- Add jersey client jar for app execution
- Must catch NoClassDefFoundError when processing operator classes in jar, previously catching Throwable was changed to catching Exception
- Do not catch throwable in DTCli and exit immediately when worker thread throws an error
- Depend on published netlet version
- Catch throwable when executing command because launching an app can throw java.lang.VerifyError: bad type on operand stack
- Removed runOnlyOnce when generating dt-git.properties and generate even when not using release profile
- Undeploy heartbeat requests are not processes if container is idle
- Fix potential NPE
- Comment hide the actually type for string types(URI, URL, Class etc) and add 2 missing wrapper types
- Fixed typo in webservice url for get-physical-plan command
- Resolve deleting checkpoint in different thread
- Removed duplicate code and added unit test for json stream codec
- APEX-11 #resolve added checkpoint metric
- Have default connect and read timeouts because the jersey defaults are infinity and that blocks threads and those threads can't be interrupted either
- Removed invalid app data push annotation
- Use FileContext instead of FileSystem to write the meta json file
- Comment added required memory and required vcores in the appinfo
- Comment filter abstract types from getAssignableClasses call and rename initializable to instantiable
- Deploy all artifacts by default.
- Comment fix the bug in trimming the graph
- HA support for stram webservice filter.
- Removed dependencies in filter to hadoop classes with private audience as their interface has changed from Hadoop 2.2 to 2.6
- Related doc updates
- Comment Prune the external dependencies from type graph and break the type circle
- Fixing class not found issue due to missing dt-common jar.
- Resolve removed old alert support in stram
- Use tokens from Credentials as UserGroupInformation.getTokens() returns HDFS Namenode hidden tokens that should not be passed to containers.
- Support for RM delegation token renewal in secure HA environments
- Resolve fixed bug when custom metric keys are not stored correctly in meta file
- Comment Use apache xbean shaded asm to resolve jdk 8 class and avoid conflict with old asm version that hadoop depends on
- APEX-5 #resolve Set APPLICATION_PATH for unit tests that launch an app
- Resolve Added dependency on dt-engine in test scope of archetype
- Corrected the place to get pom.properties for version info
- Token authentication support for buffer server
- Adding default aggregator for primitive customMetrics
- Netlet has a few fixed related to non firing OP_CONNECT call, so test against those.
- Print stack trace when exception occurs
- Commented out app master mb in properties.xml
- Ability to extract javadocs as xml
- Moved PAYLOAD_VALUE out of default case. Count number of skipped payload tuples.
- Resolve fixing ASM signature visitor to add upper bound to Object for unbounded wild card entries
- Removing unused imports
- Addressing review comments
- Reverting code format change
- Resolve Added END_STREAM to be distributed to physical nodes. Introduced debug message for default case.
- Comment removed the coding convention
- Resolve Changed reading of portTypeInfo, port annotations in operator discoverer to read from ASM
- Added test case for operator discoverer
- Updated Type Discovery tests to getPortInfo via ASM instead of reflection API
- Addressing review comments
- Removed condition for public, final, transient ports when generating typeGraph using ASM
- Added a class for storing input, output port annotations
- Added port type info handling for ports other than DefaultInputPort and DefaultOutputPort types
- Updated a test case for the same
- Adding annotations to list.. Missed in previous commit
- Added rescan of typegraph to capture operator ports
- Changing ASMUtil utility methods to public
- Addressing review comments.
- Correcting jar entry name
- Updated a test after merge
- Removed system.out print from test cases and added debug print on failure
- Removing temp file
- Reversed the order of setting jvm_options for app master
- Resolve Added validation for root operator should be input operator in logical plan validation
- Fixing formatting and added lincense header
- Removed extra line spaces
- Correcting output port in dt-site.xml stream connection
- Resolve Added validation for root operator should be input operator in logical plan validation
- Fixing formatting and added lincense header
- Removed extra line spaces
- Correcting output port in dt-site.xml stream connection
- Removing white spaces
- Renaming the properties to reflect the code change
- Comment add the missing open tag
- Removed unnecessary depedency
- Resolve Remove unnecessary unpack in app package archetype
- Resolve support java.lang.Class and resolve uiType to special types
- Resolve update dependency to dt-common in archetype
- Resolve added the container jvm options for app master
- Resolve attach apa file as an artifact
- Resolve test app package should depend on dt-common instead of dt-engine
- Removed additional license header
- Removed incorrectly left in license headers due to incorrect formatting
- Put back revision info.
- Added a TODO note for handling of stram delegation tokens for future
- Comment Add dag attributes to LogicalPlanSerializer
- Using resolveType method in OperatorDiscoverer to describe an attribute completely
- Switch to Java7 and update compiler plugin.
- Remove invalid module references.
- Separated out HA token creation from non-HA case as it involves special handling that is subject to change if Hadoop's internals change.
- Resolve - Add all resource managers to RM delegation token service.
- Fix CLI script.
- Stram directory is moved to engine
- Fix depenency plugin version (2.3 shipped with maven 3.2.5 pulls dependencies from test scope)
- Setup the pom files for OS with optimized dependencies
- Changed the license header to Apache 2.0 license.
** Improvement * [APEX-12] - Fix Base Operator To Not Show Name Property In App Builder
** Bug * [APEX-35] - Test exceptions due to missing directory in saveMetaInfo * [APEX-36] - FSStorageAgent to account for HDFS lease when writing checkpoint files * [APEX-37] - Container and operator json line file in StreamingContainerManager should not be appended from previous app attempt * [APEX-43] - SchemaSupport: TUPLE_CLASS attribute should use Class2String StringCodec * [APEX-56] - Controlled plan modification on operator shutdown
- Add jersey client jar for app execution
- Must catch NoClassDefFoundError when processing operator classes in jar, previously catching Throwable was changed to catching Exception
- Do not catch throwable in DTCli and exit immediately when worker thread throws an error
- Depend on published netlet version
- Catch throwable when executing command because launching an app can throw java.lang.VerifyError: bad type on operand stack
- Removed runOnlyOnce when generating dt-git.properties and generate even when not using release profile
- Undeploy heartbeat requests are not processes if container is idle
- Fix potential NPE
- Comment hide the actually type for string types(URI, URL, Class etc) and add 2 missing wrapper types
- Fixed typo in webservice url for get-physical-plan command
- Resolve deleting checkpoint in different thread
- Removed duplicate code and added unit test for json stream codec
- APEX-11 #resolve added checkpoint metric
- Have default connect and read timeouts because the jersey defaults are infinity and that blocks threads and those threads can't be interrupted either
- Removed invalid app data push annotation
- Use FileContext instead of FileSystem to write the meta json file
- Comment added required memory and required vcores in the appinfo
- Comment filter abstract types from getAssignableClasses call and rename initializable to instantiable
- Deploy all artifacts by default.
- Comment fix the bug in trimming the graph
- HA support for stram webservice filter.
- Removed dependencies in filter to hadoop classes with private audience as their interface has changed from Hadoop 2.2 to 2.6
- Related doc updates
- Comment Prune the external dependencies from type graph and break the type circle
- Fixing class not found issue due to missing dt-common jar.
- Resolve removed old alert support in stram
- Use tokens from Credentials as UserGroupInformation.getTokens() returns HDFS Namenode hidden tokens that should not be passed to containers.
- Support for RM delegation token renewal in secure HA environments
- Resolve fixed bug when custom metric keys are not stored correctly in meta file
- Comment Use apache xbean shaded asm to resolve jdk 8 class and avoid conflict with old asm version that hadoop depends on
- APEX-5 #resolve Set APPLICATION_PATH for unit tests that launch an app
- Resolve Added dependency on dt-engine in test scope of archetype
- Corrected the place to get pom.properties for version info
- Token authentication support for buffer server
- Adding default aggregator for primitive customMetrics
- Netlet has a few fixed related to non firing OP_CONNECT call, so test against those.
- Print stack trace when exception occurs
- Commented out app master mb in properties.xml
- Ability to extract javadocs as xml
- Moved PAYLOAD_VALUE out of default case. Count number of skipped payload tuples.
- Resolve fixing ASM signature visitor to add upper bound to Object for unbounded wild card entries
- Removing unused imports
- Addressing review comments
- Reverting code format change
- Resolve Added END_STREAM to be distributed to physical nodes. Introduced debug message for default case.
- Comment removed the coding convention
- Resolve Changed reading of portTypeInfo, port annotations in operator discoverer to read from ASM
- Added test case for operator discoverer
- Updated Type Discovery tests to getPortInfo via ASM instead of reflection API
- Addressing review comments
- Removed condition for public, final, transient ports when generating typeGraph using ASM
- Added a class for storing input, output port annotations
- Added port type info handling for ports other than DefaultInputPort and DefaultOutputPort types
- Updated a test case for the same
- Adding annotations to list.. Missed in previous commit
- Added rescan of typegraph to capture operator ports
- Changing ASMUtil utility methods to public
- Addressing review comments.
- Correcting jar entry name
- Updated a test after merge
- Removed system.out print from test cases and added debug print on failure
- Removing temp file
- Reversed the order of setting jvm_options for app master
- Resolve Added validation for root operator should be input operator in logical plan validation
- Fixing formatting and added lincense header
- Removed extra line spaces
- Correcting output port in dt-site.xml stream connection
- Resolve Added validation for root operator should be input operator in logical plan validation
- Fixing formatting and added lincense header
- Removed extra line spaces
- Correcting output port in dt-site.xml stream connection
- Removing white spaces
- Renaming the properties to reflect the code change
- Comment add the missing open tag
- Removed unnecessary depedency
- Resolve Remove unnecessary unpack in app package archetype
- Resolve support java.lang.Class and resolve uiType to special types
- Resolve update dependency to dt-common in archetype
- Resolve added the container jvm options for app master
- Resolve attach apa file as an artifact
- Resolve test app package should depend on dt-common instead of dt-engine
- Removed additional license header
- Removed incorrectly left in license headers due to incorrect formatting
- Put back revision info.
- Added a TODO note for handling of stram delegation tokens for future
- Comment Add dag attributes to LogicalPlanSerializer
- Using resolveType method in OperatorDiscoverer to describe an attribute completely
- Switch to Java7 and update compiler plugin.
- Remove invalid module references.
- Separated out HA token creation from non-HA case as it involves special handling that is subject to change if Hadoop's internals change.
- Resolve - Add all resource managers to RM delegation token service.
- Fix CLI script.
- Stram directory is moved to engine
- Fix depenency plugin version (2.3 shipped with maven 3.2.5 pulls dependencies from test scope)
- Setup the pom files for OS with optimized dependencies
- Changed the license header to Apache 2.0 license.
- [SPOI-3732] - Get User Info APIs creates users
- [SPOI-3816] - Ingestion UI: Node server should store pipelines on hdfs rather than local filesystem
- [SPOI-3820] - Ingestion UI: Rest calls to gateway from Node server fails
- [SPOI-3845] - BlockSynchronizer sometimes misbehaves when BlockReader is killed.
- [SPOI-3862] - Ingestion UI - left/right margins have no width
- [SPOI-3876] - Review the changes done to DimensionsComputation for HadoopWorld Demo
- [SPOI-3940] - Demo app package version stuck at v1.0-SNAPSHOT
- [SPOI-4029] - PiJavaScript demo pi calc operator fails to re deploy
- [SPOI-4067] - Launch of ingestionApp using DTCP is failing
- [SPOI-4070] - Stray directory /opt/datatorrent/current/datatorrent is created after installation.
- [SPOI-4077] - Ingestion UI: Create option to scan the directory recursively
- [SPOI-4079] - Gateway does not retain listen address specified during installation
- [SPOI-4080] - Gateway guard hides errors with restarts
- [SPOI-4081] - Ingestion UI: pipeline table doesn't auto refreshes
- [SPOI-4085] - UI: wrong application selection after sorting in pipeline instances table
- [SPOI-4087] - Relaunch functionality keeps relaunching multiple apps
- [SPOI-4094] - Ingestion app tests failing and empty directory getting created under target that are not removed
- [SPOI-4128] - Need to explain difference between properties & state holding data structure
- [SPOI-4175] - Remove directory prop from base block reader and ftp block reader from ingestion
- [SPOI-4229] - committed function not getting invoked in local mode
- [SPOI-4352] - App Builder uiType not present for several classes
- [SPOI-4362] - Remove dependencies on DirectoryScanner from OperatorDiscoverer when used in stram
- [SPOI-4691] - DT console shows negative memory size for killed application
- [SPOI-4702] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in Stram due to counters in AbstractBlockReader
- [SPOI-3592] - Clean up appInstance widget definitions
- [SPOI-3783] - Remove gateway port automatic re-selection on startup feature
- [SPOI-3932] - demos ui references web services v1
- [SPOI-3944] - Ingestion UI : Display pipelines progress
- [SPOI-3945] - UI: Add multiple input support
- [SPOI-3946] - Create an auto scaling scheme for the Block Reader and Writer
- [SPOI-4003] - Ingestion app: add a feature to re-try failed blocks
- [SPOI-4026] - Aggregated counters are not published via web-socket in the logical operators topic
- [SPOI-4048] - Block application launch during critical system issues
- [SPOI-4078] - Gateway address argument validation during installation and launch
- [SPOI-4551] - Enhance Gateway API to return AppIDs for a given application name
- [SPOI-4578] - Allow supporting archive jars in configuration definition for app packages
- [SPOI-4728] - Support -originalAppId when launching apps through the DT Gateway API
- [SPOI-4751] - Upgrade sniffer maven plugin to the latest version
- [SPOI-3028] - [HDHT] Hive Interoperability
- [SPOI-3029] - [HDHT] Export to ORC Format
- [SPOI-4050] - AppData UI Dashboard page
- [SPOI-4093] - Ingestion UI: Control for triggering scan of files
- [SPOI-4636] - Added $? feature in dtcli and use it in CLIProxy
- [SPOI-4718] - CLI commands to support variable arguments
- [SPOI-3242] - Rethrow the exceptions being caught in catch block of operators.
- [SPOI-3502] - Create the landing page for the UI of ingestion application
- [SPOI-3504] - [Ingestion UI] Create views for creating a pipeline and its description
- [SPOI-3762] - Provide installation version option for installer
- [SPOI-3763] - Update document export tokens
- [SPOI-3870] - Implement transformation functions for rainier poc1
- [SPOI-3871] - Filter records based field values for rainier poc1
- [SPOI-3872] - Generate audit and bad record logs for rainier poc1
- [SPOI-3970] - Ingestion UI : Use the console package
- [SPOI-3981] - Remove unused imports
- [SPOI-4040] - Add an operator that keeps track of failed files
- [SPOI-4122] - [UI] : Display list of skipped files on UI when overwrite flag is false
- [SPOI-4172] - After effects of removing threshold property from BlockReader in ReaderWriter partitioner/stats-listener
- [SPOI-4369] - [AppData][AppDataTracker] Deserializer operator
- [SPOI-4385] - Create metrics aggregators - sum, min, max, count
- [SPOI-4544] - Custom metrics can be cumulative or per window which can be statically declared by the operator developer
- [SPOI-4653] - Create Aggregators registry in AppDataTracker
- [SPOI-3767] - Auto scaling of BlockReader using partitioning
- [SPOI-4748] - Add data query to custom metrics store
- [MLHR-1614] - AbstractFSWriter in append mode is not fault-tolerant
- [MLHR-1620] - Remove close file from AbstractFSWriter
- [MLHR-1637] - Cleanup skipping of records from setup of FSDirectoryInputOperator
- [MLHR-1643] - FileSplitter recovery fails
- [MLHR-1644] - Add Mock Server Libraries in unit tests of database/key value store operators
- [MLHR-1653] - Remove JavaScriptOperatorBenchMark form library
- [MLHR-1656] - AbstractFileOutputOperator LeaseExpired exception when cache reaches its threshold
- [MLHR-1668] - Stateless Partitioner in case of parallel partition ignores parallel partition count (except the first time define partitions is called)
- [MLHR-1687] - AbstractBlockReader threshold breaks the idempotency
- [MLHR-1708] - Duplicate data read from kafka if kafka partitions are less than DT partitions
- [MLHR-1712] - The directory under which the idempotent state is stored should be relative to the app directory so that the state is copied on relaunch
- [MLHR-1723] - FTPStringInputOperatorTest fails on Windows OS
- [MLHR-1547] - Integration of Idempotent storage manager to Directory scanner
- [MLHR-1621] - Parititon Couchbase Output Operator
- [MLHR-1632] - Add couchbase mock to couchbase tests.
- [MLHR-1634] - Improve the BlockReader partitioning scheme to accommodate ingestion rate
- [MLHR-1641] - Improve the BlockReader
- [MLHR-1661] - Ability to override the stream-codec of input port in AbstractFileOutputOperator
- [MLHR-1684] - Improve file splitter not to emit all files in one shot and hold scanned file names in memory
- [MLHR-1694] - BasicCounters improvements
- [MLHR-1355] - Supports secure hadoop cluster in the installer
- [MLHR-1497] - Operators for ElasticSearch
- [MLHR-1578] - UI Auth: UI to show different tabs and/or buttons for different user permissions
- [SPOI-4379] - Operator removed from physical plan due to invalid SHUTDOWN status
- [SPOI-4381] - Queue size missing on physical operator page
- [SPOI-4382] - queueSize port metric reports bogus values
- [SPOI-4384] - Recovery fails due to corrupted checkpoints.
- [SPOI-4437] - DTCli not recognizing $HOME variable set
- [SPOI-4728] - Support -originalAppId when launching apps through the DT Gateway API
- [SPOI-4390] - Replace 'start time' on console to 'Up time'
- [SPOI-4046] - Gateway /containers?states={state} call returns erroneous state information
- [SPOI-4057] - License can not be upgraded to Evaluation / Production License
- [SPOI-4037] - CONTAINERS_MAX_COUNT in sandbox prevents demos launch from dtcli
- [SPOI-4008] - HDHT Error while flushing write cache
- [SPOI-3837] - Partitioner interface semantics broken in 2.0.0 physical plan implementation]
- [SPOI-3901] - twitter demo app package launch throws NoClassDefFoundError
- [SPOI-3900] - Gateway gets 400 error when phone home
- [SPOI-3922] - dtcli does not show output port attributes.
- [SPOI-3934] - DT CLI Needs to validate user inputs
- [SPOI-3054] - # Of Tuples Produced != Number Of Tuples Output By Unifier When Repartitioning
- [SPOI-3210] - HDHT DTFile reader bug
- [SPOI-3340] - Settings in ~/.dt/dt-site.xml don't override app package defaults
- [SPOI-3349] - Can we document how to enable password security in gateway
- [SPOI-3365] - Launch App Package does not honor -local option
- [SPOI-3369] - Implement the pam authentication as a hadoop authentication handler
- [SPOI-3396] - launch command should be able to specify local conf file when launching app package
- [SPOI-3397] - DT Gateway doesn't start on Mapr 4.0.1
- [SPOI-3402] - Checking the UID for Dtadmin
- [SPOI-3419] - KafkaAdsDimensionsDemo demo available with installer fails
- [SPOI-3420] - Installation issues on HDP 2.2
- [SPOI-3469] - gateway, dtcli fail to start in development mode
- [SPOI-3503] - AppPackage tests produce 100+GB files
- [SPOI-3522] - MaxEventsPerSecond for Flume Ingestor should adjust for partitioned instances
- [SPOI-3528] - Installer does not show relevant error if nonexistent env file passed as argument and finishes silently with defaults
- [SPOI-3548] - browser inconsistencies with table
- [SPOI-3550] - Confusing Breadcrumb navigation on Application Page
- [SPOI-3555] - Unifier names should not be links to nonexistent pages
- [SPOI-3594] - Systems Diagnostic produces conflicting results for Hadoop installation
- [SPOI-3595] - Correctly Implement the clone method in platform.
- [SPOI-3608] - User Profile and User Management should not show when auth is disabled
- [SPOI-3613] - RBAC Configuration screen is completely missing after recent changes
- [SPOI-3628] - Pubsub websocket auth not working with kerberos frontend authentication
- [SPOI-3638] - Cant assign roles to user in console
- [SPOI-3644] - Develop Tab Can not be seen on naviagation bar
- [SPOI-3646] - Error creating new config xml file in package
- [SPOI-3647] - MR Operator demo throws null pointer exception
- [SPOI-3648] - Cant add admin permissions to existing roles
- [SPOI-3654] - In passwd policy user can not change own password using ui console
- [SPOI-3657] - Can't Launch Apps Using ui console if user is not the same as dtgateway user
- [SPOI-3663] - modify certification scripts and gateway proxy to upload demo jars from repackaged malhar demos
- [SPOI-3665] - DataTorrent logo link broken in console
- [SPOI-3670] - Update DTCliTest to create app package like AppPackageTest.java
- [SPOI-3672] - Uploaded license not used when launching app
- [SPOI-3674] - License info not updated after license upload until page reload
- [SPOI-3675] - Display Error in Sandbox. License Manager Error:null
- [SPOI-3682] - doubleclick select active kills containers
- [SPOI-3684] - Gateway deletes JSON app silently (no error) on PUT
- [SPOI-3685] - Error message in launch app modal is not red
- [SPOI-3686] - Launch properties do not get sent with the launch request
- [SPOI-3689] - AppPackages APIs give 404 not found messages
- [SPOI-3690] - APIs falsely report role assignments
- [SPOI-3691] - API /ws/v1/config/hadoopInstallDirectory does not work
- [SPOI-3708] - Gateway shows License error after license agent gets back to normal
- [SPOI-3710] - Sandbox packaging invalid due to HDFS dependency
- [SPOI-3712] - Exclamation point in DT cli tries to expand "event"
- [SPOI-3713] - When CLI has a problem running a CLIProxy command, there is out of memory error from the gateway
- [SPOI-3714] - Launch button from other screens should bring up launch modal
- [SPOI-3716] - locality performance benchmarks operators failing with OOM exception
- [SPOI-3717] - Insufficient license memory for Node Local Performance benckmark application
- [SPOI-3718] - change high availability certification benchmarking to compare number of active containers instead of total number of containers
- [SPOI-3720] - License manager not found returned from Gateway even though it returns valid license including agent info
- [SPOI-3721] - Changes to XMLConfig to incorporate changed properties
- [SPOI-3725] - NullPointerException in Certification-initDemo for PerformanceBenchmarkForFixedNumberOfTuples
- [SPOI-3729] - Thread local validation failure for multiple ports between two operators
- [SPOI-3732] - Get User Info APIs creates users
- [SPOI-3733] - Can't Launch Apps Using UI or gateway APIs in kerberos environment
- [SPOI-3734] - Remove macro from cli for application or add relevant application
- [SPOI-3754] - Gateway can only restore roles once
- [SPOI-2036] - Ensure that definePartitions and partitioned are called for parallel partitioned operators
- [SPOI-2955] - Provide tool-tip capability to RTS UI
- [SPOI-3194] - Support PAM authentication mechanism as an agent for LDAP
- [SPOI-3304] - Reorganize code to ensure easy consumability
- [SPOI-3345] - Delete OperatorContext.PartitionTPSMax and .PartitionTPSMin
- [SPOI-3346] - Delete OperatorContext.InitialPartitionCount
- [SPOI-3366] - Update Eval license for RTS 2.0
- [SPOI-3401] - Switch installer, gateway, console from using HADOOP_PREFIX to hadoop executable
- [SPOI-3404] - Provide support for viewing/collecting YARN logs across the cluster
- [SPOI-3415] - Remove defaults from dt-site.xml and add version
- [SPOI-3418] - Remove dependency on /etc/datatorrent
- [SPOI-3447] - Partitioning of couchbase input operator
- [SPOI-3525] - Messages shown in installer and uninstaller are longer than 80 characters
- [SPOI-3554] - Log-Level Setter for angular
- [SPOI-3626] - appPackageDisplayName in /ws/v1/appPackages
- [SPOI-3667] - Confirmation box to shutdown or kill apps should have "warm" colors
- [SPOI-3668] - DTGateway logs are flooded with permission WARN logs
- [SPOI-3694] - Populate launch properties with required properties of app
- [SPOI-3697] - Add content-disposition so that app package download has a reasonable file name when downloaded from browser
- [SPOI-3698] - Support URI codec out the box so that UI can set URI operator properties
- [SPOI-4066] - Portable environment settings across releases
- [SPOI-3393] - Track recordings by a generated ID rather than startTime
- [SPOI-3422] - Restore default roles with backend
- [SPOI-3683] - Add download button to app package
- [SPOI-3753] - "Reset to Defaults" for user roles
- [SPOI-3927] - Support per application configuration defaults and required properties
- [SPOI-2809] - Implement password authentication as a hadoop authentication type
- [SPOI-3115] - Update document with password authentication once UI supports user mgmt
- [SPOI-3239] - HDHT store removal support
- [SPOI-3351] - Abstract the reconciler used in Guava and Rainier to malhar
- [SPOI-3368] - Configuration handling on major version upgrade
- [SPOI-3371] - CLI to doAs the user specified by HADOOP_USER_NAME if security is enabled
- [SPOI-3372] - Gateway REST service to only return rows the user is authorized to view
- [SPOI-3373] - Gateway Websocket service to only publish to subscribers with info individual subscribers are authorized to view
- [SPOI-3374] - Gateway to return 403 Forbidden for resources the user is not authorized to view or operations the user is not authorized to perform
- [SPOI-3375] - Gateway support for permission based authorization
- [SPOI-3376] - Gateway REST call to show what permissions the current user has
- [SPOI-3377] - Gateway REST call to support role and permission management
- [SPOI-3378] - HTTP Header auth support in Gateway
- [SPOI-3381] - Implement Kerberos group to role mapping
- [SPOI-3385] - Gateway ACL support at the application level
- [SPOI-3390] - LDAP/AD support in Gateway
- [SPOI-3405] - Implement Kerberos security context and security context filter in Gateway
- [SPOI-3443] - Ingestion Application repo and package
- [SPOI-3472] - Installer testing
- [SPOI-3485] - Console repository relocation
- [SPOI-3486] - Create HDHT section in Application Developer Guide
- [SPOI-3517] - Document JVM_OPTIONS and QUEUE_NAME features in user docs
- [SPOI-3519] - Add PAM auth user docs
- [SPOI-3520] - Update RBAC user docs
- [SPOI-3521] - Console user docs updates
- [SPOI-3536] - Create hdfs output operator to write table files
- [SPOI-3537] - write hdfs writer for small files to copy to vertica
- [SPOI-3538] - Combine small file writer with vertica writer
- [SPOI-3540] - Sandbox updates to support app package launches from console
- [SPOI-3593] - Clean up import functionality for demo apps
- [SPOI-3610] - Implement RBAC features for App Packages
- [SPOI-3619] - Update console for the new app package REST API
- [SPOI-3627] - Convert our REST API from v1 to v2 as we have made some backward incompatible changes in the REST API
- [SPOI-3631] - Test HDHT recovery
- [SPOI-3632] - Upgrade and test demos on 2.0.0
- [SPOI-3633] - Set certain sensitive permissions "admin" role only
- [SPOI-3634] - Allow default app instance and app package permissions for each user
- [SPOI-3635] - Remove INITITAL_PARTITION_COUNT from demo app pkg properties
- [SPOI-3636] - Upgrade and test demos on 2.0.0
- [SPOI-3650] - Test demos on sandbox on dt 2.0.0
- [SPOI-3651] - benchmarks for dt 2.0.0
- [SPOI-3652] - list of current benchmarks
- [SPOI-3653] - Document property changes needed run demos on 2.0.0
- [SPOI-3661] - Update security section in operations guide
- [SPOI-3662] - Operations Guide: Update application configuration section
- [SPOI-3669] - Remove gateway jars api usage from benchmarking and use app pkg api instead
- [SPOI-3695] - Documentation on System Alerts in the Gateway
- [SPOI-3700] - run app memory usage benchmarks for 2.0
- [SPOI-3701] - run performance benchmarks for 2.0
- [SPOI-3702] - run high availability benchmarks for 2.0
- [SPOI-3703] - Run Fs output operator benchmark
- [SPOI-3704] - run performance across tuple size benchmarks for 2.0
- [SPOI-3705] - Change jars api usage to apps package api usage in certification
- [SPOI-3706] - Convert Malhar benchmark module to app package
- [SPOI-3730] - Getting Started Guide updates
- [MLHR-1237] - Scrolling log viewer with mouse does not trigger getting more log content
- [MLHR-1242] - "last heartbeat" in killed container list shows date in 1969
- [MLHR-1443] - Attempt reconnect if web socket connection is dropped
- [MLHR-1523] - Physical operator ids sorted lexicographically
- [MLHR-1552] - Port JMS Input operator changes to library.
- [MLHR-1553] - shutdown and kill cmds still visible when ended apps are selected
- [MLHR-1588] - New installation does not walk through welcome steps
- [MLHR-1590] - App Instance dashboard cannot find Logical DAG widget for starting app
- [MLHR-1591] - pending undeploy does not have an icon or color associated
- [MLHR-1592] - webSocket does not reconnect if user logs out then logs back in
- [MLHR-1593] - Installer should be ok with 404 errors when fetching HadoopLocation and dfsRootDirectory
- [MLHR-1594] - DFS permissions error during install does not provide resolution steps
- [MLHR-1595] - Installer asks for login even if auth is disabled
- [MLHR-1609] - Physical Operators have an invalid heartbeat when PENDING_DEPLOY
- [MLHR-1611] - Do not try to put or edit admin role in auth management page
- [MLHR-1612] - New containers from websocket do not get jvm name
- [MLHR-1615] - Feedback for retrieving ended apps
- [MLHR-1619] - When launching app package, allow launch time parameters to be specified
- [MLHR-1622] - YahooFinanceApplication throws null pointer exception on 2.0
- [MLHR-1627] - Make twitter credentials into requiredProperties in app package
- [MLHR-1631] - NullPointerException in launching HDFSBenchmarking App:TupleSize property missing in appResponse
- [MLHR-1190] - Infinite scroll mechanism in stram events widget
- [MLHR-1234] - Add version information to system diagnostics screen
- [MLHR-1555] - Remove dashboard component from main operations page
- [MLHR-1571] - Height of app list should be determined by available space
- [MLHR-1596] - Extract two-way infinite scroll behavior into directive
- [MLHR-1597] - Fix FTP Input operator
- [MLHR-1602] - Partitioning of couchbase input operator
- [MLHR-1228] - create profile storage object
- [MLHR-1261] - AngularJS Migration - Tuple Viewer
- [MLHR-1262] - AngularJS Migration - Tuple Recording
- [MLHR-1354] - Auth management support in the UI
- [MLHR-975] - Migration from Backbone to Angular
- [MLHR-1292] - Recording View
- [MLHR-1331] - Update the tuple recording topic
- [MLHR-1586] - Remove DirectoryScanInputOperator from library
- [MLHR-1601] - Re-arrange logstream app in dt application package format
- [MLHR-1608] - Create a Block reader which emits Slice and doesn't read ahead of a block boundary
- [MLHR-1617] - Sensitive permission assignment need dialog box warning with consequences
- [MLHR-1618] - Update console for the new app package REST API
- [MLHR-1623] - Create synchronizer for asynchronously processing streaming data for committed windows
- [MLHR-1626] - Write unit tests for AbstractSynchronizer
- [SPOI-2946] - Provide a tool that generates a license report based on license audit logs
- [SPOI-2974] - Better error handling when license is expired
- [SPOI-3147] - Issues with dynamic partitioning of Block readers
- [SPOI-3192] - Send proxy user when making web service calls from gateway
- [SPOI-3267] - HDHT Operator crash when launching application against existing store
- [SPOI-3271] - Change port stats propogation test to check for cumulative buffer server bytes
- [SPOI-3286] - HDHT WAL recovery crashing with NegativeArraySizeException
- [SPOI-3287] - Research the types of data that can be stored in hive orc files
- [SPOI-3288] - NullPointerException in StreamingContainerManager-> fillLogicalOperatorInfo
- [SPOI-3289] - App Packages launch not reading required properties from dt-site.xml
- [SPOI-3293] - Incorrect application name when launching JSON app.
- [SPOI-3294] - Configuration setting from property.xml not effective for JSON app
- [SPOI-3296] - npm install fails for malhar-ui-console
- [SPOI-3297] - Remove keys from metric list in app dashboard widget.
- [SPOI-3300] - Two operators named "Dimension Computation"
- [SPOI-3305] - Create Sales Demo JSON Input Generator
- [SPOI-3306] - Change Event Schema to default to Sales Schema
- [SPOI-3309] - DT flume sink not draining under some circumstances
- [SPOI-3313] - Setting attributes with JSON and properties app needs cleanup
- [SPOI-3319] - NPE in FSStatsRecorder
- [SPOI-3320] - The platform should use user folder in hdfs for storage
- [SPOI-3323] - Gateway resource leak when RM is not running and/or during network problem
- [SPOI-3325] - HDHT DTFile clean cache when reader close
- [SPOI-3338] - Application level operator properties do not override "global" operator properties
- [SPOI-3343] - Gateway was stuck
- [SPOI-2918] - Document Counters
- [SPOI-3188] - Ability to interpret an input operator as a regular operator
- [SPOI-3312] - OperatorAnnotation that enforces checkpointing to happen at application window boundary
- [SPOI-3317] - Add sales generator tuples per window randomization controls
- [SPOI-3318] - Add more dimensions and aggregates to Sales demo
- [SPOI-3321] - Improve data variation between categories, regions, and discounts
- [SPOI-3329] - Implement simple variable substitution in properties files
- [SPOI-2014] - Support for doc link for an operator
- [SPOI-2931] - Make sure app packages work in sandbox
- [SPOI-2989] - HDHT - Recovery
- [SPOI-2663] - Certify datatorrent on a CDH5 secure cluster
- [SPOI-2702] - HDS - Generic time series query
- [SPOI-2843] - Tracker ticket for work related to app package in Malhar
- [SPOI-2945] - Allow application to start even if license manager is not running for production license file
- [SPOI-2950] - Generate monthly alerts when the memory used crosses the licensed memory
- [SPOI-3022] - Run jpa and jdbc tests on vertica installation in cluster
- [SPOI-3098] - Scrub all components that make it to the release list of jiras
- [SPOI-3119] - Generate audit logs in the applications as well
- [SPOI-3153] - Certify datatorrent on HDP secure cluster
- [SPOI-3156] - Tool to generate license report from a single Hadoop grid
- [SPOI-3158] - Webservice for license report
- [SPOI-3160] - Uptime debugging for license mgr
- [SPOI-3161] - license mgr should write memory reported by each app in the logs
- [SPOI-3184] - Test case to reproduce locality issue in CDH
- [SPOI-3229] - New app will launch for production license even if no memory is available in license
- [SPOI-3261] - Kafka one to many dynamic partitioning pilot
- [SPOI-3269] - Support contact update
- [SPOI-3278] - Research elastic search functionality to build operators
- [SPOI-3280] - Create a model parser that loads the model mapping file and generates sql mapping
- [SPOI-3282] - Create a vertica output operator
- [SPOI-3283] - Start License Manager as part of Installation
- [SPOI-3284] - Watch dog process for License Manager in Gateway
- [SPOI-3299] - O15 demo: Dictionary for keys
- [SPOI-3307] - Add Enrichment operator data file
- [SPOI-3315] - O15 demo: Update widget configuration for sales schema
- [SPOI-3335] - Kafka offset manager
- [SPOI-3339] - Move FSStorageAgent to Malhar
- [SPOI-3352] - Process OperatorCommand returned by stats listener
- [SPOI-3411] - Create a feed processor operator that converts input event to table rows
- [SPOI-3412] - Create gzip input operator
- [SPOI-3413] - Create pluggable functions for each column based given function name and parameters
- [SPOI-3414] - Create Table controller to handle value generation for each column including user defined functions
- [SPOI-3561] - Recording View: links to start and stop recording
- [SPOI-3562] - Recording View: page module
- [SPOI-3565] - Container Page (angular)
- [MLHR-1267] - AngularJS Migration - Dashboard Layout Lock
- [MLHR-1352] - Custom directive for breadcrumbs
- [MLHR-1489] - Create a hive output operator that can write to hive orc files
- [MLHR-1500] - Cleanup of the junit.framework.Assert
- [MLHR-1505] - Stram event error closes when clicking on stack trace
- [MLHR-1506] - Stram event collection removes events
- [MLHR-1512] - UI Console - Dashboard Reset
- [MLHR-1532] - Table says "loading" when active filter result is 0 rows
- [MLHR-1541] - Add orc file output to adsdimension demo
- [MLHR-1542] - App Data Framework - WebSocket Support
- [MLHR-1585] - Installer fails with auth enabled
- [MLHR-1256] - Create a new landing dashboard
- [MLHR-1432] - Add confirm for deleting an app package
- [MLHR-1451] - Loading feedback for malhar-angular-table
- [MLHR-1452] - Loading feedback for app packages and package apps
- [MLHR-1454] - Performance Tuning for malhar-angular-table
- [MLHR-1499] - Idempotent State Manager
- [MLHR-1531] - App overview does not show started time
- [MLHR-1540] - Remove stram events from physical view
- [MLHR-1543] - Switch to gulp in malhar-angular-table
- [MLHR-1549] - Short operator properties should be shown in line
- [MLHR-1282] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Alerts Recordings View
- [MLHR-1301] - AngularJS Migration - Physical Operator Page - Recordings
- [MLHR-1317] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Logical View - Log Levels
- [MLHR-1362] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Stram Events Widget Resize
- [MLHR-1370] - AngularJS Migration - Container View - Chart
- [MLHR-1428] - Dashboard Component - Option to Disable Vertical Resize
- [MLHR-1462] - Socket.IO Kafka Communication Protocol
- [MLHR-1463] - UI Console - Client Settings
- [MLHR-1464] - Kafka App Data - Server Socket.IO Node.js
- [MLHR-1465] - Kafka Socket.IO Service - Latency
- [MLHR-1466] - Kafka Server - Query Cache
- [MLHR-1470] - Dashboard Builder Integration
- [MLHR-1486] - UI Console - Deploy Scripts
- [MLHR-1488] - App Package Dag Viewer - Handle Case when DAG is empty
- [MLHR-1491] - App Data UI - Runtime Configuration for Default Dashboard/Widgets/Queries
- [MLHR-1495] - Kafka Debug Widget - Kafka Producer/Consumer Topics
- [MLHR-1498] - Provide Ability to Reset Dashboard Configuration
- [MLHR-1502] - App Data Server - Fetch Latest Kafka Offset
- [MLHR-1514] - App Data Server - EventEmitter
- [MLHR-1515] - App Data Server - UML Diagrams
- [MLHR-1520] - App Data UI - Table Widget
- [MLHR-1521] - App Data UI - WebSocket Support
- [MLHR-1530] - App Data UI - Table Widget
- [MLHR-1295] - AngularJS Migration - Logical Operator Page
- [MLHR-1296] - AngularJS Migration - Physical Operator Page
- [MLHR-1270] - Container Page (angular)
- [MLHR-1272] - Container Page: memory gauge
- [MLHR-1274] - Container Page: metric chart
- [MLHR-1281] - Stream View
- [MLHR-1286] - Stream View: sources table
- [MLHR-1287] - Stream View: sinks
- [MLHR-1288] - Port View
- [MLHR-1290] - Port View: overview
- [MLHR-1291] - Port View: chart
- [MLHR-1293] - Recording View: page module
- [MLHR-1294] - Recording View: links to start and stop recording
- [MLHR-1307] - Installation Wizard
- [MLHR-1310] - Info Menu Links
- [MLHR-1312] - Lock Layout (malhar-angular-dashboard)
- [MLHR-1453] - System Diagnostics Page
- [MLHR-1460] - Installation Wizard: welcome page
- [MLHR-1461] - Installation Wizard: hadoop config page
- [MLHR-1467] - Installation Wizard: license screen
- [MLHR-1482] - Installation Wizard: summary screen
- [MLHR-1483] - Installation Wizard: license upload
- [MLHR-1496] - Create an operator for Solr
- [MLHR-1516] - Annotate new FS output operators
- [MLHR-1518] - WebSocket support for dimension demo
- [MLHR-1574] - UI Auth: support for current password auth
- [MLHR-1575] - UI Auth: Managing role and permissions
- [SPOI-3123] - Add troubleshooting section to Operations and Installation Guide
- [SPOI-3124] - Check for vmem/pmem ratio during System Diagnostics test
- [SPOI-3129] - Integrate Kafka query protocol for AdsDimension demo.
