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53 lines (44 loc) · 2.76 KB

File metadata and controls

53 lines (44 loc) · 2.76 KB


Console application to manage and prepare coin pictures, including cropping, blue screening, renaming to sequential numbers, thumbnail creation, and more.



  • OpenCV
    • Windows Installation
      • Download the version used from GitHub: (download the opencv-4.4.0-vc14_vc15.exe file))
      • Next, run the EXE file - make note of the directory where the files are extracted to (such as C:\opencv)
      • Open a Command Prompt window in "Run as administrator" mode and run the following commands (replacing YOUR_OPENCV_PATH with the path to where you extracted OpenCV to):
        • for 32-bit Windows: setx -m OPENCV_DIR C:\YOUR_OPENCV_PATH\opencv\build\x86\vc15
        • or, if you have 64-bit Windows setx -m OPENCV_DIR C:\YOUR_OPENCV_PATH\opencv\build\x64\vc15
      • Then, add the variable to your path. Run the following command in the same Command Prompt window:
        • SET PATH=%PATH%;%OPENCV_DIR%\bin
    • Linux Installation


  • For the latest stable version, please see the releases tab and download the EXE file.
  • Next, either place this file in the directory where you want to manage pictures or place it in a safe directory and add the variable to the path as above so it can be run globally (run the command SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\PATH\TO\YOUR\EXE)
  • To download the latest code, clone this repository and open the project in Visual Studio


  • A Makefile is provided for easy code compilation. Install make with sudo apt-get install make if you do not have it already.
  • Run make in the CoinPictureManager directory to compile the code. The finished program will be in a file called coinpicturemanager.
  • Use make clean to remove the build files
  • To install the command system-wide, run make install (make remove to remove it).


coinpicturemanager [DIRECTORY] [OPTIONS]

Without a specified directory, the app uses the current directory. Without any options or when run as a desktop app on Windows, it will run in verbose interactive mode.


-h		Print this help
-i		Interactive mode (default unless other option specified)
-v		Verbose mode
-c=COMMANDS	Run command(s) (commands run in order listed; see available commands below)


1		Rename files to sequential numbers
2		Create thumbnails
3		Create thumbnails from the first two images only
4		Create WebP images
5		Chroma Key images (GUI required)
6		Crop images (GUI required)

Note: works for JPEG, JPEG 2000 and PNG images


This code is licensed under the GNU GPL. See COPYING for more information.