The Runner API provides a RESTful interface for submitting and managing Apache Beam streaming data processing jobs, and job contexts. It was originally started at Ananas Analytics.
Execute pipelines on multiple execution environments ( Spark and Flink )
Synchronous job API for testing only with Standalone Flink.
Asynchronous job API
Currently works with Standalone Spark as well on cluster, Mesos, YARN client and on EMR
Support Google Dataflow
Support Flink (in beta)
Support Bounded and unbounded sources
Synchronous CLI for testing and submitting streaming data processing jobs for developers
Install Java 8 ( or more recent version)
Build the fat jar
java -jar build/libs/ananas-cli-xxx.jar start --host [host] --port 8888
- Using gradle run task
gradle :runner:run -DfilesToStage=mock.jar
- New I/O Connector : Redis, Kafka, Pubsub
- New transformer step javascript
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- Push a Pull Request