- Fixing marking
- Tag
now deprecated
- Fixing bug
- Better timestamp engine
- Better API design ( Breaking changes! )
- Enhancing timestamp engine capability v4
- Fix bug
- Add non latin support like chinese, japanese, korean, greek, etc...
- Update
method in virtual node - Better LLM ENGINE
- Adding more jsdocs
- Some little refactor
- Add example of generating SRT with
event see
- Begin the plugin architecture
- Backend-nify the LLM engine using node js server (optional)
- Fix bug
- Rename storage API
- Fix bug
- Renaming API
- Virtual Storage (to mimic sessionStorage)
- Local state tts see demo example page
- Add better error event
- Development of hybrid transcript timestamp engine
- Fix bug
Relation Finder v4 see the evaluation on LLM_ENGINE
- Fix bug
- Fix bug
- Improve Translate To some language engine, with chunking system it can handle more a lot of text
- Introduction virtual nodes, Sentence Node and Word Node. for flexible text to speech. Used in PDF TTS Highlight and Relation Highlight Features.
- Relation Highlight Feature - Used in Youtube Transcript Highlight. Highlight the words in youtube transcript, and their relations to other word like their translation form.
- Rename config.classSentences into config.classSentence
- Add
for following the time of played youtube video in iframe.
Stable version release, before i add API for plugin TTS on PDF
- Fix bug
- Change params controlHL.play() to controlHL.activateGesture() for more clear API
- Refactor
- Add more js docs
- Preparing more testing
- Fix bug
- remove
because we now prefer using LLM for pronounciation correction - Add more js docs
- Add Add way to set custom headers (Your platform API Auth) when communicating with OPEN AI API on Your Backend. see
- Minor Refactor
Accurate and cost effective pronounciation correction Using LLM Open AI Chat Completions for any terms or equations from academic paper, math, physics, computer science, machine learning, and more...
the api convertAllNumberIntoWord()
deprecated replaced with pronunciationCorrection()
for general solution for pronounciation problem
const v2_pronoun_engine_reports = {
overallResults: {
Name: "v2",
Detail: "GPT3",
AvgAcc: "90.50%",
AvgScore: "92.05%",
AvgTime: "81.62s",
AvgCost: "869.53",
TotalTime: "652.94 s",
TotalCost: "Rp. 6956.27", // IDR 6956.27 is about USD $0.42 cost of open AI chat completion API
TotalRecords: 87, // 87 sentence that contain equations or term that should be the pronounciation corrected
CreatedAt: "29-04-2024 19:07",
testResults: {
romanNumberPronounTestCase: {
AvgAcc: "100.00%",
AvgScore: "95.83%",
AvgTime: "5.19s",
AvgCost: "53.41",
TotalCost: "320.44",
mathEquations: {
AvgAcc: "100.00%",
AvgScore: "95.62%",
AvgTime: "5.87s",
AvgCost: "54.80",
TotalCost: "273.98",
demoTestCase: {
AvgAcc: "95.00%",
AvgScore: "95.83%",
AvgTime: "4.71s",
AvgCost: "32.20",
TotalCost: "644.00",
physicalEquations: {
AvgAcc: "100.00%",
AvgScore: "97.29%",
AvgTime: "6.76s",
AvgCost: "58.16",
TotalCost: "581.62",
computerScienceTestCase: {
AvgAcc: "90.00%",
AvgScore: "97.58%",
AvgTime: "7.73s",
AvgCost: "85.52",
TotalCost: "855.17",
machineLeaningTestCase: {
AvgAcc: "73.68%",
AvgScore: "80.13%",
AvgTime: "9.99s",
AvgCost: "109.85",
TotalCost: "2087.12",
biologyTestCase: {
AvgAcc: "87.50%",
AvgScore: "96.09%",
AvgTime: "9.79s",
AvgCost: "119.12",
TotalCost: "952.95",
chemistryTestCase: {
AvgAcc: "77.78%",
AvgScore: "78.05%",
AvgTime: "9.47s",
AvgCost: "137.89",
TotalCost: "1240.99",
Fix bug
- Rewrite using Typescript, and make comments for all feature so the VS Code will show some tutorial when you hover your mouse over some function. (VS Code IntelliSense)
- fix bug, double click gesture
- Add Server Side Rendering Capability, and some example on demo website because we use next js
- fix problem. The delay of audio played and user gesture to trigger play must be close. in ipad or iphone they have rule maximal delay must not more than 4 seconds or it will error.
- Batch API request for making audio file
- High precision for viseme, increase refresh rate for the viseme change with 10ms
- Increase the accuracy of word highlighting
- rename
- Fix bug
- Fix bug
- Use code lintings eslint for code quality
- Add viseme for current spoken.
- Introduction react state
as a state for current viseme. see - For now only support language that use the Latin alphabet like Indonesian, English, German, Italian, and French, also the russian.
Support text to speech with highlight sentence and word for chinese and japanese character. but the accuracy of highlighting word is less accurate.
