This is the code developed for the following research projects:
Montero, A., Méndez-Díaz, I., & Miranda-Bront, J. J (2023). Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates via branch-and-cut. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 100121.
Montero, A., Méndez-Díaz, I., & Miranda-Bront, J. J (2020). An Integer Programming approach for the Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates and completion time minimization. International Conference on Computational Logistics 2020 (ICCL 2020), Twente, Netherlands (virtual).
The problem instances reported in the aforementioned projects are included in the data folder. There is a folder for each of the following TSP-rd variants, both with completion-time and distance minimization:
- TSP-rd: Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates
- CTSP-rd: Capacitated Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates
- PC-TSP-rd: Prize-Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates
The following dependencies are needed:
- Boost C++ libraries
- CPLEX 12.9
- Hopscotch-map
- Concorde TSP Solver (already included)
- JSON for Modern C++ (already included)
Finally, you need to execute 'make' in the 'common/concorde' folder first, and only then in the 'algorithms' folder. Please, review and adjust the corresponding makefiles as needed.
That's all — have fun!
P.S. Use at your own risk. We make no guarantees about the correctness or usefulness of this code.