Believe that there is no need to describe it once more and point you to authority:
In this package our custom implementation of tools and markers are delivered.
Contains common CQRS set of markers and abstractions like Command
, Query<>
, ICommandDispatcher
, IQueryDispatcher
, ICommandHandler
, IQueryHandler
Additionally we introduce some additional things like Command and Query Validators, or Fluent Validations.
In more sophisticated validation cases, that simple DataAnnotations are not enough we introduce ICommandValidator<ICommand>
and IQueryValidator<IQuery>
to enables adding some validation logic before command or query execution.
internal class BarCommandValidator : ICommandValidator<BarCommand>
public Task Validate(BarCommand command)
// validation logic
internal class BarQueryValidator : IQueryValidator<BarQuery>
public Task Validate(BarQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// validation logic
You can use AddCqrsFluentValidations
from package Allegro.Extensions.Cqrs.FluentValidations
to use Fluent Validations instead proposed interfaces.
internal class FooCommandFluentValidator : AbstractValidator<FooCommand>
public FooCommandFluentValidator()
RuleFor(_ => _.Name).NotEmpty();
This give opportunity to Decorate handlers with any custom code.
Remember to add Decorator
attribute to your decorator.
Thanks to it, it will be excluded from auto-registration of handlers and does not loop ;)
internal class BarCommandHandlerDecorator : ICommandHandler<BarCommand>
private readonly ICommandHandler<BarCommand> _decorated;
private readonly ILogger<BarCommand> _logger;
public BarCommandHandlerDecorator(ICommandHandler<BarCommand> decorated, ILogger<BarCommand> logger)
_decorated = decorated;
_logger = logger;
public async Task Handle(BarCommand command)
_logger.LogInformation("Before handle");
await _decorated.Handle(command);
_logger.LogInformation("After handle");
internal class BarQueryHandlerDecorator : IQueryHandler<BarQuery, BarData>
private readonly IQueryHandler<BarQuery, BarData> _decorated;
private readonly ILogger<BarCommand> _logger;
public BarQueryHandlerDecorator(IQueryHandler<BarQuery, BarData> decorated, ILogger<BarCommand> logger)
_decorated = decorated;
_logger = logger;
public async Task<BarData> Handle(BarQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Before handle");
var result = await _decorated.Handle(query, cancellationToken);
_logger.LogInformation("After handle");
return result;
Registration with Scrutor:
services.TryDecorate<ICommandHandler<BarCommand>, BarCommandHandlerDecorator>();
services.TryDecorate<IQueryHandler<BarQuery, BarData>, BarQueryHandlerDecorator>();
Remember to first register all commands handlers and than register custom decorator. Execution order is LIFO to registration order.
Some sample usage could be found:
This package contains:
- default implementation of
- automatic registrations of all
For registrations Scrutor packages is used as a tool.
- for learning purposes
- it is simple code, MediatR is still too much
- better separation of queries and commands for decorators (IPipelineBehavior doesn't allow for this)
- Command without return type
- Good article why not: