If by accident we click "Deny" in the Allow Notifications dialog after hitting subscribe,
In order to trigger again the Allow Notifications popup, we need first to clear localhost from this list - chrome://settings/content/notifications
In order to generate a public/private VAPID key pair, we first need to install the web-push library globally:
npm install web-push -g
We can then generate a VAPID key pair with this command:
web-push generate-vapid-keys --json
And here is a sample output of this command:
"publicKey": "BF1BhDhSW89yKw6pWbLlzcDpCR3I3ViSCEiS_z0q_RP9-ablo5Up8HDIEP1-GauARtU7MxB6Yl_7FI8UvczPmaQ",
"privateKey": "6XaIXj1cbSoaCpxSbOA-xYWHSISVSMCPUcSvEcczxkg"