Releases: across-protocol/contracts
Releases · across-protocol/contracts
What's Changed
- chore: Update MerkleTree import by @nicholaspai in #205
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
What's Changed
- feat: New AcrossMerkleDistributor deployment by @nicholaspai in #201
- chore: update AcrossMerkleDistributor address in Mainnet and bump version by @kevinuma in #203
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.7...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- improve: Update AcrossMerkleDistributor deployment script by @nicholaspai in #198
- feat: Update AcrossMerkleDistributor deployment by @nicholaspai in #199
- feat: Add claimFor method to AcrossMerkleDistributor by @nicholaspai in #200
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.0.7
What's Changed
- feat(merkle-distributor): Make claim only callable by recipient or whitelisted claimer by @nicholaspai in #195
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
What's Changed
- fix: Fix bug in MerkleDistributor that doesn't decrement remainingAmount for merkle windows correctly by @nicholaspai in #193
- chore: Version 1.0.5 by @nicholaspai in #194
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.0.5
What's Changed
- Fix: Package publish by @evaldofelipe in #188
- feat: goerli deployment MerkleDistributor by @dohaki in #189
- chore: bump to v1.0.4 by @dohaki in #190
New Contributors
- @evaldofelipe made their first contribution in #188
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4
What's Changed
- fix: polygon testnet fixes by @mrice32 in #128
- feat: add contract finder to export artifacts and addresses for contracts by @chrismaree in #129
- feat: clean up some test related inconsistancies by @chrismaree in #130
- improve: Change indexed event params to assist offchain dataworker by @nicholaspai in #131
- feat: add rate model store on rinkeby by @chrismaree in #132
- improve: Add appliedRelayerFeePct to FillRelay event by @nicholaspai in #133
- improve: Fix buildFill and remove .only test by @nicholaspai in #135
- fix:N06 address issue arising from merge conflict by @chrismaree in #138
- fix:M03 Move to using address.sendValue over the transfer pattern when sending eth by @chrismaree in #139
- build(deps): bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 by @dependabot in #134
- fix:N09: address issue arising from merge conflict by @chrismaree in #137
- Fix deployment address by @chrismaree in #136
- fix: Change mentions of EIP191 --> EIP1271 by @nicholaspai in #140
- fix: Typo in HubPool about bond and final fee relationship by @nicholaspai in #141
- fix: [L02] prevent locking in the case of misparameterization by @mrice32 in #142
- fix: Change event param type to match variable by @nicholaspai in #144
- fix: solhint suppressions missing spaces by @nicholaspai in #145
- refactor: Remove AncillaryData import from HubPool by @nicholaspai in #146
- improve: Follow Check-Effects-Interaction by @nicholaspai in #147
- improve: Reduce gas and minimize overflow risk in for loops by @nicholaspai in #148
- chrismaree/add block number to export by @chrismaree in #143
- feat: Change RateModelStore => ConfigStore and add fields by @nicholaspai in #150
- improve: Rename ConfigStore => AcrossConfigStore by @nicholaspai in #152
- chrismaree/mainnet deployment by @chrismaree in #149
- build(deps): bump cross-fetch from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6 by @dependabot in #153
- Latest kovan deployment by @chrismaree in #154
- improve: Add EMPTY_ROOT constant and isEmpty functions to MerkleRoot utils by @nicholaspai in #156
- chrisamree/mumbai deploy by @chrismaree in #157
- feat: add reverse look up for contract info from address by @chrismaree in #155
- fix: add additional admin calls for arbitrum to token enable script by @chrismaree in #158
- fix: address issue with weth on boba by @chrismaree in #159
- fix: add haircut proposal by @chrismaree in #160
- feat: routes script can publish partial routes by @mrice32 in #162
- fix: address param ordering issue by @chrismaree in #163
- fix: mainnet re-deployment by @chrismaree in #161
- fix: address typos in hubpool by @chrismaree in #164
- build(deps): bump semver-regex from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 by @dependabot in #169
- improve: add option to upgrade optimism token bridge to hardhat task by @nicholaspai in #168
- fix: deployments collission for ArbitrumAdapter by @nicholaspai in #170
- improve: Update setupL1 task with warning about ConfigStore setup by @nicholaspai in #173
- feat: Arbitrum_RescueAdapter by @nicholaspai in #172
- improve: Add audit and youtube links to README by @nicholaspai in #174
- feat: add ethereum rescue adapter by @mrice32 in #177
- feat: Add arbitrum-goerli deployment details by @nicholaspai in #176
- build(deps): bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 4.5.0 to 4.7.1 by @dependabot in #175
- feat: Add Arbitrum_SendTokensAdapter by @nicholaspai in #178
- build(deps): bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 by @dependabot in #182
- build(deps): bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 by @dependabot in #179
- improve(arbitrum-adapter): Use outboundTransferCustomRefund when sending tokens to L2 by @nicholaspai in #181
- feat: Implement ZkSync Adapter and SpokePool by @nicholaspai in #180
- build(deps): bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 by @dependabot in #184
- chore: remove zksync-web3 from dependencies by @nicholaspai in #183
- feat: add merkle distributor contract by @amateima in #185
- chore: update
package dependencies by @dohaki in #186 - chore: bump to v1.0.3 by @dohaki in #187
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.33...v1.0.3
