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macOS Quick Start Guide

leala-amzn edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 60 revisions

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) Device SDK on macOS. When finished, you'll have a working sample app to test interactions with Alexa.

WARNING: This guide doesn't include instructions to enable wake word.


This guide assumes that:

  • All commands are run from your home directory (~/)

  • You are running Python 2.7.x

  • Xcode is installed

  • Homebrew is your package manager

    To install Homebrew, run this command:

  /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Register your product and create security profile

Follow these instructions to register your product and create a security profile.

During this process, you'll download a config.json file to your machine that will be used by the SDK to authorize your build of the SDK with Login With Amazon (LWA).

Note: If you already have a registered product that you can use for testing, you may use it, but it must be enabled for use with Code Based Linking (CBL).

Here are the instructions on how to enable CBL for your device.

Setup your environment

Let's create a few folders to organize our files:

cd ~/
mkdir sdk-folder

cd sdk-folder
mkdir sdk-build sdk-source third-party application-necessities

cd application-necessities
mkdir sound-files

cd ~/sdk-folder

Install dependencies

The AVS Device SDK requires libraries to:

  • Maintain an HTTP2 connection with AVS
  • Play Alexa Text-to-Speech (TTS) and music
  • Record audio from the microphone
  • Store records in a database (persistent storage)
  1. Update Homebrew. This ensures that you have access to required dependencies:

    brew update
  2. Now use Homebrew to install and link openSSL:

    brew install openssl
    brew link --force openssl

    On macOS, when you try to link openSSL, you may encounter this error:

    $ brew link --force openssl
    Warning: Refusing to link: openssl
    Linking keg-only openssl means you may end up linking against the insecure,
    deprecated system OpenSSL while using the headers from Homebrew's openssl.
    Instead, pass the full include/library paths to your compiler e.g.:
       -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib

If so, you'll need to manually link openSSL to your local profile, /usr/local/, which is where the compiler looks during the linking process:

$ ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/include/openssl /usr/local/include
  1. Run this command to configure curl with http2, using curl-openssl. This is required to connect to AVS.

    brew install curl-openssl
    echo export PATH="/usr/local/opt/curl-openssl/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
  2. Now install the SDK dependencies:

    brew install gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-libav sqlite3 repo cmake clang-format doxygen wget git

    IMPORTANT: Make sure that command ran successfully, and that no errors were thrown. If for any reason the install command fails, run brew install for each dependency individually.

  3. PortAudio is required to record microphone data. Run this command to install and configure PortAudio:

    cd ~/sdk-folder/third-party
    wget -c
    tar xf pa_stable_v190600_20161030.tgz
    cd portaudio

    IMPORTANT: If you see "error: cannot find 10.5 to 10.12 SDK", then run:

    ./configure --disable-mac-universal

Clone the AVS Device SDK

Let's clone the SDK into the sdk-source folder:

cd ~/sdk-folder/sdk-source
git clone git://

Build the SDK

  1. First, run CMake to generate the build dependencies. To get debug logs from the sample app, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG to the end of your command. For more information, see Debug builds.

In this example it is declared that gstreamer is enabled, and provides the path to PortAudio, and also enables debug logging (which is optional):

IMPORTANT: Replace all instances of {home} with the absolute path to your home directory. For example: /Users/courtneybarnett/.

cd ~/sdk-folder/sdk-build

cmake /{home}/sdk-folder/sdk-source/avs-device-sdk \
-DCURL_LIBRARY=/usr/local/opt/curl-openssl/lib/libcurl.dylib \
-DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/opt/curl-openssl/include \
-DPORTAUDIO_LIB_PATH=/{home}/sdk-folder/third-party/portaudio/lib/.libs/libportaudio.a \

  1. Now, you can build the SDK by running this command:
 make SampleApp -j2

Note: You can use -j3 or j4 to run processes in parallel during make.

If you want to build the full SDK, including unit and integration tests, run make instead of make SampleApp.

