- /alarm - Change image of paired Smart Alarms.
- /alias - Create an alias for a command/sequence of characters.
- /blacklist - Blacklist a user from using the bot.
- /cctv - Get cctv camera codes for monuments.
- /craft - Display the cost to craft an item.
- /credentials - Setup Credentials.
- /decay - Display the decay time of an item.
- /help - Get help message.
- /item - Get the details of an item.
- /leader - Transfer leadership.
- /map - Display the In-Game Map.
- /market - Search for or subscribe to items in vending machines.
- /players - Get Battlemetrics data on all connected players.
- /recycle - Display the output of recycling an item.
- /research - Display the cost to research an item.
- /reset - Reset Discord Channels.
- /role - Setup a specific role to use rustplusplus.
- /storagemonitor - Change image of paired Storage Monitors.
- /switch - Change image of paired Storage Monitors.
- /upkeep - Get the upkeep cost of an item.
- /uptime - Get the current uptime for rustplusplus.
- /voice - Let rustplusplus join voicechat.
- afk - Display afk teammates.
- alive - Display who has been alive longest.
- cargo - Display information regarding Cargoship.
- chinook - Display information regarding Chinook 47.
- connection/connections - Display latest team connections.
- craft - Display the cost to craft an item.
- death/deaths - Display latest deaths.
- decay - Display the decay time of an item.
- events - Get recent events.
- heli - Get information regarding Patrol Helicopter.
- large - Get information regarding Large Oil Rig.
- leader - Transfer leadership.
- marker/markers - Set markers to navigate to.
- market - Search for or subscribe to items in vending machines.
- mute - Mute rustplusplus In-Game.
- note/notes - Add notes.
- offline - Display offline teammates.
- online - Display online teammates.
- player/players - Get Battlemetrics information about players.
- pop - Get population of the server.
- prox - Display teammates that are nearby.
- recycle - Display the output of recycling an item.
- research - Display the cost to research an item.
- send - Send a message through rustplusplus to a person on Discord.
- small - Get information regarding Small Oil Rig.
- steamid - Get teammate steamid.
- team - Get team information (names of all teammates).
- time - Get In-Game time.
- timer/timers - Setup timers.
- tr - Translate from English to another language.
- trf - Translate from one language to another.
- tts - Text-To-Speech (Need to have teamchat open in Discord).
- unmute - Unmute rustplusplus In-Game.
- upkeep - Check upkeep of Storage Monitor Tool Cupboards.
- uptime - Display the uptime of rustplusplus and currently connected server.
- wipe - Display time since wipe.
Pair Smart Devices such as
Smart Switches
,Smart Alarms
,Storage Monitors
and control them from Discord or In-Game teamchat.
- See Smart Switches.
- See Smart Switch Groups.
- See Smart Alarms.
- See Storage Monitors.
- See number of players, max capacity and queue size of the Rust Server.
- See the In-Game time and time till day/night.
- See how long ago wipe was.
- See Map Size.
- See Map Seed.
- See Map Salt.
- See Map Name.
- F1 console connect information.
Receive notifications for In-Game Events such as:
- Cargo Ship - When it spawns, despawns, how long before it enters egress stage. How long time since it was last out. step-trace.
- Patrol Helicopter - When it spawns, despawns or gets taken down. How long time since it was last out and how long since it was taken down. step-trace.
- Oil Rig - When Oil Rig calls in Heavy Scientists and how long till the Locked Crate unlocks.
- Chinook 47 - When it enters map and when it leaves.
- Vending Machines - Whenever a new Vending Machine appears on the map.
Get information about teammates such as Online/Offline/AFK/Alive/Dead/Location/Paired/Leader.
- Connect through different Rust Servers seemingly through the
Text-Channel in Discord. - Easily access rustplusplus settings via the Discord Text-Channel
. - Run In-Game commands either from In-Game teamchat or from Discord Text-Channel
. - Communicate with teammates from In-Game to Discord and vice versa.
- Get activity information in the
Text-Channel on Discord. Information such as Smart Devices not reachable, Teammate connect/disconnect/leave/join/death, Smart Alarms notify when triggered, Server went offline/online, Map Wipe Detection, Storage Monitor Decay Notification, Tracker notifications etc... - Create Battlemetrics Trackers to track players or groups.
- Get Facepunch news in Discord.