Following the benchmark from the cockroachdb docs.
Deploy the cluster using the terraform scripts in the code directory. This will deploy the resinfra cluster and install a cockroachdb service on the worker VMs.
On the benchmark VM, run the following:
$ wget -O workload; chmod 755 workload
$ ./workload init tpcc --warehouses 100 "postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable"
This will download the required data and insert the tables into the cockroach cluster.
To execute the benchmark, run:
./workload run tpcc \
--warehouses 100 \
--ramp 1m \
--duration 30m \
--histograms benchmark_results \
postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable postgres://[email protected]:26257?sslmode=disable
For benchmark results, see respective folders.