What's Changed
- feat(repo) Repo Stub packages by @chrismaree in #1
- feat(contracts): Add contracts stub by @chrismaree in #2
- feat(contracts): Add initial LP functionality by @chrismaree in #4
- feat(contracts): Add LP logic by @chrismaree in #6
- Add LICENSE by @mrice32 in #7
- feat: Implement deposit functionality by @nicholaspai in #5
- feat: add a first draft of the proof library by @mrice32 in #8
- feat(github-actions): Add hardhat test to CI by @chrismaree in #11
- feat(github-actions): Add Linter to CI by @chrismaree in #12
- feat(hubpool): Add Initial initiateRelayerRefund implementation by @chrismaree in #10
- feat(HubPool): Second iteration on init, dispute and execute relayer refund bundles by @chrismaree in #13
- feat: relay logic by @nicholaspai in #9
- feat: add MerkleLib tests by @mrice32 in #15
- improve: move all tests to hardhat fixtures by @mrice32 in #17
- improve: minor refactoring to formatting by @mrice32 in #16
- feat: hubpool third iteration. Add dispute logic and refine bitmap structure. by @chrismaree in #14
- improve: Destructure RelayData params in FilledRelay event by @nicholaspai in #18
- feat(HubPool): Add initial L1->L2 call plumbing by @chrismaree in #19
- feat: Implement _initiateRelayerRefund and begin Optimism-specific SpokePool by @nicholaspai in #20
- feat: add release process via github actions by @mrice32 in #22
- feat: Initial fees tracking implementation by @chrismaree in #21
- improve: Allow filled amount to be 0 to empower slow relayers by @nicholaspai in #25
- feat(spoke-pool): Allow relayer and depositor to agree to update relay fee by @nicholaspai in #27
- feat(spoke-pool): Distribute relayer refund by @nicholaspai in #24
- feat(hubPool): Add sync method and liquidity utilization by @chrismaree in #26
- Test Optimism adapters by @chrismaree in #29
- chrismaree/arbitrum l1 adapter by @chrismaree in #30
- feat: add slow relay functionality by @mrice32 in #28
- feat(spoke-pool): Reduce size of state variables by @nicholaspai in #32
- feat (hubpool): Add protocol fee capture method by @chrismaree in #31
- Add weth support for Optimism Spoke pool. by @chrismaree in #34
- feat: Add Arbitrum Spokepool and add generic cross-chain admin relayer function on HubPool by @nicholaspai in #33
- feat(spoke-pool): change chainId to type uint256 by @nicholaspai in #35
- Ethereum Spoke Pool by @chrismaree in #36
- Test Arbitrum_SpokePool by @chrismaree in #39
- feat(hub-pool): Reduce size of state vars by @nicholaspai in #38
- improve: rename merkle root related variables and function names by @nicholaspai in #40
- improve(spoke-pool): Move some logic to internal virtual methods to support other evms by @nicholaspai in #41
- feat: Optimism deployment scripts by @chrismaree in #43
- feat: todos on HubPool setters by @mrice32 in #46
- initial version of gas analysis script by @nicholaspai in #37
- fix: fix dispute logic to handle failures and final fee changes by @mrice32 in #47
- fix: take bond into account when syncing by @mrice32 in #50
- fix(HubPool): Whitelisting route on L2 uses incorrect params by @nicholaspai in #48
- feat: update gas estimation script by @mrice32 in #51
- fix(optimism-spokepool): Need to wrap ETH before distributing any WETH to recipients by @nicholaspai in #49
- Refactor SpokePool inheritance structure by @mrice32 in #53
- Finish most remaining TODOs by @mrice32 in #54
- Add polygon adapters/spoke pool by @mrice32 in #57
- feat(spoke-pool): Add speedUpDeposit method by @nicholaspai in #56
- Call adapters using delegatecall to save gas by @mrice32 in #52
- Add origin chain id to whitelisted route mapping by @mrice32 in #58
- feat(ethereum-spokepool): add unit tests by @nicholaspai in #55
- feat(documentation): Add NatSpec comments to contracts by @nicholaspai in #59
- Smock tests spoke pools optimism by @chrismaree in #44
- feat: add arbitrum-rinkeby deployments by @chrismaree in #60
- fix: Clean up tests by @chrismaree in #63
- improve: [L06] Public functions making external contract calls should guard against reentrancy by @nicholaspai in #62
- improve: Change pool rebalance leaf count type to uint8 by @nicholaspai in #64
- changes for npm release by @chrismaree in #70
- update events after internal chat by @chrismaree in #67
- feat: Add gas analysis scripts for SpokePool methods by @nicholaspai in #61
- feat: Make token bridge programmable per tokens by @nicholaspai in #65
- improve(spoke-pool): Slow relay execution should emit FillRelay event by @nicholaspai in #69
- fix(optimism-adapter): handle custom bridges by @chrismaree in #68
- improve: Add ability to unwhitelist a route by @nicholaspai in #66
- improve: Add isSlowRelay param to FilledRelay event by @nicholaspai in #75
- fix: Check if spoke pool is initialized before executing root bundle by @nicholaspai in #76
- improve: Update ethereum package versions by @nicholaspai in #72
- feat: make slow relay refund the user realyerFeePct by @chrismaree in #77
- improve(buildSampleTree): Make script more customizable by @nicholaspai in #71
- build for release, including exporting artefacts and fixtures by @chrismaree in #74
- feat: add additional helpers used in relayer tests by @chrismaree in #80
- feat: [N14] add emergency admin functions by @mrice32 in #78
- feat: [L01] make chainID virtual by @chrismaree in #82
- Spread props in executeRootBundle to improve etherscan compatibility by @chrismaree in #81
- fix: [C01, M01] Remove EIP-191 signature recovery support and add destination chain ID to relay data by @nicholaspai in #79
- fix: add separate import path for test utilities by @mrice32 in #83
- feat: Further helper update by @chrismaree in #86
- improve: Simplify ancillary data by @nicholaspai in #84
- improve: [L02] validate func...