From 9dd7c6ad2ebf8744e927c0c51e8017438f4de635 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:45:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/37] (wip) for Zariski coverage on CommRing

(with Max Zeuner)
 Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda
index 1a10d2e56b..bf04d7a1c1 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ module InvertingElementsBase (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  R[1/_] : R → Type ℓ
  R[1/ f ] = Loc.S⁻¹R R' [ f ⁿ|n≥0] (powersFormMultClosedSubset f)
+ -- TODO: Provide a more specialized universal property.
+ -- (Just ask f to become invertible, not all its powers.)
+ module UniversalProp (f : R) = S⁻¹RUniversalProp R' [ f ⁿ|n≥0] (powersFormMultClosedSubset f)
  -- a quick fact
  isContrR[1/0] : isContr R[1/ 0r ]
  fst isContrR[1/0] = [ 1r , 0r , ∣ 1 , sym (·IdR 0r) ∣₁ ] -- everything is equal to 1/0

From 5aa46d8f14a11d396d4379c4c3dff9b41b7f0ed8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:05:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/37] pullback stability

 Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda
index bf04d7a1c1..1a10d2e56b 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/Localisation/InvertingElements.agda
@@ -80,10 +80,6 @@ module InvertingElementsBase (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  R[1/_] : R → Type ℓ
  R[1/ f ] = Loc.S⁻¹R R' [ f ⁿ|n≥0] (powersFormMultClosedSubset f)
- -- TODO: Provide a more specialized universal property.
- -- (Just ask f to become invertible, not all its powers.)
- module UniversalProp (f : R) = S⁻¹RUniversalProp R' [ f ⁿ|n≥0] (powersFormMultClosedSubset f)
  -- a quick fact
  isContrR[1/0] : isContr R[1/ 0r ]
  fst isContrR[1/0] = [ 1r , 0r , ∣ 1 , sym (·IdR 0r) ∣₁ ] -- everything is equal to 1/0

From 5e0cb3519408d8441f6fb2c310cf4d404065dcef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 16:50:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/37] only zero case left

 Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
index 9d86d30c23..84aab79823 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
-open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ)
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ ; zero ; suc)
 open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
 open import Cubical.Data.FinData
+open import Cubical.Data.FinData.Order renaming (_<'Fin_ to _<_)
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps

From 131c4578ede63ad93b3bd6d8612e6e13a28dc4c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 22:32:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/37] finish zero case

 Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
index 84aab79823..ecdce68dce 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
 open import Cubical.Categories.Category
+open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Terminal
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.CommRings
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Coverage
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Sheaf

From 036a3238f950c6d0e02f58c4236c41c215ff2dd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:51:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/37] def standard affine open

 Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda       |  3 ++
 .../ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda     | 10 ++++-
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda   | 43 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
index c1622d2fc7..1a7b4ab901 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ module Order (L' : Lattice ℓ) where
  ∧≤LCancelJoin : ∀ x y → x ∧l y ≤j y
  ∧≤LCancelJoin x y = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel x y)
+ ∧≤RCancelJoin : ∀ x y → x ∧l y ≤j x
+ ∧≤RCancelJoin x y = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel x y)
 module _ {L : Lattice ℓ} {M : Lattice ℓ'} (φ ψ : LatticeHom L M) where
  open LatticeStr ⦃...⦄
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
index 3983ab834e..1ba6f964b7 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
 open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (ℙ ; ⊆-refl-consequence)
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (ℙ ; ⊆-refl-consequence) renaming (_∈_ to _∈ₚ_)
 import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
 open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
  open Sum (CommRing→Ring R')
  open CommRingTheory R'
  open Exponentiation R'
+ open Units R'
  open DistLatticeStr (L' .snd) renaming (is-set to isSetL)
  open Join L'
@@ -89,11 +90,18 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
   d·LCancel : ∀ x y → d (x · y) ≤ d y
   d·LCancel x y = subst (λ a → a ≤ d y) (sym (·≡∧ x y)) (∧≤LCancelJoin _ _)
+  d·RCancel : ∀ x y → d (x · y) ≤ d x
+  d·RCancel x y = subst (λ a → a ≤ d x) (sym (·≡∧ x y)) (∧≤RCancelJoin _ _)
   linearCombination≤LCancel : {n : ℕ} (α β : FinVec R n)
                             → d (linearCombination R' α β) ≤ ⋁ (d ∘ β)
   linearCombination≤LCancel α β = is-trans _ _ _ (∑≤⋁ (λ i → α i · β i))
                                                  (≤-⋁Ext _ _ λ i → d·LCancel (α i) (β i))
+  ZarMapUnit : ∀ x → x ∈ₚ Rˣ → d x ≡ 1l
+  ZarMapUnit x (x⁻¹ , xx⁻¹≡1) = is-antisym _ _ (1lRightAnnihilates∨l _)
+                                               (subst (_≤ d x) (cong d xx⁻¹≡1 ∙ pres1) (d·RCancel _ _))
   ZarMapIdem : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R) → d (x ^ (suc n)) ≡ d x
   ZarMapIdem zero x = ·≡∧ _ _ ∙∙ cong (d x ∧l_) pres1 ∙∙ ∧lRid _
   ZarMapIdem (suc n) x = ·≡∧ _ _ ∙∙ cong (d x ∧l_) (ZarMapIdem n x) ∙∙ ∧lIdem _
diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index a1a669082e..e8ca3ed2bd 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ open import Cubical.Data.FinData
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Localisation
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
@@ -496,3 +497,45 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   isQcQsSchemeAffine : ∀ (A : CommRing ℓ) → isQcQsScheme (Sp .F-ob A)
   fst (isQcQsSchemeAffine A) = isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage A
   snd (isQcQsSchemeAffine A) = ∣ singlAffineCover A ∣₁
+-- standard affine opens
+-- TODO: separate file?
+module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
+  open Iso
+  open Functor
+  open NatTrans
+  open NatIso
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+  open IsRingHom
+  open RingHoms
+  open IsLatticeHom
+  open ZarLat
+  open InvertingElementsBase R
+  open UniversalProp f
+  module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+  D : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)
+  D = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .inv (ZL.D R f)
+  SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ : NatIso (Sp .F-ob R[1/ f ]AsCommRing) ⟦ D ⟧ᶜᵒ
+  N-ob (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) B φ = (φ ∘r /1AsCommRingHom) , ∨lRid _ ∙ path
+    where
+    instance
+      _ = B .snd
+      _ = ZariskiLattice B .snd
+    φ[f/1]Unit : φ .fst (f /1) ∈ B ˣ
+    φ[f/1]Unit = {!!}
+    path : ZL.D B (φ .fst (f /1)) ≡ 1l
+    path = IsZarMap.ZarMapUnit (ZL.isZarMapD B) _ φ[f/1]Unit
+  N-hom (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) = {!!}
+  nIso SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ = {!!}
+  isAffineD : isAffineCompactOpen D
+  isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁

From 484231b049926a7e81c2e52c8c6681432c7293c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:54:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/37] finish standard affine opens

 .../Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda    | 109 ++++++++++++++++++
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda   |  28 ++++-
 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ad613d427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
+module Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Properties where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
+open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (ℙ ; ⊆-refl-consequence)
+                                         renaming (_∈_ to _∈ₚ_ ; ∈-isProp to ∈ₚ-isProp)
+import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
+open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming ( _+_ to _+ℕ_ ; _·_ to _·ℕ_ ; _^_ to _^ℕ_
+                                      ; +-comm to +ℕ-comm ; +-assoc to +ℕ-assoc
+                                      ; ·-assoc to ·ℕ-assoc ; ·-comm to ·ℕ-comm
+                                      ; ·-identityʳ to ·ℕ-rid)
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties
+open import Cubical.Data.FinData
+open import Cubical.Data.Unit
+open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
+open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
+open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.BinomialThm
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.RadicalIdeal
+open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
+open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
+open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Basis
+open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Matrix
+open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Base
+open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.UniversalProperty
+open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
+open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
+private variable ℓ : Level
+module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
+  open Iso
+  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
+  open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R)
+  open Sum (CommRing→Ring R)
+  open CommRingTheory R
+  open Exponentiation R
+  open BinomialThm R
+  open CommIdeal R
+  open RadicalIdeal R
+  open isCommIdeal
+  open ProdFin R
+  open ZarLat R
+  open ZarLatUniversalProp R
+  open IsZarMap isZarMapD
+  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice ZariskiLattice))
+       using (IndPoset)
+  private
+    instance
+      _ = R .snd
+      _ = ZariskiLattice .snd
+      _ = IndPoset .snd
+    ⟨_⟩ : {n : ℕ} → FinVec (fst R) n → CommIdeal
+    ⟨ V ⟩ = ⟨ V ⟩[ R ]
+  unitLemmaZarLat : ∀ f → D f ≡ D 1r → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
+  unitLemmaZarLat f Df≡D1 = PT.rec (∈ₚ-isProp (R ˣ) f) radicalHelper 1∈√⟨f⟩
+    where
+    D1≤Df : D 1r ≤ D f
+    D1≤Df = subst (_≤ D f) Df≡D1 (is-refl _)
+    1∈√⟨f⟩ : 1r ∈ √ ⟨ replicateFinVec 1 f ⟩
+    1∈√⟨f⟩ = isEquivRel→effectiveIso ∼PropValued ∼EquivRel _ _ .fun D1≤Df .fst zero
+    radicalHelper : Σ[ n ∈  ℕ ] 1r ^ n ∈ ⟨ replicateFinVec 1 f ⟩ → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
+    radicalHelper (n , 1ⁿ∈⟨f⟩) = PT.rec (∈ₚ-isProp (R ˣ) f) fgHelper 1ⁿ∈⟨f⟩
+      where
+      fgHelper : Σ[ α ∈ FinVec (fst R) 1 ] 1r ^ n ≡ linearCombination R α (replicateFinVec 1 f)
+               → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
+      fgHelper (α , 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0) = α zero , path
+        where
+        useSolver : ∀ f α₀ → f · α₀ ≡ α₀ · f + 0r
+        useSolver = solve R
+        path : f · α zero ≡ 1r
+        path = f · α zero      ≡⟨ useSolver _ _ ⟩
+               α zero · f + 0r ≡⟨ sym 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0 ⟩
+               1r ^ n          ≡⟨ 1ⁿ≡1 n ⟩
+               1r ∎
diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index e8ca3ed2bd..cff41e75c8 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Base
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.UniversalProperty
+open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Properties
 open import Cubical.Categories.Category
 open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
@@ -506,6 +507,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   open Functor
   open NatTrans
   open NatIso
+  open isIso
   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
   open IsRingHom
@@ -518,24 +520,40 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+  private
+    instance
+      _ = R .snd
   D : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)
   D = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .inv (ZL.D R f)
   SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ : NatIso (Sp .F-ob R[1/ f ]AsCommRing) ⟦ D ⟧ᶜᵒ
   N-ob (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) B φ = (φ ∘r /1AsCommRingHom) , ∨lRid _ ∙ path
+    open CommRingHomTheory φ
+    open IsZarMap (ZL.isZarMapD B)
       _ = B .snd
       _ = ZariskiLattice B .snd
-    φ[f/1]Unit : φ .fst (f /1) ∈ B ˣ
-    φ[f/1]Unit = {!!}
+    isUnitφ[f/1] : φ .fst (f /1) ∈ B ˣ
+    isUnitφ[f/1] = RingHomRespInv (f /1) ⦃ S/1⊆S⁻¹Rˣ f ∣ 1 , sym (·IdR f) ∣₁ ⦄
     path : ZL.D B (φ .fst (f /1)) ≡ 1l
-    path = IsZarMap.ZarMapUnit (ZL.isZarMapD B) _ φ[f/1]Unit
+    path = ZarMapUnit _ isUnitφ[f/1]
-  N-hom (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) = {!!}
-  nIso SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ = {!!}
+  N-hom (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) _ = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (RingHom≡ refl)
+  inv (nIso SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ B) (φ , Dφf≡D1) = invElemUniversalProp B φ isUnitφf .fst .fst
+    where
+    instance _ = ZariskiLattice B .snd
+    isUnitφf : φ .fst f ∈ B ˣ
+    isUnitφf = unitLemmaZarLat B (φ $r f) (sym (∨lRid _) ∙ Dφf≡D1)
+  sec (nIso SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ B) =
+    funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (RingHom≡ (invElemUniversalProp _ _ _ .fst .snd))
+  ret (nIso SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ B) =
+    funExt λ φ → cong fst (invElemUniversalProp B (φ ∘r /1AsCommRingHom) _ .snd (φ , refl))
   isAffineD : isAffineCompactOpen D
   isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁

From e8fc66ddac320c741e808648f37e4df18a6b850a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:50:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/37] towards opens of affines

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index cff41e75c8..40faa843d2 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -475,6 +475,10 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     F-id strDLSh = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) compOpenInclId ∙ 𝓞 .F-id
     F-seq strDLSh _ _ = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) (compOpenInclSeq _ _) ∙ 𝓞 .F-seq _ _
+    compOpenRest : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → CompactOpen ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    N-ob (compOpenRest {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Ux≡D1) = V .N-ob A x
+    N-hom (compOpenRest V≤U) φ = funExt (λ x → {!!})
   -- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
   module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
     open AffineCover
@@ -518,7 +522,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   open InvertingElementsBase R
   open UniversalProp f
-  module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+  private module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
@@ -557,3 +561,51 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   isAffineD : isAffineCompactOpen D
   isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁
+module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
+  open Iso
+  open Functor
+  open NatTrans
+  open NatIso
+  open isIso
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+  open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
+  open IsRingHom
+  open RingHoms
+  open IsLatticeHom
+  open ZarLat
+  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset)
+  open InvertingElementsBase R
+  open Join (ZariskiLattice R)
+  open AffineCover
+  module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+  private
+    instance
+      _ = R .snd
+      _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
+      _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R) .snd
+      _ = IndPoset .snd
+  private
+    w : ZL R
+    w = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .fun W
+    module _ {n : ℕ} (α : FinVec (fst R) n) (⋁Dα≡w : ⋁ (ZL.D R ∘ α) ≡ w) where
+      Dα≤W : ∀ i → D R (α i) ≤ W
+      Dα≤W i = {!!}
+      toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+      AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
+      U toAffineCover i = compOpenRest (Sp .F-ob R) (Dα≤W i)
+      covers toAffineCover = {!!}
+      isAffineU toAffineCover = {!!}
+  -- then use ⋁D≡

From bd1223afda63d00d97853cd15e96e88e0b58b4a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:25:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/37] discussion

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 39 +++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 40faa843d2..5fc35aa876 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     F-id strDLSh = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) compOpenInclId ∙ 𝓞 .F-id
     F-seq strDLSh _ _ = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) (compOpenInclSeq _ _) ∙ 𝓞 .F-seq _ _
+    -- ⟦ U ⟧ → X → 𝓛 via V
     compOpenRest : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → CompactOpen ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     N-ob (compOpenRest {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Ux≡D1) = V .N-ob A x
     N-hom (compOpenRest V≤U) φ = funExt (λ x → {!!})
@@ -601,11 +602,43 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
       Dα≤W : ∀ i → D R (α i) ≤ W
       Dα≤W i = {!!}
+      -- ⋁ (D αᵢ) ≡ W in SpR → 𝓛
       toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
       AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
-      U toAffineCover i = compOpenRest (Sp .F-ob R) (Dα≤W i)
+      U toAffineCover i = {!!} -- W → Sp R → 𝓛 via Dαᵢ --compOpenRest (Sp .F-ob R) (Dα≤W i)
       covers toAffineCover = {!!}
       isAffineU toAffineCover = {!!}
-  -- then use ⋁D≡
+      -- ⟦ Dαᵢ ∘ W→SpR ⟧ ≅ ⟦ Dαᵢ ⟧ ≅ Sp R[1/αᵢ]
+  -- then use ⋁D≡ (merely covered by standard opens) → hasAffineCover ⟦W⟧
+  -- then isLocal ⟦W⟧
+  -- 𝓛 separated presheaf:
+  -- For u w : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. ∀ i → uᵢ=wᵢ in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = w
+  -- where u ↦ uᵢ for 𝓛 A → 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]
+  -- Min: u : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. ∀ i → uᵢ=D1 in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = D1 in 𝓛 A
+  -- base case: u = Dg → have ∀ i → g/1 ∈ A[1/fᵢ]ˣ, need 1 ∈ √⟨g⟩ (g ∈ Aˣ)
+  -- g/1 ∈ A[1/fᵢ]ˣ → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨g⟩ → 1=∑aᵢfᵢ ∈ √⟨g⟩
+  -- i.e. fᵢᵐ=aᵢg
+  -- choose m big enough s.t. it becomes independent of i
+  -- lemma ⟨f₀ᵐ,...,fₙᵐ⟩=A:
+  -- 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢᵐ = ∑ bᵢaᵢg = (∑ aᵢbᵢ)g
+  -- u = D(g₁,...,gₖ) → ⟨g₁/1 ,..., gₖ/1 ⟩ = A[1/fᵢ]
+  -- 0 = A[1/fᵢ]/⟨g₁/1,...,gₖ/1⟩ =???= A/⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩[1/[fᵢ]] → fᵢⁿ=0 mod ⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩
+  -- 1/1 = ∑ aⱼ/fᵢⁿ gⱼ/1 → fᵢᵐ = ∑ aⱼgⱼ
+  -- → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩ → 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩
+  -- 𝓛 sheaf: ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A → 𝓛 A = lim (↓ Dfᵢ) = lim (𝓛 A[1/fᵢ])
+  -- ⋁uᵢ=⊤ in L → L = lim (↓ uᵢ) = Σ[ vᵢ ≤ uᵢ ]  vᵢ ∧ uⱼ = vⱼ ∧ uᵢ
+  -- (↓ Dfᵢ) = 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]: Dg ≤ Dfᵢ ⇔ g ∈ √ ⟨fᵢ⟩ ⇔ fᵢ ∈ A[1/g]ˣ
+  -- ↓ Dfᵢ → 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]: Dg ≤ Dfᵢ ↦ D(g/1)
+  -- 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] → ↓ Dfᵢ: D(g/fᵢⁿ) ↦ Dg ∧ Dfᵢ = D(gfᵢ)
+  -- support A[1/fᵢ] → ↓ Dfᵢ given by g/fᵢⁿ ↦ Dg ∧ Dfᵢ = D(gfᵢ)
+  -- support A → A[1/fᵢ] → L gives (↓ Dfᵢ) ↪ 𝓛 A → L lattice hom!
+  -- have _∧Dfᵢ : 𝓛 A → ↓ Dfᵢ
+  -- U : CompactOpen X , isQcQsScheme X → isQcQsScheme ⟦U⟧
+  -- X=⋁Uᵢ affine covering → isQcQsScheme U∧Uᵢ →(lemma)→ isQcQsScheme U=⋁(U∧Uᵢ)

