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Using custom styles in components

As Shadow DOM (one of the Web Components specs that carbon-web-components uses) promises, styles that carbon-web-components defines does not affect styles in your application, or vice versa.

However, in cases where your application or a Carbon-derived style guide wants to change the styles of our components, there are a few options.

Using CSS Custom Properties

Changes to CSS Custom Properties of the Carbon theme are reflected in the color scheme of carbon-web-components components:

Edit carbon-web-components with custom style

For example, if you add CSS like below:

footer {
  --cds-interactive-02: #6f6f6f; /* `$interactive-02` token for `g100` theme */

The color of the button in the code below changes to the one in the g100 theme:

  <bx-btn kind="secondary">Secondary button</bx-btn>

The names of CSS Custom Properties you can use are the Carbon theme tokens prefixed with --cds-. The list of Carbon theme tokens can be found at here.

With CSS Custom Properties approach, you can switch the entire theme under the specific element by:

@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/css--helpers';
@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/vendor/@carbon/elements/scss/themes/mixins';

footer {
  @include carbon--theme($carbon--theme--g100, true); // Emits all theme tokens in CSS Custom Properties

Dependency injection

You can let our custom elements modules load alternate CSSResult module. Below example uses Webpack NormalModuleReplacementPlugin to let our custom elements modules load RTL version of CSSResult module that is shipped alongside with default CSSResult modules, instead of loading the default version:

Edit carbon-web-components with custom style

const reCssBundle = /\.css\.js$/i;


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(reCssBundle, resource => {
      resource.request = resource.request.replace(reCssBundle, '.rtl.css.js');

Creating derived components with different style

You can create a derived class of our component and override static styles property, like:

Edit carbon-web-components with custom style

import { css, customElement } from 'lit-element';
import BXDropdown from 'carbon-web-components/es/components/dropdown/dropdown';

class MyDropdown extends BXDropdown {
  // Custom CSS to enforce `field-02` (light) style of the dropdown
  static styles = css`
    .bx--list-box {
      background-color: white;

CSS Shadow Parts

In the future, we'd like to support CSS Shadow Parts too, so you can use your application's CSS to affect carbon-web-components styles in a more flexible manner.