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File metadata and controls

204 lines (154 loc) · 8.5 KB


License: BSD-2-Clause

This is an Erlang interface to NLnet Lab's libunbound. libunbound provides a DNS resolver including cache and DNSSEC validation.

This software was developed as part of the arpa2 project.


libunbound's ub_ctx is made available to Erlang via a port driver that is opened and controlled via the unbound_drv module. On top of unbound_drv, unbound_server provides query coalescing and cancellation in the event of a client crash. An instance of unbound_server maintained by the application's server is also made available via the unbound module.

Build options

Use of ub_ctx_add_ta_autr can be disabled by setting NO_TA_AUTR=1.


The default configuration for unbound_server is specified by the server_defaults property in the applications environment. It is not valid to include process registration ({register, _}) or trust anchor maintain ({trust_anchor, {maintain, _}}) options in the default environment.


  • {forwarders, Forwarder} specifies one or more hosts to forward queries to. Forwarder may be a single iolist, binary string or tuple representing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or a list of the aforementioned
  • hosts reads a list of hosts from the systems hosts file
  • {hosts, PathSpec} reads a list of hosts from PathSpec
  • {register, ServerName} where ServerName is a server name specification passed to gen_server:start_link/4 (not valid as a default)
  • {trust_anchor, TrustAnchorSpec} configures a DNSSEC trust anchor. TrustAnchorSpec must be one of:
    • auto - uses the key root.key contained in the applications priv dir. If the server is started by the application supervisor it will maintain the trust anchor. With NO_TA_AUTR=1 set this option is equivalent to read.
    • {auto, PathSpec} as above with a key located at PathSpec
    • read uses the key root.key contained in the applications priv dir
    • {read, PathSpec} as above with a key located at PathSpec
    • {maintain, PathSpec} uses and maintains a key located at PathSpec. This option is not valid as a default or if NO_TA_AUTR=1 is set.
    • a binary string or string containing a trust anchor
  • resolvconf reads a list of hosts to forward queries to from the systems resolv.conf
  • {resolvconf, PathSpec} reads a list of hosts to forward queries to from PathSpec
  • {Key, Value} specifies an unbound.conf option where Key and Value are iolists or binary strings, and Key includes a trailing ':'

A PathSpec is a file system path as an iolist or binary. If it is contained a tuple tagged priv, the path will be appended to the applications priv dir with filename:join/2.


A DriverError is one of {error, nomem} if insufficient memory was available to complete the callback, or, if libunbound encountered an error, {error, {ub, N, S}} where N is an integer identifying the error and S is a binary string describing the error.


Records can be included with -include_lib("unbound/unbound.hrl")..

  • #ub_question{}
    • name - a binary containing a DNS Name in ASCII presentation format
    • type - an integer representing a DNS Type
    • class - an integer representing a DNS Class
  • #ub_result{}
    • question - a #ub_question{}
    • data - a list of DNS Resource Record datas binaries
    • canonname - the canonical DNS Name of the result in ASCII, or an empty binary
    • rcode - response code as an integer
    • answer_packet - the message that answers the query as a binary
    • havedata - true if there is data, false otherwise
    • nxdomain - true if the name does not exist, false otherwise
    • secure - true if the response is secure, false otherwise
    • bogus - true if a security failure occurred, false otherwise
    • why_bogus - binary string explaining why the response is bogus
    • ttl - how long the response is valid for in seconds
  • #ub_callback{}
    • process - pid of the unbound_server providing this response
    • ref - opaque identifier for the resolve request
    • error - false if no error occurred or DriverError
    • result - a #ub_result{} if the request could be answered or false otherwise
  • #ub_drv_callback{}
    • port - port of the port driver providing this response
    • id - integer identifier for the resolve request
    • error - false if no error occurred or DriverError
    • result - a #ub_result{} if the request could be answered or false

DNS Parameters

Macros representing DNS Class and Type integers can be included with -include_lib("unbound/params.hrl").. For example Class IN is ?UB_CL_IN and Type SOA is ?UB_TY_SOA. See include/params.hrl.


start() and stop() are helpers for starting and stopping the application from a shell.

resolve(#ub_question{} = Q) is equivalent to calling unbound_server:resolve/2 with a ServerRef of the applications unbound_server instance.

resolve(Name, Type) is equivalent to calling resolve(Name, Type, ?UB_CL_IN).

resolve(Name, Type, Class) is equivalent to calling unbound_server:resolve/4 with a ServerRef of the applications unbound_server instance.

cancel(Ref) is equivalent calling unbound_server:cancel/2 with a ServerRef of the applications unbound_server instance.


defaults() returns the default server options set in the application environment. This will crash if invalid options are set in the environment.

start_link() is equivalent to calling start_link(defaults()). This will crash if invalid options are set in the environment.

start_link(Opts) creates a new process configured with the properties in the list Opts.

resolve(ServerRef, Name, Type) is equivalent to calling resolve(ServerRef, Name, Type, ?UB_CL_IN).

resolve(ServerRef, Name, Type, Class) takes Name, an iolist or binary containing a DNS name in ASCII format, Type an integer representing a DNS Type and Class representing a DNS Class. It constructs a #ub_question{} Q and then calls resolve(ServerRef, Q).

resolve(ServerRef, #ub_question{} = Q) in the success case returns {ok, Ref} where Ref is an opaque identifier for the request. When an answer becomes available it will be delivered to the calling process as a #ub_callback{}.

cancel(ServerRef, Ref) takes a Ref as returned by resolve and cancels the associated resolve request.


load() and unload() load and unload the port driver.

open() returns a new instance of the port driver (calling load if necessary) and returning {ok, Port} or {error, Reason}. close(Port) closes the port.

resolve(Port, #ub_question{} = Q) starts an asynchronous query. Q must contain a valid #ub_question{}. If Q is valid, the port will respond with {ok, Id} where Id is an integer identifying the request, or, a DriverError. When an answer becomes available, it will be delivered to the drivers parent process as a #ub_drv_callback{}.

cancel(Port, Id) cancels the request identified by Id and returns ok or DriverError.

add_ta(Port, TrustAnchor) loads a trust anchor from the binary string TrustAnchor and returns ok or DriverError.

add_ta_autr(Port, Path) loads a trust anchor from file Path, a binary string, and returns ok or DriverError. If the file is writable, libunbound will update it as needed.

add_ta_file(Port, Path) loads a trust anchor from file Path, a binary string, and returns ok or DriverError.

hosts(Port) loads the systems host file and returns ok or DriverError.

hosts(Port, Path) loads hosts from file Path, a binary string, and returns ok or DriverError.

resolvconf(Port) loads forwarders from the systems resolv.conf file and returns ok or DriverError.

resolvconf(Port, Path) loads forwarders from the file Path, a binary string, and returns ok or DriverError.

set_fwd(Port, Addr) adds Addr, a binary string containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address as a forwarder.

get_option(Port, Key) retrieves the configuration value for the binary string Key. Returns {ok, Value} where Value is a binary string or DriverError.

set_option(Port, Key, Value) sets the configuration value Key to value Value. Key and Value must be binary strings and Key must end with a ':'. Returns ok or DriverError.

version(Port) returns {ok, Version} where Version is a binary string containing the version of libunbound in use, or {error, nomem}.