square Generates a Square at the player's position |
Basic |
ezedits.gen.tetrahedron | //ezshapes tetrahedron Generates a Tetrahedron at the player's position |
Basic |
ezedits.gen.torus | //ezshapes Torus Generates a Torus at the player's position |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.aim | #aim Masks to blocks matching the target block |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.attached | #attached Masks to blocks touching adjacent blocks |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.current | #current Represents your current global mask |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.fullblock | #fullblock Masks to blocks which occupy a full block of space |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.infested | #infested Masks to blocks which contain a silverfish |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.light | #truelight | #blocklight Masks to block matching a light level range. Truelight includes skylight Blocklight only considers light from blocks |
Basic |
ezedits.mask.near | #near Masks to blocks withing a given 3D range of the inner mask |
Intermediate |
ezedits.mask.noise | #eznoisemask Masks to blocks at positions where the given noise is above the given threshold |
Intermediate |
ezedits.mask.palette | #palette | #fuzzypalette Masks to blocks within the given palette. Fuzzypalette ignores block states |
Intermediate |
ezedits.mask.selection | #savedselection Masks to blocks within the region of a saved selection |
Intermediate |
ezedits.mask.vectorgradient | #vectorgradientmask Masks to blocks at positions along a given vector which are above the gradient threshold |
Intermediate |
ezedits.noise.delete | //eznoise delete Deletes a saved noise preset |
Intermediate |
ezedits.noise.list | //eznoise list Lists all saved noise presets |
Intermediate |
ezedits.noise.print | //eznoise print Prints the parameters of a saved noise preset |
Intermediate | | //eznoise save Saves a noise preset |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.decode | //ezpalette decode Prints the blocks of a given encoded palette string. |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.delete | //ezpalette delete Deletes a saved palette |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.encode | //ezpalette encode Encodes a palette into a shorter text string |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.fetch | //ezpalette fetch Fetches blocks from the world or player's hotbar and saves as a palette |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.list | //ezpalette list Lists all saved palettes |
Intermediate | | //ezpalette place Places a saved palette into the world |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.print | //ezpalette print Prints the blocks of a saved palette |
Intermediate | | //ezpalette save Saves a palette |
Intermediate |
ezedits.palettes.swap | //ezpalette swap Swaps all the blocks matching with the corresponding block in another palette |
Intermediate |
ezedits.pattern.aim | #aim Uses the target block as the pattern |
Basic |
ezedits.pattern.noise | #eznoisepattern Uses a noise preset to place palette blocks |
Intermediate |
ezedits.pattern.palette | #palette Treats the blocks in a palette as if they were simply listed out |
Intermediate |
ezedits.pattern.selection | #selection Sets blocks based on what is currently in the world at the location of the saved selection. As if that area were tiled/stacked |
Intermediate |
ezedits.pattern.vectorgradient | #vectorgradientpattern Sets palette blocks along a vector with a given length |
Intermediate |
ezedits.region.moss | //ezmoss Places a layer of blocks on flat surfaces |
Intermediate |
ezedits.region.noisegen | //eznoisegen ... Uses noise to place blocks within a region |
Intermediate |
ezedits.region.solidslab | //ezslabmerge Converts double slabs into full blocks |
Basic |
ezedits.region.statecycle | //ezstatecycle Cycles a given block state for all blocks with that state |
Intermediate |
ezedits.region.vines | //ezvines Hangs blocks like vines from the given mask |
Intermediate |
ezedits.scatter | //ezscatter Scatters a shape across the surface of blocks within your selection |
Advanced |
ezedits.selection.delete | //ezselection delete Deletes a saved selection |
Intermediate |
ezedits.selection.delpos | //-2 Removes the last point in your selection |
Basic | | //selhere Moves selection to the player |
Basic |
ezedits.selection.invert | //selinvert Reverses the order of points in a selection |
Basic |
ezedits.selection.list | //ezselection list Lists all saved selections |
Intermediate |
ezedits.selection.load | //selload Loads a saved selection |
Intermediate | | //next Moves a selection by its own size in a given direction |
Basic | | //ezselection save Saves the current selection |
