You can install Acumatica sites via their installer then their wizard. This way present some disadvantages :
1️⃣ If you are creating multiples sites with the same configuration always, wizard can be boring and taking a lot of time to put the same infos again and again.
2️⃣ When you delete acumatica site, multiple artefacts are not properly deleted (database, files, app-pool, etc.)
AcuWebSiteManager is a global tool tackling those issues :
1️⃣ Edit site infos once (through xml file) and install multiple times without editing infos everytime
2️⃣ Remove properly acumatica site whenever you want (all files, database, app-pool are removed)
First of all you need to install AcuWebSiteManager : dotnet tool install -g AcuWebSiteManager --ignore-failed-sources
Second you could use :
⚡ either your acumatica installation path and acumatica wizard to build xml file adapted to your usage
⚡ or follow the below steps :
✅ Download archive (containing installation files for 20R2-200)
✅ Unzip archive in some folder on your disk (for example C:\Acumatica\20R2-200)
✅ Edit 20R2-200.xml and modify values for tags :
<dbsrvname Value="PUT-YOUR-SERVER-NAME" Description="Database Server Name" />
<dbname Value="PUT-YOUR-DATABASE-NAME" Description="Database Name" />
<upass Value="PUT-YOUR-SITE-PASSWORD" Description="Instance Password" />
<iname Value="PUT-YOUR-SITE-NAME" Description="Instance Name" />
<ipath Value="PUT-YOUR-ACUMATICA-INSTALL-PATH" Description="Instance Physical Files Path" />
<svirtdir Value="PUT-YOUR-VIRTUAL-DIR-NAME" Description="Virtual Directory Name" />
<spool Value="PUT-YOUR-APP-POOL-NAME" Description="Application Pool Name" />
Now, that you have acumatica installation files for some version (20R2-200, etc.) and you have xml file prepared, you can run the following commands :
📌 To create instance site tape
AcuWebSiteManager CreateSite -x "C:\Acumatica\20R2-200\20R2-200.xml"
📌 To delete instance site tape
AcuWebSiteManager DeleteSite -x "C:\Acumatica\20R2-200\20R2-200.xml"
📌 To list instance sites tape
AcuWebSiteManager ListSites
AcuWebSiteManager provides some others commands in order to manipulate databases
📌 To export database to bacpac file tape
AcuWebSiteManager ExportDb -s "SERVER-NAME" -d "DATABASE-NAME" -f "BACPAC-FILE-PATH"
📌 To import database from bacpac file tape
AcuWebSiteManager ImportDb -s "SERVER-NAME" -d "DATABASE-NAME" -f "BACPAC-FILE-PATH"
Note : You should run commands in administrator terminal mode in order to give the tool read/write permissions to :
You find bellow a complete example of xml file (the format is specific to acumatica)
📌 Only the tag
does not exist in the default acumatica xml file (this tag is custom toAcuWebSiteManager tool
)📌 The tag
is optional, if the tagupass
is missedAcuWebSiteManager tool
will useAcumatica
as default password
<configmode Value="NewInstance" Description="Configuration Mode" />
<saasmode Value="No" Description="SaaS mode" />
<vstemplates Value="Yes" Description="Install Visual Studio Templates" />
<dbsrvtype Value="MSSqlServer" Description="Database Server Type" />
<dbsrvname Value="PUT-YOUR-SERVER-NAME" Description="Database Server Name" />
<dbsrvwinauth Value="Yes" Description="Database Server Authentication Type" />
<dbsrvtimeout Value="30" Description="Database Server Timeout" />
<dbnew Value="Yes" Description="Database" />
<dbname Value="PUT-YOUR-DATABASE-NAME" Description="Database Name" />
<dbupdate Value="No" Description="Database Update" />
<dbmode Value="NotSet" Description="Insert Template Data into Database" />
<dbsize Value="1" Description="Size of the Database" />
<dbskip Value="No" Description="Skip Database Setup" />
<dbshrink Value="No" Description="Shrink Database" />
<dboptimize Value="No" Description="Optimize tables on MySql" />
<upass Value="PUT-YOUR-SITE-PASSWORD" Description="Instance Password" />
<iname Value="PUT-YOUR-SITE-NAME" Description="Instance Name" />
<ipath Value="PUT-YOUR-ACUMATICA-INSTALL-PATH" Description="Instance Physical Files Path" />
<icount Value="1" Description="Instance SSL Certificate Trumbprint" />
<vmsize Value="Small" Description="Size of Azure Virtual Machine" />
<coursetemplate Value="T210" Description="Training Course" />
<webserver Value="localhost" Description="Web Server Name" />
<swebsite Value="Default Web Site" Description="Web Site Name" />
<svirtdir Value="PUT-YOUR-VIRTUAL-DIR-NAME" Description="Virtual Directory Name" />
<sactions Value="NotSet" Description="Account to Access ASP.NET Application" />
<spool Value="PUT-YOUR-APP-POOL-NAME" Description="Application Pool Name" />
<spoolmode Value="Integrated" Description="Application Pool Pipiline Mode" />
<spoolauth Value="NotSet" Description="Application pool Authintication type" />
<dbwinauth Value="Yes" Description="DB Connection Authentication Type" />
<dbnewuser Value="Yes" Description="DB Connection" />
<adminchange Value="No" Description="Administrator Must Change Password" />
<portal Value="No" Description="Deploy Tenant Portal" />
<securemode Value="No" Description="Secure Tenant on Login Form" />
<company Description="Tenants Information">
<Company CompanyID="1" Delete="No" ParentID="none" CompanyType="" Visible="No" LoginName="" />
<Company CompanyID="2" Delete="No" ParentID="1" CompanyType="I100" Visible="Yes" LoginName="Company" />
<file Value="InstallConfig.xml" Description="Configuration File Name" />
<instupgradebackup Value="Yes" Description="No backup instance before upgrade" />
<output Value="Normal" Description="Output Mode" />
<fulllog Value="No" Description="Full Logging Mode" />