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Using Tweets to Predict Identity Characteristics of State-Level Political Figures in the United States
- U.S. politics is increasingly nationalized
- Tweets by members of congress likely only convey partisanship
- Politics at the state level may be less polarized
- More able to identify traits because partisanship is lower
- Tweets may also be less focused on national culture war and more focused on real issues
- 48,249 tweets, scraped from official, campaign, and personal accounts
- Political office: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer
- Tweet data includes date tweet was posted
- Metadata: politician's name, state, office, and political party
- Majority of tweets are from 2018 or later
Task: Topic Modeling
Method: BERTopic
Script: topic_model.py
DVC YAML Stage: topic_model
#!dvc pull
from bertopic import BERTopic
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import seaborn as sn
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import yaml
pd.options.display.max_columns = None
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = None
pd.options.display.max_seq_items = None
tweets = pd.read_csv('data/tweets.csv')
#Drop tweets not in english
tweets = tweets.loc[tweets['language'] == 'en']
tweets['tweet'] = tweets['tweet'].str.replace(r'http\S+', '')
tweets = tweets.loc[tweets['tweet'] != '']
tweets = tweets.reset_index(drop=True)
topic_model = BERTopic.load('project_BERTopic')
topics_list = topic_model.get_topics()
#Static image in case real plot doesn't load
from IPython.display import Image
probs = topic_model.hdbscan_model.probabilities_
topics = topic_model._map_predictions(topic_model.hdbscan_model.labels_)
new_topics, new_probs = topic_model.reduce_topics(tweets['tweet'], topics, probs, nr_topics = 10)
dynamic_topics = topic_model.topics_over_time(tweets['tweet'],
#Static image in case full plot does not load
width = 950)
- Most topics spike in winter
- Ex. Topic 0 (vote/ballot = elections), Topic 8 (veterans), Topic 1 (Christmas)
- Topics related to COVID-19 also spiked around the same time as major waves (esp. Omicron)
- Some iterations of this graph generated during testing included Ukraine topic
- Basically nonexistent until Feb 2022, then huge spike
Task: Multiclass Classification (State)
Method: Linear Support Vector Classifier
Number of Classes: 50 (U.S. States)
Script: multiclass_state.py
DVC YAML Stage: multiclass_state
import joblib
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import (confusion_matrix, precision_recall_fscore_support, classification_report)
#Load the trained multiclass pipeline
pipe = joblib.load('outputs/mc_state_pipe.pkl')
#Perform necessary data processing
states = pd.read_csv('data/elected_officials.csv')
states = states.melt(id_vars = ['State',
value_vars = ['officialTwitter',
var_name = 'account_type',
value_name = 'twitter')
states['twitter'] = states['twitter'].str.lower()
tweets = tweets.merge(states, left_on = 'username', right_on = 'twitter')
#Create numeric labels based on state names
#Merge labels into MTG data frame
labels = pd.DataFrame(tweets['State'].unique()).reset_index()
#Add one because zero indexed
labels['index'] = labels['index']+1
labels.columns = ['state_label', 'State']
tweets = tweets.merge(labels, on = 'State')
#Select labels as targets
y = tweets['state_label']
#Select text columns as features
X = tweets["tweet"]
y_pred = pipe.predict(X)
Rather than print out a 50x50 confusion matrix, I'm going to simplify the matrix to just a few columns:
-state: the abbreviation for the state
-correct: the number of correctly classified tweets for that state
-incorrect: the number of incorrectly classified tweets for that state
-errors: the labels which were applied incorrectly for each state
-precision: true positives/(true positives + false positives)
-recall: true positives/(true positives + false negatives)
-errors: the state labels which were generated as false negatives
cm = confusion_matrix(y,y_pred)
state_cm = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'state': pd.unique(tweets['StateAbbr']),
'correct': np.diag(cm),
'incorrect': cm.sum(1)-np.diag(cm),
'total_tweets': cm.sum(1),
'precision': np.diag(cm)/cm.sum(0),
'recall': np.diag(cm)/cm.sum(1)})
cm = pd.DataFrame(cm)
cm.columns = pd.unique(tweets['StateAbbr'])
cm.index = pd.unique(tweets['StateAbbr'])
cols = cm.columns.values
mask = cm.gt(0.0).values
