Summary info | Content, links |
Tech name (project ID) | Mixed-variable BO (R02.1)1 |
Current Level | 4 (link to prior level cards) |
Owner(s) | Gunes Baydin |
Reviewer(s) | Yarin Gal |
Main project page | (link to e.g. team's internal wiki page) |
Req's, V&V docs | (link, if not on main page above) |
Code repo & docs | (link to Github etc) |
Ethics checks? | WIP: link to MVBO checklist |
Coupled components | R04.1, P13.2 |
TL;DR — MVBO is a novel Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm for the efficient optimization of mixed-variable functions (which may represent a real-world system, data-driven model, or other parameterized process).
link to full R&D requirements doc (there is not yet a product req's doc)
- The algorithm shall jointly optimize discrete and continuous variables.
- The BO approach shall be useful for hyperparameter optimization of data-driven models.
- The BO approach shall effectively model and tune mechanistic equations (of physical systems).
- The algorithm shall have a total runtime at least 1-2 order of magnitude faster than the end-to-end system/function.
- The method shall be transparent to surface info such as quantified uncertainties, bounds, etc.
Extra notes: Req's are intentionally succinct and specific to the mixed-variable alg variant we're developing, ignoring generic BO items that are well-studied/validated.
A Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm — a probabilsitic scheme for finding optimal parameters of a typically black-box, expensive function or system — but modified for mixed-variable settings: Our variation "mixed-variable BO" (MVBO) is for settings that have both discrete and continuous variables to optimize jointly.
Implementation notes:
- Gaussian process surrogate model, with standard RBF kernel
- Thompson sampling scheme, which we run until converging to a local optimum
- Implementation leverages the standard BO libraries GPyTorch and BoTorch.
Extra notes: Our working definition of Bayesian Optimization (BO): The objective is to select and gather the most informative (possibly noisy) observations for finding the global maximum of an unknown, highly complex (e.g., non-convex, no closed-form expression or derivatives) objective function modelled by a GP given a sampling budget (e.g., number of costly function evaluations). The rewards (informativeness measure) are defined using an improvement-based (e.g. probability of improvement or expected improvement over currently found maximum), entropy-based, or upper confidence bound (UCB) acquisition function.
- Optimize the parameters of an expensive, black-box function
with constraints. - This algorithm is specifically useful when
is mixed-variable: contains both discrete and continuous variables to optimize. - ML model parameter tuning is a common example for BO. With this MVBO we can tune the hyperparameters of a convnet: continuous variables (e.g. learning rate, momentum) and discrete variables (e.g. kernel size, stride, padding), subject to constraints – some combos of kernel/stride/padding lead to invalid networks.
- Other applications include optimization in sensor placement / array design.
Extra notes: MVBO use-cases are still exploratory, as this began at Level 1 without a specific application area in mind.
- Low-level tests verify the algorithm can find solutions for simple mixed-variable functions
- Tests verify the algorithm converges for standard BO problems
- There are several unit tests on the BO loop, but more are needed (notably for diverse parameter sets)
- MVBO algorithm converges to solution on optimization benchmark problems in 1.0s or less on 4-core CPU.
Extra notes: Base BO tests are assumed valid from the source BoTorch and GPyTorch repositories
Benchmark experiments have been run on standard optimization benchmarks (e.g. Branin Hoo functions) and also newer ML-based benchmarks:
Given the code refactoring at this stage to interface with (and extend) PyTorch-based BO libraries (BoTorch and GPyTorch), the MVBO implementation expects PyTorch-based data structures and data handlers.
There has not yet been extensive testing on noisy and sparse datasets, which should be done in the context of applications at later stages.
- We have not yet run experiments to fully understand the algorithm relative to other BO components – e.g. GP vs RF as surrogate models.
- For most BO problems you are best off starting with default algorithms (see BoTorch)
What was accomplished, and by who?
Investigated the algorithm's fundamental properties for efficiently navigating solution spaces of BO benchmark problems of mixed-variable domains. Codebase refactored to (1) follow spec and extend industry standard libs BoTorch and GPyTorch, and (2) include automated unit test suite. See link to experiments page w/ plots.
What was punted and/or de-scoped?
What was learned?
- Algorithm behaves similar to two (coupled) EI acquisition functions.
- Convergence properties satisfied, on par w/ existing BO algorithms for computational efficiency: link to notebook of results.
What tech debt what gained? Mitigated?
- Moved code from team sandbox (research-caliber) to mainline R&D repo, with sufficient unit tests (over MVBO), integration tests (with BoTorch and GPyTorch), and lightweight synthetic test data generators.
Note the ID convention shown is arbitrary — we use
for research,02
for some index on the team's projects, and1
for a version of the project. ↩