- [SPOI-3154] - Setup AdsDimension demo on cluster
- [SPOI-3226] - Create JSON AdInfo Generator for App Builder Demo
- [SPOI-3227] - Crate JSON to Map converter for App Builder Demo
- [SPOI-3228] - Create shared dimensions computation schema for App Builder Demo
- [SPOI-1667] - Drop of Performance for Machine demo
- [SPOI-2742] - Core dumps on EMR
- [SPOI-2942] - Disable physical plan locking when there is no available license memory
- [SPOI-2947] - Provide a tool that distributes memory and generates licenses that can be deployed on multiple clusters
- [SPOI-3018] - Investigate raw performance of vertica jdbc
- [SPOI-3024] - Adding Virtual Mem to Physical Memory setting in Readme file
- [SPOI-3025] - Can't see the container logs from DT Console in Pivotal installation
- [SPOI-3053] - Continual Repartitioning Of Operator Causes Out Of Memory Exception
- [SPOI-3081] - Core StatsTest.testPortStatsPropagation Failing
- [SPOI-3107] - Failed to load Logical Plan
- [SPOI-3132] - User Interface Guide URL specified in current Sandbox gives 404
- [SPOI-3181] - dtgateway script: $PATH is being appended to repeatedly when gateway has trouble starting
- [SPOI-3187] - HDHT query results partition duplication
- [SPOI-3190] - HDHT AdsDimension demo last bar should grow
- [SPOI-3195] - Operator class exception when loading app package
- [SPOI-3196] - CLI returns Perm Gen Space errors when there are too many classes to inspect in app package
- [SPOI-3197] - Provide meta information for operators that can be used by DAG builder
- [SPOI-3198] - App Package archetype is erroneously including app package manifest in the low level jar file
- [SPOI-3213] - Newer maven versions (>3.1) do not work with copy-maven-plugin in app package archetype
- [SPOI-3215] - Duplicate streams in OperatorDeploymentInfo with default partition/parallel partitioning
- [SPOI-3232] - Mobile demo not dynamically partitioning
- [SPOI-3262] - Issue with serialization of xml cartesian product operator
- [SPOI-3319] - NPE in FSStatsRecorder
- [SPOI-1967] - Accept Password for Private Key
- [SPOI-2997] - License file content updates
- [SPOI-3083] - Ability to save DAG as a DT App Package
- [SPOI-3084] - Operator Library Browser
- [SPOI-3087] - Properties Section
- [SPOI-3088] - Attributes Section
- [SPOI-3089] - Operators needed for demo
- [SPOI-3102] - FileSplitter needs to be idempotent
- [SPOI-3136] - Add a check to see if stram is connected to THIS gateway
- [SPOI-3142] - Ability to take Logical Plan Serialization JSON to construct a DAG and launch it
- [SPOI-3148] - App Package REST API needs to allow PUT of json logical plan for adding/replacing application in app package
- [SPOI-3149] - Ability to launch a json-specified app within app package
- [SPOI-3185] - Import demo app packages from dtgateway fs
- [SPOI-3186] - Group app packages under demos folder in release
- [SPOI-3189] - Add display name and description to app package's manifest
- [SPOI-3199] - XML Javadoc
- [SPOI-3266] - Provide Ability to Allow Cross Origin Access
- [SPOI-3039] - Print data upon license mgr app start
- [SPOI-3061] - Add port tuple type in logical plan serialization
- [SPOI-3067] - Remove time-bombed public/private key pair from the code
- [SPOI-3068] - Make sure the release process (sandbox, installer binary) is okay with the time bound key pair removed from the code
- [SPOI-3069] - Remove the entire request blob process and generate license straight from customer info and license info
- [SPOI-3070] - Device ID change in license
- [SPOI-3071] - Generate License web tool to prompt for password for the private key
- [SPOI-3126] - O15 - Generic Dimension Computation/Store Operator
- [SPOI-3128] - HDHT - AdsDimension app integration for internal demo
- [SPOI-3130] - HDHT - Test files with varying block sizes
- [SPOI-3134] - Add a organization field in license file
- [SPOI-3162] - Kafka ingestion demo
- [SPOI-3164] - Integrate Kafka Query frontend into demos
- [SPOI-3165] - Ability to return JSON app as-is from app package through REST
- [SPOI-3166] - Ability to delete JSON apps from app package
- [SPOI-3167] - Ability to save incomplete json-based app to an app package
- [SPOI-3179] - Investigate how IDEs parse javadoc
- [SPOI-3182] - Complete dag annotations spec
- [SPOI-3193] - Investigate pluggable authorization mechanisms supported by Hadoop
- [SPOI-3200] - Generate resource file containing javadoc comments and custom tags
- [SPOI-3201] - Configure default javadoc doclet in pom to include custom tags
- [SPOI-3202] - Transform xml javadoc resources file to contain only comments and tags
- [SPOI-3203] - Add javadoc resource file to the class jar at maven build
- [SPOI-3206] - Add field and method comments to transformed xml javadoc
- [SPOI-3217] - Limit events DTFlumeSink pumps into the dag
- [SPOI-3219] - Help diagnose launch issue
- [SPOI-3225] - Check and fix machine and twitter hash tag demos
- [SPOI-3236] - displayName should be available from appPackage/applications call
- [MLHR-1347] - Create a block reader in library which is capable of dynamic partitioning itself
- [MLHR-1366] - HdfsBucketStore is not completely covered by unit test cases
- [MLHR-1367] - Add Counter Aggregators For Monitoring AbstractThroughputFSDirectoryInputOperator
- [MLHR-1373] - Container log download link
- [MLHR-1404] - App Package File Upload
- [MLHR-1407] - App List Kill App Selection Issue
- [MLHR-1410] - Add a "remove" option to the "set/subscribe" method of BaseCollection
- [MLHR-1412] - App Package archetype is erroneously including app package manifest in the low level jar file
- [MLHR-1419] - Xml cartesian product operator has kryo serialization errors in some cases
- [MLHR-1422] - UI Physical tab-> sorting by operator id is by lexical order not numerical
- [MLHR-1423] - app instance page does not update when state goes ACCEPTED => RUNNING
- [MLHR-1426] - favicon not being handled in gulp build
- [MLHR-1436] - Uptime shows -1 day even when the app is runing for some time
- [MLHR-1438] - AdsDimensionsWithHDSDemo - Expose Aggregation in Operator Properties
- [MLHR-1442] - Move the recipient property for the machine data to config
- [MLHR-1557] - subscribe handler on app instance alters original ws message
- [MLHR-1558] - Palette in the Apps List does not update after one app gets killed
- [MLHR-1427] - Make app name link to instance page as well in AppsList
- [MLHR-1388] - Base DAG Viewer
- [MLHR-1389] - App Package List Page
- [MLHR-1390] - Applications/Package Info Page
- [MLHR-1391] - App Package REST API Integration
- [MLHR-1392] - App Package CRUD
- [MLHR-1406] - UI Support of app package import
- [MLHR-1408] - Allow Shutting Down/Killing Multiple Applications
- [MLHR-1424] - UI Grid 3 Integration - Fonts
- [MLHR-1429] - Dashboard Component - Configurable Widget
- [MLHR-1430] - Kafka UI Demo
- [MLHR-1431] - Visual Data Demo Update
- [MLHR-1241] - App Package support in UI
- [MLHR-1357] - UI Dashboard Front Page Design
- [MLHR-1079] - Normalize timestamps for info pages
- [MLHR-1104] - Design App Package and Upload/Launch Feature
- [MLHR-1105] - Polish simplified (current) app data alert feature
- [MLHR-1207] - Convert demo apps to app packages
- [MLHR-1309] - License Info
- [MLHR-1363] - Create file splitter that breaks file into blocks and emits block metadata and a block reader
- [MLHR-1415] - Clean-up Hdfs Output operators in library and incorporate the features of fault-tolerant Writer
- [MLHR-1503] - Remove deprecated jdbc package from contrib
- [SPOI-2346] - ExactlyOnceTest#testLinearInputOperatorRecovery hangs
- [SPOI-2511] - ResourceManager HA support
- [SPOI-2625] - uninstall.sh should print message that reminds users of running DT applications
- [SPOI-2922] - Counters Aggregator gets lost when an operator is parallel partitioned - test fix
- [SPOI-2939] - AppBundles test resource refers to fixed version
- [SPOI-2967] - Mobile demo dies after couple of days
- [SPOI-2979] - App Bundle unit test should load properties.xml
- [SPOI-2991] - [kafka-yarn] Archive resource to use less space in HDFS
- [SPOI-2993] - appBundle with conflicting names in config and ApplicationAnnotation can't launch in CLI with either name
- [SPOI-2995] - Generate MANIFEST.MF automatically instead of requiring user to change it
- [SPOI-2999] - Investigate application integration to Vertica
- [SPOI-3012] - launch application throws NPE when yarn.application.classpath is not defined
- [SPOI-3015] - DTGateway log grows indefinitely
- [SPOI-3019] - Investigate how many objects per second (with a single field) using JPA can be written to vertica
- [SPOI-3027] - Sandbox GATEWAY_CONNECT_ADDRESS change to support VMWare
- [SPOI-3055] - NullPointerException When Repartitioning Too Frequently
- [SPOI-3074] - NullPointerException in AppMaster
- [SPOI-3079] - NPE while launching application
- [SPOI-3080] - Content-disposition: attachment for container logs
- [SPOI-3091] - Null Pointer Exception/Internal Server Error When Getting Operator Stats
- [SPOI-3092] - DefaultUnifier of a port in an operator does not function correctly when the port has more than one sinks
- [SPOI-2821] - Add bucket processed time
- [SPOI-2891] - DTGateway default log setting too verbose
- [SPOI-2938] - Document AppBundles development and deployment
- [SPOI-3044] - gateway should show the full stack trace of the origin upon error when proxying
- [SPOI-2720] - API Call for determining if an application's stram can connect to the gateway
- [SPOI-2981] - HDS - File Format
- [SPOI-2982] - HDS - Writing Data Files
- [SPOI-2983] - HDS - Bucket Meta Data
- [SPOI-2984] - HDS - WAL
- [SPOI-2986] - HDS - Bucket Management
- [SPOI-3031] - Add ability to specify number of recording windows
- [SPOI-3032] - Delete request for recording
- [SPOI-3033] - Provide byte offset for each line when grepping container log
- [SPOI-3049] - Ingestion streamlet design for first cut
- [SPOI-1734] - Licensing Agent Logging for Audit
- [SPOI-2810] - Update document with details on password authentication
- [SPOI-2906] - Write documentation on App Bundle
- [SPOI-2908] - Prototype kafka-on-yarn
- [SPOI-2934] - Add application id to the tuple record topic
- [SPOI-2962] - Create operator to write events in bucket file and write index files for keys
- [SPOI-2963] - Change query processor operator to fetch events based on indices
- [SPOI-2996] - Support launch-app-bundle command without the appname argument
- [SPOI-3006] - Create a LATLON to MGRS converter utility
- [SPOI-3009] - Create a utility to calculate MD5 hash
- [SPOI-3010] - Create a utility for Blowfish
- [SPOI-3014] - Update sandbox release docs
- [SPOI-3026] - Change the name app bundle to app package and the extension zip to jar
- [SPOI-3036] - Review issue with ingestion
- [SPOI-3050] - A first cut at design for ingestion streamlet
- [SPOI-3051] - License work
- [SPOI-3108] - Add REST API to get the entire hadoop configuration
- [SPOI-3121] - HDS - File Format - Performance testing TFile / DTFile
- [SPOI-2985] - HDS - File Format - Performance testing - HFile
- [SPOI-2987] - HDS - File Format - Performance testing - MapFile
- [SPOI-3122] - HDS - File Format - HFile implementation
- [SPOI-3017] - HDS - File Format - Common Interface
- [SPOI-3100] - Create the SinglePointCalculator
- [SPOI-3103] - Create Synchronizer Operator
- [SPOI-3104] - Create Persister to store the data
- [MLHR-1223] - JDBC Store doesn't support connection properties
- [MLHR-1253] - documenting keyhashvalpair
- [MLHR-1255] - db api in malhar lib has KeyValueStore interface which is similar to db/cache/Store api
- [MLHR-1260] - AngularJS Migrations - Metrics Grouping
- [MLHR-1268] - AbstractBatchTransactionableStoreOutputOperator add to library db is same as public abstract class AbstractAggregateTransactionableStoreOutputOperator
- [MLHR-1269] - Mobile demo dies after couple of days
- [MLHR-1319] - AngularJS Migration - WebSocket Service
- [MLHR-1320] - AngularJS Migration - Page Visibility API
- [MLHR-1323] - stram events links broken (angular)
- [MLHR-1325] - Wrong "track by" in physical operators list
- [MLHR-1328] - "inspect" button in appslist broken
- [MLHR-1335] - dtPageHref directive does not update href of element on changes
- [MLHR-1336] - Container shorthand directive not watching value changes
- [MLHR-1342] - Allow DAG widgets to be vertically resized (using jquery resizable)
- [MLHR-1344] - AngularJS Migration - Metrics Chart
- [MLHR-1345] - AngularJS Migration - Physical Operator Page - Chart
- [MLHR-1346] - Test for AbstractFSDirectoryInputOperator fails sporadically
- [MLHR-1359] - AngularJS Migration - Dashboard Widgets Vertical Resize
- [MLHR-1364] - BucketManager while reading values doesn't ensure that latest value for a key is read
- [MLHR-1368] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Overview Grouping
- [MLHR-1374] - Remove all occurrences of dag.setAttribute(DAG.APPLICATION_NAME, "xxx") in demos code
- [MLHR-1263] - Migrate JDBC non-transaction output operator to new db api and move it to lib
- [MLHR-1322] - Changing Machine Data Operator and Stream Names
- [MLHR-1324] - appState directive should be renamed to something more generic
- [MLHR-1327] - Assume lodash is global throughout console
- [MLHR-1343] - Use userStorage to store height of stram events
- [MLHR-1351] - Allow transformResponse to set a fetchError
- [MLHR-1353] - Centralize location of breadcrumbs
- [MLHR-1360] - Put dashboards on the left
- [MLHR-419] - DAG Widget with AngularJS
- [MLHR-1220] - Send the "unsubscribe" webSocket message for topic when no more listeners
- [MLHR-1239] - AngularJS Migration - Physical DAG View
- [MLHR-1240] - AngularJS Migration - Logical DAG View
- [MLHR-1243] - Angular JS Migration - Current/Recover Window Id Metrics
- [MLHR-1245] - AngularJS Migration - Partitions/Container Metrics
- [MLHR-1246] - AngularJS Migrations - DAG View Zoom
- [MLHR-1247] - AngularJS Migration - Physical View
- [MLHR-1248] - AngularJS Migration - Container View
- [MLHR-1249] - AngularJS Migration - Landing Page High-Level Metrics
- [MLHR-1250] - AngularJS Migration - Charts
- [MLHR-1251] - AngularJS Migration - Gauge Widget
- [MLHR-1252] - AngularJS Migration - DAG View Base Renderer
- [MLHR-1278] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Logical View
- [MLHR-1279] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Physical View
- [MLHR-1280] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Physical DAG View
- [MLHR-1283] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Metric View
- [MLHR-1298] - AngularJS Migration - Physical Operator Page - Overview
- [MLHR-1299] - AngularJS Migration - Physical Operator Page - Port List
- [MLHR-1300] - AngularJS Migration - Physical Operator Page - Properties
- [MLHR-1303] - AngularJS Migration - Logical Operator Page - Overview
- [MLHR-1305] - AngularJS Migration - Logical Operator Page - Partitions
- [MLHR-1306] - AngularJS Migration - Logical Operator Page - Chart
- [MLHR-1308] - AngularJS Migration - Logical Operator Page - Properties
- [MLHR-1313] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Physical View - Container List
- [MLHR-1314] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Physical View - Operators
- [MLHR-1315] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Logical View - Chart
- [MLHR-1316] - AngularJS Migration - App Instance Page - Logical View - Stream List
- [MLHR-1321] - AngularJS Migration - Distribution Build with Gulp
- [MLHR-1334] - Front-End Build with Gulp - WebSocket Proxy
- [MLHR-1337] - Front-End Build with Gulp - JS/CSS Revisions
- [MLHR-1338] - Front-End Build with Gulp - Angular Templates Injection
- [MLHR-1341] - create userStorage service for user settings
- [MLHR-1358] - Breadcrumbs to jump between collection elements
- [MLHR-1361] - Logical/Physical DAG - Stream Locality Legend
- [MLHR-1365] - AngularJS Migration - Widget Settings Modal - Height Management
- [MLHR-1208] - Convert contrib apps to app bundles
- [MLHR-1244] - Update tuple recorder topic to use "applications..tupleRecorder."
- [MLHR-1254] - Create a test case for UniqueValueCountAppender
- [MLHR-1264] - Start Logical Operator Page
- [MLHR-1265] - Start Physical Operator Page
- [MLHR-1266] - Start Container Page View
- [MLHR-1271] - Container Page: overview
- [MLHR-1273] - Container Page: operator list
- [MLHR-1275] - Container Page: log viewer
- [MLHR-1276] - Container Page: page module
- [MLHR-1284] - Stream View: overview
- [MLHR-1285] - Stream View: page module
- [MLHR-1289] - Port View: page module
- [MLHR-1302] - Operations Landing Page: memory gauge
- [MLHR-1311] - Vertical Resize (malhar-angular-dashboard)
- [MLHR-1318] - Move webSocket service to malhar-angular-widgets
- [MLHR-1326] - Create .jshintrc for IDE/editor, grunt tasks
- [MLHR-1330] - Document gulp usage in README
- [MLHR-1333] - add "gulp coverage" task
- [MLHR-1339] - Need a dynamic partitioner for File processing operator where the count of the operator instances is controlled by the backlog present
- [MLHR-1348] - Change app bundle to app package on all demos
- [MLHR-1349] - Link tables to userStorage service
- [MLHR-1372] - Adding the tool-tip capability to console
- [MLHR-1376] - Add counters and counters aggregator to mobile demo
- [SPOI-2620] - S3 reader error
- [SPOI-2673] - Move the Kafka Exactly Once Producer to Malhar Library
- [SPOI-2775] - Log file being processed on seperate port to monitor progress by input operators.
- [SPOI-2813] - Send top gateways in descending order
- [SPOI-2814] - Change field name of input event in CDREvent
- [SPOI-2815] - Show top 3 gateways using a widget
- [SPOI-2816] - No query poll in alert information view
- [SPOI-2817] - For non-finalized buckets threshold flags should not be set
- [SPOI-2819] - Send data continuously to the application
- [SPOI-2820] - Provide more alerts in the UI
- [SPOI-2837] - Operators crashing sporadically when alert information requested from frontend
- [SPOI-2838] - Clear out the cdr event files and aggregates are cleared
- [SPOI-2844] - Machine data demo waits long before starting
- [SPOI-2845] - Recovery is failing in cdr events output operator after upstream operator redeploys
- [SPOI-2854] - Buckets are not being finalized correctly when there is a bucket gap in input data
- [SPOI-2861] - GATEWAY_CONNECT_ADDRESS not set during install
- [SPOI-2866] - Change lablel of top gateways to top 3 gateways
- [SPOI-2867] - Change null to empty value in the UI for alert event information
- [SPOI-2869] - Need a cleanup script to delete old files from hdfs
- [SPOI-2882] - Backup the allatory log file for flume integration build as well
- [SPOI-2883] - NPE in bufferserver
- [SPOI-2892] - DTGateway WS fails to get YARN logs
- [SPOI-2894] - Investigate bucket manager for cdr event storage
- [SPOI-2900] - First few events for an application do not get published
- [SPOI-2902] - Documentation for sandbox missing images
- [SPOI-2910] - PartitioningTest.testDynamicDefaultPartitioning sometimes fails and sometimes succeeds
- [SPOI-2913] - Events API returns no events when limit and offset not supplied
- [SPOI-2919] - Change cleanup to cleanup folders older than an hour
- [SPOI-2920] - make stats recorder asynchronous so that it won't block stram
- [SPOI-2921] - Test Node Locality feature on HDP
- [SPOI-2932] - Historical containers don't show up on gateway if there is a second attempt on application
- [SPOI-2936] - Historical data store high level design
- [SPOI-2937] - Gateway throwing exception while launching app
- [SPOI-2811] - Show input record in alert information dialog
- [SPOI-2812] - Show top gateways for all defect aggregates and possibly all aggregates
- [SPOI-2881] - Show actual memory usage in dashboard
- [SPOI-2891] - DTGateway default log setting too verbose
- [SPOI-2911] - Create a Bean2String codec
- [SPOI-2228] - Gateway to load and to allow manipulation of app bundles
- [SPOI-2753] - Front End POC - Aggregates Table
- [SPOI-2757] - Front End POC - Kafka Operations
- [SPOI-2758] - Front End POC - Historical Data Navigation
- [SPOI-2808] - Support YARN log aggregation for dead container log retrieval in the gateway
- [SPOI-2826] - Maven archetype for assembling app bundle
- [SPOI-2827] - CLI to load app bundles
- [SPOI-2828] - Supports launching apps in app bundle in CLI
- [SPOI-2829] - Gateway to allow uploading and changing configuration of existing App Bundles
- [SPOI-2849] - Demonstrate Datatorrent RTS as front end ingestion for Spark.
- [SPOI-2879] - Kafka Request/Response Debug Collapsible Panel
- [SPOI-2896] - Unique identifier for stram events
- [SPOI-2835] - Streamlet Design - 1.0.3
- [SPOI-2836] - Kafka integration for 1.0.3
- [SPOI-2851] - Platform Excellence - 1.0.3
- [SPOI-2212] - Determine logistics of application bundles
- [SPOI-2521] - Add counters for checkpointo operations
- [SPOI-2546] - Pi demo does not seem to work in 512MB
- [SPOI-2547] - Twitter demo needs 1024MB
- [SPOI-2684] - Automated distro certification - collect minimum requirements
- [SPOI-2786] - Include setters and getters for output fields in the event
- [SPOI-2795] - Add top 3 gateways to alert aggregate csv in HDFS
- [SPOI-2802] - Dynamic partitioning for S3 input operator.
- [SPOI-2822] - Add operator to write cdr events to hdfs
- [SPOI-2823] - Fetch events from hdfs for alert events query response
- [SPOI-2846] - Partition Aggregations operator
- [SPOI-2859] - Separate out query processing from aggregations operator
- [SPOI-2870] - Application template classpath does not include malhar libraries
- [SPOI-2874] - Add Port Queue Capacity usage as part of the operator stats
- [SPOI-2878] - Move the gateway randomization to generator
- [SPOI-2890] - Update support contacts to malhar-users group
- [SPOI-2914] - Configure Store operator to join logger and tracker stream.
- [SPOI-2747] - Total emitted window of an operator keeps on increasing even when it has stopped emitting
- [SPOI-2850] - Sort out the dependencies for dt-flume so we do not include the jars which are already part of dt dist and hadoop dist
- [SPOI-2873] - Deprecate ShipContainingJars.
- [SPOI-2895] - launch -license does not work
- [SPOI-2907] - Counters appear in physical plan only when a Counters aggregator or a stats listener is set on the operator
- [MLHR-1176] - Update demo section of README.md
- [MLHR-1219] - Non-chrome browsers cannot parse date format from date picker
- [MLHR-1227] - AbstractKafkaOutputOperator fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/yammer/metrics/Metrics
- [MLHR-1235] - close button on gateway info modal does not close the modal
- [MLHR-1213] - Use trackBy for malhar-angular-table
- [MLHR-1216] - DB key value store manager enhancement
- [MLHR-1218] - Clicking on an open stram log event should close it in UI
- [MLHR-1212] - Make scrollbar draggable on malhar-angular-table
- [MLHR-1225] - Logical Operator Table
- [MLHR-1226] - Stram Event widget
- [MLHR-1229] - Provide better widget options dialog
- [MLHR-1231] - Custom template/controller for widget options
- [MLHR-1205] - Restructure directory structure in angular console
- [MLHR-1206] - Change malhar pom to use provided scope to prevent DT and hadoop jars from being sucked into the runtime classpath
- [MLHR-1210] - Create script to automatically add scripts to index.html
- [MLHR-1224] - Kafka enabled AdsDimensions demo
- [SPOI-431] - Fix mergeSort operator to actually do mergeSort
- [SPOI-2499] - Provide license delegation tokens in secure environment
- [SPOI-2500] - Provide new delegation token before an old one expires in secure enviroment
- [SPOI-2501] - dt.log not written under CDH5 GA
- [SPOI-2506] - [MapR]FileSystem.mkdirs() doesn't work for existing folders in MapRFileSystem
- [SPOI-2605] - DT install as root cannot use /user/chetan/dt0528 as DFS location and not printing out detailed error
- [SPOI-2608] - LicensingAppMaster's name should not be obfuscated
- [SPOI-2617] - Memory usage counted by license agent and not released after app is killed
- [SPOI-2619] - Front End Server - fill missing slots for time series
- [SPOI-2630] - Not able to launch apps in cloudera cluster
- [SPOI-2634] - Uninstall is removing entire datatorrent folder as opposed to the release folder only
- [SPOI-2639] - dtcli allows apps to be launched before configuration is finished
- [SPOI-2668] - Parent jira for Kafka work for 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2678] - Put Fraud demo into the demo UI
- [SPOI-2679] - Front End Server - Query ID as Query JSON
- [SPOI-2683] - Appmaster Logs are not shown in the Console
- [SPOI-2689] - set-operator-property produces NPE on stram
- [SPOI-2699] - Mobile demo app mis-behaving
- [SPOI-2703] - Gateway fails to start in devel mode with hadoop 2.3.0
- [SPOI-2705] - Demo UI instructions missing from install README
- [SPOI-2706] - Logical plan change fails w/ obfuscated build
- [SPOI-2709] - Partition events should not be registered if same no. partitions result
- [SPOI-2710] - Containers running the unifier are not released
- [SPOI-2723] - Design and develop the File Ingestion app
- [SPOI-2737] - Gateway installation replaces dt-site.xml with invalid version
- [SPOI-2744] - ZIP of version's docs not being made available for download
- [SPOI-2748] - dtdemos service fails to stop in sandbox
- [SPOI-2749] - docs distribution files at root path
- [SPOI-2759] - Installation instructions for user setup
- [SPOI-2760] - Get container log content fails with 500
- [SPOI-2761] - Remove dtadmin reference from install wizzard
- [SPOI-2762] - EMR configuration issues
- [SPOI-2779] - dtcli failed to read the license file which was uploaded through UI
- [SPOI-2798] - Request for log content outside of range results in 500, long request time
- [SPOI-2839] - set-operator-property broken in master
- [SPOI-2602] - Containers published via websocket should only contain live containers and recently finished containers
- [SPOI-2610] - Parent: Automatic unobfuscation tool
- [SPOI-2613] - Create web tool to run unobfuscator
- [SPOI-2614] - Automate transfer of allatori-log.xml to web server
- [SPOI-2712] - Add window_width to app info REST call