From a59b3416772857b202289d4f02a60b2fdaa33392 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 17:15:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/37] little progress

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 28 +++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 5fc35aa876..64517e9598 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -446,6 +446,10 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     -- the structure sheaf
     private COᵒᵖ = (DistLatticeCategory (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)) ^op
+    compOpenGlobalIncl : (U : CompactOpen X) → ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ X
+    N-ob (compOpenGlobalIncl U) A = fst
+    N-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U) φ = refl
     compOpenIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     N-ob (compOpenIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) = x , path
@@ -476,9 +480,9 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     F-seq strDLSh _ _ = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) (compOpenInclSeq _ _) ∙ 𝓞 .F-seq _ _
     -- ⟦ U ⟧ → X → 𝓛 via V
-    compOpenRest : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → CompactOpen ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    N-ob (compOpenRest {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Ux≡D1) = V .N-ob A x
-    N-hom (compOpenRest V≤U) φ = funExt (λ x → {!!})
+    -- compOpenRest : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → CompactOpen ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    -- N-ob (compOpenRest {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Ux≡D1) = V .N-ob A x
+    -- N-hom (compOpenRest V≤U) φ = funExt (λ x → {!!})
   -- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
   module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
@@ -583,7 +587,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset)
   open InvertingElementsBase R
-  open Join (ZariskiLattice R)
+  open Join
   open AffineCover
   module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
@@ -592,13 +596,22 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
       _ = R .snd
       _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
       _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R) .snd
+      _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ .snd
       _ = IndPoset .snd
     w : ZL R
     w = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .fun W
-    module _ {n : ℕ} (α : FinVec (fst R) n) (⋁Dα≡w : ⋁ (ZL.D R ∘ α) ≡ w) where
+    module _ {n : ℕ}
+             (α : FinVec (fst R) n)
+             (⋁Dα≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ α) ≡ w) where
+      ⋁Dα≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ α) ≡ W
+      ⋁Dα≡W = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A φ → {!!}))
+        where
+        foo : (A : CommRing ℓ) (φ : CommRingHom R A) → inducedZarLatHom φ .fst w ≡ W .N-ob A φ
+        foo A φ i = cong N-ob (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .leftInv W) i A φ
       Dα≤W : ∀ i → D R (α i) ≤ W
       Dα≤W i = {!!}
@@ -606,8 +619,8 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
       toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
       AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
-      U toAffineCover i = {!!} -- W → Sp R → 𝓛 via Dαᵢ --compOpenRest (Sp .F-ob R) (Dα≤W i)
-      covers toAffineCover = {!!}
+      U toAffineCover i = compOpenGlobalIncl (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W ●ᵛ D R (α i) -- W → Sp R → 𝓛 via Dαᵢ
+      covers toAffineCover = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A y → ({!!} ∙ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong  N-ob ⋁Dα≡W) A) (fst y)) ∙ y .snd))
       isAffineU toAffineCover = {!!}
       -- ⟦ Dαᵢ ∘ W→SpR ⟧ ≅ ⟦ Dαᵢ ⟧ ≅ Sp R[1/αᵢ]
@@ -628,6 +641,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
   -- u = D(g₁,...,gₖ) → ⟨g₁/1 ,..., gₖ/1 ⟩ = A[1/fᵢ]
   -- 0 = A[1/fᵢ]/⟨g₁/1,...,gₖ/1⟩ =???= A/⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩[1/[fᵢ]] → fᵢⁿ=0 mod ⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩
   -- 1/1 = ∑ aⱼ/fᵢⁿ gⱼ/1 → fᵢᵐ = ∑ aⱼgⱼ
+  -- use InvertingElementsBase.invElPropElimN to get uniform exponent
   -- → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩ → 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩
   -- 𝓛 sheaf: ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A → 𝓛 A = lim (↓ Dfᵢ) = lim (𝓛 A[1/fᵢ])

From 911c9ac620de6868666017b2b398448ca35e9751 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 17:45:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/37] towards separatedness

 Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/Downset.agda      |  70 ++++++++
 Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda       |  45 ++++--
 .../Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda    | 150 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../ZariskiLattice/StructureSheaf.agda        |   6 +-
 .../StructureSheafPullback.agda               |   8 +-
 .../ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda     | 119 ++++++++------
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda   | 118 +++++++-------
 Cubical/Papers/AffineSchemes.agda             |   2 +-
 .../Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda        |  22 +++
 9 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/Downset.agda

