MagicBox is a jQuery-UI plugin that helps you create UI for your web-games.
( The code may be a little bit messy at this moment, but I will do my best to make the code as clean as possible and also re-structure it to follow the jQuery-UI "standard" widget concept )
- inventory slots are not centered properly once the number of cols or rows exceeds 4.
- widget.Inventory
- make panel draggable/droppable
- make panel not to colide with each other
- make items draggable/droppable
- stack items when
is equal - switch item positions when
is not equal - show item stats
- change the way of assigning icons to items (use css)
- widget.RPG_text
- widget.RPG_attributer
- miniTemplate.js
- load template using Ajax
- read template and evaluate all variables
- Items
- All items are draggable/droppable
- stats are shown, while hovering over item's icon.
- Items of same type can be stacked, different types will just switch their positon.
- Panel
- Panel's colision detection won't let you place panels over each other.
- it's possible now to move around with entire inventory panel.
- General
- Each widget has it's own template to generate the layout.
rows: 2,
cols: 2,
widgets: {
panel: {
template: "./js/templates/inventory_panel.jst"
slot: {
template: "./js/templates/inventory_slot.jst"
item: {
template: "./js/templates/inventory_item.jst"
- jQuery version >= 1.10.x
- jQuery-UI version >= 1.10.x