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185 lines (157 loc) · 5.07 KB

File metadata and controls

185 lines (157 loc) · 5.07 KB

types and uses of osmly.settings properties


  • title
  • instructions
  • db
  • context
  • problems
  • usePropertyAsTag

title (required)

  • string
  • very basic description of what needs to be done
  • eg. 'Outline the park', 'Locate the library'

instructions (required)

  • html string
  • a basic set of instructions
  • max width of the element is 640px
  • don't forget to escape quotes with a slash \
  • if your using multiple lines end each line with a slash , it's valid js
  • eg. '<ul><li>Don't forget the tags</li><li>Watch out for other parks</li></ul>'

db (required)

  • string
  • full url of the database location
  • eg. '', ''
    • these resolve to parks-5.sqlite, POIz.sqlite



  • string
  • oauth_secret registered on OSM
  • default: 'Mon0UoBHaO3qvfgwWrMkf4QAPM0O4lITd3JRK4ff'
    • just my test application on the dev server


  • string
  • consumerKey registered on OSM with oauth_secret
  • default: 'yx996mtweTxLsaxWNc96R7vpfZHKQdoI9hzJRFwg'
    • just my test application on the dev server


context (required)

  • object
  • keys and values to items that provide relevant context to the features being edited
  • for example: if schools are being edited, a context of other schools should be included. {amenity: ['school']} but other key/values should also be included for items that are often near schools that might be mistaken or be nearby schools. Things like colleges, universities, libraries, parks. It depends, go nuts.
    • our final object might look something like this:
    amenity: ['school', 'library', 'college', 'university'],
    leisure: ['park']

problems (required)

  • object
  • a list of options for the 'Problem' dropdown
  • eg. ['no library here', 'library already there', 'imagery is too poor', 'not enough info']


  • array
  • coordinates to center the map on load
  • default: [0,0]


  • integer
  • zoom level for the map on load
  • default: 2


  • geojson object
  • a geojson outline of the region that the import is taking place in
  • serves as a general overview before login, give users something to look at
  • use to generate something, paste it here


  • bool
  • allows a demonstration mode, setting to false doesn't allow it
  • default: true


  • object
  • tags to use for changesets
  • will probably add an additional tag to track particular imports
    • eg. 'osmly:import': 'la-parks'
  • default:
    'created_by': 'osmly',
    'osmly:version': '0',
    'imagery_used': 'Bing'


  • object
  • renames a property from the original data to a usable key for OSM
  • eg. {wackyCompany_internal_id: 'XYZimport:id'}

usePropertyAsTag (required)

  • array
  • properties in the original data to use as tags which get uploaded to OSM
    • anything not specified will be ignored
  • this assumes you have all tags named correctly
    • for quick fixes/adjustments use renameProperty
    • for serious changes you should fix your source data in something like QGIS
  • eg. ['name', 'leisure', 'source']


  • object
  • tag to add to every object uploaded
  • useful for a 'source' tag or something like it which must be applied to everything
  • or if you're data is already of a common type and just missing the necessary OSM tag
    • for example: you have just parks for a particular county but no leisure=park tag, this can add it to everything
  • eg.
    leisure: 'park',
    source: 'TIGER 2027'


    color: '#00FF00',
    weight: 3,
    opacity: 1,
    clickable: false


    color: '#FFFF00',
    fillOpacity: 0.3,
    weight: 3,
    opacity: 1


  • object
  • a list of OSM users that are allowed on this import
  • if no one is specified, any OSM user is allowed
  • eg. ['Aaron Lidman', 'psapp', 'Archive']


  • object
  • a list of OSM users that have admin access
    • currently just QA mode, which allows for reviewing and confirming what all users have submitted to OSM
  • if no one is specified, everyone has admin access
  • eg. ['Hot Chip', 'Ladytron', 'grimes']