This exercise is really similar to, with some caveats though. Before diving into this solution, please read the solution of the other exercise
The first caveat is just a bug in the exercise code. Without fixing it, solving the exercise turns to be a really hard (or even impossible) task, or so I was told :) As you probably noticed yourself, the allocated buffers are not saved in destroylist, which causes the free to be called on garbage values. This not only leaves you with no simple way of using the heap overflow (which we will discuss in a moment) but turns the code into non stable without even triggering any overflow whatsoever. You can compile the correct version with this command :
gcc -m32 -DLEVELNAME=\"XXX\" -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -no-pie final2.c malloc-2.7.2.c -o final2
(I disabled the randomization and NX protection because it was turned off in the original exercise as well)
After carefully examining the exercise code, we can notice that one of the vulnerabilities is that start pointer can easily underflow the limits of heap chunk representing the current request. We can thus craft 2 requests in such a way that the second request has payload that will be copied to previous request with enough length to overflow the metadata of second heap chunk
The exploitation technique is really similar to what we saw in heap3 exercise - we achieve arbitrary write primitive and play around with plt/got entries. There is one caveat though compared to heap3 exercise
Unlike the previous exercise, the memory is not allocated in fastbins here, thus each free call affects the metadata of the next chunks as well. The easiest way to achieve what we want would be by finding a way to trigger the write primitive in the very first call to free. Moreover we want to be sure the next frees are either not called at all or at least do not cause our program to crash before we get to the execution of our payload.
Luckily there is a way to achieve the above by triggering the consolidate forward path in free for the first freed chunk. This path will use FD / BD memory pointers controlled by us in the second chunk. For the full solution with some occasional comments please see