All sub-commands are under //ezpalette
e.g //ezpalette list
Fetch Palette
Saves a user-defined palette with a given name.
- Fetch Mode: From where to fetch the palette blocks:
- Takes the blocks from the player's position
- Takes the blocks from the player's selection
- Selection must be 1x1xN in size, where N is the desired palette length
- Takes blocks from the player's hotbar
- Ignores items and uses default block properties
- Length (Default: 0): How many block to fecth. A length of 0 (default) will fetch blocks until air is reached.
- -d (Default: me): The direction to fetch in. Defaults to the direction the user is facing.
- -f: When activated, overwrites the existing palette with the same name.
Saves a user-defined palette with a given name.
- -f: When activated, overwrites the existing palette with the same name.
Deletes a user-defined palette matching the given name.
Lists all available palettesDEFAULT
Lists all default plugin palettesMINE
Lists all user-defined palettes
Places a palette in the world as a row of blocks in the given direction.
Direction defaults to the direction the user is facing.
Region operation which swaps the blocks of the source palette with those of the target palette.
- -a: Activate to ignore air blocks in source palette.
- -s: Activate to stretch the target palette to match the size of the source palette.
- -f: Enables fuzzy matching mode. Ignoring the block states of the source palette.
- -b: Copies the block states from the source palette blocks onto the target palette.
Prints the blocks of a given palette in chat. Block list can be clicked to copy.
-v: Verbose mode. Will print full block name and block states.
Prints an encoded string representing a given palette. Click the string to copy.
&#xNAN;Only supports vanilla Minecraft blocks.
Prints the blocks of a given encoded palette string. Block list can be clicked to copy.