The NGINX Headers More module doesn't currently accept wildcard matches for clearing input headers (it's on a branch). So if we want to use this capability we need to compile nginx from source and add this module.
We're building a custom docker image from a branch of the Headers More module. This dockerfile installs the tools necessary to compile nginx and the headers more module from source and does the compilation.
This image is pre-built and available on docker hub as buoyantio/nginx:1.10.2, so there should be no need to rebuild it.
If you would still like to build this image, you'll first need to locally clone and check out a custom branch (wildcard_in) of the headers-more-nginx-module repo, as follows:
$ git clone
$ cd headers-more-nginx-module
$ git checkout wildcard_in
$ cd ..
Then, copy that folder into the same place as this Dockerfile, and then build:
$ cp headers-more-nginx-module <location-of-this-dockerfile>
$ docker build -t buoyantio/nginx:<tag-name> .
The dockerfile was based on instructions from NGINX's compilation instructions as well as the instructions here.