This project uses poetry to manage dependencies. To get your development environment set up, run:
$ poetry install
The activate your shell environment by running:
$ poetry shell
All future commands assume you have already run that in the current shell.
This project uses pytest to run tests. To run tests locally, run:
$ pytest
Tests will be triggered by opening a pull request to main.
Documentaion is generated using pdoc3. To generate documentation, run:
$ pdoc constyle --html -o docs/ -f -c show_source_code=False
If you don't, it will be generated automatically on merge to main.
Code is formatted with black. Please keep it that way.
$ black constyle
If you don't, it will be formatted automatically on merge to main.
To deploy a new version simply create a release on GitHub. The version will be automatically detected from the tag name. It should start with v
and be followed by the actual version string.
Versions are deployed to PyPI and Anaconda automatically.