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/Downset.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/Downset.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..907c419732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/Downset.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
+module Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Downset where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
+open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
+open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Base
+open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
+open Iso
+  variable
+    ℓ ℓ' : Level
+module DistLatticeDownset (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open PosetStr ⦃...⦄ hiding (is-set)
+  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L'))
+  open MeetSemilattice (Lattice→MeetSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L')) hiding (_≤_ ; IndPoset)
+  open LatticeTheory (DistLattice→Lattice L')
+  open Order (DistLattice→Lattice L')
+  open IsLatticeHom
+  -- importing other downset related stuff
+  open PosetDownset IndPoset public
+  private
+    L = L' .fst
+    LPoset = IndPoset
+    instance
+      _ = L' .snd
+      _ = LPoset .snd
+  ↓ᴰᴸ : L → DistLattice ℓ
+  fst (↓ᴰᴸ u) = ↓ u
+  DistLatticeStr.0l (snd (↓ᴰᴸ u)) = 0l , ∨lLid u
+  DistLatticeStr.1l (snd (↓ᴰᴸ u)) = u , is-refl u
+  DistLatticeStr._∨l_ (snd (↓ᴰᴸ u)) (v , v≤u) (w , w≤u) =
+    v ∨l w , ∨lIsMax _ _ _ v≤u w≤u
+  DistLatticeStr._∧l_ (snd (↓ᴰᴸ u)) (v , v≤u) (w , _) =
+    v ∧l w , is-trans _ _ _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)) v≤u
+  DistLatticeStr.isDistLattice (snd (↓ᴰᴸ u)) = makeIsDistLattice∧lOver∨l
+    (isSetΣSndProp is-set λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _)
+    (λ _ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∨lAssoc _ _ _))
+    (λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∨lRid _))
+    (λ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∨lComm _ _))
+    (λ _ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lAssoc _ _ _))
+    (λ (_ , v≤u) → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u))
+    (λ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lComm _ _))
+    (λ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lAbsorb∨l _ _))
+    (λ _ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lLdist∨l _ _ _))
+  toDownHom : (u : L) → DistLatticeHom L' (↓ᴰᴸ u)
+  fst (toDownHom u) w = (u ∧l w) , ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)
+  pres0 (snd (toDownHom u)) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (0lRightAnnihilates∧l _)
+  pres1 (snd (toDownHom u)) = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lRid _)
+  pres∨l (snd (toDownHom u)) v w = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lLdist∨l _ _ _)
+  pres∧l (snd (toDownHom u)) v w = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (∧lLdist∧l u v w)
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
index 1a7b4ab901..4b28da2f88 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
@@ -29,24 +29,41 @@ private
     ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level
 module LatticeTheory (L' : Lattice ℓ) where
- private L = fst L'
- open LatticeStr (snd L')
+  private L = fst L'
+  open LatticeStr (snd L')
+  0lLeftAnnihilates∧l : ∀ (x : L) → 0l ∧l x ≡ 0l
+  0lLeftAnnihilates∧l x = 0l ∧l x          ≡⟨ cong (0l ∧l_) (sym (∨lLid _)) ⟩
+                           0l ∧l (0l ∨l x) ≡⟨ ∧lAbsorb∨l _ _ ⟩
+                           0l ∎
+  0lRightAnnihilates∧l : ∀ (x : L) → x ∧l 0l ≡ 0l
+  0lRightAnnihilates∧l _ = ∧lComm _ _ ∙ 0lLeftAnnihilates∧l _
+  1lLeftAnnihilates∨l : ∀ (x : L) → 1l ∨l x ≡ 1l
+  1lLeftAnnihilates∨l x = 1l ∨l x          ≡⟨ cong (1l ∨l_) (sym (∧lLid _)) ⟩
+                           1l ∨l (1l ∧l x) ≡⟨ ∨lAbsorb∧l _ _ ⟩
+                           1l ∎
+  1lRightAnnihilates∨l : ∀ (x : L) → x ∨l 1l ≡ 1l
+  1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ = ∨lComm _ _ ∙ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _
+  ∧lCommAssocl : ∀ x y z → x ∧l (y ∧l z) ≡ y ∧l (x ∧l z)
+  ∧lCommAssocl x y z = ∧lAssoc x y z ∙∙ congL _∧l_ (∧lComm x y) ∙∙ sym (∧lAssoc y x z)
- 0lLeftAnnihilates∧l : ∀ (x : L) → 0l ∧l x ≡ 0l
- 0lLeftAnnihilates∧l x = 0l ∧l x          ≡⟨ cong (0l ∧l_) (sym (∨lLid _)) ⟩
-                          0l ∧l (0l ∨l x) ≡⟨ ∧lAbsorb∨l _ _ ⟩
-                          0l ∎
+  ∧lCommAssocr : ∀ x y z → (x ∧l y) ∧l z ≡ (x ∧l z) ∧l y
+  ∧lCommAssocr x y z = sym (∧lAssoc x y z) ∙∙ congR _∧l_ (∧lComm y z) ∙∙ ∧lAssoc x z y
- 0lRightAnnihilates∧l : ∀ (x : L) → x ∧l 0l ≡ 0l
- 0lRightAnnihilates∧l _ = ∧lComm _ _ ∙ 0lLeftAnnihilates∧l _
+  ∧lCommAssocr2 : ∀ x y z → (x ∧l y) ∧l z ≡ (z ∧l y) ∧l x
+  ∧lCommAssocr2 x y z = ∧lCommAssocr _ _ _ ∙∙ congL _∧l_ (∧lComm _ _) ∙∙ ∧lCommAssocr _ _ _
- 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l : ∀ (x : L) → 1l ∨l x ≡ 1l
- 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l x = 1l ∨l x          ≡⟨ cong (1l ∨l_) (sym (∧lLid _)) ⟩
-                          1l ∨l (1l ∧l x) ≡⟨ ∨lAbsorb∧l _ _ ⟩
-                          1l ∎
+  ∧lCommAssocSwap : ∀ x y z w → (x ∧l y) ∧l (z ∧l w) ≡ (x ∧l z) ∧l (y ∧l w)
+  ∧lCommAssocSwap x y z w =
+    ∧lAssoc (x ∧l y) z w ∙∙ congL _∧l_ (∧lCommAssocr x y z) ∙∙ sym (∧lAssoc (x ∧l z) y w)
- 1lRightAnnihilates∨l : ∀ (x : L) → x ∨l 1l ≡ 1l
- 1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ = ∨lComm _ _ ∙ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _
+  ∧lLdist∧l : ∀ x y z → x ∧l (y ∧l z) ≡ (x ∧l y) ∧l (x ∧l z)
+  ∧lLdist∧l x y z = congL _∧l_ (sym (∧lIdem _)) ∙ ∧lCommAssocSwap x x y z
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
index 1ad613d427..e95011a5eb 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
+{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
 module Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Properties where
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Localisation
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.BinomialThm
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Basis
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps
+open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Downset
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Matrix
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Base
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
   open ZarLat R
   open ZarLatUniversalProp R
-  open IsZarMap isZarMapD
+  open IsSupport isSupportD
   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice ZariskiLattice))
        using (IndPoset)
@@ -107,3 +109,147 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
                α zero · f + 0r ≡⟨ sym 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0 ⟩
                1r ^ n          ≡⟨ 1ⁿ≡1 n ⟩
                1r ∎
+module LocDownSetIso (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
+  open Iso
+  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
+  open Exponentiation R
+  open InvertingElementsBase R
+  open UniversalProp f
+  open ZarLat
+  open ZarLatUniversalProp
+  open IsSupport
+  open DistLatticeDownset (ZariskiLattice R)
+  open Order (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice R))
+  open LatticeTheory (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice R))
+  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice R)))
+       using () renaming (IndPoset to ZLRPoset)
+  open MeetSemilattice (Lattice→MeetSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice R)))
+       using (≤-∧LPres ; ∧≤RCancel)
+  private
+    instance
+      _ = R .snd
+      _ = R[1/ f ]AsCommRing .snd
+      _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
+      _ = ZLRPoset .snd
+    powerLemma : ∀ fⁿ → fⁿ ∈ₚ [ f ⁿ|n≥0] → D R f ∧l D R fⁿ ≡ D R f
+    powerLemma fⁿ = PT.rec (squash/ _ _)
+                      λ (n , fⁿ≡f^n) → cong (λ x → D R f ∧l D R x) fⁿ≡f^n
+                                         ∙ ≤j→≤m _ _ (supportExpIneq (isSupportD R) n f)
+    locEqPowerLemma : ∀ r fⁿ → fⁿ ∈ₚ [ f ⁿ|n≥0]
+                    → D R f ∧l D R (r · fⁿ) ≡ D R f ∧l D R r
+    locEqPowerLemma r fⁿ fⁿIsPow =
+      D R f ∧l D R (r · fⁿ)      ≡⟨ cong (D R f ∧l_) (isSupportD R .·≡∧ _ _) ⟩
+      D R f ∧l (D R r ∧l D R fⁿ) ≡⟨ ∧lAssoc (D R f) (D R r) (D R fⁿ) ⟩
+      (D R f ∧l D R r) ∧l D R fⁿ ≡⟨ ∧lCommAssocr (D R f) (D R r) (D R fⁿ) ⟩
+      (D R f ∧l D R fⁿ) ∧l D R r ≡⟨ cong (_∧l D R r) (powerLemma _ fⁿIsPow) ⟩
+      D R f ∧l D R r ∎
+    locEqPowerLemma2 : ∀ r fᵐ fⁿ → fᵐ ∈ₚ [ f ⁿ|n≥0] → fⁿ ∈ₚ [ f ⁿ|n≥0]
+                    → D R f ∧l D R (fᵐ · r · fⁿ) ≡ D R f ∧l D R r
+    locEqPowerLemma2 r fᵐ fⁿ fᵐIsPow fⁿIsPow =
+      D R f ∧l D R (fᵐ · r · fⁿ) ≡⟨  locEqPowerLemma (fᵐ · r) fⁿ fⁿIsPow ⟩
+      D R f ∧l D R (fᵐ · r)      ≡⟨ cong (D R f ∧l_) (isSupportD R .·≡∧ _ _) ⟩
+      D R f ∧l (D R fᵐ ∧l D R r) ≡⟨ ∧lAssoc (D R f) (D R fᵐ) (D R r) ⟩
+      (D R f ∧l D R fᵐ) ∧l D R r ≡⟨ cong (_∧l D R r) (powerLemma _ fᵐIsPow) ⟩
+      D R f ∧l D R r ∎
+  locDownSupp : R[1/ f ] → ↓ (D R f)
+  locDownSupp =
+    SQ.rec
+      (isSetΣSndProp squash/ λ x → is-prop-valued x _)
+        -- the actual map: r/fⁿ ↦ Dr∧Df
+        (λ (r , _) → (D R f ∧l D R r) , ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel (D R f) (D R r)))
+          -- coherence
+          λ (r , fⁿ , fⁿIsPow) (r' , fᵐ , fᵐIsPow) ((fᵏ , fᵏIsPow) , fᵏrfᵐ≡fᵏr'fⁿ)
+            → Σ≡Prop (λ x → is-prop-valued x _)
+              (sym (locEqPowerLemma2 r fᵏ fᵐ fᵏIsPow fᵐIsPow)
+              ∙∙ cong (λ x → D R f ∧l D R x) fᵏrfᵐ≡fᵏr'fⁿ
+              ∙∙ locEqPowerLemma2 r' fᵏ fⁿ fᵏIsPow fⁿIsPow)
+  isSupportLocDownSupp : IsSupport R[1/ f ]AsCommRing (↓ᴰᴸ (D R f)) locDownSupp
+  pres0 isSupportLocDownSupp =
+    Σ≡Prop (λ x → is-prop-valued x _)
+           (cong (D R f ∧l_) (isSupportD R .pres0) ∙ 0lRightAnnihilates∧l (D R f))
+  pres1 isSupportLocDownSupp = Σ≡Prop (λ x → is-prop-valued x _) (∧lRid (D R f))
+  ·≡∧ isSupportLocDownSupp =
+    SQ.elimProp2
+      (λ _ _ → (↓ᴰᴸ (D R f) .snd) _ _)
+        λ (r , _) (r' , _) → Σ≡Prop (λ x → is-prop-valued x _)
+                               (cong (D R f ∧l_) (isSupportD R .·≡∧ r r')
+                                 ∙ ∧lLdist∧l (D R f) (D R r) (D R r'))
+  +≤∨ isSupportLocDownSupp =
+    SQ.elimProp2
+      (λ _ _ → (↓ᴰᴸ (D R f) .snd) _ _)
+        λ (r , fⁿ , fⁿIsPow) (r' , fᵐ , fᵐIsPow)
+          → Σ≡Prop (λ x → is-prop-valued x _)
+                   (subst ((D R f ∧l D R ((r · fᵐ) + (r' · fⁿ))) ≤_)
+                          (path r r' fⁿ fᵐ fⁿIsPow fᵐIsPow)
+                          (ineq r r' fⁿ fᵐ))
+    where
+    ineq : ∀ r r' fⁿ fᵐ
+         → (D R f ∧l D R (r · fᵐ + r' · fⁿ)) ≤ (D R f ∧l (D R (r · fᵐ) ∨l D R (r' · fⁿ)))
+    ineq r r' fⁿ fᵐ = ≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧LPres (D R (r · fᵐ + r' · fⁿ))
+                                          (D R (r · fᵐ) ∨l D R (r' · fⁿ))
+                                          (D R f)
+                                (≤j→≤m _ _ (isSupportD R .+≤∨ (r · fᵐ) (r' · fⁿ))))
+    path : ∀ r r' fⁿ fᵐ → fⁿ ∈ₚ [ f ⁿ|n≥0] → fᵐ ∈ₚ [ f ⁿ|n≥0]
+         → D R f ∧l (D R (r · fᵐ) ∨l D R (r' · fⁿ))
+         ≡ (D R f ∧l D R r) ∨l (D R f ∧l D R r')
+    path r r' fⁿ fᵐ fⁿIsPow fᵐIsPow =
+      ∧lLdist∨l (D R f) (D R (r · fᵐ)) (D R (r' · fⁿ))
+      ∙ cong₂ (_∨l_) (locEqPowerLemma r fᵐ fᵐIsPow) (locEqPowerLemma r' fⁿ fⁿIsPow)
+  -- one direction of the equivalence
+  locToDownHom : DistLatticeHom (ZariskiLattice R[1/ f ]AsCommRing) (↓ᴰᴸ (D R f))
+  locToDownHom = ZLHasUniversalProp _ _ _ isSupportLocDownSupp .fst .fst
+  toDownSupp : R .fst → ↓ (D R f)
+  toDownSupp = locDownSupp ∘ _/1
+  isSupportToDownSupp : IsSupport R (↓ᴰᴸ (D R f)) toDownSupp
+  isSupportToDownSupp = presSupportPrecomp /1AsCommRingHom _ _ isSupportLocDownSupp
+  -- the map ZL R → ZL R[1/f] → ↓Df is just Df∧_
+  -- does not type check without lossy unification!!!
+  toLocToDown≡ToDown : locToDownHom ∘dl inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom
+                     ≡ toDownHom (D R f)
+  toLocToDown≡ToDown =
+    cong fst (isContr→isProp
+      (ZLHasUniversalProp R (↓ᴰᴸ (D R f)) toDownSupp isSupportToDownSupp)
+        (locToDownHom ∘dl (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom) , toLocToDownComm)
+        (toDownHom (D R f) , toDownComm))
+    where
+    toDownComm : toDownHom (D R f) .fst ∘ (D R) ≡ toDownSupp
+    toDownComm = funExt λ r → Σ≡Prop (λ x → is-prop-valued x _) refl
+    toLocToDownComm : locToDownHom .fst ∘ inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst ∘ D R
+                    ≡ toDownSupp
+    toLocToDownComm =
+        locToDownHom .fst ∘ (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom) .fst ∘ D R
+      ≡⟨ cong (locToDownHom .fst ∘_) (inducedZarLatHomComm /1AsCommRingHom) ⟩
+        locToDownHom .fst ∘ D R[1/ f ]AsCommRing ∘ _/1
+      ≡⟨ ∘-assoc (locToDownHom .fst) (D R[1/ f ]AsCommRing) _/1 ⟩
+        (locToDownHom .fst ∘ D R[1/ f ]AsCommRing) ∘ _/1
+      ≡⟨ cong (_∘ _/1) (ZLHasUniversalProp _ _ _ isSupportLocDownSupp .fst .snd) ⟩
+        locDownSupp ∘ _/1 ∎
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheaf.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheaf.agda
index ac8798946b..b70970886c 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheaf.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheaf.agda
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  open ZarLat R'
  open ZarLatUniversalProp R'
- open IsZarMap
+ open IsSupport
  open Join ZariskiLattice
  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice ZariskiLattice))
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  BO = Σ[ 𝔞 ∈ ZL ] (𝔞 ∈ₚ BasicOpens)
  basicOpensAreBasis : IsBasis ZariskiLattice BasicOpens
- contains1 basicOpensAreBasis = ∣ 1r , isZarMapD .pres1 ∣₁
+ contains1 basicOpensAreBasis = ∣ 1r , isSupportD .pres1 ∣₁
  ∧lClosed basicOpensAreBasis 𝔞 𝔟 = map2
-            λ (f , Df≡𝔞) (g , Dg≡𝔟) → (f · g) , isZarMapD .·≡∧ f g ∙ cong₂ (_∧z_) Df≡𝔞 Dg≡𝔟
+            λ (f , Df≡𝔞) (g , Dg≡𝔟) → (f · g) , isSupportD .·≡∧ f g ∙ cong₂ (_∧z_) Df≡𝔞 Dg≡𝔟
  ⋁Basis basicOpensAreBasis = elimProp (λ _ → isPropPropTrunc) Σhelper
   Σhelper : (a : Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] FinVec R n)
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheafPullback.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheafPullback.agda
index a01e5d6971..61bc82976c 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheafPullback.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/StructureSheafPullback.agda
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  open ZarLat R'
  open ZarLatUniversalProp R'
- open IsZarMap
+ open IsSupport
  open Join ZariskiLattice
  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice ZariskiLattice))
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  BO = Σ[ 𝔞 ∈ ZL ] (𝔞 ∈ₚ BasicOpens)
  basicOpensAreBasis : IsBasis ZariskiLattice BasicOpens
- contains1 basicOpensAreBasis = ∣ 1r , isZarMapD .pres1 ∣₁
+ contains1 basicOpensAreBasis = ∣ 1r , isSupportD .pres1 ∣₁
  ∧lClosed basicOpensAreBasis 𝔞 𝔟 = map2
-            λ (f , Df≡𝔞) (g , Dg≡𝔟) → (f · g) , isZarMapD .·≡∧ f g ∙ cong₂ (_∧z_) Df≡𝔞 Dg≡𝔟
+            λ (f , Df≡𝔞) (g , Dg≡𝔟) → (f · g) , isSupportD .·≡∧ f g ∙ cong₂ (_∧z_) Df≡𝔞 Dg≡𝔟
  ⋁Basis basicOpensAreBasis = elimProp (λ _ → isPropPropTrunc) Σhelper
   Σhelper : (a : Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] FinVec R n)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
     _ = BasisStructurePShf
    canonical0∈BO : 0z ∈ₚ BasicOpens
-   canonical0∈BO = ∣ 0r , isZarMapD .pres0 ∣₁
+   canonical0∈BO = ∣ 0r , isSupportD .pres0 ∣₁
    canonical0∈BO≡0∈BO : canonical0∈BO ≡ 0∈BO
    canonical0∈BO≡0∈BO = BasicOpens 0z .snd _ _
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
index 1ba6f964b7..cfd480deab 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
   R = fst R'
   L = fst L'
- record IsZarMap (d : R → L) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
+ record IsSupport (d : R → L) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
   constructor iszarmap
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
   linearCombination≤LCancel α β = is-trans _ _ _ (∑≤⋁ (λ i → α i · β i))
                                                  (≤-⋁Ext _ _ λ i → d·LCancel (α i) (β i))
-  ZarMapUnit : ∀ x → x ∈ₚ Rˣ → d x ≡ 1l
-  ZarMapUnit x (x⁻¹ , xx⁻¹≡1) = is-antisym _ _ (1lRightAnnihilates∨l _)
+  supportUnit : ∀ x → x ∈ₚ Rˣ → d x ≡ 1l
+  supportUnit x (x⁻¹ , xx⁻¹≡1) = is-antisym _ _ (1lRightAnnihilates∨l _)
                                                (subst (_≤ d x) (cong d xx⁻¹≡1 ∙ pres1) (d·RCancel _ _))
-  ZarMapIdem : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R) → d (x ^ (suc n)) ≡ d x
-  ZarMapIdem zero x = ·≡∧ _ _ ∙∙ cong (d x ∧l_) pres1 ∙∙ ∧lRid _
-  ZarMapIdem (suc n) x = ·≡∧ _ _ ∙∙ cong (d x ∧l_) (ZarMapIdem n x) ∙∙ ∧lIdem _
+  supportIdem : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R) → d (x ^ (suc n)) ≡ d x
+  supportIdem zero x = ·≡∧ _ _ ∙∙ cong (d x ∧l_) pres1 ∙∙ ∧lRid _
+  supportIdem (suc n) x = ·≡∧ _ _ ∙∙ cong (d x ∧l_) (supportIdem n x) ∙∙ ∧lIdem _
-  ZarMapExpIneq : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R) → d x ≤ d (x ^ n)
-  ZarMapExpIneq zero x = cong (d x ∨l_) pres1 ∙∙ 1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ ∙∙ sym pres1
-  ZarMapExpIneq (suc n) x = subst (λ y → d x ≤ y) (sym (ZarMapIdem _ x)) (∨lIdem _)
+  supportExpIneq : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : R) → d x ≤ d (x ^ n)
+  supportExpIneq zero x = cong (d x ∨l_) pres1 ∙∙ 1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ ∙∙ sym pres1
+  supportExpIneq (suc n) x = subst (λ y → d x ≤ y) (sym (supportIdem _ x)) (∨lIdem _)
   -- the crucial lemma about "Zariski maps"
   open CommIdeal R'
@@ -118,18 +118,45 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
    ⟨_⟩ : {n : ℕ} → FinVec R n → CommIdeal
    ⟨ V ⟩ = ⟨ V ⟩[ R' ]
-  ZarMapRadicalIneq : ∀ {n : ℕ} (α : FinVec R n) (x : R)
+  supportRadicalIneq : ∀ {n : ℕ} (α : FinVec R n) (x : R)
                     → x ∈ √ ⟨ α ⟩ → d x ≤ ⋁ (d ∘ α)
-  ZarMapRadicalIneq α x = PT.elim (λ _ → isSetL _ _)
+  supportRadicalIneq α x = PT.elim (λ _ → isSetL _ _)
          (uncurry (λ n → (PT.elim (λ _ → isSetL _ _) (uncurry (curriedHelper n)))))
    curriedHelper : (n : ℕ) (β : FinVec R _)
                  → x ^ n ≡ linearCombination R' β α → d x ≤ ⋁ (d ∘ α)
-   curriedHelper n β xⁿ≡∑βα = d x ≤⟨ ZarMapExpIneq n x ⟩
+   curriedHelper n β xⁿ≡∑βα = d x ≤⟨ supportExpIneq n x ⟩
                               d (x ^ n)
      ≤⟨ subst (λ y → y ≤ ⋁ (d ∘ α)) (sym (cong d xⁿ≡∑βα)) (linearCombination≤LCancel β α) ⟩
                               ⋁ (d ∘ α) ◾
+-- precomposition with a ring hom
+module _ {A B : CommRing ℓ} (φ : CommRingHom A B)
+         (L : DistLattice ℓ) (d : B .fst → L .fst) where
+  open IsSupport
+  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open IsRingHom
+  private
+    instance
+      _ = L .snd
+      _ = A .snd
+      _ = B .snd
+  presSupportPrecomp : IsSupport B L d → IsSupport A L (d ∘ fst φ)
+  pres0 (presSupportPrecomp dIsSupport) = cong d (φ .snd .pres0) ∙ dIsSupport .pres0
+  pres1 (presSupportPrecomp dIsSupport) = cong d (φ .snd .pres1) ∙ dIsSupport .pres1
+  ·≡∧ (presSupportPrecomp dIsSupport) x y = cong d (φ .snd .pres· x y)
+                    ∙ dIsSupport .·≡∧ (φ .fst x) (φ .fst y)
+  +≤∨ (presSupportPrecomp dIsSupport) x y =
+    let open JoinSemilattice
+              (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
+    in subst (λ z → z ≤ (d (φ .fst x)) ∨l (d (φ .fst y)))
+             (sym (cong d (φ .snd .pres+ x y)))
+             (dIsSupport .+≤∨ (φ .fst x) (φ .fst y))
 module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  open CommRingStr (snd R')
  open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R')
@@ -143,7 +170,7 @@ module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  open ProdFin R'
  open ZarLat R'
- open IsZarMap
+ open IsSupport
   R = fst R'
@@ -154,11 +181,11 @@ module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  D : R → ZL
  D x = [ 1 , replicateFinVec 1 x ] -- λ x → √⟨x⟩
- isZarMapD : IsZarMap R' ZariskiLattice D
- pres0 isZarMapD = eq/ _ _ (≡→∼ (cong √ (0FGIdeal _ ∙ sym (emptyFGIdeal _ _))))
- pres1 isZarMapD = refl
- ·≡∧ isZarMapD x y = cong {B = λ _ → ZL} (λ U → [ 1 , U ]) (Length1··Fin x y)
- +≤∨ isZarMapD x y = eq/ _ _ (≡→∼ (cong √ (CommIdeal≡Char
+ isSupportD : IsSupport R' ZariskiLattice D
+ pres0 isSupportD = eq/ _ _ (≡→∼ (cong √ (0FGIdeal _ ∙ sym (emptyFGIdeal _ _))))
+ pres1 isSupportD = refl
+ ·≡∧ isSupportD x y = cong {B = λ _ → ZL} (λ U → [ 1 , U ]) (Length1··Fin x y)
+ +≤∨ isSupportD x y = eq/ _ _ (≡→∼ (cong √ (CommIdeal≡Char
                                            (inclOfFGIdeal _ 3Vec ⟨ 2Vec ⟩ 3Vec⊆2Vec)
                                            (inclOfFGIdeal _ 2Vec ⟨ 3Vec ⟩ 2Vec⊆3Vec))))
@@ -177,18 +204,18 @@ module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  -- defintion of the universal property
  hasZarLatUniversalProp : (L : DistLattice ℓ') (D : R → fst L)
-                        → IsZarMap R' L D
+                        → IsSupport R' L D
                         → Type _
  hasZarLatUniversalProp {ℓ' = ℓ'} L D _ = ∀ (L' : DistLattice ℓ') (d : R → fst L')
-                                       → IsZarMap R' L' d
+                                       → IsSupport R' L' d
                                        → ∃![ χ ∈ DistLatticeHom L L' ] (fst χ) ∘ D ≡ d
- isPropZarLatUniversalProp : (L : DistLattice ℓ') (D : R → fst L) (isZarMapD : IsZarMap R' L D)
-                         → isProp (hasZarLatUniversalProp L D isZarMapD)
- isPropZarLatUniversalProp L D isZarMapD = isPropΠ3 (λ _ _ _ → isPropIsContr)
+ isPropZarLatUniversalProp : (L : DistLattice ℓ') (D : R → fst L) (isSupportD : IsSupport R' L D)
+                         → isProp (hasZarLatUniversalProp L D isSupportD)
+ isPropZarLatUniversalProp L D isSupportD = isPropΠ3 (λ _ _ _ → isPropIsContr)
- ZLHasUniversalProp : hasZarLatUniversalProp ZariskiLattice D isZarMapD
- ZLHasUniversalProp L' d isZarMapd = (χ , funExt χcomp) , χunique
+ ZLHasUniversalProp : hasZarLatUniversalProp ZariskiLattice D isSupportD
+ ZLHasUniversalProp L' d isSupportd = (χ , funExt χcomp) , χunique
   open DistLatticeStr (snd L') renaming (is-set to isSetL)
   open LatticeTheory (DistLattice→Lattice L')
@@ -214,18 +241,18 @@ module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
     ineq1 : ⋁ (d ∘ α) ≤ ⋁ (d ∘ β)
     ineq1 = ⋁IsMax (d ∘ α) (⋁ (d ∘ β))
-            λ i → ZarMapRadicalIneq isZarMapd β (α i) (√FGIdealCharLImpl α ⟨ β ⟩ incl1 i)
+            λ i → supportRadicalIneq isSupportd β (α i) (√FGIdealCharLImpl α ⟨ β ⟩ incl1 i)
     incl2 : √ ⟨ β ⟩ ⊆ √ ⟨ α ⟩
     incl2 = ⊆-refl-consequence _ _ (cong fst (∼→≡ α∼β)) .snd
     ineq2 : ⋁ (d ∘ β) ≤ ⋁ (d ∘ α)
     ineq2 = ⋁IsMax (d ∘ β) (⋁ (d ∘ α))
-            λ i → ZarMapRadicalIneq isZarMapd α (β i) (√FGIdealCharLImpl β ⟨ α ⟩ incl2 i)
+            λ i → supportRadicalIneq isSupportd α (β i) (√FGIdealCharLImpl β ⟨ α ⟩ incl2 i)
   pres0 (snd χ) = refl
-  pres1 (snd χ) = ∨lRid _ ∙ isZarMapd .pres1
+  pres1 (snd χ) = ∨lRid _ ∙ isSupportd .pres1
   pres∨l (snd χ) = elimProp2 (λ _ _ → isSetL _ _) (uncurry (λ n α → uncurry (curriedHelper n α)))
    curriedHelper : (n : ℕ) (α : FinVec R n) (m : ℕ) (β : FinVec R m)
@@ -261,7 +288,7 @@ module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
       ⋁ (d ∘ (λ j → α zero · β j)) ∨l ⋁ (d ∘ ((α ∘ suc) ··Fin β))
-     ≡⟨ cong (_∨l ⋁ (d ∘ ((α ∘ suc) ··Fin β))) (⋁Ext (λ j → isZarMapd .·≡∧ (α zero) (β j))) ⟩
+     ≡⟨ cong (_∨l ⋁ (d ∘ ((α ∘ suc) ··Fin β))) (⋁Ext (λ j → isSupportd .·≡∧ (α zero) (β j))) ⟩
       ⋁ (λ j → d (α zero) ∧l d (β j)) ∨l ⋁ (d ∘ ((α ∘ suc) ··Fin β))
@@ -311,10 +338,10 @@ module ZarLatUniversalProp (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  -- the map induced by applying the universal property to the Zariski lattice
  -- itself is the identity hom
- ZLUniversalPropCorollary : ZLHasUniversalProp ZariskiLattice D isZarMapD .fst .fst
+ ZLUniversalPropCorollary : ZLHasUniversalProp ZariskiLattice D isSupportD .fst .fst
                           ≡ idDistLatticeHom ZariskiLattice
  ZLUniversalPropCorollary = cong fst
-                              (ZLHasUniversalProp ZariskiLattice D isZarMapD .snd
+                              (ZLHasUniversalProp ZariskiLattice D isSupportD .snd
                                  (idDistLatticeHom ZariskiLattice , refl))
  -- and another corollary
@@ -328,7 +355,7 @@ module _ {A B : CommRing ℓ} (φ : CommRingHom A B) where
  open ZarLat
  open ZarLatUniversalProp
- open IsZarMap
+ open IsSupport
  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
  open IsRingHom
@@ -340,22 +367,18 @@ module _ {A B : CommRing ℓ} (φ : CommRingHom A B) where
      _ = (ZariskiLattice B) .snd
  Dcomp : A .fst → ZL B
- Dcomp f = D B (φ .fst f)
- isZarMapDcomp : IsZarMap A (ZariskiLattice B) Dcomp
- pres0 isZarMapDcomp = cong (D B) (φ .snd .pres0) ∙ isZarMapD B .pres0
- pres1 isZarMapDcomp = cong (D B) (φ .snd .pres1) ∙ isZarMapD B .pres1
- ·≡∧ isZarMapDcomp f g = cong (D B) (φ .snd .pres· f g)
-                    ∙ isZarMapD B .·≡∧ (φ .fst f) (φ .fst g)
- +≤∨ isZarMapDcomp f g =
-   let open JoinSemilattice
-             (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice B)))
-   in subst (λ x → x ≤ (Dcomp f) ∨l (Dcomp g))
-            (sym (cong (D B) (φ .snd .pres+ f g)))
-            (isZarMapD B .+≤∨ (φ .fst f) (φ .fst g))
+ Dcomp = D B ∘ fst φ
+ isSupportDcomp : IsSupport A (ZariskiLattice B) Dcomp
+ isSupportDcomp = presSupportPrecomp φ (ZariskiLattice B) (D B) (isSupportD B)
  inducedZarLatHom : DistLatticeHom (ZariskiLattice A) (ZariskiLattice B)
- inducedZarLatHom = ZLHasUniversalProp A (ZariskiLattice B) Dcomp isZarMapDcomp .fst .fst
+ inducedZarLatHom =
+   ZLHasUniversalProp A (ZariskiLattice B) Dcomp isSupportDcomp .fst .fst
+ inducedZarLatHomComm : inducedZarLatHom .fst ∘ D A ≡ Dcomp
+ inducedZarLatHomComm =
+   ZLHasUniversalProp A (ZariskiLattice B) Dcomp isSupportDcomp .fst .snd
 -- functoriality
 module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
@@ -367,7 +390,7 @@ module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
   inducedZarLatHomId =
     cong fst
       (ZLHasUniversalProp A (ZariskiLattice A) (Dcomp (idCommRingHom A))
-                                               (isZarMapDcomp (idCommRingHom A)) .snd
+                                               (isSupportDcomp (idCommRingHom A)) .snd
         (idDistLatticeHom (ZariskiLattice A) , refl))
 module _ {A B C : CommRing ℓ} (φ : CommRingHom A B) (ψ : CommRingHom B C) where
@@ -379,6 +402,6 @@ module _ {A B C : CommRing ℓ} (φ : CommRingHom A B) (ψ : CommRingHom B C) wh
   inducedZarLatHomSeq =
     cong fst
       (ZLHasUniversalProp A (ZariskiLattice C) (Dcomp (ψ ∘cr φ))
-                                               (isZarMapDcomp (ψ ∘cr φ)) .snd
+                                               (isSupportDcomp (ψ ∘cr φ)) .snd
         (inducedZarLatHom ψ ∘dl inducedZarLatHom φ , funExt (λ _ → ∨lRid _)))
     where open DistLatticeStr (ZariskiLattice C .snd)
diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 64517e9598..53517578c4 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -305,6 +305,13 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   F-id ZarLatFun {A} = cong fst (inducedZarLatHomId A)
   F-seq ZarLatFun φ ψ = cong fst (inducedZarLatHomSeq φ ψ)
+  -- this is a separated presheaf
+  -- (TODO: prove this a sheaf)
+  isSeparatedZarLatFun : isSeparated zariskiCoverage ZarLatFun
+  isSeparatedZarLatFun A (unimodvec n f 1∈⟨f₁,⋯,fₙ⟩) u w uRest≡wRest = {!!}
+    where
+    instance _ = A .snd
   CompactOpen : ℤFunctor → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
   CompactOpen X = X ⇒ ZarLatFun
@@ -540,7 +547,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   N-ob (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) B φ = (φ ∘r /1AsCommRingHom) , ∨lRid _ ∙ path
     open CommRingHomTheory φ
-    open IsZarMap (ZL.isZarMapD B)
+    open IsSupport (ZL.isSupportD B)
       _ = B .snd
       _ = ZariskiLattice B .snd
@@ -549,7 +556,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
     isUnitφ[f/1] = RingHomRespInv (f /1) ⦃ S/1⊆S⁻¹Rˣ f ∣ 1 , sym (·IdR f) ∣₁ ⦄
     path : ZL.D B (φ .fst (f /1)) ≡ 1l
-    path = ZarMapUnit _ isUnitφ[f/1]
+    path = supportUnit _ isUnitφ[f/1]
   N-hom (trans SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧) _ = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (RingHom≡ refl)
@@ -568,60 +575,59 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁
-module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
-  open Iso
-  open Functor
-  open NatTrans
-  open NatIso
-  open isIso
-  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
-  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
-  open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
-  open IsRingHom
-  open RingHoms
-  open IsLatticeHom
-  open ZarLat
-  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset)
-  open InvertingElementsBase R
-  open Join
-  open AffineCover
-  module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
-  private
-    instance
-      _ = R .snd
-      _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
-      _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R) .snd
-      _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ .snd
-      _ = IndPoset .snd
-  private
-    w : ZL R
-    w = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .fun W
-    module _ {n : ℕ}
-             (α : FinVec (fst R) n)
-             (⋁Dα≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ α) ≡ w) where
-      ⋁Dα≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ α) ≡ W
-      ⋁Dα≡W = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A φ → {!!}))
-        where
-        foo : (A : CommRing ℓ) (φ : CommRingHom R A) → inducedZarLatHom φ .fst w ≡ W .N-ob A φ
-        foo A φ i = cong N-ob (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .leftInv W) i A φ
-      Dα≤W : ∀ i → D R (α i) ≤ W
-      Dα≤W i = {!!}
-      -- ⋁ (D αᵢ) ≡ W in SpR → 𝓛
-      toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
-      AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
-      U toAffineCover i = compOpenGlobalIncl (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W ●ᵛ D R (α i) -- W → Sp R → 𝓛 via Dαᵢ
-      covers toAffineCover = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A y → ({!!} ∙ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong  N-ob ⋁Dα≡W) A) (fst y)) ∙ y .snd))
-      isAffineU toAffineCover = {!!}
+-- module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
+--   open Iso
+--   open Functor
+--   open NatTrans
+--   open NatIso
+--   open isIso
+--   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+--   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+--   open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
+--   open IsRingHom
+--   open RingHoms
+--   open IsLatticeHom
+--   open ZarLat
+--   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset)
+--   open InvertingElementsBase R
+--   open Join
+--   open AffineCover
+--   module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+--   private
+--     instance
+--       _ = R .snd
+--       _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
+--       _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R) .snd
+--       _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ .snd
+--       _ = IndPoset .snd
+--   private
+--     w : ZL R
+--     w = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .fun W
+--     module _ {n : ℕ}
+--              (α : FinVec (fst R) n)
+--              (⋁Dα≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ α) ≡ w) where
+--       ⋁Dα≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ α) ≡ W
+--       ⋁Dα≡W = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A φ → {!!}))
+--         where
+--         foo : (A : CommRing ℓ) (φ : CommRingHom R A) → inducedZarLatHom φ .fst w ≡ W .N-ob A φ
+--         foo A φ i = cong N-ob (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .leftInv W) i A φ
+--       Dα≤W : ∀ i → D R (α i) ≤ W
+--       Dα≤W i = {!!}
+--       -- ⋁ (D αᵢ) ≡ W in SpR → 𝓛
+--       toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+--       AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
+--       U toAffineCover i = compOpenGlobalIncl (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W ●ᵛ D R (α i) -- W → Sp R → 𝓛 via Dαᵢ
+--       covers toAffineCover = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A y → ({!!} ∙ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong  N-ob ⋁Dα≡W) A) (fst y)) ∙ y .snd))
+--       isAffineU toAffineCover = {!!}
       -- ⟦ Dαᵢ ∘ W→SpR ⟧ ≅ ⟦ Dαᵢ ⟧ ≅ Sp R[1/αᵢ]
   -- then use ⋁D≡ (merely covered by standard opens) → hasAffineCover ⟦W⟧
diff --git a/Cubical/Papers/AffineSchemes.agda b/Cubical/Papers/AffineSchemes.agda
index beb6a5859d..fc3d95bf73 100644
--- a/Cubical/Papers/AffineSchemes.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Papers/AffineSchemes.agda
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ open FinGenIdeals using (FGIdealMultLemma)
 open ZariskiLatDef using (ZariskiLattice)
 -- support map D and universal property
-open ZariskiLatUnivProp using (D ; isZarMapD)
+open ZariskiLatUnivProp using (D ; isSupportD)
 open ZariskiLatUnivProp using (ZLHasUniversalProp)
 -- D(g) ≤ D(f) ⇔ isContr (R-Hom R[1/f] R[1/g])
diff --git a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
index 4e56fc7d47..50d6f9b6ab 100644
--- a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
 open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥₁
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
 open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
 open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset.Base
 open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Preorder.Base
@@ -69,3 +71,23 @@ Poset→StrictPoset : Poset ℓ ℓ' → StrictPoset ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
 Poset→StrictPoset (_ , pos)
   = _ , strictposetstr (BinaryRelation.IrreflKernel (PosetStr._≤_ pos))
                        (isPoset→isStrictPosetIrreflKernel (PosetStr.isPoset pos))
+module PosetDownset (P' : Poset ℓ ℓ') where
+ private P = fst P'
+ open PosetStr (snd P')
+ ↓ : P → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
+ ↓ u = Σ[ v ∈ P ] v ≤ u
+ ↓ᴾ : P → Poset (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'
+ fst (↓ᴾ u) = ↓ u
+ PosetStr._≤_ (snd (↓ᴾ u)) v w = v .fst ≤ w .fst
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) =
+   isSetΣSndProp is-set λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ = is-prop-valued _ _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ = is-refl _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ _ = is-trans _ _ _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ v≤w w≤v =
+   Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (is-antisym _ _ v≤w w≤v)

From 2e3ed1b76313305fc489cf62d3058146a8eb0e0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:23:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/37] separatedness

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 40 +++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 53517578c4..64141002aa 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ open import Cubical.Data.FinData
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Localisation
+open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.RadicalIdeal
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
@@ -308,9 +309,44 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   -- this is a separated presheaf
   -- (TODO: prove this a sheaf)
   isSeparatedZarLatFun : isSeparated zariskiCoverage ZarLatFun
-  isSeparatedZarLatFun A (unimodvec n f 1∈⟨f₁,⋯,fₙ⟩) u w uRest≡wRest = {!!}
+  isSeparatedZarLatFun A (unimodvec n f 1∈⟨f₁,⋯,fₙ⟩) u w uRest≡wRest =
+    u                         ≡⟨ sym (∧lLid _) ⟩
+    1l ∧l u                  ≡⟨ congL _∧l_ D1≡⋁Dfᵢ ⟩
+    (⋁ (D A ∘ f)) ∧l u       ≡⟨ ⋁Meetldist _ _ ⟩
+    ⋁ (λ i → D A (f i) ∧l u) ≡⟨ ⋁Ext Dfᵢ∧u≡Dfᵢ∧w ⟩
+    ⋁ (λ i → D A (f i) ∧l w) ≡⟨ sym (⋁Meetldist _ _) ⟩
+    (⋁ (D A ∘ f)) ∧l w       ≡⟨ congL _∧l_ (sym D1≡⋁Dfᵢ) ⟩
+    1l ∧l w                  ≡⟨ ∧lLid _ ⟩
+    w ∎
-    instance _ = A .snd
+    open Join (ZariskiLattice A)
+    open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)))
+         using (IndPoset)
+    open LatticeTheory (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A))
+    open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd)
+    open IsSupport (isSupportD A)
+    open RadicalIdeal A
+    instance
+      _ = A .snd
+      _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
+    D1≡⋁Dfᵢ : 1l ≡ ⋁ (D A ∘ f)
+    D1≡⋁Dfᵢ = is-antisym _ _
+                (supportRadicalIneq f 1r (∈→∈√ _ _ 1∈⟨f₁,⋯,fₙ⟩))
+                  (1lRightAnnihilates∨l _)
+    Dfᵢ∧u≡Dfᵢ∧w : ∀ i → D A (f i) ∧l u ≡ D A (f i) ∧l w
+    Dfᵢ∧u≡Dfᵢ∧w i =
+        D A (f i) ∧l u
+      ≡⟨ sym (cong fst (funExt⁻ (cong fst toLocToDown≡ToDown) u)) ⟩
+        locToDownHom .fst (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst u) .fst
+      ≡⟨ cong (λ x → locToDownHom .fst x .fst) (uRest≡wRest i) ⟩
+        locToDownHom .fst (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst w) .fst
+      ≡⟨ cong fst (funExt⁻ (cong fst toLocToDown≡ToDown) w) ⟩
+        D A (f i) ∧l w ∎
+      where
+      open InvertingElementsBase.UniversalProp A (f i)
+      open LocDownSetIso A (f i)
   CompactOpen : ℤFunctor → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
   CompactOpen X = X ⇒ ZarLatFun