Refactor code,
Increase avg accuracy of the sentence HL to 97.19 %
See test log
```bash console.log Text ID: noodles | Duration: 89.03 s | Error Start: 7.19 s | Error Total 15.07 s | Error Precentage : 8.07 %console.log Text ID: preferto | Duration: 4.87 s | Error Start: 0.10 s | Error Total 0.10 s | Error Precentage : 2.05 %
console.log Text ID: cat | Duration: 21.39 s | Error Start: 0.15 s | Error Total 1.11 s | Error Precentage : 0.72 %
console.log Text ID: french text | Duration: 159.37 s | Error Start: 4.67 s | Error Total 9.34 s | Error Precentage : 2.93 %
console.log Text ID: german text | Duration: 117.11 s | Error Start: 0.10 s | Error Total 0.75 s | Error Precentage : 0.08 %
console.log Text ID: italia text | Duration: 117.63 s | Error Start: 0.48 s | Error Total 1.09 s | Error Precentage : 0.41 %
console.log Text ID: html blog table | Duration: 96.68 s | Error Start: 7.94 s | Error Total 17.09 s | Error Precentage : 8.22 %
console.log TEST END ___
console.log Total duration error 44.56 Seconds
console.log AVG LOSS 2.81 %
console.log AVG ACCURACY 97.19 %
Fix Highlight word bug
Fix Previous and Next paragraph index
Transcript time detection engine
what is LOSS precentage?
let say we have 10 seconds of audio. and fail predict start & end time of a sentence total in 2 seconds, so, the Loss precentage is 20%
AVG LOSS 5.96 % (lower better) AVG ACCURACY 94 % (higher better)
See test log
console.log id noodles Duration: 89.03 Error: 5.14 Precentage : 5.77 % at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:44:15) console.log Error Total 11.317938041659438 at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:58:15) console.log id preferto Duration: 4.87 Error: 0.10 Precentage : 2.05 % at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:44:15) console.log Error Total 0.10199999999999979 at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:58:15) console.log id cat Duration: 21.39 Error: 0.09 Precentage : 0.42 % at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:44:15) console.log Error Total 1.0269453125000876 at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:58:15) console.log id french text Duration: 159.37 Error: 4.67 Precentage : 2.93 % at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:44:15) console.log Error Total 9.339446999995845 at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:58:15) console.log id html blog table Duration: 96.68 Error: 18.01 Precentage : 18.62 % at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:44:15) console.log Error Total 34.976419200012415 at log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:58:15) console.log Error Total TEST 56.76274955416778 at Object.log (src/__test__/test_functions/AudioFIle.test.js:69:13) console.log AVG LOSS 5.96 %
- convertInto into convertTextIntoClearTranscriptText(text,convertInto)
- We support Vanilla Speech Highlight
Improve accuracy make transcript timestamp.
Add new API:
- convertTextIntoClearTranscriptText(text)
- setUntilTranslationForLang
- Improve Transcript timestamp detection when TTS using audio file.
- Add Highlight capability when using Prefer / Fallback To Audio File.
- Add Prefer / Fallback To Audio File
This feature enable integration with any services that provide audio url or maybe you have your own audio file url.
Integration with other Text To Speech / Speech Synthesis API. Like Eleven Labs
Efficiency memory
- Introduction API
for knowing the testing progress
- Optimize finding best voice, see the flow bellow:
You can set preferred voice
import { PREFERRED_VOICE } from "react-speech-highlight";
// set global preferred voice
useEffect(() => {
const your_defined_preferred_voice = {
// important! Define language code (en-us) with lowercase letter
"de-de": ["Helena", "Anna"],
}, []);
100% pass Function Unit test
. -
90% pass prompt test.
Fix bugs: Date range misspelled
is not convert all into arabic number. because it will cause ambiguity. TheromanTransform()
now is change string (maybe roman number exist) to a form that makes sense to pronounce. -
is now showing the text that user see, not that exactly spoken by system. -
Better pronunciation preparing text for the system to read.
Show details
This will only applied on background so the user seen the original text. this just for the system read correctly.Foreach word will apply this function Rules: It's document code or an Idetifier.
B/1871/M.SM.01.00/2023. -> B / 1871 / M. S_M. 01 .00 / 2023.
Rules: if the word is two uppercase character
Rules: Maybe contains date range
10 October - 19 November 2023
->10 October until 19 November 2023
Unit test using jest in demo website source code folder __test__
Tests: 26 passed, 26 total -
Tests: 6 failed, 53 passed, 59 total -
Tests: 3 failed, 28 passed, 31 total
Breaking change
If you use this following function you need to update your code.
Show the different
Different way to passing voice / selecting voice, see the demo website repo for the implementation.
see the component
the component will save voice Info intosessionStorage
and the package will use that voice info as the voice for playing tts.New:
controlHL.play(textEl.current, callbackDone, actionConfig);
controlHL.play(textEl.current, voiceURI, callbackDone, actionConfig);
controlHL.activateGesture(textEl.current, callback, { // config lang: lang, });
controlHL.activateGesture(textEl.current, voiceURI, callback, { // config lang: lang, });
Refactor demo website with new package API
Update marking the word function, Partially support for other character like chinese (你好), russian (Привет), japanese (こんにちは), korean (안녕하세요), etc.
Add unit test for function, prompt engineering.
Fix bug
Add more package api, so the data and cache can be read outside package, (this package can be integrate to other package)
Show APIs
import { // Main markTheWords, useTextToSpeech, // Utilities for TTS & add more capabilities, convertAllNumberIntoWord, getLangForThisText, getTheVoices, noAbbreviation, speak, romanTransform, // Your app can read the data used by this package, like: PKG_STATUS_OPT, // Package status option PKG_DEFAULT_LANG, // Package default lang LANG_CACHE_KEY, // Package lang sessionStorage key getVoiceBasedOnVoiceURI, getCachedVoiceInfo, getCachedVoiceURI, setCachedVoiceInfo, getCachedVoiceName, } from "react-speech-highlight";
- Securing secret key with make backend server as a proxy. see How to make backend api server for this package
- Optional integration with openai (chatgpt api)
- Fix bug
- Add precentage of TTS reading by word and sentence
Change config while TTS playing
Fix more bug
Convert into npm package, you can implement this package as local npm package
Add seeking by sentence and paragraph
- Add Gesture Based
- Update demo website
- Fix more bug
- Refactor
- Still buggy