- [SPOI-2736] - Merge /systemAlerts/alerts and /systemAlerts/inAlerts API calls
- [SPOI-2751] - Include sandbox README.html with docs.zip and on website
- [SPOI-950] - Specify memory requirements on per operator basis (duplicate)
- [SPOI-2220] - Gateway App Bundle API spec
- [SPOI-2339] - Enable container size for each operator(s)
- [SPOI-2515] - Ability to dynamically change the logger level for any instantiated loggers within the application
- [SPOI-2523] - System alerts for application state and metrics
- [SPOI-2525] - Add operator serialization check in local mode
- [SPOI-2528] - Expose "counters" in REST API
- [SPOI-2575] - Kafka Pub/Sub Protocol
- [SPOI-2588] - Record physical counters per window
- [SPOI-2589] - Expose counters logical and physical through web services/ web socket
- [SPOI-2606] - Initializing loggers with levels specified in the configuration
- [SPOI-2627] - Front End Server - "Countdown" usage
- [SPOI-2629] - Front End Server - Support of Multiple Partitions
- [SPOI-2631] - Front End Server - Cache Expiration Strategy
- [SPOI-2632] - Front End Server - Kafka Reconnect
- [SPOI-2633] - Front End Server - Page Performance (Visibility API)
- [SPOI-2638] - Front End Server - Kafka Errors Handling
- [SPOI-2645] - Front End Server - Kafka SimpleConsumer
- [SPOI-2652] - Develop and Stage Hadoop Summit Landing Page
- [SPOI-2696] - Front End Server - Top N Metrics
- [SPOI-2697] - Front End Server - Dynamic Publisher and Site
- [SPOI-2698] - Front End Server - Kafka Troubleshooting
- [SPOI-2752] - Front End Server - LRU Cache
- [SPOI-2756] - Front End POC - Alert Modal
- [SPOI-2804] - Create a hbase operator that uses a config to map incoming csv tuples to hbase table data and saves them in hbase
- [SPOI-2455] - HDFS storage layer for 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2565] - Front End Server - Define cache policy for push data in Node.js
- [SPOI-2571] - Parent jira for Hadoop Summit work
- [SPOI-2590] - Parent: GA Testing
- [SPOI-2611] - Parent jira for facilitating trouble shooting and debugging in 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2615] - Parent jira for security work in 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2662] - Parent jira for licensing security for 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2664] - HDFS Storage, Ingestion, Access application data and file storage for 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2667] - Automate distro certification and make it part of CI for 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2781] - Determine which fields are present in output that are not present in input
- [SPOI-2341] - Update on authentication and authorization in Yarn-open source
- [SPOI-2434] - Short document on deduper checkpointing scheme
- [SPOI-2440] - Kafka support in POC for 1.0.2
- [SPOI-2509] - Investigate how to use Kafka to replace the pub/sub mechanism in Gateway
- [SPOI-2532] - Join Operator
- [SPOI-2534] - Add support of getting container info of dead applications and dead containers
- [SPOI-2535] - Add support for retrieving Aggregated Counters from Response processStats of StatsListener
- [SPOI-2542] - Get user to look at instructions before .bin file download
- [SPOI-2544] - Twitter demo "feedMultiplier" should be RW and test to ensure that it can be changed in runtime
- [SPOI-2548] - Memory gauge always shows 100%
- [SPOI-2549] - Total memory on right corner needs to be discussed
- [SPOI-2552] - Need to list certified Distros on site
- [SPOI-2558] - Help set up Kafka operations
- [SPOI-2568] - Making Kafka Producer Exactly Once
- [SPOI-2569] - Add the Rewind Feature
- [SPOI-2573] - Integrate the Scoring of the quality logs into the DAG
- [SPOI-2574] - Add counter calculation in hdfs operator
- [SPOI-2584] - DT counters as Key,Val (String,Number)
- [SPOI-2585] - Troubleshooting work for reporting min, max, ave, ... on resources
- [SPOI-2591] - GA Testing: CDH5 end-to-end
- [SPOI-2592] - GA Testing: HDP2 end-to-end
- [SPOI-2593] - GA Testing: MapR end-to-end
- [SPOI-2594] - GA Testing: UI end-to-end
- [SPOI-2595] - GA Testing: dtcli / gateway end-to-end
- [SPOI-2596] - GA Testing: Apache Hadoop end-to-end
- [SPOI-2597] - GA Testing: High Availability / Recovery
- [SPOI-2598] - GA Testing: Application configuration and launch
- [SPOI-2599] - GA Testing: Sandbox functionality
- [SPOI-2600] - GA Testing: Sandbox UX
- [SPOI-2621] - Top 10 support
- [SPOI-2622] - Partitioning of DimensionStore operator
- [SPOI-2624] - Front End Server - Architecture
- [SPOI-2626] - Setting up of number of partitions for Kafka Producer
- [SPOI-2636] - Twitter demo app with hashtag top 10
- [SPOI-2640] - Setup UI server for HDP grid for Hadoop Summit
- [SPOI-2641] - Setup Ambari for Hadoop Summit Demo
- [SPOI-2642] - Run Twitter demo on HDP cluster for Hadoop Summit
- [SPOI-2643] - Setup Mobile demo for HDP demo at Hadoop Summit
- [SPOI-2644] - Set up machine data demo on HDP cluster for Hadoop Summit
- [SPOI-2646] - Setup Ads demo on HDP cluster for Hadoop Summit
- [SPOI-2647] - Add the new Twitter HashTag top 10 demo to Frontend server for Summit
- [SPOI-2650] - Change default license memory settings
- [SPOI-2651] - Milestone 1 update
- [SPOI-2670] - Launch twitter hashtags on CDH and HDP clusters
- [SPOI-2671] - Update CDH cluster DT UI
- [SPOI-2672] - Move the HDFSOutputOperator to Malhar Library
- [SPOI-2676] - Get events, tuple records from kafka
- [SPOI-2680] - Make more managable kafka cluster
- [SPOI-2682] - Customer Demos Support
- [SPOI-2685] - Automated distro certification - virtualization review
- [SPOI-2686] - Automated distro certification - provisioning review
- [SPOI-2687] - Certify DT on Pivotal HD
- [SPOI-2688] - Make twitter HashTags links in demo
- [SPOI-2690] - Upgrade security sections in guides
- [SPOI-2700] - Test DimensionStore operator checkpointing and recovery
- [SPOI-2714] - Document stram event types
- [SPOI-2732] - Create a multi level key map with multiple keys
- [SPOI-2733] - Create a CSV lookup class to load CSV and lookup values based on row keys
- [SPOI-2735] - Ensure all dimemsions are implemented and covered by test
- [SPOI-2763] - Create a csv parser framework that can handle the different csv file formats
- [SPOI-2764] - Create a template application
- [SPOI-2765] - Create the template configuration file
- [SPOI-2766] - Create kafka input for the application
- [SPOI-2767] - Add a directory scan operator that progressively scans for new folders and files for input data to the application
- [SPOI-2768] - Add a kafka upload script to upload data to the application
- [SPOI-2769] - Create an upload script that uploads application files to hdfs
- [SPOI-2773] - Add a property to clear the aggregates in the AggregationsOperator
- [SPOI-2785] - Include the input event string in the CDR event
- [SPOI-2789] - Add query support for getting events for alerts
- [SPOI-2790] - Scale the input events into millions
- [SPOI-2792] - Send top 3 gateway list in alert event details
- [SPOI-2793] - Add the capability to finalize a bucket
- [SPOI-2794] - Add ability to clear out old results when replaying data
- [SPOI-2797] - Add query support to send the latest five minute buckets and aggregates
- [SPOI-2800] - Install a kafka web-console in our cluster
- [SPOI-2805] - Investigate yarn log aggregation to see how this fits into our container logs API
- [SPOI-2725] - Create skeleton App
- [SPOI-2728] - Convert the Skeleton Operators into Real Operators - Part I
- [SPOI-2739] - File input operator
- [SPOI-2740] - DAG level unit test
- [SPOI-2776] - Test and Certify RPM packaging for Cloudera
- [SPOI-2777] - Gateway throws a bunch of exceptions when trying to install using rpm
- [MLHR-724] - RabbitMQ test timing issue
- [MLHR-1128] - Breadcrumbs should say physical operator, not operator on port page
- [MLHR-1129] - DAG should not display underneath controls
- [MLHR-1137] - Memory gauge always shows 100%
- [MLHR-1142] - Front End Server - Kafka Reconnect
- [MLHR-1143] - KafkaOutputOperator is not configurable for Kafka Producer properties
- [MLHR-1144] - Container Actions - use wording that's not confusing
- [MLHR-1157] - Parent JIRA for Front End Server
- [MLHR-1159] - Stop Recording function does not give visual indication of stopped recording unless refreshed
- [MLHR-1169] - Update readme for console repo
- [MLHR-1170] - Appmaster Logs are not shown in the Console
- [MLHR-1185] - Stram Event widget should check physical plan for existence of operator
- [MLHR-1186] - some numbers in logical dag hidden behind control
- [MLHR-1189] - AbstractHdfsTupleFileOutputOperator output port is not optional
- [MLHR-1192] - Parametrize the demos
- [MLHR-1195] - App master container is not showing proper metrics
- [MLHR-1202] - failureCount missing for physical operators
- [MLHR-1132] - Improvements to errors in the stram events widget
- [MLHR-1146] - Only get active containers for initial container list
- [MLHR-1167] - UI support for searching log levels of classes
- [MLHR-1168] - Validate input for log level widget
- [MLHR-1194] - Align app counts with labels in cluster overview widget
- [MLHR-1209] - Support JMS providers other than ActiveMQ
- [MLHR-921] - Installer - List of Errors/Codes
- [MLHR-1111] - Container Log Widget, using new REST call
- [MLHR-1121] - Front End Server - Kafka Query JSON
- [MLHR-1122] - Front End Server - Kafka Keep Alive
- [MLHR-1123] - Front End Server - Kafka Parameterized Queries
- [MLHR-1124] - Front End Server - Kafka Response Debug/Format
- [MLHR-1125] - Front End Server - Kafka Pub/Sub Protocol for Widgets
- [MLHR-1130] - Widget to change the log levels of classes dynamically
- [MLHR-1133] - Put "float" control in widget config popup
- [MLHR-1134] - Front End Server - Editable JSON request
- [MLHR-1135] - Front End Server - Setup Instructions
- [MLHR-1136] - Front End Server - Packaging/Distribution
- [MLHR-1147] - Front End Server - Selecting Metrics
- [MLHR-1149] - Front End Server - Use Latest Kafka Offset
- [MLHR-1151] - Front End Server - Data Validation
- [MLHR-1152] - Front End Server - Page Performance (Visibility API)
- [MLHR-1175] - Widget Library - Select Widget
- [MLHR-1179] - AngularJS Migration - Application Instance Page
- [MLHR-1181] - AngularJS Migration - Application Overview Widget
- [MLHR-1182] - Angular JS Migration - App Structure
- [MLHR-1187] - UI for adding system alerts
- [MLHR-1193] - Create Basic Counters and its aggregator in library
- [MLHR-1178] - AngularJS Migration for 1.0.2
- [MLHR-960] - Create a Tableau output adapter
- [MLHR-1090] - Create first resource objects (models) for angular console
- [MLHR-1106] - Improve ended app page
- [MLHR-1139] - Add HTTP Get Operator
- [MLHR-1140] - Add HDFS output operator that writes to file names specified in tuple
- [MLHR-1160] - Create HDFS Output Operator to write with exactly once semantics
- [MLHR-1162] - Implement app list with angular
- [MLHR-1164] - Wireframe for UI DAG builder
- [MLHR-1171] - Make twitter hashTab a link in twitter demo
- [MLHR-1172] - Create a Cassandra read operator
- [MLHR-1173] - Create a Cassandra write operator
- [MLHR-1163] - Wireframe for DAG builder
- [SPOI-1404] - Create seperate environment for node0 for demos
- [SPOI-1952] - Operation and Install guide review
- [SPOI-2203] - Configure adsDimesions and machine data to use minimum memory
- [SPOI-2340] - License Agent is persisting state in a wrong location
- [SPOI-2397] - Monitoring and fixing the bugs in Customer demos
- [SPOI-2408] - Verify DT Platform on HDP 2.1
- [SPOI-2410] - Master script to restart hadoop on the cluster
- [SPOI-2411] - Not able to starte license with 0.9.5 release
- [SPOI-2420] - Core doesn't compile with hadoop 2.4
- [SPOI-2448] - Test xml ingestion demo on a cluster
- [SPOI-2449] - Test golden gate demo on a cluster
- [SPOI-2450] - Test twitter sentiment demo on a cluster
- [SPOI-2474] - Containers not provisioned diagnostics error
- [SPOI-2477] - LicenceAgent client fails with NPE
- [SPOI-2489] - Operator downstream of EXACTLY_ONCE operator not checkpointing
- [SPOI-2490] - HDFS
- [SPOI-2491] - Testing the HDFS drain for Flume Sink
- [SPOI-2493] - Add HDFS operator updates into Malhar
- [SPOI-2496] - viewdag does not work any more
- [SPOI-2503] - Provide a rewind feature to replay tuples from a previous time
- [SPOI-2505] - Sandbox demos need customization
- [SPOI-2512] - Apps fail to start due to serialization errors on CDH5
- [SPOI-2533] - Fraud app needs debugging
- [SPOI-2543] - Applications not reporting the license information to License Agent if LA is restarted
- [SPOI-2550] - License Agent Dying
- [SPOI-2554] - Third party libraries which are required for demos are missing from /opt/datatorrent/releases/version/lib/
- [SPOI-2556] - Add demo guides to documentation index
- [SPOI-2210] - Default license generation should be part of build process
- [SPOI-2468] - README for certifications and benchmarks
- [SPOI-2482] - DTCli should handle ^C more gracefully
- [SPOI-2494] - Add HTTP Get operator to Malhar
- [SPOI-2555] - Include README, LICENSE, and CHANGELOG in docs
- [SPOI-406] - Document and test download to work with Hortonworks HDP 2.0
- [SPOI-408] - Certify with MapR (Hadoop 2.3) release in 1.0.1
- [SPOI-1146] - API for retrieving raw Container Logs
- [SPOI-1834] - Pub-Sub/REST mechanisms for exceptions thrown by an application
- [SPOI-2080] - Application to certify installation
- [SPOI-2253] - Username/password feature in the installer
- [SPOI-2381] - dt-site.xml logistics
- [SPOI-2387] - Aggregate Logical Operators on Gateway
- [SPOI-2402] - Update dt-site.xml with container memory less than 512MB after getting the app-memory-automation results for all the apps.
- [SPOI-2460] - dt-site.xml new logistics implementation
- [SPOI-2470] - Create a certification property file for Distro/Install Certification
- [SPOI-2486] - Workaround for "FileSyste.getScheme is not overrided by MapRFileSystem"
- [SPOI-2519] - add grep feature when getting container log
- [SPOI-2526] - Add REST call to return info of historical containers
- [SPOI-62] - Buffer Server logging
- [SPOI-1206] - Review Licensing of Third Party Libraries
- [SPOI-1745] - Document Demo Application Setup
- [SPOI-1784] - License agent app to have webservice
- [SPOI-2199] - Readme file for AWS installation
- [SPOI-2223] - Test if all the applications with reduced container memory sizes run in sandbox 0.9.4.
- [SPOI-2348] - Enable checkpoint for aggregator operator
- [SPOI-2354] - Certify demos on 0.9.4 sandbox
- [SPOI-2370] - Fully automate Hadoop cluster restart
- [SPOI-2379] - Certify DT with Hadoop 2.3/CDH
- [SPOI-2392] - Add more basic demos to sandbox launcher
- [SPOI-2393] - Certify Amazon EMR Hadoop 2 version
- [SPOI-2414] - Stop the nightly benchmarking jenkins jobs
- [SPOI-2415] - remove the "page has not loaded since 60 second" message at top
- [SPOI-2422] - Add HDFS cache limit on FlumeAgent operator
- [SPOI-2424] - Log metrics across all poc operators to a file
- [SPOI-2425] - Compare HDFS with customer site
- [SPOI-2426] - Benchmark HDFS drain rate by agent operator
- [SPOI-2427] - Enable dedupper to be run with checkpointing turned OFF
- [SPOI-2428] - Evaluate bigger bucket size for checkpointing for deduper
- [SPOI-2430] - Number validation for poc
- [SPOI-2432] - Compute the checkpoint I/O for dedupper
- [SPOI-2439] - Compute deduper HDFS I/O for current checkpointing scheme
- [SPOI-2441] - Estimate the feed time for HDFS agent replay
- [SPOI-2445] - Certify Cloudera CDH 5.0 GA
- [SPOI-2451] - Gateway Load Test
- [SPOI-2457] - Widget Library
- [SPOI-2458] - Generate certification report for HDP 2.1
- [SPOI-2466] - Monitoring and notifications for cluster
- [SPOI-2475] - Document process to certify demo re-start
- [SPOI-2476] - Document process for grid restart
- [SPOI-2483] - Node.js Kafka Client POC
- [SPOI-2513] - Create demos ui service wrapper compatible with CentOS
- [SPOI-2517] - Configure customer demos ui for as a service
- [SPOI-2531] - HDFSOutputOperator write with exactly once semantics
- [SPOI-2535] - Add support for retrieving Aggregated Counters from Response processStats of StatsListener
- [SPOI-2537] - Need to list previous versions on datatorrent site
- [SPOI-2540] - Fix URL for AWS EMR document
- [SPOI-2551] - Define a process on backend to ensure archive of previous downloads works for customers
- [SPOI-2553] - Holding ticket for Malhar maintenance work
- [MLHR-774] - Terms of service license
- [MLHR-976] - Implement table module for angular
- [MLHR-998] - Compilation error while using UniqueValueCount operator.
- [MLHR-1054] - Update topic and rest calls for Logical/Physical Split
- [MLHR-1056] - Rename demo apps to include Demo suffix
- [MLHR-1089] - Error handling for license page
- [MLHR-1093] - AbstractKafkaInputOperator is not committing the txn to Kafka in commit call back
- [MLHR-1096] - Get last N events when tailing stram events
- [MLHR-1108] - Logical DAG resizing
- [MLHR-1113] - AdsDimension demo fails to launch
- [MLHR-1114] - FraudDetect demo fails to launch
- [MLHR-1115] - MachineData demo fails to launch
- [MLHR-1127] - HdfsTextFileInputOperator Fails during checkpointing
- [MLHR-1138] - Remove unused CPU columns in logical operator table
- [MLHR-1092] - Add environment variable override to rename demo apps
- [MLHR-1098] - Improved code coverage for malhar-angular-dashboard
- [MLHR-1099] - Extend dataModelOptions with non-serializable defaults
- [MLHR-1100] - Improved widget directive in malhar-angular-dashboard
- [MLHR-1116] - Use negative offset to get last N events for stram events widget
- [MLHR-1119] - Add a confirm box when killing app master container
- [MLHR-1120] - Save range selection between page loads for stram events
- [MLHR-783] - DAG should adjust in height as the widget height changes
- [MLHR-784] - WidgetOutputOperator - Schema Update
- [MLHR-984] - STRAM decisions widget
- [MLHR-1070] - Web Demos - Upgrade to AngularJS 1.2.16
- [MLHR-1076] - Widget Library - WebSocket
- [MLHR-1077] - Widget Library - Data Models
- [MLHR-1087] - Dashboard Component - AngularJS Scope Documentation
- [MLHR-1088] - Dashboard Web App - Dependencies Documentation
- [MLHR-1095] - Node.js Kafka Integration
- [MLHR-1097] - Implement storage on malhar-angular-dashboard
- [MLHR-1118] - Add storage hash for clearing out invalid dashboards
- [MLHR-719] - Time Series Forecasting
- [MLHR-1060] - Widget Library
- [MLHR-1061] - Dashboard Component
- [MLHR-1082] - Parent jira for Real Time ETL Application
- [MLHR-700] - Develop operator for calculating Coefficient of Determination (RSquare)
- [MLHR-841] - Demo guide for machine data application
- [MLHR-850] - Demo guide for Ads Dimension demo
- [MLHR-852] - Demo guide for Twitter (rolling topwards) demo application
- [MLHR-874] - Demo guide for charting demo - Yahoo finance
- [MLHR-896] - widget output operator - widget type should not be decided in backend
- [MLHR-950] - Create a demo for distributed distinct
- [MLHR-953] - Set up "upgrade path" for CustomerApplications
- [MLHR-983] - UI to expose the "events" API of the gateway
- [MLHR-1042] - ETL: Consolidate output operators properties
- [MLHR-1063] - Create contributing section on the main page of malhar repo
- [MLHR-1064] - Create contributing secion on main page of UI repos
- [MLHR-1065] - create line chart operator
- [MLHR-1075] - add .travis.yml file to ui-console
- [MLHR-1078] - Update license header script, keep year updated
- [MLHR-1080] - create real time chart output operator
- [MLHR-1083] - Consolidate realtime output operator properties
- [MLHR-1084] - Consolidate aggregate operator properties
- [MLHR-1085] - Consolidate linechart operator properties
- [MLHR-1104] - Design App Bundle and Upload/Launch Feature
- [SPOI-2086] - creation of logs directory under .dt folder of user
- [SPOI-2497] - Remove hard-coded "hdfs" scheme
- [SPOI-2501] - dt.log not written under CDH5 GA
- [SPOI-2577] - After installation, I cannot launch license agent
- [SPOI-2604] - The example DFS directory should be changed from /home/... to /user/...
- [SPOI-2607] - Install page should only list error (not warnings) issues
- [SPOI-2609] - When yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb is set to 256, PiDemo fails with NPE
- [SPOI-2522] - Replace InputPort.getStreamCodec method with an attribute on InputPort called StreamCodec
- [SPOI-2576] - Change local install from .datatorrent to datatorrent directory
- [SPOI-2603] - installer complains about gateway has trouble starting but it actually runs OK
- [SPOI-2637] - Improve the Getting Started Guide
- [SPOI-2520] - Change the name of the CustomStats to Counters
- [SPOI-2578] - Check dir before mkdir call (MapR requirement)
- [SPOI-2579] - Take out launch from gateway webservice spec document
- [SPOI-2649] - Update software license
- [MLHR-1101] - Install errors formatting
- [MLHR-1103] - Change installer instructions for DFS directory path
- [SPOI-2554] - Third party libraries which are required for demos are missing from /opt/datatorrent/releases/version/lib/
- [MLHR-1113] - AdsDimension demo fails to launch
- [MLHR-1114] - FraudDetect demo fails to launch
- [MLHR-1115] - MachineData demo fails to launch
- [SPOI-1692] - Certify fault tolerance for multiple containers failure
- [SPOI-1693] - Develop automated test scenario for StrAM failure to certify one of high availability aspects.
- [SPOI-2008] - Setup virtual cluster for high availability certification
- [SPOI-2009] - WordCount app to be used in certification of high availability
- [SPOI-2127] - Error/Warning message not clear - nightly build installer (datatorrent-dist-0.9.4-SNAPSHOT.bin) if executed as non-root user.
- [SPOI-2128] - Nightly build installer needs to check if port 9090 is available before attempting to run dtgateway service.
- [SPOI-2129] - Error/Warning message not clear while updating the Hadoop configuration through Installer-Web-based UI
- [SPOI-2247] - Gateway user authentication REST API spec
- [SPOI-2248] - Implement user authentication and basic authorization in gateway
- [SPOI-2255] - Password protect the web socket
- [SPOI-2257] - Support HTTPS in gateway
- [SPOI-2277] - Support HTTPS and auth in pubsub connection from stram to Gateway
- [SPOI-2291] - Copy GW configurations to HDFS on every write
- [SPOI-2005] - Verify and add Machine demo to app memory usage automation
- [SPOI-1801] - Mobile app has two logical input gen - Need to handle containers on servers with two diff clocks
- [SPOI-1890] - Application behavior when resources are not available
- [SPOI-1954] - Incorrect Processed Stats
- [SPOI-1995] - Sandbox instructions are outdated
- [SPOI-1998] - Killing of node manager on node running License AM
- [SPOI-2067] - Move apps from contrib to demos
- [SPOI-2152] - Stabillity of mobile demo
- [SPOI-2194] - Gateway start script prints out repetitive message
- [SPOI-2205] - Make generate license tool work with web tool to generate 1TB license in the new flow
- [SPOI-2207] - Deduper showed high latency and crashed in staging environment.
- [SPOI-2221] - Analyze FileSystem.get calls and if necessary replace them with FileSystem.newInstance
- [SPOI-2278] - Relative hdfs path should be created under application directory
- [SPOI-2283] - Do not make assumption about FSStorageAgent being the StorageAgent or the default configuration for it being the configuration the user set
- [SPOI-2284] - User 'dtadmin' should be added to the group having access to hadoop services and hdfs
- [SPOI-2285] - uninstall.sh does not uninstall the platform
- [SPOI-2288] - NullPointerException in buffer server
- [SPOI-2289] - FSStorageAgent store throws java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
- [SPOI-2295] - Monitoring and fixing the bugs in Customer demos
- [SPOI-2297] - Mobile Demo going to unstable state due to out of order tuple sequence error
- [SPOI-2298] - Events returned from REST API has funky keys
- [SPOI-2302] - Normalize WebSocket & REST format for Stram Events
- [SPOI-2314] - Fix application names
- [SPOI-2315] - node1 application launch-xxx macros not working after upgrade
- [SPOI-2342] - DTCLI ignoring annotated Application Names
- [SPOI-2344] - dtcli fails to load dt-env.sh
- [SPOI-2349] - Update default license to 4 months
- [SPOI-2357] - Unable to launch application using launch alias, if the application names shown in the dtcli list are picked from dt-site.xml.
- [SPOI-2358] - Installer bin extrac does not preserve permissions
- [SPOI-2359] - Gateway fails to restart due to missing JAVA_HOME
- [SPOI-2361] - After global install local .dt directory may be missing when executing dtcli
- [SPOI-2364] - Catastrophic Error- tuples out of sequence in Generic Node
- [SPOI-2365] - Hadoop Shell throws exception for dt.attr.APPLICATION_PATH
- [SPOI-2371] - DTCLI updating the dt-site.xml
- [SPOI-2373] - Sandbox dt-site.xml is missing configurations related to Map reduce applications.
- [SPOI-2374] - The apps in sandbox use 1GB as the container size and not 512MB as specified under misc/sandbox/conf/dt/dt-site.xml
- [SPOI-2375] - configuration from dt-site.xml in user's directory is not picked by dtcli
- [SPOI-2376] - Gateway classpath references invalid directory
- [SPOI-2380] - get-physical-operator-properties wrong help text
- [SPOI-2389] - DataTorrent discovers override dt-site.xml in CLASSPATH
- [SPOI-2390] - DTGateway is killed after terminal is closed
- [SPOI-2391] - dtdemos service does not stop on sandbox
- [SPOI-2395] - Missing FraudDetection/AdsDeminsions/MachineData demos from sandbox.
- [SPOI-2396] - gateway not started after stopping and starting hadoop/datatorrent services in sandbox.
- [SPOI-2398] - Extra directory created by gateway in user home
- [SPOI-2400] - An operator exits normally when there is OutOfMemory error
- [SPOI-2401] - The AppMaster finishes after retrying 6 times to deploy input operator
- [SPOI-2412] - App restart HDFS file permission issue on CDH cluster
- [SPOI-2417] - DTGateway dt-site.xml backup location
- [SPOI-2419] - Ensure principal name propagates to containers in non-secure mode
- [SPOI-2435] - Latest changes to latency calculation break tests.
