Did you come here to read what you should do before creating an issue? Scroll down!
There are many ways to contribute to fund-indicators:
- Help with testing and reporting bugs
- Help write documentation
- Help implement new features
- New sources of data
- Better web scraping
- Better statistical measures
- Multithreading (asynchronous requests)
Thanks for wanting to help out with squashing bugs and more by filing an issue.
There are a few things you might consider when filing your issue:
- What made the issue/bug appear? (steps to reproduce)
- Do you have the latest version of this program?
To develop on fund-indicators you'll probably want to:
- Read the code of conduct
- Install normally, as documented in the README
- Read the documentation (although it's not much)
- Read the section above to understand the ways you could best help this project
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].