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This is a VSCode extension that provides Three.JS snippets to speed up your Three.js development. Snippets exist for the popular framework React Three Fiber (R3F) and Three.js on its own, for Typescript and Javascript.

Specifically, it is the only extension on the marketplace that provides general functions for Three.JS, both for R3F as well as for the core library. The snippets contain intial starter functions as well as general constructors/objects.

Each snippet starts with the letter t, followed by the name of the shortcut, in order to avoid conflicts with other snippets (I.E instead of using 'ren' to create a WEBGLrenderer, you use 'tren' to create a WEBGLrenderer to avoid a conflict with a very common React.JS snippet). See below for a list of all the snippets.

PS: Typscript is supported but many snippets may not work. For example, OrbitControls will break if you use typescript.

List of Snippets

Shared R3F and Three.js Snippets

trigger contents
tgui Creates a Leva GUI for R3F or a DAT Gui for Three.js
tcam Creates and chooses a specific Camera constructor
tgeo Creates and chooses a specific Geometry constructor
thlp Creates and chooses a specific helper constructor
tmat Creates and chooses a specific material constructor
tlig Creates and chooses a specific light constructor
tls Creates and chooses a specific lights/shadows constructor
ttext Loads and creates a 3D text object
ttexture Creates and chooses a specific texture constructor
tmesh Creates and chooses a specific object constructor
tresize Automatically resize the canvas to the size of the window
tbufmesh Creates and chooses a specific buffer object constructor
tfog Creates and chooses a specific fog construtor

Three.js Snippets

trigger contents
tinit Creates a entire Three.JS scene with a camera, a light, a renderer, a render function for animation, and optional settings
tinitgui Same as tinit, but with a DAT GUI template
tbi Basic Init function (camera, scene, renderer)
tloader Creates and chooses a specific loader constructor
tload Loads a specific resource and creates a template function to modify/use the resource in a scene
tren Creates and chooses a specific renderer constructor
tloadfunc Combinestload and tloadfunc all at once
ttexture Creates and chooses a specific texture constructor

R3F Snippets

trigger contents
tinit Creates a R3F scene with a basic Canvas
tinitd Same as tinit, but with an extra import of DREI and its hooks
tut Creates a R3F useThree hook
tuf Creates a R3F useFrame hook
tul Creates a R3F useLoader hook
tut Creates a R3F useGraph hook
tmeshd Same astmesh, but uses the DREI shape components



Extension Settings


Known Issues

This is a new extension so please let me know if you run into any issues by filing an issue on Github.

Release Notes

See the for a list of changes for each version.


Some of the snippets were modified from That extension seems to no longer be maintained which is one reason I created this extension.