- [SPOI-1376] - Have app specific configuration to stram-site.xml in sandbox
- [SPOI-1855] - Ability to continue/shutdown application
- [SPOI-1986] - In Logical View do not include the unifier stats
- [SPOI-2001] - Update Release Process document (GDrive)
- [SPOI-2222] - Constraint format in license file to be in JSON
- [SPOI-2287] - Allow specifying a complete list of dependencies while deploying the application
- [SPOI-2335] - Make BaseOperator Java Serializable
- [SPOI-2367] - Create service wrapper for demos server
- [SPOI-2385] - Improve the performance of HDFSStorage for POC
- [SPOI-2404] - Reset the Application Failure Count upon successful recovery
- [SPOI-2405] - Add more params to /ws/v1/applications/{appid}/events call
- [SPOI-2407] - Need ability to supply the class name representing the property
- [SPOI-91] - Design and implement a socket adapter operator
- [SPOI-2007] - Automation to certify High Availability
- [SPOI-2012] - Run the app-memory-usage with lower container sizes starting from 128M to 512M when the grid is restarted.
- [SPOI-2249] - Simple user authentication / authorization support in the UI
- [SPOI-2355] - Add REST call to make existing license file the current license
- [SPOI-2386] - REST call to retrieve the datatorrent conf directory
- [SPOI-2399] - Starter Web Application
- [SPOI-2215] - Password protect the dashboard
- [SPOI-746] - DT Phome home customer side work
- [SPOI-1642] - Certify support for node failure
- [SPOI-2045] - Discuss license cleanup/improvements
- [SPOI-2099] - Show mandatory fields with '*' in the installer
- [SPOI-2101] - Say "Terms of Service" on the text
- [SPOI-2103] - Show error message on the side
- [SPOI-2117] - An error during uninstall
- [SPOI-2118] - 1 yr license mail not getting mailed
- [SPOI-2145] - Set up separate access to jars for big customers
- [SPOI-2178] - Filters HashMap from HDFSLoader
- [SPOI-2190] - Create web page (navigator and table view) for 5 dimensions and 2 computations
- [SPOI-2201] - Create a upgrade license page
- [SPOI-2202] - Upgrade Machine Data to latest code
- [SPOI-2211] - Getting too many deprecated warnings in demos
- [SPOI-2213] - Be able to diagnose Stram decisions
- [SPOI-2214] - Ability to access Stram decisions for failed/finished/killed app
- [SPOI-2216] - Upgrade Twitter Demo to latest Code
- [SPOI-2217] - Upgrade Fraud Detection Demo to latest Code
- [SPOI-2218] - Upgrade Ads Dimension Demo to latest Code
- [SPOI-2219] - Upgrade Mobile Locator Demo to latest Code
- [SPOI-2224] - Fraud demo issues
- [SPOI-2225] - Issues with Machine Data Demo
- [SPOI-2226] - Issues with Ads demo
- [SPOI-2233] - Remove max num container parameter that is included by default
- [SPOI-2234] - Give warning when operators are automatically inlined
- [SPOI-2237] - CPU column on logical view
- [SPOI-2243] - Use hammerdb to generate load against Oracle
- [SPOI-2256] - Document certification suite used to certify datatorrent platform
- [SPOI-2286] - Implement Goldengate java handler to capture db change and send to kafka
- [SPOI-2290] - Hide configuration and launch app for GA
- [SPOI-2292] - Add to README: not recommended to launch more than one gateway
- [SPOI-2293] - Manage license file on HDFS
- [SPOI-2303] - Make DFS error keys more fine grained
- [SPOI-2309] - Use connection to RM to guess the cluster accessible IP address for GATEWAY_CONNECT_ADDRESS
- [SPOI-2310] - Allow different filesystem from fs.defaultFS for dt.dfsRootDirectory
- [SPOI-2338] - The "#" in the boxes should not change
- [SPOI-2351] - Bundle the default passwd file (with admin/admin) in the installer
- [SPOI-2362] - Create service wrappers for Apache Hadoop on Sandbox
- [SPOI-2363] - Update dtdemo sandbox script to work with Hadoop/DTGateway service wrappers
- [SPOI-2394] - Install wizard shows up again after gateway restart
- [SPOI-2416] - Separate malhar and malhar-ui-console
- [SPOI-2418] - Create an ability for the DTFlumeSink to backoff if it suspects that the DAG is not processing the data in healthy fashion.
- [SPOI-2421] - Update end-user documentation
- [MLHR-726] - Time Series Forecasting Operator using Holt's Linear Trend Model
- [MLHR-933] - Time Series Forecasting using Holt-Winters' Seasonal Method
- [MLHR-965] - create non transactional output operator
- [MLHR-966] - create transactional output operator
- [MLHR-967] - create a data store writer implementation to use in real time etl app
- [MLHR-1036] - Create incremental model for Holt's Linear Trend Forecasting Algorithm
- [MLHR-1040] - Develop incremental model creation for Holt-Winters' Multiplicative Method Time-Series Forecasting
- [MLHR-778] - Logical Operators list has no palette
- [MLHR-857] - Machinedata demo stop working with new Redis operator
- [MLHR-963] - create output operator to add historical data to supplied datastore
- [MLHR-964] - create interface for data stores that can be used by output operator to persist historical data
- [MLHR-968] - Remove test related code from AbstractTransactionableStoreOutputOperator
- [MLHR-969] - Create a manageable version of our demo docs to be included with our installation
- [MLHR-978] - create resource leak for the hdfs input/output operators
- [MLHR-979] - AdsDimension: Redis operator shows high latency
- [MLHR-986] - Page Not Found errors from the web-site
- [MLHR-1000] - Invalid IP address selected by default during upgrade
- [MLHR-1005] - CPU column on logical view
- [MLHR-1008] - twitter application failed with exception
- [MLHR-1015] - State is missing from physical operator overview widget
- [MLHR-1019] - Make gateway ip and port inputs on same line in installer
- [MLHR-1020] - License screen does not reflect new license upload
- [MLHR-1021] - Unifiers should not have link to nonexistent logical operator
- [MLHR-1022] - Update installer license text to reflect correct trial period
- [MLHR-1028] - Cannot kill application in state ACCEPTED
- [MLHR-1030] - Sorting on logical operators list fails until you sort on name
- [MLHR-1031] - UI Showing wrong total Memory usage
- [MLHR-1049] - Streams not showing up in dag overview
- [MLHR-1050] - Remove the "Development" mode
- [MLHR-1055] - Unnecessary gateway restart requested during installation navigation
- [MLHR-1057] - Overview in dag widget not accurate to visible area
- [MLHR-1058] - Change install wizard from widget in a page to just a page
- [MLHR-1066] - Install Wizard tab order and auto-focus
- [MLHR-1067] - Install Wizard invalid DFS directory check
- [MLHR-1072] - Socket input operator test fail
- [MLHR-1074] - Remove stram events page/widget from 0.9.5
- [MLHR-721] - Migrate database cache lookup to the new db framework
- [MLHR-985] - AdsDimension: Plug-in Dimension Unifier
- [MLHR-1010] - Remove info icon from installer text
- [MLHR-1011] - Change "property" to "item" in install step tables
- [MLHR-1012] - Review and edit installer text
- [MLHR-1013] - Installer: Rework Hadoop and System screens
- [MLHR-1035] - Remove darker grey background from console
- [MLHR-1046] - Operators/Containers not being subscribed to on App Page
- [MLHR-1062] - Install Wizard examples of Hadoop and DFS path
- [MLHR-1069] - License summary section in Install Wizard
- [MLHR-684] - Invalidate dashboard state from previous versions
- [MLHR-881] - ETL Web App - Packaging
- [MLHR-882] - ETL Web App - Dashboard
- [MLHR-885] - ETL Web App - Sample Data Generation
- [MLHR-997] - ETL Web App - Historical Data from MongoDB
- [MLHR-1014] - Remove config properties edit page, replace with config home
- [MLHR-1052] - Bar Chart Widget
- [MLHR-1053] - Widget Library - Demo Application
- [MLHR-703] - Logstream UI
- [MLHR-709] - Widgets Library as Independent Project
- [MLHR-661] - Migrate JDBC adapters to use the new database adapter interface
- [MLHR-866] - Annotate all stateless operators in Malhar as such
- [MLHR-868] - Demo Guide for Map-Reduce Operator - LogsCountApplication
- [MLHR-869] - Demo guide for Map-Reduce Operator - NewWordCountApplication.
- [MLHR-870] - Demo guide for Map-Reduce Operator - InvertedIndexApplication.
- [MLHR-922] - Machine data demo is using deprecated attributes. Gives warnings on launch
- [MLHR-951] - Remove deprecated warnings from demos
- [MLHR-954] - Need to debug older demos
- [MLHR-961] - Develop a Goldengate input adapter
- [MLHR-970] - Re-create the application that we build for iAd Poc in Malhar
- [MLHR-1006] - In Logical View do not include the unifier stats
- [MLHR-1007] - Simple user authentication/authorization support in UI
- [MLHR-1018] - Need a Kafka-HBase app
- [MLHR-1023] - Update installer text on welcome screen
- [MLHR-1024] - Create issues summary page under configuration
- [MLHR-1025] - Add progress status indicator for installer wizard
- [MLHR-1026] - Reorder install wizard screens
- [MLHR-1027] - Remove external upgrade link from licensing screen
- [MLHR-1041] - ETL : Consolidate input operator properties in json format
- [MLHR-1044] - ETL: Add input operator to ETL Application in ETL branch
- [MLHR-1071] - Create stateless deduper - aka deduper which forgets its state upon failure or repartitioning
- [SPOI-455] - Cleanup maven repository workaround in install.sh
- [SPOI-1636] - Update all node1 demo to 0.9.3 release
- [SPOI-1774] - Thread local performance drop from 65M to 40 M tuplesProcessed/sec
- [SPOI-1775] - MROperator demo applications fail when launched from Sandbox
- [SPOI-1847] - Intermittent - WebSocket Publishing ignores endWindow
- [SPOI-1864] - POC partitioned operators not getting correct initial state
- [SPOI-1866] - Datatorrent applications not starting on CDH5 Vagrant cluster
- [SPOI-1867] - Investigate InstallAnywhere use for DataTorrent installation
- [SPOI-1882] - When not able to contact license agent, the application should not die
- [SPOI-1883] - Stram crashes with Unknown-Container issue
- [SPOI-1885] - Determine minimum amount of memory needed to run twitter app
- [SPOI-1886] - Determine minimum amount of memory needed to run mobile app
- [SPOI-1888] - Install license in the new console configuration
- [SPOI-1889] - Licensing needs to support eval and free
- [SPOI-1902] - Dynamic MxN partitioning does not handle scale down to single M instance
- [SPOI-1903] - MiniClusterTests fails because ~/.dt/dt-site.xml dependency
- [SPOI-1906] - history does not get flushed to the history file until the next command prompt
- [SPOI-1917] - Licensing error
- [SPOI-1922] - Loading license does not work
- [SPOI-1923] - Close button does not work in several pop-up windows
- [SPOI-1936] - No uninstall script available with the installer.
- [SPOI-1953] - Installation video on our website should be refreshed to reflect the latest version(s)
- [SPOI-1960] - application incorrectly marked as succeeded
- [SPOI-1968] - 404 for logical plan url
- [SPOI-1970] - Negative requested container count logged by Stram
- [SPOI-1976] - Fix AdsDimensions in certification
- [SPOI-1992] - the latency in the application overview freezes after a container gets killed.
- [SPOI-1999] - Evaluate Yarn cluster issue
- [SPOI-2002] - Gateway fails to load properties
- [SPOI-2037] - Redirect to welcome page on first run / install
- [SPOI-2039] - DTGateway logs to .dt/logs in service mode
- [SPOI-2040] - Apache logs application under contrib folder fails to run
- [SPOI-2047] - dtgateway service not starting when machine boots
- [SPOI-2049] - Better error message on invalid hadoop directory
- [SPOI-2051] - RPM install reports install script failure
- [SPOI-2052] - DTGateway restart fails when running with -service
- [SPOI-2055] - dtgateway service reports OK on startup failure
- [SPOI-2056] - LicensingAgentProtocolHelper.getLicensingAgentProtocol gets stuck when YARN is not running
- [SPOI-2057] - DTCLI is not working after intallation
- [SPOI-2058] - launch-demos macro not available after installing the platform from self extracting intaller
- [SPOI-2059] - Show understandable error message if the root hdfs directory could't be created
- [SPOI-2060] - UI Shows Nan B in Allocated Memory
- [SPOI-2062] - Gateway needs to check hadoop version
- [SPOI-2064] - dtgateway-ctl stop doesn't work
- [SPOI-2065] - Readme File is not udpated
- [SPOI-2066] - installer not recognizing -l option
- [SPOI-2070] - Installer: echo_success command doesn't work with Ubuntu
- [SPOI-2073] - Invalid Ip Address in Installer UI
- [SPOI-2074] - install script needs to check hadoop version
- [SPOI-2075] - lauch-local-demos
- [SPOI-2076] - Licensing agent RPC gives NPE
- [SPOI-2077] - Installer: we need a separate page for hadoop installation directory
- [SPOI-2078] - Change the certification and benchmarking script and code to use the new location of benchmarking apps
- [SPOI-2083] - install script, when run by rpm, complains about invalid group dtadmin
- [SPOI-2088] - Map Reduce demo applications still show the classnames when listed using launch-demos
- [SPOI-2089] - demo applications displayed after running the launch-demos command should be in alphabetical order
- [SPOI-2090] - Error while requesting evaluation license from Datatorrent.com
- [SPOI-2094] - Installer throws failed message while stopping gateway
- [SPOI-2097] - launch-demos macro not available after installing the platform from self extracting intaller
- [SPOI-2098] - App names still have full classpath
- [SPOI-2120] - Installer - Restart Modal is not closed after Restart Failed (Happened Once)
- [SPOI-2132] - Ensure HDFS does not blow up with millions of files per sec
- [SPOI-2133] - Delete old files to ensure NN does not crash
- [SPOI-2134] - Send POC1 to customer
- [SPOI-2143] - Spelling error and reference to $HOME/.datatorrent
- [SPOI-2146] - Move Kafka benchmark apps to contrib folder
- [SPOI-2148] - Installer - Disable Closing Modals on Click
- [SPOI-2149] - Address the confusion around gateway address.
- [SPOI-2151] - User is not able to change the defaultFS during installation
- [SPOI-2153] - Cryptic error message when launching app on node0
- [SPOI-2157] - Getting logical plan returns error when one of the getters is bad
- [SPOI-2159] - gateway is polling resourcemanager for appinfo w/o subscriber
- [SPOI-2163] - Change directory before DTGateway launch
- [SPOI-2165] - Installer - add reload ability to System screen
- [SPOI-2170] - DTGateway classpath is duplicated after restart
- [SPOI-2171] - Remove reload button from System configuration screen
- [SPOI-2172] - Installer may display invalid port after starting DTGateway
- [SPOI-2173] - Installer base location change not working
- [SPOI-2192] - CLI command for getting list of operator classes from a jar
- [SPOI-2193] - CLI command for getting properties of a operator class from a jar
- [SPOI-2206] - dag view does not get rendered property in Firefox
- [SPOI-2227] - (Re)start license agent when license file is uploaded
- [SPOI-2229] - container local operators not redeployed
- [SPOI-2238] - Installer complains about sudo running as root
- [SPOI-2241] - DAG Firefox 28 Support
- [SPOI-1311] - Review platform documentation
- [SPOI-1567] - Certify against commercial Hadoop distributions
- [SPOI-1769] - Trying to kill a non dt app can return a better message
- [SPOI-1844] - Ship project-template with a log4j.properties file with debugging level set to INFO
- [SPOI-1852] - WebSocket client recovery logging
- [SPOI-1853] - Create WebSocket clients in containers on demand
- [SPOI-1854] - Option to retrieve only running and recently-ended apps
- [SPOI-1856] - Need something that is like LicensingAgentClient but not specific for stram.
- [SPOI-1857] - Gateway to warn about available licensed memory being low
- [SPOI-1858] - CLI to directly connect to license agent to get live license info
- [SPOI-1859] - Gateway to directly connect to license agent to get live license info
- [SPOI-1861] - Gateway command to restart itself
- [SPOI-1869] - Add UI build script to dist build file
- [SPOI-1874] - the first operator that stalls for more than specific period, take it out so as to unclog the processing
- [SPOI-1899] - Add appmaster container to container list
- [SPOI-1904] - Updates needed to the README file
- [SPOI-1911] - Run certification as part of nighty build
- [SPOI-1915] - Using $DT_HOME in README
- [SPOI-1961] - Show the activation date of the license with list-license-agent command
- [SPOI-1965] - The file demos.jar should be installed by default by the Installer
- [SPOI-1978] - Manual eval request (by e-mail) - template
- [SPOI-1980] - DT Version in license request and generated license
- [SPOI-1981] - Approve / update license verification e-mail
- [SPOI-1997] - Certify against commercial Hadoop distributions
- [SPOI-2026] - Add support to LogicalPlan for testing dag serialization
- [SPOI-2150] - Update Readme file for the local install
- [SPOI-2155] - Installer - Validate Fields on blur event
- [SPOI-2156] - Installer - Navigation Code Cleanup
- [SPOI-2158] - Installer - CSS Classes
- [SPOI-2160] - Installer font size
- [SPOI-2166] - Configuration screen navigation panel
- [SPOI-2174] - Notify user with installation location and version
- [SPOI-2175] - Notify user about local DTGateway management during installation
- [SPOI-2188] - Installer - Register Instructions
- [SPOI-328] - Add annotation to declare the operator stateless
- [SPOI-393] - High Availability for STRAM
- [SPOI-868] - Setting operator properties as different types
- [SPOI-1182] - Add Key-based filter functionality to malhar library for Min, Max, SimpleMovingAverage, StandardDeviation like operators
- [SPOI-1654] - Logstream - aggregate top hits and bytes for URL, geo DMA, IP, URL/status code, url
- [SPOI-1747] - create a filter operator to output multiple records based on filter
- [SPOI-1756] - configuration for input adaptor
- [SPOI-1757] - configuration for filter operator
- [SPOI-1758] - configuration for dimension operator
- [SPOI-1759] - configuration for aggreagation operator
- [SPOI-1760] - configuration for web socket output
- [SPOI-1849] - add dt HDFS directory in configuration
- [SPOI-1907] - Installer: HDFS directory creation attempt via Gateway (as part of config updates)
- [SPOI-1909] - Port re-selection by Gateway if 9090, 9091, 9092, etc are taken
- [SPOI-1913] - Automate verifing the app memory for the demos
- [SPOI-1928] - gateway needs to be able to start with standalone hadoop jar (without hadoop installation)
- [SPOI-1929] - /ws/v1/about to include java version and hadoop location
- [SPOI-1930] - New installation script
- [SPOI-1966] - dtcli should be enabled to list app names (if available) as opposed to app class path
- [SPOI-1974] - Add throughput, totalTuplesProcessed and elapsed time to performance benchmarking
- [SPOI-1975] - Display throughput, tuplesProcessed per sec and latency in a tabular format.
- [SPOI-1987] - Copy License to Front-End Distribution
- [SPOI-2003] - Verify and add all the demos except Machine data to app memory usage automation
- [SPOI-2011] - Make a separate jar file for performance benchmarking demos
- [SPOI-2013] - Support for doc link as an attribute for the application
- [SPOI-2018] - Have a launch-performance command in dtcli
- [SPOI-2021] - Rename all the apps under contrib to have meaningful names
- [SPOI-2023] - Make a launch-contrib command available in stram cli
- [SPOI-2027] - Packaging benchmarking demos
- [SPOI-2042] - redirect user to welcome screen if dt.configStatus is not "complete"
- [SPOI-2044] - set property dt.configStatus to "complete" when the user has completed the config wizard
- [SPOI-2122] - Installer - Offline Email Template
- [SPOI-2147] - Provide separate dt benchmarking package scripts to throughput and hdfs operators benchmarking
- [SPOI-2195] - Gateway REST API to return operator classes in a jar given superclass (or not)
- [SPOI-2196] - Gateway REST API to return properties of an operator in a jar
- [SPOI-2200] - Installer - License Flow
- [SPOI-1608] - Platform Benchmarking (Platform1 and Platform2)
- [SPOI-722] - Document ads demo (add comments to codebase)
- [SPOI-1403] - HDFS Operator Benchmark
- [SPOI-1411] - Deprecate old Malhar webdemos once logstream is available
- [SPOI-1513] - datatorrent.com webapp development - app testing
- [SPOI-1610] - Develop benchmarking app for AdsDimension App (exactly once semantics) - Platform1
- [SPOI-1612] - Benchmarking Ads Dimension demo app on Morado cluster (exactly once semantics) - Platform1
- [SPOI-1618] - Benchmarking Machine Data app with Platform1
- [SPOI-1694] - Document DT SandBox preparation
- [SPOI-1730] - Default License in git needs to be replaced by the license cut by the real key
- [SPOI-1732] - Create the real public/private key for licenses and store the private key in a safe place.
- [SPOI-1745] - Document Demo Application Setup
- [SPOI-1788] - CLI commands for licensing
- [SPOI-1794] - Create license info as a string
- [SPOI-1796] - Soft enforcement for normal paid app. 200% bump?
- [SPOI-1848] - Gateway to support changing and getting config parameters
- [SPOI-1851] - Document virtual cluster setup
- [SPOI-1862] - Working on creating Wire Frames for the Installation of DT Platform
- [SPOI-1863] - Make installer work w/o Maven
- [SPOI-1865] - Allow user to configure application classpath
- [SPOI-1868] - Support Book Keeping in the HDFSStorage
- [SPOI-1870] - Validate dtcli generate-license-request
- [SPOI-1872] - Modify generatelicense process
- [SPOI-1873] - License process via console
- [SPOI-1876] - Application Developer Guide Improvements
- [SPOI-1877] - Download and build JDK Standrd Doclet Source as part of DT
- [SPOI-1878] - DT Console Web UI Testing on Chrome
- [SPOI-1879] - DT Console Web UI Testing for Demo Apps on Chrome
- [SPOI-1884] - Operater developer guide review
- [SPOI-1891] - Add allatori documentation
- [SPOI-1892] - Add automatic build of front components to distribution
- [SPOI-1893] - Quick Start Guide
- [SPOI-1914] - cli get-app-info to include info from hadoop
- [SPOI-1926] - Call license web service and return license file
- [SPOI-1927] - Returns license request blob for UI to assemble mailto link
- [SPOI-1939] - Twitter Top Counter Demo Applications Guide
- [SPOI-1940] - RPM packaging for installer
- [SPOI-1941] - Include demo UI into installer
- [SPOI-1942] - Remove Allatori code expiration for GA
- [SPOI-1943] - include more info in the license request
- [SPOI-1945] - Add REST call to gateway to post license file
- [SPOI-1946] - virtual cluster configuration changes
- [SPOI-1947] - Create [email protected]
- [SPOI-1949] - Java application (with main method) that returns information given a license request blob
- [SPOI-1956] - License generation key pair expiration / private key protection
- [SPOI-1963] - Evaluate Doclava Doclet from Google
- [SPOI-1982] - E-mail verification success web page
- [SPOI-1988] - Review Quick Start Guide
- [SPOI-1989] - AdsDimension - Demo Applications Guide
- [SPOI-1990] - Twitter Rolling Top Words Counter - Demo Applications Guide
- [SPOI-2004] - Installer testing for GA
- [SPOI-2006] - Grant Google Analytics Access To Following People
- [SPOI-2010] - Configure the apps to use minimum memory as verified by app-memory-usage-automation.
- [SPOI-2015] - Get Machine data into contrib.jar
- [SPOI-2016] - Fraud Detection in contrib.jar
- [SPOI-2017] - Quick Start Guide version 2
- [SPOI-2019] - List NxN performance apps (different event size vs different stream locality
- [SPOI-2025] - Getting Start Guide - Launch this copy.
