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alvis's dotfiles


Awesome dotfiles for MacOS and the PRO, along with powerful configurations for emacs, tmux and zsh.


This repository contains configurations for CLI commands and X environments, along with powerfully customized Vim, Zsh and Tmux environments for nerds.


Welcome, no matter you are looking around how other configure their development environment, or checking me out for my work, welcome. This repository serves as my way to help me setup and maintain my Mac. It takes the effort out of installing everything manually. Everything which is needed to install my preffered setup of macOS is detailed in this readme. Feel free to explore, learn and copy parts for your own dotfiles. Enjoy!

In a nut shell, the .dotfiles in this repository contain:

  1. configurations for zsh, tmux and spacemacs
  2. handful of tools such as nvm and miniconda for managing different development environments
  3. tons of CLI utilities, from file management to sending email through the terminal
  4. many DevOps tools for AWS and K8S

Important Notes

Mackup Compatibility Issue with macOS 14 (Workaround Available)

Mackup's preference syncing is currently broken on macOS 14 due to changes in the operating system's security model. Under the new model, macOS no longer follows symlinked application preferences, causing a reset of preferences every time an application starts. For more details, refer to this GitHub discussion.

Despite this issue, you can still manually sync preferences and configurations by copying them to and from cloud storage. This approach avoids the symlink problem, effectively allowing preference synchronization across devices.

Copying Preferences and Configurations to Cloud Storage

Run the following command to back up your preferences and remove symlinks:

mackup backup --force && mackup uninstall --force

Restoring Preferences and Configurations from Cloud Storage

Use this command to restore your preferences and remove symlinks:

mackup restore --force && mackup uninstall --force

This workaround ensures you can continue syncing preferences until a permanent solution is available.


Warning: If you would like to give these dotfiles a try, try to play around. But I strongly encourage you to review the code, and add or remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

  1. Clone the .dotfiles to home.
git clone ~/.dotfiles
  1. Run the installation script.
  1. In tmux, type prefix + I to install packages
  2. Install fonts: Hack & Input Mono


In my opinion, using your computer should be a very personal experience. Your colors, aliases, key-bindings, etc should be meticulously crafted to fit your unique self.

In terms of computer setup I prefer something minimal and clean. I choose to interact with my operating system via the so-called terminal or command line or console, over a graphical interface whenever I can. As I work on the terminal at least 50% of my time, with the rest on a web browser and email client, I have quite a number of meticulously crafted and opinionated .dotfiles designed for fitting my personal use, and I don't expect anyone would use it.

But having said that, I believe sharing it openly may inspire someone like you to explore and make knowledge continue to accumulate. The open community is where I benefited from and where I got most knowledge. As such I am very happy to share it with you if you find value from it. Remember, get inspired from it and make your own.

Thanks for Inspiration

As far as dotsfiles are concerned, I particularly thanks Sourabh Bajaj for his invaluable Mac OS X Setup Guide. Also the Github does dotfiles project is what motivate me to share my configurations behind the scene.

In general, I'd like to thank every single one who contributed to the open community. Your work means the world! 🌍 ❤️


Copyright © 2017, Alvis Tang. Released under the MIT License.