From 06bec0786dec040f160d46023c3b174d059260e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 17:10:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/37] locality

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 64141002aa..402f18d914 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.CommRings
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.DistLattice
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.DistLattices
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Functors
+open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Cover
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Coverage
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Sheaf
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Instances.ZariskiCommRing
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   isAffine : (X : ℤFunctor) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
   isAffine X = ∃[ A ∈ CommRing ℓ ] NatIso (Sp .F-ob A) X
-  -- TODO: 𝔸¹ ≅ Sp ℤ[x] and 𝔾ₘ ≅ Sp ℤ[x,x⁻¹] as first examples of affine schemes
+  -- TODO: 𝔸¹ ≅ Sp ℤ[x] and 𝔾ₘ ≅ Sp ℤ[x,x⁻¹] ≅ D(x) ↪ 𝔸¹ as first examples of affine schemes
 -- The unit is an equivalence iff the ℤ-functor is affine.
@@ -543,6 +544,69 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   isLocal : ℤFunctor → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
   isLocal X = isSheaf zariskiCoverage X
+  -- Compact opens of Zariski sheaves are sheaves
+  presLocalCompactOpen : (X : ℤFunctor) (U : CompactOpen X) → isLocal X → isLocal ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+  presLocalCompactOpen X U isLocalX R um@(unimodvec _ f _) = isoToIsEquiv isoU
+    where
+    open Coverage zariskiCoverage
+    open InvertingElementsBase R
+    instance _ = R .snd
+    fᵢCoverR = covers R .snd um
+    isoX : Iso (X .F-ob R .fst) (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
+    isoX = equivToIso (elementToCompatibleFamily _ _ , isLocalX R um)
+    compatibleFamIncl : (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR) → (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
+    compatibleFamIncl fam = (fst ∘ fst fam)
+                          , λ i j B φ ψ φψComm → cong fst (fam .snd i j B φ ψ φψComm)
+    compatibleFamIncl≡ : ∀ (y : Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
+                       → compatibleFamIncl (elementToCompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR y)
+                       ≡ elementToCompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR (y .fst)
+    compatibleFamIncl≡ y = CompatibleFamily≡ _ _ _ _ λ _ → refl
+    isoU : Iso (Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
+               (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR)
+    fun isoU = elementToCompatibleFamily _ _
+    fst (inv isoU fam) = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam)
+    snd (inv isoU fam) = -- U (x) ≡ D(1)
+                         -- knowing that U(x/1)¸≡ D(1) in R[1/fᵢ]
+      let x = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam) in
+      isSeparatedZarLatFun R um (U .N-ob R x) (D R 1r)
+        λ i → let open UniversalProp (f i)
+                  instance _ = R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing .snd in
+                inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (U .N-ob R x)
+              ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (sym (U .N-hom /1AsCommRingHom)) x ⟩
+                U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (X .F-hom /1AsCommRingHom x)
+              ≡⟨ cong (U .N-ob R[1/ f i ]AsCommRing)
+                      (funExt⁻ (cong fst (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i) ⟩
+                U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (fam .fst i .fst)
+              ≡⟨ fam .fst i .snd ⟩
+                D R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing 1r
+              ≡⟨ sym (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .snd .pres1) ⟩
+                inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (D R 1r) ∎
+    rightInv isoU fam =
+      Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsCompatibleFamily _ _ _)
+        (funExt λ i → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
+                        (funExt⁻ (cong fst
+                          (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i))
+    leftInv isoU y = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
+                            (cong (isoX .inv) (compatibleFamIncl≡ y)
+                              ∙ isoX .leftInv (y .fst))
+  -- definition of quasi-compact, quasi-separated schemes
   isQcQsScheme : ℤFunctor → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
   isQcQsScheme X = isLocal X × hasAffineCover X

From fb225ce4bade6d9c7cc5752af7dce1054e0bc98b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:41:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/37] towards aff cover

 Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda     |  16 +-
 Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Base.agda           |  14 ++
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 241 ++++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
index a812d64641..1d5dfca316 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
-    ℓ : Level
+    ℓ ℓ' : Level
 module KroneckerDelta (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
@@ -107,6 +107,20 @@ module Join (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
  ≤-⋁Ext = ≤-bigOpExt
+module JoinMap {L : DistLattice ℓ} {L' : DistLattice ℓ'} (φ : DistLatticeHom L L') where
+  private module L = Join L
+  private module L' = Join L'
+  open IsLatticeHom (φ .snd)
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open Join
+  open BigOpMap (LatticeHom→JoinSemilatticeHom φ)
+  private instance
+    _ = L .snd
+    _ = L' .snd
+  pres⋁ : {n : ℕ} (U : FinVec ⟨ L ⟩ n) → φ .fst (L.⋁ U) ≡ L'.⋁ (φ .fst ∘ U)
+  pres⋁ = presBigOp
 module Meet (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
   L = fst L'
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Base.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Base.agda
index 7f411bb793..b96cf6c62e 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Base.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Base.agda
@@ -231,5 +231,19 @@ LatticePath = ∫ 𝒮ᴰ-Lattice
 Lattice→JoinSemilattice : Lattice ℓ → Semilattice ℓ
 Lattice→JoinSemilattice (A , latticestr _ _ _ _ L) = semilattice _ _ _ (L .IsLattice.joinSemilattice )
+LatticeHom→JoinSemilatticeHom : {L : Lattice ℓ} {L' : Lattice ℓ'}
+   → LatticeHom L L'
+   → SemilatticeHom (Lattice→JoinSemilattice L) (Lattice→JoinSemilattice L')
+fst (LatticeHom→JoinSemilatticeHom φ) = fst φ
+IsMonoidHom.presε (snd (LatticeHom→JoinSemilatticeHom φ)) = φ .snd .IsLatticeHom.pres0
+IsMonoidHom.pres· (snd (LatticeHom→JoinSemilatticeHom φ)) = φ .snd .IsLatticeHom.pres∨l
 Lattice→MeetSemilattice : Lattice ℓ → Semilattice ℓ
 Lattice→MeetSemilattice (A , latticestr _ _ _ _ L) = semilattice _ _ _ (L .IsLattice.meetSemilattice )
+LatticeHom→MeetSemilatticeHom : {L : Lattice ℓ} {L' : Lattice ℓ'}
+   → LatticeHom L L'
+   → SemilatticeHom (Lattice→MeetSemilattice L) (Lattice→MeetSemilattice L')
+fst (LatticeHom→MeetSemilatticeHom φ) = fst φ
+IsMonoidHom.presε (snd (LatticeHom→MeetSemilatticeHom φ)) = φ .snd .IsLatticeHom.pres1
+IsMonoidHom.pres· (snd (LatticeHom→MeetSemilatticeHom φ)) = φ .snd .IsLatticeHom.pres∧l
diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 402f18d914..04f582b7c5 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -494,6 +494,17 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     N-ob (compOpenGlobalIncl U) A = fst
     N-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U) φ = refl
+    -- this is essentially U∧_
+    compOpenDownHom : (U : CompactOpen X)
+                    → DistLatticeHom (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)
+                                     (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ)
+    compOpenDownHom U = CompOpenDistLattice .F-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U)
+    compOpenDownHomNatIso : {U V : CompactOpen X}
+                          → V ≤ U
+                          → NatIso ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    compOpenDownHomNatIso {U = U} {V = V} V≤U = {!!}
     compOpenIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     N-ob (compOpenIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) = x , path
@@ -545,65 +556,65 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   isLocal X = isSheaf zariskiCoverage X
   -- Compact opens of Zariski sheaves are sheaves
-  presLocalCompactOpen : (X : ℤFunctor) (U : CompactOpen X) → isLocal X → isLocal ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
-  presLocalCompactOpen X U isLocalX R um@(unimodvec _ f _) = isoToIsEquiv isoU
-    where
-    open Coverage zariskiCoverage
-    open InvertingElementsBase R
-    instance _ = R .snd
+  -- presLocalCompactOpen : (X : ℤFunctor) (U : CompactOpen X) → isLocal X → isLocal ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+  -- presLocalCompactOpen X U isLocalX R um@(unimodvec _ f _) = isoToIsEquiv isoU
+  --   where
+  --   open Coverage zariskiCoverage
+  --   open InvertingElementsBase R
+  --   instance _ = R .snd
-    fᵢCoverR = covers R .snd um
+  --   fᵢCoverR = covers R .snd um
-    isoX : Iso (X .F-ob R .fst) (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
-    isoX = equivToIso (elementToCompatibleFamily _ _ , isLocalX R um)
+  --   isoX : Iso (X .F-ob R .fst) (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
+  --   isoX = equivToIso (elementToCompatibleFamily _ _ , isLocalX R um)
-    compatibleFamIncl : (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR) → (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
-    compatibleFamIncl fam = (fst ∘ fst fam)
-                          , λ i j B φ ψ φψComm → cong fst (fam .snd i j B φ ψ φψComm)
+  --   compatibleFamIncl : (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR) → (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
+  --   compatibleFamIncl fam = (fst ∘ fst fam)
+  --                         , λ i j B φ ψ φψComm → cong fst (fam .snd i j B φ ψ φψComm)
-    compatibleFamIncl≡ : ∀ (y : Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
-                       → compatibleFamIncl (elementToCompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR y)
-                       ≡ elementToCompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR (y .fst)
-    compatibleFamIncl≡ y = CompatibleFamily≡ _ _ _ _ λ _ → refl
+  --   compatibleFamIncl≡ : ∀ (y : Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
+  --                      → compatibleFamIncl (elementToCompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR y)
+  --                      ≡ elementToCompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR (y .fst)
+  --   compatibleFamIncl≡ y = CompatibleFamily≡ _ _ _ _ λ _ → refl
-    isoU : Iso (Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
-               (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR)
-    fun isoU = elementToCompatibleFamily _ _
-    fst (inv isoU fam) = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam)
-    snd (inv isoU fam) = -- U (x) ≡ D(1)
-                         -- knowing that U(x/1)¸≡ D(1) in R[1/fᵢ]
-      let x = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam) in
-      isSeparatedZarLatFun R um (U .N-ob R x) (D R 1r)
-        λ i → let open UniversalProp (f i)
-                  instance _ = R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing .snd in
+  --   isoU : Iso (Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
+  --              (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR)
+  --   fun isoU = elementToCompatibleFamily _ _
+  --   fst (inv isoU fam) = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam)
+  --   snd (inv isoU fam) = -- U (x) ≡ D(1)
+  --                        -- knowing that U(x/1)¸≡ D(1) in R[1/fᵢ]
+  --     let x = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam) in
+  --     isSeparatedZarLatFun R um (U .N-ob R x) (D R 1r)
+  --       λ i → let open UniversalProp (f i)
+  --                 instance _ = R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing .snd in
-                inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (U .N-ob R x)
+  --               inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (U .N-ob R x)
-              ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (sym (U .N-hom /1AsCommRingHom)) x ⟩
+  --             ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (sym (U .N-hom /1AsCommRingHom)) x ⟩
-                U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (X .F-hom /1AsCommRingHom x)
+  --               U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (X .F-hom /1AsCommRingHom x)
-              ≡⟨ cong (U .N-ob R[1/ f i ]AsCommRing)
-                      (funExt⁻ (cong fst (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i) ⟩
+  --             ≡⟨ cong (U .N-ob R[1/ f i ]AsCommRing)
+  --                     (funExt⁻ (cong fst (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i) ⟩
-                U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (fam .fst i .fst)
+  --               U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (fam .fst i .fst)
-              ≡⟨ fam .fst i .snd ⟩
+  --             ≡⟨ fam .fst i .snd ⟩
-                D R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing 1r
+  --               D R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing 1r
-              ≡⟨ sym (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .snd .pres1) ⟩
+  --             ≡⟨ sym (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .snd .pres1) ⟩
-                inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (D R 1r) ∎
+  --               inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (D R 1r) ∎
-    rightInv isoU fam =
-      Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsCompatibleFamily _ _ _)
-        (funExt λ i → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
-                        (funExt⁻ (cong fst
-                          (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i))
-    leftInv isoU y = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
-                            (cong (isoX .inv) (compatibleFamIncl≡ y)
-                              ∙ isoX .leftInv (y .fst))
+  --   rightInv isoU fam =
+  --     Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsCompatibleFamily _ _ _)
+  --       (funExt λ i → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
+  --                       (funExt⁻ (cong fst
+  --                         (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i))
+  --   leftInv isoU y = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
+  --                           (cong (isoX .inv) (compatibleFamIncl≡ y)
+  --                             ∙ isoX .leftInv (y .fst))
   -- definition of quasi-compact, quasi-separated schemes
@@ -675,63 +686,95 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁
--- module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
---   open Iso
---   open Functor
---   open NatTrans
---   open NatIso
---   open isIso
---   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
---   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
---   open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
---   open IsRingHom
---   open RingHoms
---   open IsLatticeHom
---   open ZarLat
---   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset)
---   open InvertingElementsBase R
---   open Join
---   open AffineCover
---   module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
---   private
---     instance
---       _ = R .snd
---       _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
---       _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R) .snd
---       _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ .snd
---       _ = IndPoset .snd
---   private
---     w : ZL R
---     w = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .fun W
---     module _ {n : ℕ}
---              (α : FinVec (fst R) n)
---              (⋁Dα≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ α) ≡ w) where
---       ⋁Dα≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ α) ≡ W
---       ⋁Dα≡W = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A φ → {!!}))
---         where
---         foo : (A : CommRing ℓ) (φ : CommRingHom R A) → inducedZarLatHom φ .fst w ≡ W .N-ob A φ
---         foo A φ i = cong N-ob (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .leftInv W) i A φ
---       Dα≤W : ∀ i → D R (α i) ≤ W
---       Dα≤W i = {!!}
---       -- ⋁ (D αᵢ) ≡ W in SpR → 𝓛
---       toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
---       AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
---       U toAffineCover i = compOpenGlobalIncl (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W ●ᵛ D R (α i) -- W → Sp R → 𝓛 via Dαᵢ
---       covers toAffineCover = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ A y → ({!!} ∙ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong  N-ob ⋁Dα≡W) A) (fst y)) ∙ y .snd))
---       isAffineU toAffineCover = {!!}
-      -- ⟦ Dαᵢ ∘ W→SpR ⟧ ≅ ⟦ Dαᵢ ⟧ ≅ Sp R[1/αᵢ]
+module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
+  open Iso
+  open Functor
+  open NatTrans
+  open NatIso
+  open isIso
+  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
+  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
+  open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
+  open IsRingHom
+  open RingHoms
+  open IsLatticeHom
+  open ZarLat
+  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset; ind≤bigOp)
+  open InvertingElementsBase R
+  open Join
+  open JoinMap
+  open AffineCover
+  module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+  private
+    instance
+      _ = R .snd
+      _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
+      _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R) .snd
+      _ = CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ .snd
+      _ = IndPoset .snd
+    w : ZL R
+    w = yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .fun W
+    -- yoneda is a lattice homomorphsim
+    isHomYoneda : IsLatticeHom (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice R) .snd)
+                               (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .inv)
+                               (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) .snd)
+    isHomYoneda = {!!}
+    module _ {n : ℕ}
+             (f : FinVec (fst R) n)
+             (⋁Df≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ f) ≡ W) where
+      Df≤W : ∀ i → D R (f i) ≤ W
+      Df≤W i = subst (D R (f i) ≤_) ⋁Df≡W (ind≤bigOp (D R ∘ f) i)
+      toAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+      AffineCover.n toAffineCover = n
+      U toAffineCover i = compOpenDownHom (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W .fst (D R (f i))
+      covers toAffineCover = sym (pres⋁ (compOpenDownHom (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W) (D R ∘ f))
+                           ∙ cong (compOpenDownHom (Sp ⟅ R ⟆) W .fst) ⋁Df≡W
+                           ∙ makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ _ → snd))
+      isAffineU toAffineCover i =
+        ∣ _ , seqNatIso (SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ R (f i)) (compOpenDownHomNatIso _ (Df≤W i)) ∣₁
+    module _ {n : ℕ}
+             (f : FinVec (fst R) n)
+             (⋁Df≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ f) ≡ w) where
+      ⋁Df≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ f) ≡ W
+      ⋁Df≡W = sym (pres⋁ (_ , isHomYoneda) (ZL.D R ∘ f))
+            ∙ cong (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .inv) ⋁Df≡w
+            ∙ yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .leftInv W
+      makeAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+      makeAffineCover = toAffineCover f ⋁Df≡W
+  hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine : hasAffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+  hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine = {!!}
   -- then use ⋁D≡ (merely covered by standard opens) → hasAffineCover ⟦W⟧
-  -- then isLocal ⟦W⟧
   -- 𝓛 separated presheaf:
   -- For u w : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. ∀ i → uᵢ=wᵢ in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = w

