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Introduction 简介



在阅读 LEC01 讲义原文 前,请先思考以下问题:


  • What is a distributed system?
  • Why distributed?

MapReduce 相关问题

  • What will likely limit the performance?
  • How does detailed design reduce effect of slow network?
  • How do they get good load balance?
  • What about fault tolerance?
  • Details of worker crash recovery?
  • Other failures/problems?
    • What if the master gives two workers the same Map() task?
    • What if the master gives two workers the same Reduce() task?
    • What if a single worker is very slow -- a "straggler"?
    • What if a worker computes incorrect output, due to broken h/w or s/w?
    • What if the master crashes?
  • For what applications doesn't MapReduce work well?
  • How might a real-world web company use MapReduce?


Lab 1: MapReduce上机说明