- [SPOI-2032] - Certify Cloudera CDH 5.0
- [SPOI-2048] - Uninstall script
- [SPOI-2050] - Start gateway as service flag
- [SPOI-2069] - Test Installer
- [SPOI-2091] - Update installation license agreement
- [SPOI-2093] - Verify demo UI is bundled with installer
- [SPOI-2100] - For terms of service box, change "continue" to "accept and continue"
- [SPOI-2106] - Change the message on 1 yr registration
- [SPOI-2107] - Change the message on 1 yr registration
- [SPOI-2108] - Put timeglass and "loading" or spinning.... while Hadoop system properties are being loaded
- [SPOI-2109] - Gateway down creates bad error message
- [SPOI-2110] - Remove errors popping on the right hand of console
- [SPOI-2111] - If gateway outage is discovered add a message to get them back
- [SPOI-2112] - Change the message on Hadoop screen
- [SPOI-2114] - Error if HDFS does not exist
- [SPOI-2115] - Create a list of issues summary screen
- [SPOI-2116] - Show more instructions on the completed screen
- [SPOI-2131] - Ingestion POC
- [SPOI-2136] - Do cartesian products for key, val pair
- [SPOI-2142] - Allow customization of cartesian product
- [SPOI-2161] - prereq message on welcome screen
- [SPOI-2162] - DFS error message
- [SPOI-2164] - DFS location validation
- [SPOI-2167] - Evaluate errors in Cloudera certification
- [SPOI-2223] - Test if all the applications with reduced container memory sizes run in sandbox 0.9.4.
- [SPOI-2230] - Uninstaller for RPM
- [SPOI-2231] - Provide Environment with Running Demos
- [SPOI-2240] - Set Up DataTorrent Demos on Dev Environment
- [SPOI-1682] - Too many mbassy threads!!!
- [SPOI-1718] - Update HA Documentation
- [SPOI-1729] - Restore operator recovery checkpoints in AM recovery
- [SPOI-1786] - Users should be able to generate license at datatorrent.com
- [SPOI-1931] - Installer - determine OS type and version
- [SPOI-1932] - installer with sudo/root user creation, service installs
- [SPOI-1933] - service wrappers for DTGateway
- [SPOI-1934] - HDFS directory creation during install
- [SPOI-1935] - Search for hadoop binaries standard paths
- [SPOI-1958] - Create HDFS Word input operator
- [SPOI-1962] - Add test to jekins nightly build
- [SPOI-1971] - Verify launch script for other apps from demo
- [SPOI-1972] - When some app fail, the main monitor should still keep looking at the other apps
- [SPOI-2028] - Provide shell script 'benchmark-throughput' to produce a single summary table
- [SPOI-2030] - Provide a list of individual demos used for benchmarking through dtcli benchmarking, so that the user can launch the demos individually.
- [SPOI-2031] - Package benchmarking suite into the installer and sandbox
- [SPOI-2046] - Update licenses location in installation script
- [SPOI-2053] - Certify CDH5.0 as part of Cloudera certification for inclusion in their process
- [SPOI-2054] - Certify installer on HW
- [SPOI-2079] - Run certification on bin install
- [SPOI-2085] - Change the certification resource xml files to contain the certification type.
- [MLHR-729] - Columns in table wrap in Firefox
- [MLHR-730] - Dev server does not escape double-quotes in error message
- [MLHR-732] - Links Outline in Firefox
- [MLHR-754] - JarList and DepJarList headers point to nonexistent text items
- [MLHR-767] - "FINISHING" has no icon in status
- [MLHR-785] - NaN in file size column of jar list
- [MLHR-809] - Inconsistent landing page across browsers
- [MLHR-814] - Selecting operators in the logical operators widget does not activate any actions
- [MLHR-816] - Names of partitions in the partitions widget should not be shown as links
- [MLHR-817] - Clickin on 'outputPort' leads to PageNotFound error
- [MLHR-824] - Don't show license agent detail when license agent is not running
- [MLHR-826] - Dep Jars fail to load in specify dep jars modal
- [MLHR-830] - Optimize RandomWordInput operator used in perfromance benhcmarking to use local final variables to improve performance.
- [MLHR-835] - Fix hard-coded file path in com.datatorrent.demos.wordcount.WordCountInputOperator
- [MLHR-836] - Need AbstractHDFSOutputAdapter
- [MLHR-863] - Add license headers to AbstractHdfsOutputOperator
- [MLHR-879] - Installer - Issues Management
- [MLHR-887] - Input operator that tails a growing log file in a directory
- [MLHR-899] - Give default name for all demo applications
- [MLHR-908] - Mark installation complete with dt.configStatus property
- [MLHR-911] - UI Shows Nan B in Allocated Memory
- [MLHR-912] - Installer - System Section - Show Field Specific Errors
- [MLHR-913] - Installer - System Section - Server-Side Error Messages
- [MLHR-918] - Yahoo finance with Alerts : Modify to accept multiple ticker symbols and remove hard-coded values.
- [MLHR-920] - Give desciptive names to benchmarking apps
- [MLHR-924] - Tail Operator should take care of the truncation of file
- [MLHR-930] - UI container list should not show time for last heartbeat for if the value is "-1"
- [MLHR-938] - gateway address property change
- [MLHR-939] - Put GatewayRestart into "actions" hash in settings.js
- [MLHR-940] - Delete the space in the name
- [MLHR-943] - Change the method name from isConnected to Connected in the db api
- [MLHR-991] - DAG Stream Locality
- [MLHR-731] - Compile LESS on the fly in dev environment
- [MLHR-735] - Remove unused bundling make commands, update README
- [MLHR-745] - Add icon to left widget manager drawer
- [MLHR-746] - Use "cores" not % cpu for cluster metric total cpu usage
- [MLHR-747] - Remove "#" for "number of container", et al labels
- [MLHR-748] - Only load all applications from RM on demand
- [MLHR-749] - Improve notification history pane
- [MLHR-750] - Normalize labels for everything in console
- [MLHR-751] - Add lock where close dashboard icon would be for default dashboard
- [MLHR-753] - Remove avg app age in cluster metrics
- [MLHR-755] - Change "max alloc mem" to "peak alloc mem" in cluster metrics
- [MLHR-756] - Add memory levels to tooltip of license mem gauge in top right
- [MLHR-768] - Remove beefy from npm shrinkwrap
- [MLHR-770] - Clean up BaseUtil, BaseModel, BaseCollection, add tests
- [MLHR-781] - shorten link to log file in container page
- [MLHR-798] - Add "config.adsdimensions.redis.dbindex" configuration in webdemo
- [MLHR-873] - Add equals and hashcode to JdbcOperatorBase
- [MLHR-931] - ETL: Create a converter api and provide an implementation for Json Object to flat map conversion
- [MLHR-935] - Have "silentErrors" option for models and collections
- [MLHR-937] - ETL: Create a unifier for DimensionComputation operator
- [MLHR-947] - Improve overall look and feel of install wizard
- [MLHR-948] - Remove mock issues from SummaryView in installer wizard
- [MLHR-993] - Demo UI - Default Applications Names for Application Discovery
- [MLHR-688] - Discard Real-Time Updates When Page is not Active
- [MLHR-757] - Dashboard - Save Widget Width to Local Storage
- [MLHR-759] - Dashboard - Widget Definitions Collection
- [MLHR-763] - Line Chart Widget - hAxis options
- [MLHR-764] - Dashboard App - Meteor Data Source
- [MLHR-765] - Shutdown Container Interface
- [MLHR-773] - Configuration wizard page
- [MLHR-788] - Web Demos - Redis and MongoDB Config
- [MLHR-789] - Web Demos - Fraud Demo MongoDB Database Name
- [MLHR-790] - Web Demos - Single Configuration File
- [MLHR-791] - Web Demos - Start Script
- [MLHR-792] - Web Demos - Single Page App
- [MLHR-793] - Web Demos - JS/CSS Bundle
- [MLHR-794] - Web Demos - WebSocket Pub/Sub
- [MLHR-795] - Web Demos - Resources Clean Up on Scope Destroy
- [MLHR-796] - Web Demos - Distribution Files
- [MLHR-797] - Web Demos - Running Instructions
- [MLHR-804] - Config Page (Manage Properties)
- [MLHR-805] - Web Demos - Distribution Package Instructions
- [MLHR-806] - Installer - License Requests (REST API Calls)
- [MLHR-807] - Installer - License Text
- [MLHR-818] - Installer - License Section
- [MLHR-819] - Installer - System Properties Section
- [MLHR-820] - Console - Node.js Dev Mode
- [MLHR-821] - Web Demos - Distribution Package Launch Script
- [MLHR-831] - Installer - License Flow
- [MLHR-834] - Installer - License - Registration
- [MLHR-858] - Installer - Gateway Restart
- [MLHR-861] - Installer - System Properties - IP List
- [MLHR-864] - Installer - Handling Hadoop Not Found
- [MLHR-903] - Installer - WebSocket DataSource Disconnect
- [MLHR-909] - Installer - Restart Confirmation
- [MLHR-914] - Installer - Error Messages
- [MLHR-919] - License Bar
- [MLHR-923] - Installer - Properties Update "Loading" Indicator
- [MLHR-925] - Installer Update
- [MLHR-934] - Allow overrides to $.().modal(options) for Modals
- [MLHR-705] - Node.js Pub/Sub Service
- [MLHR-708] - Evaluate Node.js Pub/Sub Services
- [MLHR-710] - Pie Chart Data Model
- [MLHR-712] - Dashboard App - Historical Data Support
- [MLHR-714] - Dashboard App - MongoDB Integration
- [MLHR-715] - Create Dashboard from Running App - Widgets Auto Discovery
- [MLHR-736] - Console Firefox Support
- [MLHR-737] - Console Safari Support
- [MLHR-801] - Installer/Config UI
- [MLHR-802] - Web Demos - Distribution Package
- [MLHR-803] - Installer (Wizard) Page
- [MLHR-349] - Add build script to Malhar/front
- [MLHR-402] - Logstream - aggregate top hits and bytes for URL, geo DMA, IP, URL/status code, url
- [MLHR-651] - Use compatible version of jersey/jackson/jetty in Malhar
- [MLHR-659] - Migrate MongoDB adapters to use the new database adapter interface
- [MLHR-741] - Web Apps (Demos) Firefox Support
- [MLHR-744] - Web Apps (Demos) Safari Support
- [MLHR-760] - Dashboard App - Meteor Integration
- [MLHR-761] - Dashboard App - Derby.js Integration
- [MLHR-762] - create install script for ui
- [MLHR-839] - Review guide on MachineData app
- [MLHR-842] - Demo guide for Pi Application
- [MLHR-843] - Demo guide for Twitter Top URL Counter demo application
- [MLHR-851] - Demo guide for Fraud detection demo application
- [MLHR-853] - Demo guide for Mobile demo application
- [MLHR-854] - Demo Guide for Word-Count Application
- [MLHR-855] - Demo guide for Pi Calculator application
- [MLHR-856] - Demo guide for Twitter Rolling Top Words Application
- [MLHR-859] - upgrade kryo to 2.23
- [MLHR-871] - Demo guide for Twitter Top URL Counter - Launch This Copy.
- [MLHR-872] - Demo Guide for Word-Count Application - Launch this copy.
- [MLHR-875] - Demo guide for Yahoo finance application
- [MLHR-876] - Demo guide for Yahoo finance alerting application
- [MLHR-877] - Demo guide for Yahoo finance application with Derby SQL
- [MLHR-892] - ETL logstream application - study the log stream application
- [MLHR-893] - ETL- Use the generic dimension operator that was created for a POC in Log stream
- [MLHR-900] - ETL- Operators used by logstream application need to be generic and moved to library
- [MLHR-904] - Fix the nightly and trigger builds broken due to removal of api.codec and api.util
- [MLHR-905] - Dedup: Make deduper and bucket manager part of malhar library
- [MLHR-910] - Demo guide for Twitter Rolling Top Words Application - Launch This Copy
- [MLHR-915] - CLONE - Demo guide for Pi Application - Launch this copy
- [MLHR-916] - CLONE - Demo guide for Pi Calculator application - Launch this copy
- [MLHR-917] - CLONE - Demo guide for Mobile demo application - Launch this copy
- [MLHR-936] - Create new Redis Store using Lettuce redis client
- [MLHR-949] - Add confirmation to DTGateway restart button in System Properties
- [MLHR-962] - ETL : Create a sifter operator
- [MLHR-980] - CLONE - Demo guide for Yahoo finance alerting application - launch this copy
- [MLHR-981] - CLONE - Demo guide for Yahoo finance application - launch this copy
- [MLHR-982] - CLONE - Demo guide for Yahoo finance application with Derby SQL - launch this copy
- [MLHR-678] - Time Series Forecasting with Simple Linear Regression
- [MLHR-718] - Time Series Forecasting using Simple/Single Exponential Smoothing
- [MLHR-726] - Time Series Forecasting Operator using Holt's Linear Trend Model
- [MLHR-727] - Develop application for a telecom related use case for time series forecasting with Simple Linear Regression and CMA smoothing
- [MLHR-932] - Create Centered Moving Average Smoothing Operator
- [SPOI-261] - Design a general purpose read from stream and write to cassandra
- [SPOI-400] - Each streaming application should license check
- [SPOI-1622] - Input operator - XML parser
- [SPOI-1647] - LogStream UI
- [SPOI-1770] - Gateway should expose list of available topics
- [SPOI-1778] - Open readme on sandbox startup
- [SPOI-1804] - Start license app on launch app if not running
- [SPOI-1805] - command to show license file info in cli
- [SPOI-1812] - Create REST call for specific license agent, given a license id
- [SPOI-1823] - Gateway REST API - Get Running Applications List
- [SPOI-1829] - Semantic URLs for Web Apps
- [SPOI-1202] - Provide a way to check whether an operator is partitioned
- [SPOI-1783] - Add allocatedMB to main application list
- [SPOI-1789] - Change frequency of heartbeats to license app
- [SPOI-1795] - License file to clearly state hard enforcement or soft enforcement
- [SPOI-1816] - support simple variable substitution in the cli
- [SPOI-1835] - support gateway status command
- [SPOI-1320] - Support MQTT protocol
- [SPOI-1542] - Input operator - Directory Scan
- [SPOI-1696] - Make de-duper dynamically partitionable
- [SPOI-1704] - Stram enforcement to lock physical plan changes when license memory limit is reached
- [SPOI-1706] - Design a enforcement format for the license policy
- [SPOI-1711] - Encryption/obfuscation of communication between stram and license agent
- [SPOI-1779] - Update sandbox documentation terminology
- [SPOI-1802] - Provide total license memory via stram web services
- [SPOI-1807] - Unknown outage on Machine data demo
- [SPOI-1809] - Suppress expected error message in dtgateway-ctl
- [SPOI-1810] - sample-stram-site.xml generates warnings
- [SPOI-1813] - Add SNAPSHOT repository to install pom
- [SPOI-1815] - Make stram memory reporting to license manager asynchronous
- [SPOI-1818] - Chance "className" in license file to id
- [SPOI-1820] - dtcli script doesn't exit when maven command fails
- [SPOI-1826] - Update documentation title
- [SPOI-1827] - Install script errors
- [SPOI-1831] - CLI warning about trouble with license manager
- [SPOI-1833] - Use encrypted byte arrays for RPC wire protocol for licensing
- [SPOI-1840] - Change default license memory limit to 25GB
- [SPOI-1841] - Make stram memory enforcement tolerances property settings for the enforcer
- [SPOI-1842] - Investigate the possibility of engine obfuscation jar not containing any references to license package path
- [SPOI-1880] - GET nonexistent container returns 500 error
- [SPOI-1375] - All sandbox apps must work in 8G VM. Need to test each
- [SPOI-1467] - DB lookup for Cassandra
- [SPOI-1507] - datatorrent.com webapp development - pilot test of Angular and WP integration
- [SPOI-1509] - datatorrent.com webapp development - db design
- [SPOI-1511] - datatorrent.com webapp development - app design
- [SPOI-1512] - datatorrent.com webapp development - app dev
- [SPOI-1515] - datatorrent.com webapp deveopment - integrate standalone app with cms
- [SPOI-1516] - datatorrent.com webapp development - add GA info during registration
- [SPOI-1517] - datatorrent.com webapp development - background jobs
- [SPOI-1617] - Benchmarking Performance app with Platform2
- [SPOI-1641] - Benchmarking Ads Dimension App - Platform2
- [SPOI-1715] - Show remainingLicensedMB and allocatedMB in UI for each application
- [SPOI-1763] - Provide support for Accumulo NoSQL db
- [SPOI-1780] - Sandbox - activate license automatically
- [SPOI-1781] - Sandbox - increase memory to 8GB
- [SPOI-1782] - License App should use much less memory (256MB or less?)
- [SPOI-1787] - Add license instructions to README
- [SPOI-1790] - Ensure update to license app on any resource change by StrAM
- [SPOI-1791] - Hard enforcement for free license (6GB), and eval license
- [SPOI-1793] - Hide sub-license and make license object behave as “what is license data right now?”
- [SPOI-1798] - Date format change in license file
- [SPOI-1799] - Change name "Sublicense" to "Section" or "LicenseSection"
- [SPOI-1800] - Webservice specs for Gateway for license info
- [SPOI-1825] - Update end user documentation
- [SPOI-1832] - Support CDH default log4j setup
- [SPOI-1451] - Show critical path
- [SPOI-1721] - Augment the Partitionable interface to inform of all the partitions which actually were deployed
- [SPOI-1733] - Container heartbeat RPC failover
- [MLHR-5] - UI component for license information
- [MLHR-6] - Google Line Chart Widget
- [MLHR-7] - Gauge Widget
- [MLHR-8] - Top N Widget
- [MLHR-9] - Compile Widget from HTML Template
- [MLHR-10] - Make widgets resizable and renameable in ui-builder
- [MLHR-11] - Dashboard Component Grunt Tasks
- [MLHR-653] - Dynamically Connect Widgets to WebSocket Topics
- [MLHR-655] - Create serializing mechanism for instantiated widgets and dashboard(s)
- [MLHR-656] - Add/Compile Widgets from templateUrl
- [MLHR-664] - Support MQTT protocol
- [MLHR-668] - Set up widget configure dialog
- [MLHR-669] - Visual Data Demo App
- [MLHR-671] - Add allocatedMB column in main application list
- [MLHR-673] - Dashboard App - Notification Service
- [MLHR-674] - Explicit Saving/Loading of Dash configurations in ui builder
- [MLHR-687] - Dashboard App - Filter WebSocket Topics
- [MLHR-689] - Dashboard App - Widget Options Modal
- [MLHR-690] - Dashboard App - Widgets Schema
- [MLHR-691] - WebSocket Topics Debugger Widget
- [MLHR-692] - JSON Widget
- [MLHR-693] - Progressbar Widget
- [MLHR-695] - Pie Chart Widget
- [MLHR-696] - Dashboard App - Development/Production Scripts
- [MLHR-697] - Dashboard App - Node.js Configuration
- [MLHR-698] - Dashboard App - WebSocket/REST API Configuration
- [MLHR-686] - Deglobalize the visibly component
- [MLHR-4] - Use new livechart module for OpChart Widget
- [MLHR-13] - Console status column display
- [MLHR-648] - Update Issues section in README files
- [MLHR-650] - Changing metrics on logical dag fails
- [MLHR-654] - Some widgets' height changes when changing width
- [MLHR-667] - Add UI version to console
- [MLHR-670] - Memory leak in console
- [MLHR-677] - Widgets Data Models
- [MLHR-680] - Update license information dialog for new REST call info
- [MLHR-725] - WindowId Formatter
- [MLHR-739] - Stream Locality Toggle fails for DAG view
- [MLHR-1] - Reusable Dashboard Component with AngularJS
- [MLHR-2] - Dashboard Widgets
- [MLHR-3] - Dashboard App
- [MLHR-321] - Directory Scan operator
- [MLHR-452] - Create a De-duplication operator
- [MLHR-603] - Supports upload of dependency jars
- [MLHR-638] - Test streaming application for dynamic partition
- [MLHR-645] - More fields in drop down in logicalDAG widget
- [MLHR-646] - Document issue tracking location in README
- [MLHR-652] - Parallel Simple Linear Regression
- [MLHR-657] - Migrate memcache adapters to use the new database adapter interface
- [MLHR-662] - Migrate Redis adapters to use the new database adapter interface
- [MLHR-663] - Design new DB adapters interface
- [MLHR-666] - DB lookup for Cassandra
- [SPOI-1327] - AtLeastOnceTest.testInlineOperatorsRecovery intermittent failure
- [SPOI-1342] - DTCli should check license and relay the information with each application launched
- [SPOI-1383] - Last window id and recovery window id do not update on 0.9
- [SPOI-1439] - Gateway should be secured
- [SPOI-1445] - Add version detection for Gateway
- [SPOI-1456] - Free Memory in container widget changes too rapidly
- [SPOI-1540] - Specification of license handlers and enforcers in the license file.
- [SPOI-1632] - jar upload fails
- [SPOI-1634] - Uptime at 1Billion events/s (Machine data)
- [SPOI-1635] - Update node1 with latest machine data demo
- [SPOI-1676] - Incremental Obfuscation of dt-flume directory
- [SPOI-1677] - Supports uploading of dependency jars
- [SPOI-1678] - When loading jars, make sure they are in their separate space so they don't conflict with gateway, cli and other jars
- [SPOI-1679] - When uploading jar and when dependencies are not met, allow the upload with a message about dependencies
- [SPOI-1680] - gateway throws errors when retrieving web service info from stram
- [SPOI-1687] - Support launching jar and showing logical plan from HDFS
- [SPOI-1688] - Map Reduce Monitor Does Not Publish WebSocket Data
- [SPOI-1697] - Update demo configuration on node2
- [SPOI-1703] - Update auto provisioning with DataTorrent 0.9.1 and GCE GA
- [SPOI-1707] - License agent should handle license expiry
- [SPOI-1708] - Stram should store license expiry
- [SPOI-1709] - Show license object information in gateway
- [SPOI-1710] - License cutting utility
- [SPOI-1712] - Gateway to gracefully handle stram being a newer version than itself
- [SPOI-1714] - Dynamic partition stop working if you start from only 1 partition
- [SPOI-1727] - ApplicationInfoAutoPublisher unit test error
- [SPOI-1728] - StramEvent exception prevents package name obfuscation
- [SPOI-1739] - recordingStartTime of operator stats is showing -1 from time to time
- [SPOI-1743] - Tuple recording on port is not showing up in web services
- [SPOI-1744] - Recording says ended even if the recording is still going on
- [SPOI-1098] - event recorder logging improvements
- [SPOI-1370] - Make the partition logic available to the end-users
- [SPOI-1448] - DAG Visualization - Stream Types
- [SPOI-1603] - BufferServerStatsCollection - dont check against bufferserverpublisher and subscriber
- [SPOI-1613] - Update the User Interface guide to reflect latest version (0.9.1)
- [SPOI-165] - Parent jira for authentication
- [SPOI-170] - Stream should authenticate before allowing an operator to connect
- [SPOI-258] - Develop Flume Sink and corresponding DT input adapter
- [SPOI-327] - Parent jira for Security
- [SPOI-401] - Licensing alert mechanisms
- [SPOI-411] - Ability to modify (add, upgrade, downgrade) license while the app is running
- [SPOI-436] - Provide Web Service for obtaining license information (Usage limits, etc)
- [SPOI-729] - Include license data in DT phone home
- [SPOI-872] - Logical View of Running Application
- [SPOI-975] - Support DataLocal Functionality
- [SPOI-1406] - Add log file path and/or URL to each container info map
- [SPOI-1621] - Input operator - CDR parser using CSV
- [SPOI-1699] - Add locality (and maybe id?) to physical streams in REST calls
- [SPOI-1689] - Map Reduce Monitor Web App
- [SPOI-739] - Hadoop 2.2 certification
- [SPOI-763] - Competition study
- [SPOI-1140] - Annotate dag visualization with stream throughout and other data
- [SPOI-1246] - Support versioning for Gateway to STRAM communications
- [SPOI-1253] - Create DataTorrent Application which provides licensing server functionality
- [SPOI-1389] - ContainerList view should show the log file name (stderr, stdout) in the info widget
- [SPOI-1405] - Design macros for node0 and node1
- [SPOI-1609] - Competitive analysis - DT (Platform1 and Platform2)
- [SPOI-1611] - Benchmarking Ads Dimension on Morado cluster (at-least-once semantics) - Platform1
- [SPOI-1616] - Benchmarking Performance app with Platform1
- [SPOI-1670] - Ensure that Dedup operator is fault tolerant
- [SPOI-1673] - use public/private key encryption for dt phone home
- [SPOI-1675] - Map Reduce Jobs
- [SPOI-1686] - Launch separate process when loading classes from application jars
- [SPOI-1722] - Create a utility to create default license
- [SPOI-1724] - Create a command line utility to generate customer license
- [SPOI-1736] - CLI warning on License Violation
- [SPOI-1742] - Update end-user documentation
- [SPOI-919] - Certify secure mode with Hadoop 2.2.0
- [SPOI-966] - Create a licensing agent application
- [SPOI-1413] - Flume sink part
- [SPOI-1414] - DT Input Adapter for Flume
- [SPOI-1475] - Augment Kafka operator to dynamically adapt to load and broker/partition changes
- [SPOI-1538] - Develop Ads Dimension on Morado cluster (at-least-once semantics) Platform1
- [SPOI-1713] - Secure communication between gateway and stram
- [SPOI-1720] - Ensure that the Partionable interface and StatsListener interface callbacks are made from the same thread
- [SPOI-1723] - The default license generation should be integrated with build
- [SPOI-1731] - Sync execution layer deployment state after recovery
- [616] - fix #615 Update Web Apps Instructions
- [615] - Update Web Apps Instructions
- [614] - corrected typo
- [613] - Fixes #599. Upload and specify dependency jars
- [612] - fixes #597
- [611] - fixes #610
- [610] - Telecom tests failing
- [609] - Github 597
- [608] - #fix 607 Machine Data Demo Day Format
- [607] - Machine Data Demo Day Format
- [606] - fixes #457 added xml parse operator to parse and pick values from xml nodes and att...
