This document describes how to run your own node for test network (testnet) or main network (mainnet).
- CPU with 4 cores or more
- 8GB RAM or more
- At least 500GB free disk space
- Any operating system that supports Docker
- Installed docker & docker-compose (How to install on ubuntu-like systems
- Installed git (
apt-get install git
on ubuntu-like systems)
mkdir -p ~/agr
cd ~/agr
git clone .
Please make sure that you are inside the directory where AGR is installed. Go to the Docker directory:
cd ./Docker
First, copy the config.sample.testnet.ini to config.ini, using the following command:
cp config.sample.testnet.ini config.ini
Run testnet docker-containers:
sudo docker volume create nodagr-data-volume
sudo docker volume create kagrd-data-volume
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.testnet.yml up -d
Check that node is running:
curl ''
This command should output information about blockchain. For example:
First you need to generate AGR key-pair and account. You may do it within AGR Wallet desktop application:
Do not share your private key with anyone!
Make sure that you have next:
- Your account name
- Public key (started with AGR)
- Private key
Copy the config.sample.ini to config.ini, using the following command:
cp config.sample.ini config.ini
Edit next parameters in the config.ini file:
- signature-provider = <public_key>=KEY:<private_key> - uncomment line and write your public and private key here
- producer-name = <your_account_name> - enter your account name here
Run mainnet docker-containers:
sudo docker volume create nodagr-data-volume
sudo docker volume create kagrd-data-volume
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Check that node is running:
curl ''
This command should output information about blockchain. For example:
To make your node available for other nodes, you should allow next ports in your firewall:
- 9876 (TCP and UDP)
- 8888 (TCP only)
You can check that all containers are running using the following command:
sudo docker ps
Output should looks like this:
bc102b6e90aa mongo "docker-entrypoint.s…" 44 hours ago Up 44 hours 27017/tcp docker_mongodb_1
c2e6dd779e65 agrio/agr "/opt/agrio/bin/kagr…" 44 hours ago Up 44 hours docker_kagrd_1
7d07e5319daf agrio/agr "/opt/agrio/bin/noda…" 44 hours ago Up 44 hours>8888/tcp,>9876/tcp docker_nodagrd_1
It means that all 3 containers are running:
- docker_mongodb_1
- docker_kagrd_1
- docker_nodagrd_1
If you don't see any of this containers, it means that something went wrong.
You can just try to run specific container again. For example docker_nodagrd_1:
sudo docker start docker_nodagrd_1
If after this container did not apear in the list, then you need see logs for detailed information. For example if you need logs for docker_nodagrd_1, run this command:
sudo docker logs docker_nodagrd_1 --tail 200
For any questions you can contact us using e-mail [email protected].