- fix
- np.frombuffer for newer numpy versions
- set random seed for reproducibility
- set layer name to "mesh" when exporting to gpkg/shapefile instead of the file name to avoid incompatible special characters
- fig bug with newer versions of numpy (integer casted to int32 instead of int64)
- fix bug for 2d coordinates reprojection introduced in 0.4.12
- Add stereographic projection example
- Distance field can use another projection than the projection of the domain
- Allows for cartesian projection (i.e. no projection)
- gmsh.merge_meshes : topological reconnection instead of coordinate based
- add gmsh.merge_meshes
- add transifinite curves (physical lines with prescribed number of elements)
- avoid gmsh initalization error message
- add transifinite curves (physical lines with prescribed number of elements)
- numpy 1.24 compatibility (np.bool -> bool)
- write WKT projection as gmsh model attribute
- default msh output version set to 4.1
- License files in source package
- Inpoly field (requires shapely)
- fix unrefine when no identical points
- ugrid conversion (requires xarray)
- fix domain physical name
- add output_srs parameter to gmsh.mesh
- add gmsh.reproject function
- do not crash on features without geometry in shapefiles
- do not call gmsh.initialize() if already initialized
- use a temporary gmsh model for meshing
- precompute and smooth mesh size field on a quadtree-like mesh
- build library directly from setup.py, no cmake anymore
- discretize curves in their own projection, not in the model projection
- handle intersection of more than 2 interior curves on the same point
- source distribution on pypi