- [605] - added the history for hadoop 1.x
- [603] - Map Reduce Monitor - Elapsed Time
- [602] - Map Reduce Monitor - Elapsed Time
- [601] - Map Reduce Monitor - Bootstrap JS, Server Errors Notification, Header Alignment
- [599] - Provide UI for uploading and specifying dependency jars
- [598] - Map Reduce Monitor - Server Errors Notification
- [597] - Map Reduce Monitor App - CPU/Memory History
- [595] - Map Reduce Monitor (History Charts, Animations, Readme, AngularJS Upgrade)
- [594] - Map Reduce Monitor - Production Files (dist)
- [593] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularUI Bootstrap Progressbar issue with ngAnimate
- [592] - Map Reduce Monitor Update (Readme, App List, History Charts)
- [591] - Map Reduce Monitor - Map/Reduce History Charts
- [590] - Fixes #401, adds zoom to physical DAG
- [589] - Map Reduce Monitor - App List Columns
- [586] - Map Reduce Monitor - App Id AngularJS Filter
- [585] - Fixes #569, Cosmetic changes
- [584] - Map Reduce Monitor - Show Active Job First
- [581] - Map Reduce Monitor Update (Loading Indicator, Animations, Delayed Promise)
- [580] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS Animations
- [579] - Map Reduce Monitor - Upgrade to AngularJS 1.2.6
- [578] - Map Reduce Monitor - App List Loading Indicator
- [577] - fixes #553, fixes #575
- [576] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS Delayed $q Promise
- [575] - Map Reduce Monitor App - Send Job Stats immediately on Subscribe Request
- [573] - Map Reduce Monitor Update (App List Grid, Progress Bars, Job Removal)
- [572] - fixes #570
- [571] - Map Reduce Monitor - Remove Job on WebSocket Message
- [570] - clipPath issue when multiple charts on the same page
- [569] - Various cosmetic updates for console
- [568] - fixes #542, tooltip no longer obstructed by graph lines
- [567] - Bird's Eye View for Physical DAG view
- [566] - fixes #544, windowIds can now handle initial value of -1 or 0
- [565] - Map Reduce Monitor - Job Selection
- [564] - fixes #357, added logical operator page
- [563] - Map Reduce Monitor - App List ng-grid
- [561] - Map Reduce Monitor - App List Table Filter
- [560] - Fixed exception with KryoSerializableStreamCodec #559
- [558] - CDR simulator #524
- [557] - Github 525
- [556] - set the name of the io threads created by ning asynchttpclient
- [554] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [553] - Map Reduce Monitor App - Store Map/Reduce Progress History
- [551] - fixes #550
- [550] - Map Reduce Monitor App - App Should Broadcast Special Message on Unsubscription
- [549] - Map Reduce Monitor - Stop Updates after Job Unsubscribe
- [548] - Map Reduce Monitor - Found Job Notification
- [547] - Fix Github #545
- [544] - Console does not handle initial windowId
- [542] - Tooltip for line graphs show up behind graphs after turning series on and off
- [541] - fixes #535
- [539] - Map Reduce Monitor - Merge Progress Bars with Progress Table
- [538] - Map Reduce Monitor - Combine Map/Reduce Counters
- [536] - Map Reduce Monitor - App List Running Jobs Progress Bar
- [535] - Console breaks when switching to other page
- [534] - Fixes #510, Unsubscribe Logical Operators when not used by any widget
- [533] - Fixes #521, Refactored WindowId usage
- [532] - Map Reduce Monitor - Counters
- [530] - Map Reduce Monitor - App List Sort
- [526] - Map Reduce Monitor - Counters
- [525] - CDR processing DAG prototype
- [523] - Github 512
- [521] - Normalize all WindowId objects by overriding "set" method of appropriate models
- [519] - Map Reduce Monitor - Header Alignment on Resize
- [518] - Map Reduce Web App
- [517] - Map Reduce Monitor - License Headers
- [516] - Map Reduce Monitor - Map Reduce Jobs List
- [515] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS Modules Definition
- [514] - Map Reduce Monitor - Readme (Deployment and Running Instructions)
- [513] - Map Reduce Monitor - Job Query Loading Indicator
- [512] - Support Normalization Operator
- [511] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS Settings Provider
- [510] - Unsubscribe logicalOperators on InstancePage when not in use by widget
- [509] - Fixes #505. Also removes one more instance of free memory metric for containers
- [507] - Map Reduce Monitor - Single Config (Server and Client)
- [505] - Add processed and emitted metrics to container overview widget
- [504] - fixes #356, container log url now available in container info widget
- [503] - Map Reduce Monitor - Active Job Highlight
- [502] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS Parent Scope Event Propagation
- [501] - Fixes #364, removed free memory from container metrics
- [500] - Map Reduce Monitor - Mock Server
- [499] - Adding support for R. Basic operations - min, max and std deviation support added. Also adding support to run R scripts.
- [498] - Rsupport pull
- [496] - Map Reduce Monitor - Progress Line Chart
- [495] - Map Reduce Monitor - Running MAPREDUCE Applications Discovery
- [494] - fixes #420, can now set explicit height for widgets
- [493] - fix #488 added delay before reconnection
- [492] - CPU/RAM Metrics for Map Reduce Jobs
- [491] - fix #488 added delay before reconnection
- [489] - Map Reduce Monitor - Job Controller
- [488] - WebSocketOutputOperator should wait a specified number of seconds before reconnection
- [487] - Using uniform naming convention for applications. Fixed incorrect application names. Fixes #486.
- [486] - Application names are not uniform
- [485] - CPU/RAM Metrics for Map Reduce Jobs (Map Reduce Monitor App)
- [484] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS UI-Router Nested Views
- [483] - Enhance the AbstractSlidingWindow #480, Add a SortedSlidingWindow operator #423
- [482] - fixes #411. bundling on server.js, monkeypatching fs to avoid EMFILE
- [479] - fix #443 reconnection when the connection is dropped
- [478] - fix #443 Handles reconnection when the connection is dropped
- [477] - Improvements to LogicalDagWidget. Fixes #399, #473, #475, #476
- [476] - Logical DAG Widget: Limit scroll scale extent
- [475] - Logical DAG Widget: add ability to reset initial dag view
- [474] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS UI-Router
- [473] - Logical DAG Widget: only zoom when alt/option is held down
- [472] - Map Reduce Monitor App - App Does not Publish Completed Maps
- [471] - Map Redice Monitor - Reduce Progress Grid
- [470] - Map Redice Monitor - Map Progress Grid
- [469] - Map Redice Monitor - AngularJS Percentage Filter
- [468] - Map Reduce Monitor - Monitored Jobs Grid
- [467] - Add a general CSV parser operator to parse string, byte[] input to Map #451
- [466] - Map Redice Monitor - AngularJS Util Service
- [465] - Map Reduce Monitor - Unsubscribe Action
- [464] - Map Reduce Monitor - Client-Side Settings
- [463] - Map Reduce Monitor - WebSocket Unsubscribe
- [461] - Map Reduce Monitor - Multiple Jobs Monitoring
- [460] - Map Reduce Monitor - Progress Bar Animation
- [459] - Map Reduce Monitor - Upgrade to AngularJS 1.2.4
- [458] - added xml parser operator and its test, fixes #457
- [456] - Github 444
- [454] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularUI Bootstrap
- [453] - Map Reduce Monitor - Production Build with Grunt
- [452] - Map Reduce Monitor - jshint
- [451] - CSV input operator (CDR processing)
- [450] - Map Reduce Monitor - Progress Bars
- [449] - Map Reduce Monitor App - WebSocket Query
- [448] - Map Reduce Monitor - Error Notifications with pnotify
- [444] - Map Redice Monitor App - Publish Map/Reduce Updates as Array
- [443] - Map Reduce Monitor App WebSocket Issue
- [442] - Map Reduce Monitor - Node.js Proxy for Hadoop ResourceManager
- [441] - Map Reduce Monitor - REST Service
- [439] - Map Reduce Monitor - Server Configuration
- [438] - Map Reduce Monitor - Settings
- [436] - Map Reduce Monitor - Job Progress Grid
- [435] - Map Reduce Monitor - WebSocket Service with AngularJS provider
- [434] - Map Reduce Monitor - Unit Tests
- [433] - Map Reduce Monitor - AngularJS Directives (widgets)
- [432] - Map Reduce Monitor - Page Layout with Bootstrap
- [431] - Map Reduce Monitor - Node.js Server
- [430] - Map Reduce Monitor - Yeoman Generated App
- [428] - Normalization operator (CDR processing)
- [427] - Filter operator (CDR Processing)
- [426] - Enrichment operator (CDR processing)
- [425] - Aggregator operator (CDR processing)
- [422] - Github 421
- [421] - Create RedisOperator taking String,String for performance
- [420] - Allow widgets to have adjustable height
- [419] - DAG Styling, DAG Firefox Issue
- [418] - Logical DAG - Firefox Bottom Margin Issue
- [417] - Logical DAG Styling
- [416] - Fix jquery build error
- [415] - Organized scripts and server
- [414] - fix #408, fix #413 Logical DAG - Show Stream Locality on Demand
- [413] - Logical DAG - Right Aligned Legned and Show Locality Link
- [412] - Improve Front Dev Environment
- [411] - Improved dev environment for front
- [410] - Map Reduce Monitor Web App
- [409] - fix #393 Front Node.js Proxy
- [408] - Logical DAG - Show Stream Locality on Demand
- [407] - fixes #373
- [401] - Physical DAG - Smart Zoom
- [399] - Physical DAG - Bird's-Eye View
- [393] - Front Node.js Proxy
- [375] - fixes #367, improves reload time during dev on front
- [374] - fixes #367, improves reload time during dev on front
- [372] - Logical DAG Legend Styling
- [371] - Logical DAG Legend
- [370] - Fix issue316 issue317 pull
- [369] - Logical DAG - Legend
- [368] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [367] - Precompile templates for better dev process
- [366] - Documenting demos pull
- [365] - Normalized all "processed" and "emitted" labels
- [364] - Remove free memory from container metrics in UI
- [362] - Dependency to dagre-d3 fork
- [361] - Logical DAG - Stream Locality
- [360] - Update physical operators collection to fetch from physical plan
- [359] - Add source and sinks to physical operator list
- [358] - Normalize processed/s emitted/s labels across data tables and dag view
- [357] - Create Logical Operator Page
- [356] - ContainerList view should show the log file name (stderr, stdout) in the info widget
- [355] - fixes #349, recently-launched app does not request operator list
- [354] - Make partitionable kafka input operator adjust partitions ifself for kafka partition change(del/add)
- [353] - Upgrade kafka to 0.8 release
- [352] - fixes #322
- [351] - Non-partitioned operators
- [350] - Key/Value lookup Storage Manager changes
- [349] - Application launch error in console
- [348] - Fixes #339, switches cluster metrics to websocket topic
- [347] - fix #346 Physical DAG - Remove Container IDs
- [346] - Physical DAG - Remove Container IDs
- [345] - Added sensible default display for avg app age field in cluster metrics widget #341
- [344] - Added build cmd to travis script, fixes #343
- [343] - Build step for front not in travis script
- [342] - Fix for #328
- [341] - Cluster overview display items (initial launch)
- [339] - Cluster stats should come from WebSocket topic
- [337] - Add 1 to N partition support for kafka input operator with simple kafka consumer #311
- [336] - logstream integration with siteops ui
- [332] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [329] - Documenting demos
- [328] - Numbers in graph overlay illegible when close together
- [325] - [DB Lookup & Caching] Create Mongo-db based DB lookup operator
- [323] - fixes #322
- [322] - Make connectionList property not null in Redisoutputoperator
- [313] - Marking operators non-partitionable #312
- [312] - Set partitionable to false for all operators which are cannot be partitioned
- [311] - Dynamic partition kafka input operator to adapt to real time load
- [298] - LogStream - siteops conversion - totals per second ( pages / bytes)
- [297] - LogStream - siteops conversion - plot requests over time (per page / per server)
- [296] - LogStream - siteops conversion - top 10 servers with 404 response (req/sec)
- [295] - LogStream - siteops conversion - top 10 URL's with 404 response (req/sec)
- [294] - LogStream - siteops conversion - top 10 clients downloading (bytes/sec)
- [293] - LogStream - siteops conversion - top 10 client IP's (req/sec)
- [292] - LogStream - siteops conversion - server load (req/sec/server)
- [291] - LogStream - siteops conversion - top 10 URL's (req/sec)
- [290] - Kafka POM WARN during build
- [277] - Kafka input operator should destroy itself if the topic doesn't exist
- [270] - [DB Lookup & Caching] Improvement to the design of existing Storage Manager
- [269] - [logstream] integration with sitestats ui
- [111] - SPOI-1191 - #comment Added StandardDeviationKeyVal operator and test class.
- [104] - Map Reduce Monitor Application
- [SPOI-377] - Input adapter for CouchDB
- [SPOI-378] - Output Adapter for CouchDb
- [SPOI-410] - Document and test download to work with Cloudera CDH5
- [SPOI-945] - Add ability to specify application properties, DAG, operator and port attributes in stram configuration file.
- [SPOI-1088] - Add mouseover for new graphing module
- [SPOI-1172] - DAG Visualization - Partition Shape
- [SPOI-1215] - Gauges in Container View
- [SPOI-1407] - Add Jar File View
- [SPOI-1415] - De-duplicaton operator
- [SPOI-1483] - Hadoop management script or service
- [SPOI-1501] - Widget - logical operators
- [SPOI-1535] - Memory Gauge Widget
- [SPOI-1536] - CPU Gauge Widget
- [SPOI-1550] - Logical DAG - Multiple Metrics
- [SPOI-1556] - Logical DAG Real-Time Metrics - Tracking Model Changes
- [SPOI-1561] - Logical DAG - Throughput
- [SPOI-1562] - Logical DAG - Prev/Next Metric Navigation
- [SPOI-1600] - Logical DAG - Show Two Metrics
- [SPOI-1235] - Add support for "DB lookup" functionality
- [SPOI-1236] - Provide support for Cassandra NoSQL database
- [SPOI-600] - Twitter demo failed when I did two simulteneouce operator/container kill
- [SPOI-993] - Plan modification gives NPE when the containers aren't deployed yet
- [SPOI-1280] - Recording Chart widget shows up with "X"
- [SPOI-1303] - If the operator is setup sucessfully, ensure that it gets a chance to teardown.
- [SPOI-1331] - When an operator is undeployed, its input streams should be disconnected from any upstream operators.
- [SPOI-1388] - Nodes are showing IP instead of hostnames
- [SPOI-1412] - Buffer Server uses a different version of guava base jar than Malhar
- [SPOI-1427] - Accessing Demos From clean VM is not working
- [SPOI-1430] - When uploading jars, meta information should be extracted and return error if jar is not valid
- [SPOI-1433] - checkboxes in lists intermittently unresponsive
- [SPOI-1452] - GetApp web service returns 500 for apps killed via UI
- [SPOI-1457] - Kill container call returns 500 when request payload is not json
- [SPOI-1458] - After finish uploading jar from the development tab, the jar list does not get updated until browser's "refresh" button is pressed
- [SPOI-1459] - get recordings REST call returning null values
- [SPOI-1497] - Change the names of nodes in hadoop to be just hostname with the domain name.
- [SPOI-1498] - StreamList widget has "Name" for stream id
- [SPOI-1499] - CPU usage on operatorList widget is routinely over 100%, sometimes 900%?
- [SPOI-1548] - Logical DAG - Partition Count
- [SPOI-1555] - Logical DAG: Partition-Count Metric
- [SPOI-1563] - Moving average should be computed based on endWindow timestamps
- [SPOI-1570] - Update sandbox to support Hadoop 2.2 and DataTorrent 0.9.x
- [SPOI-1572] - gateway automatic update via websocket throws errors
- [SPOI-1590] - Datanode does not successfully connect to cluster after initial startup
- [SPOI-1614] - Front files not included during builds after migration to Malhar
- [SPOI-1005] - CLI: create a default clirc that is controlled by the installer
- [SPOI-1099] - Display app master implementation version
- [SPOI-1110] - BufferServer Stats should be passed as part of the port stats?
- [SPOI-1305] - Support StringCodec for enums natively in Attributes
- [SPOI-1306] - Reduce the verbosity of the Context interface by changing the requirement for defaultValue argument for attrValue
- [SPOI-1421] - Improve default name for widgets
- [SPOI-1453] - Publish recently ended apps on WebSocket topics along with running app(s)
- [SPOI-1560] - "ERROR: mux is missing ..." messages emitted during "mvn test" on stram
- [SPOI-1574] - Document the additions to the config file specification
- [SPOI-1582] - Color non-empty filter fields for emphasis
- [SPOI-1583] - Limit default number of rows for physical operators
- [SPOI-1588] - Create service wrapper for datanode, namenode, nodemanager, resourcemanager, and historyserver
- [SPOI-1592] - Latency Measure Units
- [SPOI-1596] - Service wrapper for DTGateway
- [SPOI-1601] - Create meaningful names to the demos instead of providing entire path as the demo names
- [SPOI-1605] - Make default dashes into logical and physical for Instance
- [SPOI-1606] - Remove various metrics from logical operator list
- [SPOI-907] - Create Application DAG visualization
- [SPOI-1002] - List application names instead of class names where available
- [SPOI-1140] - Annotate dag visualization with stream throughout and other data
- [SPOI-1237] - Handle multi-container failure
- [SPOI-1281] - Remove TopN Widget from dashboard
- [SPOI-1282] - Update benchmarks
- [SPOI-1297] - Recover from "multiple container" failure
- [SPOI-1321] - Automate datanode provisioning
- [SPOI-1354] - Figure out a way to have charts be dramatically different for key combinations
- [SPOI-1360] - Create an automation framework for DataTorrent cloud provisioning
- [SPOI-1365] - Add ability to create, delete, and bootstrap multiple nodes with a single command
- [SPOI-1385] - Reduce memory used for Twitter demo containers
- [SPOI-1411] - Deprecate old Malhar webdemos once logstream is available
- [SPOI-1431] - GET /ws/v1/jars should return more meta information
- [SPOI-1432] - Implement /ws/v1/jars/{jarname}/meta
- [SPOI-1473] - Show main cluster stats in DT Console
- [SPOI-1477] - Automate namenode provisioning
- [SPOI-1478] - Recipe for Google Cloud provisioning
- [SPOI-1479] - Base configuration and provisioning
- [SPOI-1480] - Java install recipe
- [SPOI-1481] - Recipe to install maven
- [SPOI-1482] - Hadoop install recipe
- [SPOI-1484] - Open source UI to Malhar
- [SPOI-1518] - DT Console AngularJS Integration
- [SPOI-1519] - Logstream - sitestats UI integration
- [SPOI-1521] - Gateway to return error details upon status code 400s and 500s
- [SPOI-1523] - Run certification tests on 0.9.0 release build
- [SPOI-1524] - Automate performance benchmarking for different stream localities and event sizes
- [SPOI-1526] - Update GC stram-site.xml to reflect new version settings and customizations
- [SPOI-1527] - Automate stream locality perfromance benchmarking with the same tuple
- [SPOI-1541] - Create clirc compatible with demos
- [SPOI-1545] - Add documentation to chef repository
- [SPOI-1553] - DataTorrent performance testing on Google Cloud
- [SPOI-1554] - Create recipe for datatorrent local install
- [SPOI-1589] - Create cluster creation helper script for gc-nodes
- [SPOI-1591] - Create automatic installer for webapps
- [SPOI-1496] - Website framework selection
- [SPOI-1602] - Documentation index update to include Gateway API and Scalability Doc
- [SPOI-1607] - Update docs for 0.9.1 release
- [SPOI-1447] - Show stream throughput
- [SPOI-1449] - DAG Visualization - Latency. Show latency per path/compute
- [SPOI-1450] - Show partitionable operators
- [SPOI-1464] - Allow operator to request/trigger repartitioning
- [SPOI-1466] - DB lookup for MongoDB
- [SPOI-1474] - Support operator specific stats in STRAM decisions
- [SPOI-1485] - Add license headers to all relevant files
- [SPOI-1486] - Move custom npm modules to node_modules folder, update npm registry
- [SPOI-1487] - Update .travis.yml in malhar to also build and test Front
- [SPOI-1488] - Create widget for displaying cluster info
- [SPOI-1490] - Expose gateway API calls for getting cluster information
- [SPOI-1529] - Understand exactly-once semantics.
- [SPOI-1530] - Set-up cluster on local VM
- [SPOI-1531] - Understand existing AdsDimension App
- [SPOI-1532] - Develop similar app with at-least once semantics as AdsDimension App
- [SPOI-1534] - Setup on Morado cluster for bench-marking
- [SPOI-1593] - Move front folder into Malhar repository
- [SPOI-1594] - Define code style standards, integrate a hinter
- [SPOI-1595] - Create tests for more js files
- [335] - Fix issue316 issue317 pull
- [331] - fix #330 Logical DAG Metrics
- [330] - Logical DAG Metrics
- [327] - Create a cluster stats widget
- [326] - Refactored DB Lookup operators and Cache Manager
- [324] - Add UI to repository
- [321] - Merged malhar dev 0.9.1 to logstream
- [320] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [316] - Provide a property to set tuple size in the RandomWord input operator
- [315] - fixes #314
- [314] - RedisOutputOperator Exception
- [310] - Fixing default redis listen ports to 6379. Fixes #309
- [309] - Fix default redis listen port in webapps config.js
- [308] - fixes #307
- [307] - Change the format for passing multiple redis instances during partition
- [305] - Fix github 278 and 283
- [304] - Added DataCache, JDBCBasedCache Operator and its test case #303
- [303] - [DB Lookup & Caching] Create an operator which caches database results in memory for specified time
- [301] - Removing unused dependency and changing default daemon port to 9090.
