Sample App for trying out RESTFul concepts.
You need to have installed Node.js and MongoDB
To install dependencies enter project folder and run following command:
npm install
Make sure the mongod server is up and running. Go to the bin directory of your local mongo installation (in windows => C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin ) and run on the cmd
To run the nodejs server execute:
npm start
To get an access token, it is assumed that the user already exists.
You can create a new user by using POST /user .
To get an access token,
- Make a post request :
POST /api/v1/user
username: <your_user_name>
sample response
"username": "constance",
"href": "/api/v1/user/58de3ad38fad49b7a02f24e4",
"_type": "User"
- Get authentication token
POST /api/v1/authenticate
"username": <your_user_name>
sample response
"_type": "AccessToken",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoidXNlciIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiY29uc3RhbmNlIiwiaWQiOiI1OGRlM2FkMzhmYWQ0OWI3YTAyZjI0ZTQiLCJpYXQiOjE0OTA5NTkxMzksImV4cCI6MTQ5MzU1MTEzOX0.koATN022Sdqz_fw5puIc6pJGX2z39uj5bkxAvwtfB0w"
Creating a new user
POST /api/v1/user
username: <your_username_here>
Get a User Resource (Request must come with elevated privileges )
Either the request is from the resource owner or an admin user.
GET /api/v1/user/:id
Update a User Resouce (Request must come with elevated privileges )
Either the request is from the resource owner or an admin user.
PUT /api/v1/user/:id
username: <your_updated_username_here>
Delete a User Resource (Request must come with elevated privileges )
Either the request is from the resource owner or an admin user.
DELETE /api/v1/user/:id
GET all Users (Request must come with elevated privileges )
Request must come from an admin user.
GET /api/v1/user
- Add a new user to your runing mongodb with a role="Admin"
- Use the process of getting a token to get an admin token