np.fill_diagonal(mask, False)
out = [cols[x].tolist() for x in mask]
state_cm['errors'] = out
- No apparent regional trends in errors
- i.e. Southern states (like AL) were no more likely to be misclassified as other southern states than as states in other parts of the country
- Possible that creating region labels would not improve performance
- Consistently strong performance across states
- All precision and recall scores > 0.9, most are 0.98 or greater
- Lowest scores are recall for California and Colorado
Task: Multiclass Classification (Political Office)
Method: Linear Support Vector Classifier
Number of Classes: 5 (Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer)
Script: multiclass_office.py
DVC YAML Stage: multiclass_office
#Load the trained multiclass pipeline
pipe = joblib.load('outputs/mc_office_pipe.pkl')
labels = pd.DataFrame(tweets['office'].unique()).reset_index()
#Add one because zero indexed
labels['index'] = labels['index']+1
labels.columns = ['office_label', 'office']
tweets = tweets.merge(labels, on = 'office')
#Select labels as targets
y = tweets['office_label']
#Select text columns as features
X = tweets["tweet"]
y_pred = pipe.predict(X)
ConfusionMatrixDisplay.from_predictions(y, y_pred, display_labels = pd.unique(tweets['office']))
cm = confusion_matrix(y,y_pred)
office_cm = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'office': pd.unique(tweets['office']),
'correct': np.diag(cm),
'incorrect': cm.sum(1)-np.diag(cm),
'total_tweets': cm.sum(1),
'precision': np.diag(cm)/cm.sum(1),
'recall': np.diag(cm)/cm.sum(0)})
- Fewer classes, but overall a less effective classifier
- Esp. Lt. Governors (precision = 0.888)
- Maybe Lt. Governors have less distinctive tweets than other state-level officials?
- Mean recall is slightly higher than mean precision
- Classifier is better at avoiding false negatives than false positives
- Classes are imbalanced; count(governor) = 1.5x/2x count(other offices)
Task: Binary Classification (Political Party)
Method: Linear Support Vector Classifier
Number of Classes: 2 (Democrat, Republican)
Script: twoclass_party.py
DVC YAML Stage: twoclass_party
Note: 2 officials are Independents, and were excluded from this model. In Minnesota, the Democratic party is called the Democratic Farmer-Labor party (DFL); politicians in that party were recoded as Democrats.
#Load the trained multiclass pipeline
pipe = joblib.load('outputs/bc_party_pipe.pkl')
labels = pd.DataFrame(tweets['Party'].unique()).reset_index()
#Add one because zero indexed
labels['index'] = labels['index']+1
labels.columns = ['party_label', 'Party']
tweets = tweets.merge(labels, on = 'Party')
partyclass = tweets.loc[tweets['Party'] != 'Independent']
#Select labels as targets
y = partyclass['party_label']
#Select text columns as features
X = partyclass["tweet"]
y_pred = pipe.predict(X)
ConfusionMatrixDisplay.from_predictions(y, y_pred, display_labels = pd.unique(partyclass['Party']))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred, target_names=pd.unique(partyclass['Party'])))
- Classifier can predict if a tweet was tweeted by a Republican or a Democrat with 97% accuracy
- Strong evidence that the two parties do tweet differently
- Suggests initial hypothesis (state-level politics is not as polarized/nationalized as federal politics) is not true
- At least not on Twitter
- Suggests initial hypothesis (state-level politics is not as polarized/nationalized as federal politics) is not true
Task: Ideal Point Generation
Method: Wordfish (via R packages quanteda
and quanteda.textmodels
Output: Value indicating ideological position on left-right scale (further right = more conservative)
Script: ideal_points.R
Note: I was only able to find ideal points for governors and state treasurers. For Lt. Governors, Secretaries of State, and Attorneys General, the algorithm did not converge.
- Governors are more polarized than treasurers
- Even then, governors are not completely polarized (Ex. Charlie Baker (MA), Jim Justice (WV))
- Polarization could be linked to visibility
- Officials from TX, FL tend to be at extremes
- Do tweets make them more polarizing, or are tweets byproduct of polarization?
- Officials from TX, FL tend to be at extremes
Conclusions and avenues for further exploration:
- Incorporate additional data (margin of victory in most recent election, partisanship of state)
- Consider length of incumbency
- Wanted to test pre-/post-inauguration, but ran out of time