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96 lines (72 loc) · 2.8 KB

Getting started

  • Install Rust! Follow instructions here.
  • For vscode users:
    • Install the rust-analyzer extension.
    • Open User Settings (JSON) with CMD + SHIFT + P the type Open User Settings.
    • Add these settings:
      "[rust]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "rust-lang.rust-analyzer",
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.rulers": [102]

How to use the repo

Making branches and issues

  • Create an issue and note the issue number (eg. 5).
  • Create a branch named 5-mybranch-name.

Create a new Rust Crate in the Rust Workspace (./iydlr/)

  • cd /path/to/iydlr
  • Decide if it's a library crate or a binary crate.
    • binary crate: cargo new my-crate-name
    • library crate: cargo new my-crate-name --lib

Interfaces and how to use them

The goal is the create a Rust "thing" (could be a struct or an enum) that implements the interface. Which looks like this in Rust:

trait MyInterface {
  /// A method that takes a reference to `self` and returns `usize`.
  fn some_func(&self) -> usize;

struct MyStruct {
  some_field: usize,

impl MyInterface for MyStruct {
  fn some_func(&self) -> usize {
    // do some special logic
    *self.some_field + 2

You will now be able to find that function implemented on the struct when you instantiate the struct:

fn demo() -> () {
  let my_struct = MyStruct { some_field: 4 };

  let my_result = &my_struct.some_func();

  // `my_result` will be = 6


Rust resources

  • The amazing Rust Language Book: better writing than most novels, very clear and helpful.
  • Rust by Example: The hand-in-hand example based companion to the Rust Lang Book.

Tokenisation resources

Autograd resources

Transformer resources