From 96b601628e43d8de4df4904ef64f4f837a2f0b39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 22:08:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/37] give up

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 143 ++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 04f582b7c5..98c5b3e5d7 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Base
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.UniversalProperty
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Properties
-open import Cubical.Categories.Category
+open import Cubical.Categories.Category renaming (isIso to isIsoC)
 open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.CommRings
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   module _ (X : ℤFunctor) where
-    open isIso
+    open isIsoC
     private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X) .snd
     compOpenTopNatIso : NatIso X ⟦ 1l ⟧ᶜᵒ
@@ -471,10 +471,11 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   module _ (X : ℤFunctor) where
+    open isIsoC
     open Join (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)
     open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)))
     open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd) hiding (_≤_)
-    open LatticeTheory ⦃...⦄ -- ((DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)))
+    open LatticeTheory ⦃...⦄
     private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X) .snd
     record AffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
@@ -500,10 +501,37 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
                                      (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ)
     compOpenDownHom U = CompOpenDistLattice .F-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U)
+    -- termination issues
     compOpenDownHomNatIso : {U V : CompactOpen X}
                           → V ≤ U
                           → NatIso ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    compOpenDownHomNatIso {U = U} {V = V} V≤U = {!!}
+    compOpenDownHomNatIso = {!!}
+    compOpenDownHomIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X}
+                        → V ≤ U
+                        → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    N-ob (compOpenDownHomIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) =
+      (x , path) , Vx≡D1
+      where
+      instance
+        _ = A .snd
+        _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
+        _ = DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)
+      path : U .N-ob A x ≡ D A 1r
+      path = U .N-ob A x                ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong N-ob (sym V≤U)) A) x ⟩
+             V .N-ob A x ∨l U .N-ob A x ≡⟨ cong (_∨l U .N-ob A x) Vx≡D1 ⟩
+             D A 1r ∨l U .N-ob A x      ≡⟨ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _ ⟩
+             D A 1r ∎
+    N-hom (compOpenDownHomIncl V≤U) φ =
+      funExt (λ x → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl))
+    isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} (V≤U : V ≤ U)
+                               (A : CommRing ℓ) → isIsoC (SET ℓ) (compOpenDownHomIncl V≤U .N-ob A)
+    inv (isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl V≤U A) ((x , Ux≡D1) , Vx≡D1) = x , Vx≡D1
+    sec (isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl V≤U A) = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl)
+    ret (isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl V≤U A) = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl
     compOpenIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     N-ob (compOpenIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) = x , path
@@ -556,65 +584,65 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   isLocal X = isSheaf zariskiCoverage X
   -- Compact opens of Zariski sheaves are sheaves
-  -- presLocalCompactOpen : (X : ℤFunctor) (U : CompactOpen X) → isLocal X → isLocal ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
-  -- presLocalCompactOpen X U isLocalX R um@(unimodvec _ f _) = isoToIsEquiv isoU
-  --   where
-  --   open Coverage zariskiCoverage
-  --   open InvertingElementsBase R
-  --   instance _ = R .snd
+  presLocalCompactOpen : (X : ℤFunctor) (U : CompactOpen X) → isLocal X → isLocal ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+  presLocalCompactOpen X U isLocalX R um@(unimodvec _ f _) = isoToIsEquiv isoU
+    where
+    open Coverage zariskiCoverage
+    open InvertingElementsBase R
+    instance _ = R .snd
-  --   fᵢCoverR = covers R .snd um
+    fᵢCoverR = covers R .snd um
-  --   isoX : Iso (X .F-ob R .fst) (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
-  --   isoX = equivToIso (elementToCompatibleFamily _ _ , isLocalX R um)
+    isoX : Iso (X .F-ob R .fst) (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
+    isoX = equivToIso (elementToCompatibleFamily _ _ , isLocalX R um)
-  --   compatibleFamIncl : (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR) → (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
-  --   compatibleFamIncl fam = (fst ∘ fst fam)
-  --                         , λ i j B φ ψ φψComm → cong fst (fam .snd i j B φ ψ φψComm)
+    compatibleFamIncl : (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR) → (CompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR)
+    compatibleFamIncl fam = (fst ∘ fst fam)
+                          , λ i j B φ ψ φψComm → cong fst (fam .snd i j B φ ψ φψComm)
-  --   compatibleFamIncl≡ : ∀ (y : Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
-  --                      → compatibleFamIncl (elementToCompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR y)
-  --                      ≡ elementToCompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR (y .fst)
-  --   compatibleFamIncl≡ y = CompatibleFamily≡ _ _ _ _ λ _ → refl
+    compatibleFamIncl≡ : ∀ (y : Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
+                       → compatibleFamIncl (elementToCompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR y)
+                       ≡ elementToCompatibleFamily X fᵢCoverR (y .fst)
+    compatibleFamIncl≡ y = CompatibleFamily≡ _ _ _ _ λ _ → refl
-  --   isoU : Iso (Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
-  --              (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR)
-  --   fun isoU = elementToCompatibleFamily _ _
-  --   fst (inv isoU fam) = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam)
-  --   snd (inv isoU fam) = -- U (x) ≡ D(1)
-  --                        -- knowing that U(x/1)¸≡ D(1) in R[1/fᵢ]
-  --     let x = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam) in
-  --     isSeparatedZarLatFun R um (U .N-ob R x) (D R 1r)
-  --       λ i → let open UniversalProp (f i)
-  --                 instance _ = R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing .snd in
+    isoU : Iso (Σ[ x ∈ X .F-ob R .fst  ] U .N-ob R x ≡ D R 1r)
+               (CompatibleFamily ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ fᵢCoverR)
+    fun isoU = elementToCompatibleFamily _ _
+    fst (inv isoU fam) = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam)
+    snd (inv isoU fam) = -- U (x) ≡ D(1)
+                         -- knowing that U(x/1)¸≡ D(1) in R[1/fᵢ]
+      let x = isoX .inv (compatibleFamIncl fam) in
+      isSeparatedZarLatFun R um (U .N-ob R x) (D R 1r)
+        λ i → let open UniversalProp (f i)
+                  instance _ = R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing .snd in
-  --               inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (U .N-ob R x)
+                inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (U .N-ob R x)
-  --             ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (sym (U .N-hom /1AsCommRingHom)) x ⟩
+              ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (sym (U .N-hom /1AsCommRingHom)) x ⟩
-  --               U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (X .F-hom /1AsCommRingHom x)
+                U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (X .F-hom /1AsCommRingHom x)
-  --             ≡⟨ cong (U .N-ob R[1/ f i ]AsCommRing)
-  --                     (funExt⁻ (cong fst (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i) ⟩
+              ≡⟨ cong (U .N-ob R[1/ f i ]AsCommRing)
+                      (funExt⁻ (cong fst (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i) ⟩
-  --               U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (fam .fst i .fst)
+                U .N-ob R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing (fam .fst i .fst)
-  --             ≡⟨ fam .fst i .snd ⟩
+              ≡⟨ fam .fst i .snd ⟩
-  --               D R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing 1r
+                D R[1/ (f i) ]AsCommRing 1r
-  --             ≡⟨ sym (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .snd .pres1) ⟩
+              ≡⟨ sym (inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .snd .pres1) ⟩
-  --               inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (D R 1r) ∎
+                inducedZarLatHom /1AsCommRingHom .fst (D R 1r) ∎
-  --   rightInv isoU fam =
-  --     Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsCompatibleFamily _ _ _)
-  --       (funExt λ i → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
-  --                       (funExt⁻ (cong fst
-  --                         (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i))
-  --   leftInv isoU y = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
-  --                           (cong (isoX .inv) (compatibleFamIncl≡ y)
-  --                             ∙ isoX .leftInv (y .fst))
+    rightInv isoU fam =
+      Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsCompatibleFamily _ _ _)
+        (funExt λ i → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
+                        (funExt⁻ (cong fst
+                          (isoX .rightInv (compatibleFamIncl fam))) i))
+    leftInv isoU y = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
+                            (cong (isoX .inv) (compatibleFamIncl≡ y)
+                              ∙ isoX .leftInv (y .fst))
   -- definition of quasi-compact, quasi-separated schemes
@@ -634,7 +662,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   open Functor
   open NatTrans
   open NatIso
-  open isIso
+  open isIsoC
   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
   open IsRingHom
@@ -692,7 +720,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
   open Functor
   open NatTrans
   open NatIso
-  open isIso
+  open isIsoC
   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
   open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
@@ -724,7 +752,13 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
     isHomYoneda : IsLatticeHom (DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice R) .snd)
                                (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .inv)
                                (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) .snd)
-    isHomYoneda = {!!}
+    pres0 isHomYoneda = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ _ _ → refl))
+    pres1 isHomYoneda =
+      makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ _ φ → inducedZarLatHom φ .snd .pres1))
+    pres∨l isHomYoneda u v =
+      makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ _ φ → inducedZarLatHom φ .snd .pres∨l u v))
+    pres∧l isHomYoneda u v =
+      makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ _ φ → inducedZarLatHom φ .snd .pres∧l u v))
     module _ {n : ℕ}
              (f : FinVec (fst R) n)
@@ -755,9 +789,10 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
       makeAffineCover = toAffineCover f ⋁Df≡W
   hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine : hasAffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
-  hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine = {!!}
-  -- then use ⋁D≡ (merely covered by standard opens) → hasAffineCover ⟦W⟧
+  hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine = truncHelper ([]surjective w)
+    where
+    truncHelper : Σ[ n,f ∈ Σ ℕ (FinVec (fst R)) ] [ n,f ] ≡ w → AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    truncHelper ((n , f) , [n,f]≡w) = makeAffineCover f (ZL.⋁D≡ R f ∙ [n,f]≡w)

From 2e19a725f719491d499b803f94dfb4459921e4dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 14:13:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/37] finish

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 83 ++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 98c5b3e5d7..4c25b0d058 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -501,38 +501,35 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
                                      (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ)
     compOpenDownHom U = CompOpenDistLattice .F-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U)
-    -- termination issues
-    compOpenDownHomNatIso : {U V : CompactOpen X}
-                          → V ≤ U
-                          → NatIso ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    compOpenDownHomNatIso = {!!}
-    compOpenDownHomIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X}
-                        → V ≤ U
-                        → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    N-ob (compOpenDownHomIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) =
-      (x , path) , Vx≡D1
-      where
-      instance
-        _ = A .snd
-        _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
-        _ = DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)
-      path : U .N-ob A x ≡ D A 1r
-      path = U .N-ob A x                ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong N-ob (sym V≤U)) A) x ⟩
-             V .N-ob A x ∨l U .N-ob A x ≡⟨ cong (_∨l U .N-ob A x) Vx≡D1 ⟩
-             D A 1r ∨l U .N-ob A x      ≡⟨ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _ ⟩
-             D A 1r ∎
-    N-hom (compOpenDownHomIncl V≤U) φ =
-      funExt (λ x → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl))
-    isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} (V≤U : V ≤ U)
-                               (A : CommRing ℓ) → isIsoC (SET ℓ) (compOpenDownHomIncl V≤U .N-ob A)
-    inv (isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl V≤U A) ((x , Ux≡D1) , Vx≡D1) = x , Vx≡D1
-    sec (isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl V≤U A) = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl)
-    ret (isIsoCompOpenDownHomIncl V≤U A) = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl
+    -- termination issues!!!
+    -- I don't understand what's going on???
+    module _ {U V : CompactOpen X} (V≤U : V ≤ U) where
+      private
+        compOpenDownHomFun : (A : CommRing ℓ)
+                           → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ .F-ob A .fst
+                           → ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ .F-ob A .fst
+        compOpenDownHomFun A (x , Vx≡D1) = (x , path) , Vx≡D1
+          where
+          instance
+            _ = A .snd
+            _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
+            _ = DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)
+          path : U .N-ob A x ≡ D A 1r
+          path = U .N-ob A x                ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong N-ob (sym V≤U)) A) x ⟩
+                 V .N-ob A x ∨l U .N-ob A x ≡⟨ cong (_∨l U .N-ob A x) Vx≡D1 ⟩
+                 D A 1r ∨l U .N-ob A x      ≡⟨ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _ ⟩
+                 D A 1r ∎
+      compOpenDownHomNatIso : NatIso ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
+      N-ob (trans compOpenDownHomNatIso) = compOpenDownHomFun
+      N-hom (trans compOpenDownHomNatIso) _ =
+        funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl)
+      inv (nIso compOpenDownHomNatIso A) ((x , Ux≡D1) , Vx≡D1) = x , Vx≡D1
+      sec (nIso compOpenDownHomNatIso A) =
+        funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl)
+      ret (nIso compOpenDownHomNatIso A) = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl
+    -- code duplication!
     compOpenIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     N-ob (compOpenIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) = x , path
@@ -562,11 +559,6 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     F-id strDLSh = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) compOpenInclId ∙ 𝓞 .F-id
     F-seq strDLSh _ _ = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) (compOpenInclSeq _ _) ∙ 𝓞 .F-seq _ _
-    -- ⟦ U ⟧ → X → 𝓛 via V
-    -- compOpenRest : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → CompactOpen ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    -- N-ob (compOpenRest {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Ux≡D1) = V .N-ob A x
-    -- N-hom (compOpenRest V≤U) φ = funExt (λ x → {!!})
   -- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
   module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
     open AffineCover
@@ -776,25 +768,28 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
       isAffineU toAffineCover i =
         ∣ _ , seqNatIso (SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ R (f i)) (compOpenDownHomNatIso _ (Df≤W i)) ∣₁
-    module _ {n : ℕ}
-             (f : FinVec (fst R) n)
-             (⋁Df≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ f) ≡ w) where
+  module _ {n : ℕ}
+           (f : FinVec (fst R) n)
+           (⋁Df≡w : ⋁ (ZariskiLattice R) (ZL.D R ∘ f) ≡ w) where
+    private
       ⋁Df≡W : ⋁ (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ R ⟆ ⟆) (D R ∘ f) ≡ W
       ⋁Df≡W = sym (pres⋁ (_ , isHomYoneda) (ZL.D R ∘ f))
             ∙ cong (yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .inv) ⋁Df≡w
             ∙ yonedaᴾ ZarLatFun R .leftInv W
-      makeAffineCover : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
-      makeAffineCover = toAffineCover f ⋁Df≡W
+    makeAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine : AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    makeAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine = toAffineCover f ⋁Df≡W
   hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine : hasAffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
   hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine = truncHelper ([]surjective w)
     truncHelper : Σ[ n,f ∈ Σ ℕ (FinVec (fst R)) ] [ n,f ] ≡ w → AffineCover ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    truncHelper ((n , f) , [n,f]≡w) = makeAffineCover f (ZL.⋁D≡ R f ∙ [n,f]≡w)
+    truncHelper ((n , f) , [n,f]≡w) = makeAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine f (ZL.⋁D≡ R f ∙ [n,f]≡w)
+  isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine : isQcQsScheme ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
+  fst isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine = presLocalCompactOpen _ _ (isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage R)
+  snd isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine = hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine

From 9f024343409f9551bdead9a186bc38c59cc6f7f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 14:21:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/37] cleanup

