Retrieval based multi topic chatbot
- Our chatbot is based on a retrieval system that responds to user queries about a variety of cogent topics by using data scraped from Reddit. The application also supports open domain conversations with the user.
- We define explicit rules for retrieving and ranking the relevant responses from indexed data and perform post processing on the selected results to present personalized responses.
- We are using elastic search to index and query the Reddit data. The front end uses React.js and Chart.js and the backend is built using Python. The entire application is hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.
○ We used 3 data sources for our project ■ Reddit ■ Wikipedia ■ Chitchat/Greetings ○ Reddit Dataset ■ Reddit data was scraped using the Pushshift API ( ■ We maintain a submission-comment and comment-comment relationship in the data. ○ WikiQA Dataset ■ WikiQA corpus is a publicly available set of question and sentence pairs, used for open-domain question answering. The corpus includes 3,047 questions and 29,258 sentences, where 1,473 sentences were labeled as answer sentences to their related questions. ○ Chitchat/Greetings Dataset ■ The greeting dataset is a collection of chitchat and a common collection of greeting queries that are indexed together for short dialogues between the user and our chatbot. ■ We cleaned and converted the chitchat dataset to a question-and-answer format for better query and response retrieval.
- We scraped data for 5 topics listed below using custom keywords from multiple subreddits. We limit submissions that have more than 20 comments, to select only high-engagement posts.
- Examples of keywords used: ■ Healthcare: covid, vaccines, drugs, hospitals, etc ■ Education: authors, textbooks, novels, universities, etc ■ Politics: trump, Biden, laws, election, etc ■ Environment: water, oxygen, pollution, conservation, etc ■ Technology: Apple, internet, google, phones, etc
- Along with topic-specific data we also included data from famous subreddits like ■ ExplainLikeImFive ■ FoodForThought ■ ChangeMyView ■ TodayILearned
- Remove entries which have more than 5 sentences in the selftext.
- Remove entries with more than 100 tokens
- Remove entries with only URL/links in the selftext or title
- Parts of speech tagging (spacy, See: )
- Entity extraction
- The data is indexed into ElasticSearch using bulk. We index multiple datasets in JSON files using bulk API requests.
- What is elastic search? ■ Elasticsearch is a distributed, open-source search and analytics engine for all types of data, including textual, numerical, geospatial, structured, and unstructured. It is built on top of the Apache Lucene search engine library. It is used for full-text search, structured search, analytics, and all three in combination. It is designed to scale to very large datasets and can be used for a variety of use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and clickstream analytics. ■ See:
- Query preprocessing ■ Spelling check ■ Entity extraction
- We are using ElasticSearch python package to query our indexes and get to results
- We query all the cores and re-rank the compiled responses.
- Then we perform an embedding-based similarity check on them using Spacy and select the most relevant result.
- Select Top 10 from ElasticSearch Reddit data
- Top 5 from WikiQA data
- Top 1 relevant from Chitchat/Greetings data
- We perform doc-query similarity using Spacy’s pre-trained model
- Spacy is a free, open-source library for advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python. It features pre-trained statistical models and word vectors and includes tools for tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, and entity recognition. Spacy is designed to help developers build software that can understand written language, and is used by many leading companies and research institutions. (See: )
- We then rank the results and select the doc with the highest similarity score.
- We are using Spacy with Neuralcoref / Allennlp models coreference resolution feature to build context in incoming queries using the past queries.
- We alternate between the coref libraries as they have different build dependencies in local and GCP.
- In GCP we are using Spacy with Neuralcoref.
- Incoming queries should be well formed to retain context, like the below example. A simple “Why ?” to get context from the previous query would be confusing and would not return good results.
- After selecting the most relevant result we perform the below steps before we present the response to the user ■ Special characters removal ■ case folding ■ Adding punctuations ■ Extracting entities ● Analytics and Visualizations
- We use Chart.js to present dynamic and interactive analytics from our chatbot.
- We present: ■ A bar chart for cumulative topic counts for most queried topics. ■ A line chart for the similarity score for the most queried dataset. ■ A pie chart to show the distribution of keywords searched. ■ A topic-specific word cloud for common keywords.
- The application backend is dockerized and deployed on GCP