List Operation: Lists out all the items Command:
node app.js list
Write Operation: Writes a note Command:
node app.js write --title "akp" --body "awesome project!"
List an item via title : You can list a specific item by their title Command :
node app.js show --title "akp"
Update an item via title: You can update a specific item by mentioning the title and then you can specify whether you want to update title or body or both Command(s):
node app.js update --title "akp" --new-title "akp2" --new-body "it works"
Ornode app.js update --title "akp" --new-title "akp2"
node app.js update --title "akp" --new-body "It works"
Delete an item via title: You can delete a specific item by their title Command:
node app.js remove-one --title "akp"
Delete all item: Removes all item Command:
node app.js remove-all