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 108 +++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 4c25b0d058..cb230b7504 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -478,19 +478,6 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     open LatticeTheory ⦃...⦄
     private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X) .snd
-    record AffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
-      field
-        n : ℕ
-        U : FinVec (CompactOpen X) n
-        covers : ⋁ U ≡ 1l -- TODO: equivalent to X ≡ ⟦ ⋁ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
-        isAffineU : ∀ i → isAffineCompactOpen (U i)
-    hasAffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
-    hasAffineCover = ∥ AffineCover ∥₁
-    -- the structure sheaf
-    private COᵒᵖ = (DistLatticeCategory (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)) ^op
     compOpenGlobalIncl : (U : CompactOpen X) → ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ X
     N-ob (compOpenGlobalIncl U) A = fst
     N-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U) φ = refl
@@ -553,23 +540,35 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     compOpenInclSeq _ _ = makeNatTransPath
                             (funExt₂ (λ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl))
+    -- the structure sheaf
+    private COᵒᵖ = (DistLatticeCategory (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)) ^op
     strDLSh : Functor COᵒᵖ (CommRingsCategory {ℓ = ℓ-suc ℓ})
     F-ob strDLSh  U = 𝓞 .F-ob ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     F-hom strDLSh U≥V = 𝓞 .F-hom (compOpenIncl U≥V)
     F-id strDLSh = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) compOpenInclId ∙ 𝓞 .F-id
     F-seq strDLSh _ _ = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) (compOpenInclSeq _ _) ∙ 𝓞 .F-seq _ _
-  -- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
-  module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
-    open AffineCover
-    private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ A ⟆ ⟆) .snd
-    singlAffineCover : AffineCover (Sp .F-ob A)
-    n singlAffineCover = 1
-    U singlAffineCover zero = 1l
-    covers singlAffineCover = ∨lRid _
-    isAffineU singlAffineCover zero = ∣ A , compOpenTopNatIso (Sp ⟅ A ⟆) ∣₁
+  -- def. affine cover and locality for definition of qcqs-scheme
+  module _ (X : ℤFunctor) where
+    open isIsoC
+    open Join (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)
+    open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)))
+    open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd) hiding (_≤_)
+    open LatticeTheory ⦃...⦄
+    private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X) .snd
+    record AffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
+      field
+        n : ℕ
+        U : FinVec (CompactOpen X) n
+        covers : ⋁ U ≡ 1l -- TODO: equivalent to X ≡ ⟦ ⋁ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+        isAffineU : ∀ i → isAffineCompactOpen (U i)
+    hasAffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
+    hasAffineCover = ∥ AffineCover ∥₁
   -- qcqs-schemes as Zariski sheaves (local ℤ-functors) with an affine cover in the sense above
   isLocal : ℤFunctor → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
@@ -641,10 +640,23 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   isQcQsScheme : ℤFunctor → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
   isQcQsScheme X = isLocal X × hasAffineCover X
   -- affine schemes are qcqs-schemes
-  isQcQsSchemeAffine : ∀ (A : CommRing ℓ) → isQcQsScheme (Sp .F-ob A)
-  fst (isQcQsSchemeAffine A) = isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage A
-  snd (isQcQsSchemeAffine A) = ∣ singlAffineCover A ∣₁
+  module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
+    open AffineCover
+    private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ A ⟆ ⟆) .snd
+    -- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
+    singlAffineCover : AffineCover (Sp .F-ob A)
+    n singlAffineCover = 1
+    U singlAffineCover zero = 1l
+    covers singlAffineCover = ∨lRid _
+    isAffineU singlAffineCover zero = ∣ A , X≅⟦1⟧ (Sp ⟅ A ⟆) ∣₁
+    isQcQsSchemeAffine : isQcQsScheme (Sp .F-ob A)
+    fst isQcQsSchemeAffine = isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage A
+    snd isQcQsSchemeAffine = ∣ singlAffineCover ∣₁
 -- standard affine opens
 -- TODO: separate file?
@@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁
+-- compact opens of affine schemes are qcqs-schemes
 module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
   open Iso
@@ -790,48 +803,3 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
   isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine : isQcQsScheme ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
   fst isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine = presLocalCompactOpen _ _ (isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage R)
   snd isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine = hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine
-  -- 𝓛 separated presheaf:
-  -- For u w : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. ∀ i → uᵢ=wᵢ in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = w
-  -- where u ↦ uᵢ for 𝓛 A → 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]
-  -- Min: u : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. ∀ i → uᵢ=D1 in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = D1 in 𝓛 A
-  -- base case: u = Dg → have ∀ i → g/1 ∈ A[1/fᵢ]ˣ, need 1 ∈ √⟨g⟩ (g ∈ Aˣ)
-  -- g/1 ∈ A[1/fᵢ]ˣ → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨g⟩ → 1=∑aᵢfᵢ ∈ √⟨g⟩
-  -- i.e. fᵢᵐ=aᵢg
-  -- choose m big enough s.t. it becomes independent of i
-  -- lemma ⟨f₀ᵐ,...,fₙᵐ⟩=A:
-  -- 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢᵐ = ∑ bᵢaᵢg = (∑ aᵢbᵢ)g
-  -- u = D(g₁,...,gₖ) → ⟨g₁/1 ,..., gₖ/1 ⟩ = A[1/fᵢ]
-  -- 0 = A[1/fᵢ]/⟨g₁/1,...,gₖ/1⟩ =???= A/⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩[1/[fᵢ]] → fᵢⁿ=0 mod ⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩
-  -- 1/1 = ∑ aⱼ/fᵢⁿ gⱼ/1 → fᵢᵐ = ∑ aⱼgⱼ
-  -- use InvertingElementsBase.invElPropElimN to get uniform exponent
-  -- → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩ → 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩
-  -- 𝓛 sheaf: ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A → 𝓛 A = lim (↓ Dfᵢ) = lim (𝓛 A[1/fᵢ])
-  -- ⋁uᵢ=⊤ in L → L = lim (↓ uᵢ) = Σ[ vᵢ ≤ uᵢ ]  vᵢ ∧ uⱼ = vⱼ ∧ uᵢ
-  -- (↓ Dfᵢ) = 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]: Dg ≤ Dfᵢ ⇔ g ∈ √ ⟨fᵢ⟩ ⇔ fᵢ ∈ A[1/g]ˣ
-  -- ↓ Dfᵢ → 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]: Dg ≤ Dfᵢ ↦ D(g/1)
-  -- 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] → ↓ Dfᵢ: D(g/fᵢⁿ) ↦ Dg ∧ Dfᵢ = D(gfᵢ)
-  -- support A[1/fᵢ] → ↓ Dfᵢ given by g/fᵢⁿ ↦ Dg ∧ Dfᵢ = D(gfᵢ)
-  -- support A → A[1/fᵢ] → L gives (↓ Dfᵢ) ↪ 𝓛 A → L lattice hom!
-  -- have _∧Dfᵢ : 𝓛 A → ↓ Dfᵢ
-  -- U : CompactOpen X , isQcQsScheme X → isQcQsScheme ⟦U⟧
-  -- X=⋁Uᵢ affine covering → isQcQsScheme U∧Uᵢ →(lemma)→ isQcQsScheme U=⋁(U∧Uᵢ)

From e582d077b787fd1f761ce969305c3839b2ac9f63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:16:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/37] use inline ring solver

 Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda | 5 +----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
index e95011a5eb..4de676d2b3 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -101,11 +101,8 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
                → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
       fgHelper (α , 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0) = α zero , path
-        useSolver : ∀ f α₀ → f · α₀ ≡ α₀ · f + 0r
-        useSolver = solve R
         path : f · α zero ≡ 1r
-        path = f · α zero      ≡⟨ useSolver _ _ ⟩
+        path = f · α zero      ≡⟨ solve! R ⟩
                α zero · f + 0r ≡⟨ sym 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0 ⟩
                1r ^ n          ≡⟨ 1ⁿ≡1 n ⟩
                1r ∎

From a340591c60bad3617c6a5a1ee881c87f8bd10376 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:29:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/37] fix

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index cb230b7504..e675ba9007 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     n singlAffineCover = 1
     U singlAffineCover zero = 1l
     covers singlAffineCover = ∨lRid _
-    isAffineU singlAffineCover zero = ∣ A , X≅⟦1⟧ (Sp ⟅ A ⟆) ∣₁
+    isAffineU singlAffineCover zero = ∣ A , compOpenTopNatIso (Sp ⟅ A ⟆) ∣₁
     isQcQsSchemeAffine : isQcQsScheme (Sp .F-ob A)
     fst isQcQsSchemeAffine = isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage A

From e286103bc686a66980e8e0d3bf35af0fb106e163 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:34:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/37] more fixes

 Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
index ecdce68dce..9d86d30c23 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Site/Instances/ZariskiCommRing.agda
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
-open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ ; zero ; suc)
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ)
 open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
 open import Cubical.Data.FinData
-open import Cubical.Data.FinData.Order renaming (_<'Fin_ to _<_)
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
 open import Cubical.Categories.Category
-open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Terminal
 open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.CommRings
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Coverage
 open import Cubical.Categories.Site.Sheaf

From b43c46409c2a959049aab1dcf8d56a9ab30a5cf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:04:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/37] fix accidentally public module

manually cherry-picked from 93d52b57c6356b209b086fc9752445c05670b59e
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index e675ba9007..2bd90300fb 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -734,13 +734,12 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
   open IsLatticeHom
   open ZarLat
   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob (Sp .F-ob R)))) using (IndPoset; ind≤bigOp)
   open InvertingElementsBase R
   open Join
   open JoinMap
   open AffineCover
-  module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp
+  private module ZL = ZarLatUniversalProp

From 13cc5e80b1421a65a64d6729fece658128c5a461 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:12:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/37] avoid code duplication

manually cherry-picked from 73cc74aba2c0968c987e25d3a5d1855a7e1ec037
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 41 ++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 2bd90300fb..37d56666e3 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -482,6 +482,20 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
     N-ob (compOpenGlobalIncl U) A = fst
     N-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U) φ = refl
+    compOpenIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
+    N-ob (compOpenIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) = x , path
+      where
+      instance
+        _ = A .snd
+        _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
+        _ = DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)
+      path : U .N-ob A x ≡ D A 1r
+      path = U .N-ob A x                ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong N-ob (sym V≤U)) A) x ⟩
+             V .N-ob A x ∨l U .N-ob A x ≡⟨ cong (_∨l U .N-ob A x) Vx≡D1 ⟩
+             D A 1r ∨l U .N-ob A x      ≡⟨ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _ ⟩
+             D A 1r ∎
+    N-hom (compOpenIncl V≤U) φ = funExt λ x → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl
     -- this is essentially U∧_
     compOpenDownHom : (U : CompactOpen X)
                     → DistLatticeHom (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)
@@ -495,17 +509,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
         compOpenDownHomFun : (A : CommRing ℓ)
                            → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ .F-ob A .fst
                            → ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ .F-ob A .fst
-        compOpenDownHomFun A (x , Vx≡D1) = (x , path) , Vx≡D1
-          where
-          instance
-            _ = A .snd
-            _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
-            _ = DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)
-          path : U .N-ob A x ≡ D A 1r
-          path = U .N-ob A x                ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong N-ob (sym V≤U)) A) x ⟩
-                 V .N-ob A x ∨l U .N-ob A x ≡⟨ cong (_∨l U .N-ob A x) Vx≡D1 ⟩
-                 D A 1r ∨l U .N-ob A x      ≡⟨ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _ ⟩
-                 D A 1r ∎
+        compOpenDownHomFun A v = (compOpenIncl V≤U ⟦ A ⟧) v , snd v
       compOpenDownHomNatIso : NatIso ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⟦ compOpenDownHom U .fst V ⟧ᶜᵒ
       N-ob (trans compOpenDownHomNatIso) = compOpenDownHomFun
@@ -516,21 +520,6 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
         funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl)
       ret (nIso compOpenDownHomNatIso A) = funExt λ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl
-    -- code duplication!
-    compOpenIncl : {U V : CompactOpen X} → V ≤ U → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
-    N-ob (compOpenIncl {U = U} {V = V} V≤U) A (x , Vx≡D1) = x , path
-      where
-      instance
-        _ = A .snd
-        _ = ZariskiLattice A .snd
-        _ = DistLattice→Lattice (ZariskiLattice A)
-      path : U .N-ob A x ≡ D A 1r
-      path = U .N-ob A x                ≡⟨ funExt⁻ (funExt⁻ (cong N-ob (sym V≤U)) A) x ⟩
-             V .N-ob A x ∨l U .N-ob A x ≡⟨ cong (_∨l U .N-ob A x) Vx≡D1 ⟩
-             D A 1r ∨l U .N-ob A x      ≡⟨ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _ ⟩
-             D A 1r ∎
-    N-hom (compOpenIncl V≤U) φ = funExt λ x → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl
     compOpenInclId : ∀ {U : CompactOpen X} → compOpenIncl (is-refl U) ≡ idTrans ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
     compOpenInclId = makeNatTransPath (funExt₂ (λ _ _ → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → squash/ _ _) refl))

From 05bec8785e77fcd348defab8f745ac4e4ec51919 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:16:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/37] improve comment

manually cherry-picked from 2c4d6d13f1d60ab2cf334cd6a5255b4df418216c
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 37d56666e3..1c0e7b7174 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -502,9 +502,9 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
                                      (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ)
     compOpenDownHom U = CompOpenDistLattice .F-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U)
-    -- termination issues!!!
-    -- I don't understand what's going on???
     module _ {U V : CompactOpen X} (V≤U : V ≤ U) where
+      -- We need this separate definition to avoid termination checker issues,
+      -- but we don't understand why.
         compOpenDownHomFun : (A : CommRing ℓ)
                            → ⟦ V ⟧ᶜᵒ .F-ob A .fst

From 78b463c331ff1f26ebee1165ba1f888c2f75b1ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:18:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/37] slightly improve comment

 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index 1c0e7b7174..da875ca8e4 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
   open ZarLat
   open ZarLatUniversalProp
-  -- the Zariski lattice classifying compact open subobjects
+  -- the Zariski lattice functor classifying compact open subobjects
   ZarLatFun : ℤFunctor {ℓ = ℓ}
   F-ob ZarLatFun A = ZL A , SQ.squash/
   F-hom ZarLatFun φ = inducedZarLatHom φ .fst

From 855146be343536de1fe6fcb489538ba6d9cb6e65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:20:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/37] named module StandardOpens

manually cherry-picked from d41b1781fcc273fe3445bf10be23e895c29f3939
 Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
index da875ca8e4..faec14ebef 100644
--- a/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
 -- standard affine opens
 -- TODO: separate file?
-module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
+module StandardOpens {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   open Iso
   open Functor
@@ -710,6 +710,8 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
 -- compact opens of affine schemes are qcqs-schemes
 module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
+  open StandardOpens
   open Iso
   open Functor
   open NatTrans

From 0e100d78a5951004101530fbd968410f05db20e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:09:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/37] indent by two spaces

 .../Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda        | 32 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
index 50d6f9b6ab..8687e58706 100644
--- a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
@@ -75,19 +75,19 @@ Poset→StrictPoset (_ , pos)
 module PosetDownset (P' : Poset ℓ ℓ') where
- private P = fst P'
- open PosetStr (snd P')
- ↓ : P → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
- ↓ u = Σ[ v ∈ P ] v ≤ u
- ↓ᴾ : P → Poset (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'
- fst (↓ᴾ u) = ↓ u
- PosetStr._≤_ (snd (↓ᴾ u)) v w = v .fst ≤ w .fst
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) =
-   isSetΣSndProp is-set λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ = is-prop-valued _ _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ = is-refl _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ _ = is-trans _ _ _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ v≤w w≤v =
-   Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (is-antisym _ _ v≤w w≤v)
+  private P = fst P'
+  open PosetStr (snd P')
+  ↓ : P → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
+  ↓ u = Σ[ v ∈ P ] v ≤ u
+  ↓ᴾ : P → Poset (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'
+  fst (↓ᴾ u) = ↓ u
+  PosetStr._≤_ (snd (↓ᴾ u)) v w = v .fst ≤ w .fst
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) =
+    isSetΣSndProp is-set λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ = is-prop-valued _ _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ = is-refl _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ _ = is-trans _ _ _
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ v≤w w≤v =
+    Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (is-antisym _ _ v≤w w≤v)

From 87db220f5e30150031347793dc123117b1f58684 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:35:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/37] less whitespace

 Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
index 8687e58706..d99bae864b 100644
--- a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ Poset→StrictPoset (_ , pos)
                        (isPoset→isStrictPosetIrreflKernel (PosetStr.isPoset pos))
 module PosetDownset (P' : Poset ℓ ℓ') where
   private P = fst P'
   open PosetStr (snd P')

From 76d4035876bd07bb2dc6825b95c3738168a0722c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:09:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 27/37] avoid duplication in PosetDownset

 Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda | 12 +++++-------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
index d99bae864b..a3122fb1ca 100644
--- a/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Relation/Binary/Order/Poset/Properties.agda
@@ -83,10 +83,8 @@ module PosetDownset (P' : Poset ℓ ℓ') where
   ↓ᴾ : P → Poset (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'
   fst (↓ᴾ u) = ↓ u
   PosetStr._≤_ (snd (↓ᴾ u)) v w = v .fst ≤ w .fst
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) =
-    isSetΣSndProp is-set λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ = is-prop-valued _ _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ = is-refl _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ _ = is-trans _ _ _
- (PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u))) _ _ v≤w w≤v =
-    Σ≡Prop (λ _ → is-prop-valued _ _) (is-antisym _ _ v≤w w≤v)
+  PosetStr.isPoset (snd (↓ᴾ u)) =
+    isPosetInduced
+      (PosetStr.isPoset (snd P'))
+      _
+      (EmbeddingΣProp (λ a → is-prop-valued _ _))

From 56e25824c40f8a98d49cc19157f7922053fe7e9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:37:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 28/37] fix copy-paste errors in comment

 Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
index 1d5dfca316..7b68a1a81b 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- define ⋁ and ⋀ as the bigOps of a Ring when interpreted
--- as an additive/multiplicative monoid
+-- define ⋁ and ⋀ as the bigOps of a DistLattice when interpreted
+-- as a join/meet semilattice
 {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
 module Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps where

From fbe4f93938d399750e0b9d45d9f344553eda8921 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:55:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 29/37] cleanup JoinMap

 Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda | 7 +------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
index 7b68a1a81b..1586f3b7f0 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
@@ -110,17 +110,12 @@ module Join (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
 module JoinMap {L : DistLattice ℓ} {L' : DistLattice ℓ'} (φ : DistLatticeHom L L') where
   private module L = Join L
   private module L' = Join L'
-  open IsLatticeHom (φ .snd)
-  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
-  open Join
   open BigOpMap (LatticeHom→JoinSemilatticeHom φ)
-  private instance
-    _ = L .snd
-    _ = L' .snd
   pres⋁ : {n : ℕ} (U : FinVec ⟨ L ⟩ n) → φ .fst (L.⋁ U) ≡ L'.⋁ (φ .fst ∘ U)
   pres⋁ = presBigOp
 module Meet (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
   L = fst L'

From c051569762058dc5961b6a7cb4e4b7455486fafe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:36:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 30/37] don't re-prove monoid lemmas

 Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda        | 18 +++---------------
 Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
index 4b28da2f88..e1c812c59c 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
@@ -48,23 +48,11 @@ module LatticeTheory (L' : Lattice ℓ) where
   1lRightAnnihilates∨l : ∀ (x : L) → x ∨l 1l ≡ 1l
   1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ = ∨lComm _ _ ∙ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _
-  ∧lCommAssocl : ∀ x y z → x ∧l (y ∧l z) ≡ y ∧l (x ∧l z)
-  ∧lCommAssocl x y z = ∧lAssoc x y z ∙∙ congL _∧l_ (∧lComm x y) ∙∙ sym (∧lAssoc y x z)
-  ∧lCommAssocr : ∀ x y z → (x ∧l y) ∧l z ≡ (x ∧l z) ∧l y
-  ∧lCommAssocr x y z = sym (∧lAssoc x y z) ∙∙ congR _∧l_ (∧lComm y z) ∙∙ ∧lAssoc x z y
-  ∧lCommAssocr2 : ∀ x y z → (x ∧l y) ∧l z ≡ (z ∧l y) ∧l x
-  ∧lCommAssocr2 x y z = ∧lCommAssocr _ _ _ ∙∙ congL _∧l_ (∧lComm _ _) ∙∙ ∧lCommAssocr _ _ _
-  ∧lCommAssocSwap : ∀ x y z w → (x ∧l y) ∧l (z ∧l w) ≡ (x ∧l z) ∧l (y ∧l w)
-  ∧lCommAssocSwap x y z w =
-    ∧lAssoc (x ∧l y) z w ∙∙ congL _∧l_ (∧lCommAssocr x y z) ∙∙ sym (∧lAssoc (x ∧l z) y w)
+  module ∧l where
+    open CommMonoidTheory (Semilattice→CommMonoid (Lattice→MeetSemilattice L')) public
   ∧lLdist∧l : ∀ x y z → x ∧l (y ∧l z) ≡ (x ∧l y) ∧l (x ∧l z)
-  ∧lLdist∧l x y z = congL _∧l_ (sym (∧lIdem _)) ∙ ∧lCommAssocSwap x x y z
+  ∧lLdist∧l x y z = congL _∧l_ (sym (∧lIdem _)) ∙ ∧l.commAssocSwap x x y z
 module Order (L' : Lattice ℓ) where
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
index 4de676d2b3..7214241ffb 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ module LocDownSetIso (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
     locEqPowerLemma r fⁿ fⁿIsPow =
       D R f ∧l D R (r · fⁿ)      ≡⟨ cong (D R f ∧l_) (isSupportD R .·≡∧ _ _) ⟩
       D R f ∧l (D R r ∧l D R fⁿ) ≡⟨ ∧lAssoc (D R f) (D R r) (D R fⁿ) ⟩
-      (D R f ∧l D R r) ∧l D R fⁿ ≡⟨ ∧lCommAssocr (D R f) (D R r) (D R fⁿ) ⟩
+      (D R f ∧l D R r) ∧l D R fⁿ ≡⟨ ∧l.commAssocr (D R f) (D R r) (D R fⁿ) ⟩
       (D R f ∧l D R fⁿ) ∧l D R r ≡⟨ cong (_∧l D R r) (powerLemma _ fⁿIsPow) ⟩
       D R f ∧l D R r ∎

From cc9b29419c71cb3631de7c195d451d3e2056829c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:42:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 31/37] slightly clearer comment

 Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
index e1c812c59c..9e59a5dfec 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module Order (L' : Lattice ℓ) where
  IndPosetPath : JoinPoset ≡ MeetPoset
  IndPosetPath = PosetPath _ _ .fst ((idEquiv _) , isposetequiv ≤Equiv )
- -- transport inequalities from ≤m to ≤j
+ -- transport some inequalities from ≤m to ≤j
  ∧lIsMinJoin : ∀ x y z → z ≤j x → z ≤j y → z ≤j x ∧l y
  ∧lIsMinJoin _ _ _ z≤jx z≤jy = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧lIsMin _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ z≤jx) (≤j→≤m _ _ z≤jy))

From 758e50f20d85a727063b8b6a2dc7af0b26c8c1bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:48:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 32/37] polish module definition

 Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
index 9e59a5dfec..7051f72a54 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/Lattice/Properties.agda
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ module LatticeTheory (L' : Lattice ℓ) where
   1lRightAnnihilates∨l : ∀ (x : L) → x ∨l 1l ≡ 1l
   1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ = ∨lComm _ _ ∙ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _
-  module ∧l where
-    open CommMonoidTheory (Semilattice→CommMonoid (Lattice→MeetSemilattice L')) public
+  -- Provide an interface to CommMonoid lemmas about _∧l_.
+  module ∧l = CommMonoidTheory (Semilattice→CommMonoid (Lattice→MeetSemilattice L'))
   ∧lLdist∧l : ∀ x y z → x ∧l (y ∧l z) ≡ (x ∧l y) ∧l (x ∧l z)
   ∧lLdist∧l x y z = congL _∧l_ (sym (∧lIdem _)) ∙ ∧l.commAssocSwap x x y z

From 04644091aef1c7a7835b5142fade4ac1d16f5d52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:20:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 33/37] cleanup imports

 .../Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda    | 31 +++----------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
index 7214241ffb..f552208598 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -4,51 +4,32 @@ module Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Properties where
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
 open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (ℙ ; ⊆-refl-consequence)
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (ℙ)
                                          renaming (_∈_ to _∈ₚ_ ; ∈-isProp to ∈ₚ-isProp)
-import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
-open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
-open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming ( _+_ to _+ℕ_ ; _·_ to _·ℕ_ ; _^_ to _^ℕ_
-                                      ; +-comm to +ℕ-comm ; +-assoc to +ℕ-assoc
-                                      ; ·-assoc to ·ℕ-assoc ; ·-comm to ·ℕ-comm
-                                      ; ·-identityʳ to ·ℕ-rid)
-open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ)
 open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties
 open import Cubical.Data.FinData
-open import Cubical.Data.Unit
-open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
-open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
 open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
-open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
-open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties
-open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Localisation
-open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.BinomialThm
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
 open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.RadicalIdeal
-open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection
+open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
-open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Basis
-open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps
 open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Downset
-open import Cubical.Algebra.Matrix
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.Base
 open import Cubical.Algebra.ZariskiLattice.UniversalProperty
 open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
-open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
+import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
 private variable ℓ : Level
@@ -59,15 +40,11 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
   open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
-  open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R)
-  open Sum (CommRing→Ring R)
   open CommRingTheory R
   open Exponentiation R
-  open BinomialThm R
   open CommIdeal R
   open RadicalIdeal R
   open isCommIdeal
-  open ProdFin R
   open ZarLat R
   open ZarLatUniversalProp R

From bec3d8146ae6b6bc902e187acc4c5efdf56705aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:42:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 34/37] cleanup some more

 Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda | 8 --------
 1 file changed, 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
index f552208598..3982a65bf6 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -37,18 +37,14 @@ private variable ℓ : Level
 module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
   open Iso
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
-  open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
   open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
-  open CommRingTheory R
   open Exponentiation R
   open CommIdeal R
   open RadicalIdeal R
-  open isCommIdeal
   open ZarLat R
   open ZarLatUniversalProp R
-  open IsSupport isSupportD
   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice ZariskiLattice))
        using (IndPoset)
@@ -56,7 +52,6 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
       _ = R .snd
-      _ = ZariskiLattice .snd
       _ = IndPoset .snd
     ⟨_⟩ : {n : ℕ} → FinVec (fst R) n → CommIdeal
@@ -87,12 +82,10 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
 module LocDownSetIso (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
-  open Iso
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
   open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
   open PosetStr ⦃...⦄
-  open Exponentiation R
   open InvertingElementsBase R
   open UniversalProp f
@@ -112,7 +105,6 @@ module LocDownSetIso (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
       _ = R .snd
-      _ = R[1/ f ]AsCommRing .snd
       _ = ZariskiLattice R .snd
       _ = ZLRPoset .snd

From d4d2196b1c2bc00bff50db7cf671bb038ad6b4b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Hutzler <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:42:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 35/37] forgotten while renaming ZarMap -> Support

 Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
index cfd480deab..4355fe899c 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/UniversalProperty.agda
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
   L = fst L'
  record IsSupport (d : R → L) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
-  constructor iszarmap
+  constructor issupport
    pres0 : d 0r ≡ 0l
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module _ (R' : CommRing ℓ) (L' : DistLattice ℓ') where
   supportExpIneq zero x = cong (d x ∨l_) pres1 ∙∙ 1lRightAnnihilates∨l _ ∙∙ sym pres1
   supportExpIneq (suc n) x = subst (λ y → d x ≤ y) (sym (supportIdem _ x)) (∨lIdem _)
-  -- the crucial lemma about "Zariski maps"
+  -- the crucial lemma about support maps
   open CommIdeal R'
   open RadicalIdeal R'
   open isCommIdeal

From ddc4fa53198b8eb3c3bd8b0cb55c1680648d3e93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 09:04:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/37] upstream 1 lemmas

 Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/FGIdeal.agda          | 13 +++++++++++++
 Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/RadicalIdeal.agda     |  6 ++++--
 Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda | 16 +---------------
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/FGIdeal.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/FGIdeal.agda
index 446c9bd131..9334f69c1b 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/FGIdeal.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/FGIdeal.agda
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
 open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using () renaming ( _∈_ to _∈ₚ_
+                                                           ; ∈-isProp to ∈ₚ-isProp)
 open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
 open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
@@ -431,3 +433,14 @@ module GeneratingPowers (R' : CommRing ℓ) (n : ℕ) where
    path = linearCombination R' α U ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) ≡⟨ cong (_^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)) (sym p) ⟩
           1r ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)                       ≡⟨ 1ⁿ≡1 ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) ⟩
           1r ∎
+-- principal ideals containing 1 are generated by units
+module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} {f : fst R} where
+  private ⟨f⟩ = ⟨ replicateFinVec 1 f ⟩[ R ]
+  open CommRingStr (snd R)
+  open CommIdeal R
+  containsOne→Unit : 1r ∈ ⟨f⟩ → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
+  containsOne→Unit = PT.rec (∈ₚ-isProp (R ˣ) f)
+                       λ (α , 1≡α₀f+0) → α zero , solve! R ∙ sym 1≡α₀f+0
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/RadicalIdeal.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/RadicalIdeal.agda
index 0fdabfb3e7..16faf4c575 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/RadicalIdeal.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/CommRing/RadicalIdeal.agda
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.RadicalIdeal where
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (⊆-isProp)
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (⊆-isProp ; ∈-isProp)
 open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
 open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ module RadicalIdeal (R' : CommRing ℓ) where
  ∈→∈√ : ∀ (I : CommIdeal) (x : R) → x ∈ I → x ∈ √ I
  ∈→∈√ I _ x∈I = ∣ 1 , subst-∈ I (sym (·IdR _)) x∈I ∣₁
+ -- inverse direction holds for 1
+ 1∈√→1∈ : ∀ (I : CommIdeal) → 1r ∈ √ I → 1r ∈ I
+ 1∈√→1∈ I = PT.rec (∈-isProp (fst I) _) λ (n , 1ⁿ∈I) → subst-∈ I (1ⁿ≡1 n) 1ⁿ∈I
  -- important lemma for characterization of the Zariski lattice
  open KroneckerDelta (CommRing→Ring R')
diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
index 3982a65bf6..ba9813b866 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/ZariskiLattice/Properties.agda
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
     ⟨ V ⟩ = ⟨ V ⟩[ R ]
   unitLemmaZarLat : ∀ f → D f ≡ D 1r → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
-  unitLemmaZarLat f Df≡D1 = PT.rec (∈ₚ-isProp (R ˣ) f) radicalHelper 1∈√⟨f⟩
+  unitLemmaZarLat f Df≡D1 = containsOne→Unit  (1∈√→1∈ _ 1∈√⟨f⟩)
     D1≤Df : D 1r ≤ D f
     D1≤Df = subst (_≤ D f) Df≡D1 (is-refl _)
@@ -66,20 +66,6 @@ module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
     1∈√⟨f⟩ : 1r ∈ √ ⟨ replicateFinVec 1 f ⟩
     1∈√⟨f⟩ = isEquivRel→effectiveIso ∼PropValued ∼EquivRel _ _ .fun D1≤Df .fst zero
-    radicalHelper : Σ[ n ∈  ℕ ] 1r ^ n ∈ ⟨ replicateFinVec 1 f ⟩ → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
-    radicalHelper (n , 1ⁿ∈⟨f⟩) = PT.rec (∈ₚ-isProp (R ˣ) f) fgHelper 1ⁿ∈⟨f⟩
-      where
-      fgHelper : Σ[ α ∈ FinVec (fst R) 1 ] 1r ^ n ≡ linearCombination R α (replicateFinVec 1 f)
-               → f ∈ₚ R ˣ
-      fgHelper (α , 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0) = α zero , path
-        where
-        path : f · α zero ≡ 1r
-        path = f · α zero      ≡⟨ solve! R ⟩
-               α zero · f + 0r ≡⟨ sym 1ⁿ≡α₀f+0 ⟩
-               1r ^ n          ≡⟨ 1ⁿ≡1 n ⟩
-               1r ∎
 module LocDownSetIso (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄

From ef4ae22842f8d581b2bc80f048ba05387624ed60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzeuner <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 11:58:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 37/37] meet map

 Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
index 1586f3b7f0..9f8f844741 100644
--- a/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
+++ b/Cubical/Algebra/DistLattice/BigOps.agda
@@ -154,3 +154,12 @@ module Meet (L' : DistLattice ℓ) where
  ⋀Join1r : ∀ {n} → (V : FinVec L n) → ⋀ (λ i → 1l ∨l V i) ≡ 1l
  ⋀Join1r V = sym (⋀Joinrdist 1l V) ∙ 1lLeftAnnihilates∨l _
+module MeetMap {L : DistLattice ℓ} {L' : DistLattice ℓ'} (φ : DistLatticeHom L L') where
+  private module L = Meet L
+  private module L' = Meet L'
+  open BigOpMap (LatticeHom→MeetSemilatticeHom φ)
+  pres⋀ : {n : ℕ} (U : FinVec ⟨ L ⟩ n) → φ .fst (L.⋀ U) ≡ L'.⋀ (φ .fst ∘ U)
+  pres⋀ = presBigOp