Intermediate |
ezedits.smooth.deflate | //ezdeflate Contracts the blocks in a selection |
Basic |
ezedits.smooth.ezsmooth | //ezsmooth Smooths a selection in 3D |
Intermediate |
ezedits.smooth.inflate | //ezinflate Expands the blocks in a selection |
Basic |
ezedits.smooth.smoothblocks | //ezsmoothblocks Smooths a region using stairs, slabs, and walls |
Advanced |
ezedits.spline.beads | //ezspline beads Generates a bead shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.chainlink | //ezspline chainlink Generates a chainlink shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.cubes | //ezspline cubes Generates a cube shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.expression | //ezspline expression Generates a spline shaped by a given expression |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.fishnet | //ezspline fishnet Generates a fishnet shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.noise | //ezspline noise Generates a spline deformed with noise |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.oscillate | //ezspline oscillate Generates an oscillation shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.polygon | //ezspline polygon Generates a polygon shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.rrings | //ezspline rings Generates a spline of rings |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.rope | //ezspline rope Generates a rope shaped spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.spline.simple | //ezspline simple Generates a simple cylindrical spline |
Intermediate |
ezedits.stainedglass.gradient | //stainedglassgradient Generates a colour gradient using layers of stained glass |
Basic |
ezedits.stainedglass.image | //stainedglassimage Generates an image with layers of stained glass |
Experimental |
ezedits.surface.fuzzify | //ezsurface fuzzify Uses white noise to make the surface of blocks in the region more "fuzzy" |
Intermediate |
ezedits.surface.noisify | //ezsurface noisify Uses a given noise to deform the surface of blocks in the region |
Intermediate |
ezedits.surface.rockify | //ezsurface rockify Uses noise to make the surface of blocks in the region more "rocky" |
Intermediate |
ezedits.surface.voronoify | //ezsurface voronoify Uses voronoi noise to make the the surface of blocks in the region more cellular |
Intermediate |
ezedits.survival.deinfest | //ezsurvival deinfest Replaces infested blocks with their non-infested counterpart |
Basic |
ezedits.survival.persist | //ezsurvival persist Lets you set the persistence of all leaves within a selection, enabling or disabling decay |
Basic |
ezedits.survival.wax | //ezsurvival wax Replaces copper block with their waxed or unwaxed counterpart |
Basic |
ezedits.symmetry.reflectional | //ezsymmetry reflectional | reflectional3d Starts a reflectional symmetry mode |
Experimental |
ezedits.symmetry.rotational | //ezsymmetry rotational Starts rotational symmetry mode |
Experimental |
ezedits.symmetry.translational | //ezsymmetry translational Starts translational symmetry mode |
Experimental |
ezedits.symmetry.update | //ezsymmetry update Updates blocks to match changes relative to the symmetry type |
Experimental |
ezedits.texture.advanced | //eztexture advanced Mix multiple textures |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.ambient | //eztexture ambient Textures region by approximating ambiance |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.axisgradient | //eztexture axisgradient Textures region using axis-aligned gradients |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.blend | //eztexture blend Blends palette blocks which are next to each other |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.blocklight | //eztexture blocklight Textures region depending on in-game block light levels |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.cells | //eztexture cells Paints a cell texture using voronoi noise |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.curvature | //eztexture curvature Textures region by approximating 3D curvature |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.surfaceflow | //eztexture flow Textures region with a flowfield along the surface |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.noise | //eztexture noise Textures region using the given noise |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.pointlight | //eztexture pointlight Textures region based on how much the surface is facing a point light |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.shift | //eztexture shift Shifts blocks in a palette by a given amount |
Intermediate |
ezedits.texture.sunlight | //eztexture sunlight Textures region based on how much the surface is facing a global light direction |
Intermediate | | //superwand An advanced selection wand |
Basic |