Setup your configuration

The sample app uses data in AlexaClientSDKConfig.json to obtain a refresh token which, along with your Client ID and Product ID, will be exchanged with Login With Amazon (LWA) to gain access tokens. is a configuration file generator script that is included with v1.10.0 or greater of the SDK, located in the tools/Install folder. It uses data from config.json and the arguments below, to populate AlexaClientSDKConfig.json in order to authorize with LWA.

Follow these steps to setup AlexaClientSDKConfig.json using

  1. Move the config.json you downloaded when you created your security profile into the tools/Install folder of the SDK.

    mv ~/{{download location}}/config.json
    {{path to source folder}}/avs-device-sdk/tools/Install

    config.json should be populated with the clientID and productID values generate in the Security Profile process.


         "deviceInfo": {
          "clientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.{{string}}",
          "productId": "Test_123"
  2. Navigate to {{path to source folder}}/avs-device-sdk/tools/Install and run, including the following arguments:

    cd {{path to source folder}}/avs-device-sdk/tools/Install
    bash config.json {device serial number} \
    /{{path to database}} \
    /{{path to source folder}}/avs-device-sdk \
    {{path to build}}/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json


    • config.json: Downloaded when you created your security profile. It should contain the following:

      "clientId": "{OAuth client ID}"
      "productId": "{product name for the device}"
    • {{device serial number}}: You can provide your own device serial number (DSN), or use the system default (123456). The DSN can be any unique alpha-numeric string (up to 64 characters). You should use this string to identify your product or application instance. Many developers choose to use a product's SKU for this value.

      For example:

      sudo bash config.json -s 998987

      Note: If you don't supply a DSN, then the default value 123456 will be generated by the SDK.

    • {{path to database}}: Specifies where the databases will be located.

    • {{path to source folder}}: Specifies the root directory where the avs-device-sdk source code is located.

    • {{path to build}}: Specifies where the build folder is, which contains the Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json file.

IMPORTANT: Create a backup of your AlexaClientSDKConfig.json file. Subsequent builds will reset the contents of this file.

Run and authorize

Navigate to your BUILD folder, then:

  1. Start the sample app:
./SampleApp/src/SampleApp ./Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json
  1. Wait for the sample app to display a message like this:
#       NOT YET AUTHORIZED       #
#       To authorize, browse to: '' and enter the code: {XXXX}       #
  1. Use a browser to navigate to the URL specified in the message from the sample app.
  2. If requested to do so, authenticate using your Amazon user credentials.
  3. Enter the code specified in the message from sample app.
  4. Select “Allow”.
  5. Wait for the sample app to report that it is authorized, and that Alexa is idle. It will look something like this:
#       Authorized!       #
#       Alexa is currently idle!       #
  1. You are now ready to use the sample app. The next time you start the sample app, you will not need to go through the authorization process.

A couple more details:

  • If you exit out of sample app via the k command, the CBLAuthDelegate database will be cleared and you will need to reauthorize your client.
  • If you want to move this authorization to another sample app installation, you need to copy the deviceInfo object within AlexaClientSDKConfig.json to the new installation. You will also need to copy the file "/{home}/sdk-folder/application-necessities/cblAuthDelegate.db" to the new installation, and update AlexaClientSDKConfig.json in the new installation so that the cblAuthDelegate's databaseFilePath property points to it.

Setup shortcuts

Now that you've built the sample app, let's setup some shortcuts so that you don't have to remember the full command to launch the app.

  1. Use your favorite text editor to open ~/.bash_profile. Then add these aliases and save:
    IMPORTANT: Make sure you update the paths to match your folder structure.
    alias alexac="[path_to_build_folder]/SampleApp/src/SampleApp [path_to_build_folder]/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json"
    alias alexacdebug="[path_to_build_folder]/SampleApp/src/SampleApp [path_to_build_folder]/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json DEBUG9"
  2. After you've added these aliases, make sure to activate your ~/.bash_profile:
    source ~/.bash_profile
  3. Now to launch the sample app just run this command:

Common issues

See the Troubleshooting Guide.

Next steps

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