- [300] - Update default settings for webapps
- [299] - A stream app to benchmark kafka partitionable input operator
- [287] - Use Yammer Metric to tick the kafka consumer throughput
- [284] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [283] - Monitor throughput for each kafka consumer
- [282] - Github 278 fix the Simple Kafka Consumer performance
- [278] - A performance bug in Simple kafka consumer
- [273] - Optimizing Redis Operator for inserting Maps
- [264] - Added DataCache, JDBCBasedCache Operator and its test case
- [262] - Marking operators non-partitionable
- [260] - Figure out a way to have charts be dramatically different for key combinations in Machine Demo
- [245] - Kafka Benchmark
- [159] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [147] - HighLow is not parameterized
- [130] - CouchDB Output Adaptar
- [289] - DimensionTimeBucket*Operator Usage and Issues
- [252] - Web Apps - Karma Unit Tests
- [251] - Machine Data Demo - Lookback Field Validation
- [250] - Mobile Locator Demo - Phone Range Support
- [232] - Show ingestion rate on MachineDemo UI
- [104] - Map Reduce Monitor Application
- [20] - Can not serialize Configuration Object
- [SPOI-437] - Create more granular RESTful API calls in Stram for various entities in an instance
- [SPOI-446] - Compute aggregate values for application instance on server side
- [SPOI-465] - Increase unit test coverage to at least 50%
- [SPOI-683] - Document Active MQ operatos in library/io/ActiveMQ*
- [SPOI-1038] - Support more options in launch command
- [SPOI-1127] - Standardize "subscribe" commands for all models and collections
- [SPOI-1130] - Gateway to log requests and response (like access log in apache)
- [SPOI-1150] - Create new mrcolor instance on init of topN visualization
- [SPOI-1152] - CLI: add -v flag for debug logging
- [SPOI-1154] - Provide physical plan connections via the Daemon API
- [SPOI-1163] - Refactored pages and routing mechanism
- [SPOI-1187] - Allow 50% width for adjacent widgets
- [SPOI-1188] - Put widely used UI components in node_modules/datatorrent
- [SPOI-1224] - CLI Help enhancement
- [SPOI-1232] - Allow a way to assign a default value to an attribute while defining the attribute
- [SPOI-1295] - Make UI compatible with Backbone v1.1.0
- [SPOI-1333] - Show stream locality in Streams widget
- [SPOI-66] - App wide "do not autorecord" parameter
- [SPOI-90] - Define and implement Apache server adapter node
- [SPOI-117] - Boolean operator node
- [SPOI-184] - Dashboard to have a page for one streaming application
- [SPOI-389] - Parent jira for "alerts" as a product
- [SPOI-444] - Provide a cascade merge unifier feature.
- [SPOI-711] - Ads Dimension Time Bucket Missing Key
- [SPOI-847] - Introduce Operator in Operator optimization (ThreadLocal)
- [SPOI-916] - Create upload jar file widget
- [SPOI-945] - Add ability to specify application properties, DAG, operator and port attributes in stram configuration file.
- [SPOI-1007] - Run tests with headless browser for CI
- [SPOI-1148] - Add CPU percentage to Operator List and Operator View
- [SPOI-1213] - Map Reduce Debugger - AngularJS - WebSocket Integration
- [SPOI-1227] - Map Reduce Debugger - JSHint
- [SPOI-1248] - DAG Visualization - Physical View - Color Coding Containers
- [SPOI-1323] - Pre-Deployment hook for Operator
- [SPOI-1332] - Logical Plan Update According to new Daemon API
- [SPOI-1345] - Add Alert Page - Application Name
- [SPOI-1377] - Create central package for language items
- [SPOI-1398] - Update DAG View Tool to Daemon API 0.9
- [SPOI-1401] - Add AUTO_RECORD attribute on the operator level
- [SPOI-1402] - Add capability to look up past alerts by timestamp
- [SPOI-1235] - Add support for "DB lookup" functionality
- [SPOI-440] - Change throughput calculation to use endWindow time
- [SPOI-727] - Document demo for charts
- [SPOI-904] - Tupleviewer: jump to valid index greater than total - visible fails
- [SPOI-992] - Javascript operator scriptBinding not serializable
- [SPOI-1037] - Daemon is creating a lot of threads that are not doing anything. Need to investigate and fix.
- [SPOI-1107] - Send the Recording information as part of appropriate OperatorStats or PortStats
- [SPOI-1164] - Mark non-partitionable operators on malhar
- [SPOI-1186] - CSS issue when a page is not using dash manager
- [SPOI-1189] - Misbehaving Mobile Locator Demo
- [SPOI-1195] - DAG Explorer POC
- [SPOI-1219] - Thread-Local streams should be marked as "inline"
- [SPOI-1220] - Create a certification test for adsdimension demo
- [SPOI-1221] - CLI should read configuration on app launch, not on start
- [SPOI-1249] - duplicate sinks in streams in physical plan returned by web service
- [SPOI-1283] - Fix mobile demo configuration in customer environment
- [SPOI-1290] - Support hadoop.socks.server setting for dtcli
- [SPOI-1298] - change product and package name and bump version
- [SPOI-1299] - Documment current DT Phone Home data
- [SPOI-1307] - Implement TupleRecorderCollection.deactivated method
- [SPOI-1308] - Document how to configure applications
- [SPOI-1318] - Logical DAG Display Issue in Firefox
- [SPOI-1324] - MobileDemo: NullPointerException in StramChild
- [SPOI-1327] - AtLeastOnceTest.testInlineOperatorsRecovery intermittent failure
- [SPOI-1328] - Container not released and no operators running in it
- [SPOI-1343] - Remove recordingNames from heartbeat
- [SPOI-1349] - support set-pager command in dtcli
- [SPOI-1351] - Need submit button and hour glass on machine data
- [SPOI-1368] - Recording never loads in tupleviewer
- [SPOI-1369] - Tests failing with new Daemon API changes
- [SPOI-1371] - Add Alert Page fails
- [SPOI-1374] - Drop twitter demo app from sandbox launch-demo jar
- [SPOI-1386] - If I click on a "finished" task, the left top nav bar says "widget" instead of "applications"
- [SPOI-1387] - If I click on a "finished" task, the left top nav bar says "widget" instead of "applications"
- [SPOI-1391] - CPU percentage for operators are 100x too large
- [SPOI-634] - Enable unit tests in CI
- [SPOI-716] - Compare original javascript with new script operators (Python, Bash)
- [SPOI-720] - Coding conventions for Malhar GitHub
- [SPOI-817] - Implement Log Input Operator
- [SPOI-818] - Implement Parser Operator
- [SPOI-824] - Document Daemon API
- [SPOI-852] - Add life time per app on main dashboard
- [SPOI-853] - Create Pie Chart widget based on D3.js
- [SPOI-854] - Create Bar Chart widget based on D3.js
- [SPOI-856] - Create Histogram (Real-Time Traffic) widget based on D3.js
- [SPOI-857] - Site Stats Back-End Front-End Integration
- [SPOI-861] - Redis Client with Node.js for Site Stats
- [SPOI-862] - REST API with Node.js for Site Stats
- [SPOI-907] - Create Application DAG visualization
- [SPOI-954] - Publish Platform REST API
- [SPOI-998] - Throughput computations should be controllable via attributes per application
- [SPOI-999] - Throughput computations should be controllable per operator
- [SPOI-1002] - List application names instead of class names where available
- [SPOI-1033] - Implement OiO validations
- [SPOI-1062] - Build out Google Cloud cluster
- [SPOI-1066] - Design Versioning Scheme for forward and backward compatiblity
- [SPOI-1086] - Dynamically scale up and down input Operators
- [SPOI-1131] - Create Training Sessions
- [SPOI-1133] - Create Training Session 2
- [SPOI-1134] - Create Training session 3
- [SPOI-1139] - Productize DAG visualization
- [SPOI-1142] - Build a fraud detection poc
- [SPOI-1143] - Implement new Daemon API
- [SPOI-1159] - Conform to new Daemon API for REST and WebSocket
- [SPOI-1160] - Move REST logic from DataSource to classes
- [SPOI-1165] - Create a certification test for performance demo
- [SPOI-1166] - Create a certification test for twitter demo
- [SPOI-1168] - Create a certification test for mobile demo
- [SPOI-1193] - replace web socket client in tuple recorder with async web socket client
- [SPOI-1194] - remove "sync" from hdfs part file collection and implement web socket update of the newest part file
- [SPOI-1197] - DAG View - Application Logical Plan as Standalone Java Application/Maven Plugin
- [SPOI-1198] - DAG View - DAG Visualization from JSON file
- [SPOI-1199] - DAG View - DAG Visualization from properties file
- [SPOI-1207] - Common Apps Template
- [SPOI-1210] - Map Reduce Debugger - AngularJS Directives
- [SPOI-1216] - Benchmark performance benchmark with stream locality
- [SPOI-1222] - CLI enhancements
- [SPOI-1223] - CLI enhancements
- [SPOI-1226] - Create list of platform attributes - port, operator, stream, application
- [SPOI-1239] - Names for deamon and cli
- [SPOI-1247] - Update UI for change in logicalPlan format
- [SPOI-1256] - Make Machine Data Demo scalable
- [SPOI-1262] - Parent JIRA for "face-lift demo apps for Hadoop World"
- [SPOI-1265] - Web Demos - Common Application
- [SPOI-1268] - Document all the attributes in Documentation (Guides)
- [SPOI-1276] - Customer demo build tools
- [SPOI-1277] - Add performance demo to customer apps
- [SPOI-1279] - In Stream List view show DataLocality
- [SPOI-1282] - Update benchmarks
- [SPOI-1285] - keys in instanceinfo widget to be shortened
- [SPOI-1286] - Add GB used to instanceOverview widget
- [SPOI-1287] - Rename operator names and stream names on AdsCustomerApplication
- [SPOI-1294] - Bump up the disk space in sandbox
- [SPOI-1309] - Update Operations and Installation Guide by adding a section on parameter setting
- [SPOI-1334] - Create data for Scalability White paper
- [SPOI-1335] - Create Scalability White paper
- [SPOI-1336] - Create First cut of logstream white paper
- [SPOI-1337] - Create first cut for Gateway white paper
- [SPOI-1339] - Productize LogStream white paper
- [SPOI-1340] - Write Scalalability and Design Pattern white paper
- [SPOI-1347] - Redis periodic cleanup node8
- [SPOI-1348] - Add elapsed time to demo throughput widget
- [SPOI-1352] - Need urls on Machine data demo to suppoer key combos
- [SPOI-1353] - Machine data demo UI should show which keys are not selected
- [SPOI-1356] - Make default look back on machine gen demo - 180 minutes
- [SPOI-1362] - Set up separate Redis instance and application for Machine demo
- [SPOI-1363] - gateway API recordings retrieval minor parameter name change
- [SPOI-1366] - Reduce scope of dependency versions in Front
- [SPOI-1367] - Name and ports not showing up in recording list
- [SPOI-1372] - On dashboard change "Operations" to "Applications" in the first tab
- [SPOI-1373] - Sandbox: size should be 8G by default, 4G causes most apps to not work
- [SPOI-1375] - All sandbox apps must work in 8G VM. Need to test each
- [SPOI-1381] - Add link to Malhar open source project in Sandbox
- [SPOI-1382] - Add MachineCustomerApplication to launch-customer jar on node1
- [SPOI-1399] - Add two new docs to the 0.9 release, to the website
- [SPOI-1400] - Add timestamp for each tuple in tuple recordings
- [SPOI-1109] - Change the frontend code to so that the recording information is received as part of the stats
- [SPOI-1135] - Beautify "Twitter Top URLs" demo
- [SPOI-1156] - mocha-phantomjs fails on test
- [SPOI-1228] - Benchmark Performance with stream locality as thread-local
- [SPOI-1229] - Benchmark Performance with stream locality as process local
- [SPOI-1230] - Benchmark Performance with stream locality as node-local
- [SPOI-1231] - Benchmark Performance with stream locality as rack-local
- [SPOI-1240] - Create Hadoop 2.2 cluster on GC
- [SPOI-1241] - Migrate morado cluster to Hadoop 2.1
- [SPOI-1263] - Beautify "Mobile" demo app
- [SPOI-1264] - Beautify "Machine Generated" demo app
- [SPOI-1272] - Investigate Google Cluster Disks, Networking, Firewalls
- [SPOI-1273] - Install Chef Server for central provisioning
- [SPOI-1274] - Twitter demo - small changes in backend
- [SPOI-1275] - Mobile demo - small changes in backend
- [SPOI-1278] - Configure and install node0
- [SPOI-1304] - Migrate core to Hadoop 2.2
- [SPOI-1322] - Configure and install datanode
- [SPOI-1379] - Configuration changes to support Hadoop 2.2
- [SPOI-1380] - Fix customer demos creation for Hadoop 2.2
- [SPOI-1394] - Enable testing during build for Malhar
- [SPOI-1395] - Enable build testing for front
- [SPOI-1396] - Enable build testing from Core
- [288] - Machine Demo Circular Keys. Squashed commit of the following:
- [286] - Ads Dimensions Demo - REST API
- [285] - Machine Data Demo - No Data Behavior
- [281] - Machine Data Demo - Circular Keys Retrieval Unit Test
- [280] - Machine Data Demo - Retrieving Circular Keys from Redis
- [276] - Make topic and brokerList configurable properties for kafka input operator
- [275] - fixed github issue #273
- [274] - Couch operators 0.9
- [267] - [logstream] add logstream usecases
- [263] - Backend support to add a range of mobile numbers
- [261] - Github issues #260 and #240
- [259] - Make benchmarks appear more friendly in application list
- [258] - Ads Dimensions Demo. Squashed commit of the following:
- [257] - Machine and Ads Demos Common Styling
- [256] - SPOI-1408 added AsyncHttpClient.close() calls
- [255] - Github 240
- [254] - Ads Dimensions Demo - Redis Unit Test
- [253] - Port Ads Dimensions Demo to AngularJS
- [249] - Added support to mobile app for adding range of numbers at a time #242
- [248] - Remove reload button from MachineData demo
- [247] - Web Apps Upgrade to Daemon API 0.9. Machine Demo optimizations. Squashed commit of the following:
- [246] - Documentation had a typo which was repeated. I fixed it and also reorganized imports.
- [243] - Web Apps - Upgrade to Daemon API 0.9
- [241] - Add ads demo to common demo UI
- [240] - Make the keys in Machine Data circular
- [239] - Machine Demo - Negative Values in Random Data
- [238] - Machine Demo - Load Indicator on Slow Response
- [237] - Machine Demo - Instant Reload on Dimensions Change
- [236] - Machine Demo - Line Chart Options for Empty Chart
- [235] - Machine Demo - Server Polling Statistics
- [231] - fixed github issue #220
- [230] - Machine Demo - Error Handling
- [228] - Machine Demo - Redis Query Optimization
- [227] - Machine Demo - Client Cache for Chart Data
- [226] - fixed github issue 219
- [225] - 0.9 migration
- [224] - Show hourglass on the machine data demo in case of network (internet) being slow
- [223] - Setting Expiry Date for Redis Keys in RedisOutputOperator
- [222] - Couch Input Output Adaptors
- [221] - Web Apps - AngularJS Directive for Google Line Chart
- [220] - Making Redis Operator partionable
- [219] - Setting Expiry Date for Redis Keys in RedisOutputOperator
- [218] - made output port of alert escalation autorecord
- [217] - Add credit card fraud detection demo
- [216] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [215] - Machine demo should have 180 minutes as default in UI
- [211] - Fraud App Rename
- [210] - Web Apps - Fraud
- [209] - 0.9 pull
- [208] - Web Apps - Elapsed Time
- [207] - 0.9 migration
- [206] - SimpleMovingAverage is resetting the second last window state
- [205] - Fix PythonOperator
- [204] - Fix BashOperator
- [203] - Marking operators non-partitionable
- [202] - added new output port in JsonByteArrayOperator for emiting flattened map
- [201] - #198 Machine Data Demo - Dynamic Dimensions. Squashed commit of the following:
- [200] - added new output port in JsonByteArrayOperator for emiting flattened map
- [199] - making the attributes configurable from stram-site
- [198] - Machine Data Demo - Dynamic Dimensions
- [197] - Web Apps Machine Demo Update/Multiple FIxes
- [196] - Mobile Demo corrections
- [195] - Web Apps Machine Demo Update/Multiple Fixes
- [194] - Web Apps - Machine Data Demo - Last Minute Calculations
- [193] - reduced the I/O worker thread multiplier to 1 as default in ning AHC
- [192] - Web Apps - Express Version
- [191] - Web Apps - Browser Dependencies
- [190] - 0.9 migration
- [188] - Web Apps (Demos) - Squashed commit of the following:
- [186] - Web Apps - Styling
- [185] - Web Apps - Readme
- [184] - made the machine data and ads demo scalable
- [183] - Web Apps - JSHint
- [182] - Fixed seeds phone generator and other bugs with MobileDemo #172
- [180] - suppress warning for stdout in console output operator
- [178] - Web Apps - License Headers
- [177] - Twitter demo application is called TwitterDevApplication
- [176] - Removed phone.html that is not being used. Fixes #175.
- [175] - Remove phone html that is not being used
- [174] - Resolving mobile demo bug
- [173] - bug in phonemovement
- [169] - Code format changes to KryoSerializableStreamCodec
- [168] - Web Apps - Demos Descriptions
- [167] - javascript operator now serializable
- [165] - Squashed commit of the following:
- [164] - Operator and stream names of adsdimension application can be clearer
- [163] - Web Apps - Mobile Locator Demo - Google Maps Marker Labels
- [162] - Web Apps - Machine Data Demo - CPU/RAM/HDD Gauges
- [161] - Web Apps - Machine Data Demo - Device ID Dimension
- [158] - Made Mobile enhancements #157
- [157] - Mobile Demo: Minor enhancements
- [156] - Web Apps - Index Page
- [155] - Web Apps - Machine Data Demo
- [154] - Web Apps - Mobile Locator Demo
- [151] - change name and jump version
- [150] - Twitter multiplier variance #148
- [149] - Checkpoint consumer offset #146
- [148] - Twitter demo: change tweet multipler from 100 to Random(90-110)
- [146] - Commit offset at checkpoint for kafka input operator
- [145] - Web Apps POC
- [144] - MachineData: bug in MachineInfoAveragingOperator
- [143] - migrated to ning for web socket interface provider
- [142] - 0.4 migration
- [141] - upgraded framework version to 0.3.5
- [140] - method rename in RedisOutputOperator #138
- [139] - Add partitionable kafka input operator #113
- [138] - Change selectDatabase in RedisOutputOperator to setDatabase
- [137] - Couch DB Output adapter added #130
- [136] - Reducing tuple blast size #135
- [135] - MachineData: reduce the number of tuples generated by the random generator
- [134] - Mapreduce Pull Request
- [133] - [logstream] logstream app flow
- [132] - Bug in UniqueKeyValCounter
- [131] - Deleted old unique value count operator #129
- [129] - Delete the old UniqueValueKeyVal operator and rename the new UniqueValueCount
- [128] - Corrections to UniqueValueCount #127
- [127] - UniqueValueCount improvements
- [126] - Changed deprecated call to setInline to setLocality.
- [125] - Changed setInline call to setLocality
- [123] - Clean up unused libraries
- [122] - squashed changed to UniqueCount #112
- [121] - Operator that counts unique value per key #112
- [120] - add all the locality modes to performance test
- [119] - Squashed changes and fixed version #99
- [118] - MachineData integrated operators #99
- [117] - Adding Redis input operators #43
- [116] - Logstream merge 43
- [115] - Adding Redis input operators
- [114] - Implement the automate partitioned kafka input operator(1:1) #113
- [113] - Add partitionable kafka input operator (1:1)
- [103] - move the test residue to maven target directory so that mvn clean can clean all the files
- [102] - Sqaushed changes for KryoSerializableStreamCodec & Test #95
- [101] - Pull request for #95
- [100] - Pull request for issue #95
- [99] - Add more statistics calculations to machine data
- [98] - Issue 95
- [97] - Add machinedata demo
- [96] - Added output port to json byte array operator to emit JSONObjects too
- [95] - Create an Abstract SteamCodec which can be used for custom partitioning and uses kryo serialization
- [94] - added two output ports - outputMap, outputJSonObject
- [93] - Upgrade Kafka to 0.8
- [88] - starmcli not taking the jar passed during launching application
- [73] - Upgrade our kafka operator api to be compatible with mvn released Kafka version 0.8
- [70] - Clean kafka package in malhar library #53
- [52] - addCombination doesn't work in DimensionTimeBucketOperator
- [46] - SiteOps Dashboard Look and Feel
- [45] - Move SiteOps Demo to Node.js
- [44] - Sliding window aggregation computations operators
- [43] - Create Redis Input Operator
- [42] - Please pull my latest changes
- [41] - Web Demos - License Headers
- [40] - Move Ads Dimensions Demo to Node.js
- [39] - AlertEscalationOperatorTest test failing
- [38] - Move Mobile Demo to Node.js
- [37] - Move Twitter Demo to Node.js
- [36] - Move Twitter, Mobile and Ads Demo to Node.js - fixes #34
- [35] - Create AMQP Input Operator
- [34] - Move Twitter, Mobile and Ads Dimensions Demo to Node.js
- [33] - Ads Dimensions Demo - Common Template
- [32] - Common Assets for the Demos
- [31] - Migrate deprecated setInline calls. fixes #16
- [30] - bump master version to 0.3.5-SNAPSHOT
- [29] - Javascript operator scriptBinding not serializable
- [28] - Node.js Ads Dimensions Demo - "Play" mode
- [27] - Node.js Ads Dimensions Demo - Node.js Daemon
- [26] - Node.js Ads Dimensions Demo - Dynamic Port
- [25] - Node.js Ads Dimensions Demo - Readme
- [24] - Node.js Ads Dimensions Demo Rename
- [23] - Mrapplication
- [21] - keyvalpair doing hash on key and value
- [18] - 404 error in the UI for logicalPlan
- [17] - Emitted tuples by InputOperator incorrectly shown as zero
- [16] - Adapt new stream locality API
- [11] - Create an alerts demo for testing alerts
- [4] - Make alert throttle operator window id based instead of wall clock time.
- [SPOI-349] - InlineStream undeploy error
- [SPOI-766] - Process for certification of 0.3.3 launch on demo server
- [SPOI-953] - Implement Exactly Once
- [SPOI-959] - Operator Properties Widget
- [SPOI-976] - Mobile apps keep dying
- [SPOI-1013] - Cluster clocks are not in sync
- [SPOI-1017] - Daemon stopped publishing over WebSocket
- [SPOI-1022] - Alert is removed from the list on server failure
- [SPOI-1023] - "Method Not Allowed" error when deleting an alert
- [SPOI-1030] - DT Phone Home throw NullPointerException
- [SPOI-1034] - 404 Not Found when getting alerts
- [SPOI-1035] - Cannot create alerts with stramcli
- [SPOI-1041] - Operator Properties fail to load
- [SPOI-1051] - URLs templating for REST API
- [SPOI-1075] - Container planned/alloc does not update in real time
- [SPOI-1076] - Buffer server read is a flat line
- [SPOI-1081] - Get common urls for all demos
- [SPOI-1087] - Fix container chart
- [SPOI-1089] - Widgets initializing twice
- [SPOI-1090] - Add d3 to package.json deps
- [SPOI-1091] - dashboard manager css issue with background color
- [SPOI-1092] - Widget list not rendering on initial page load
- [SPOI-1093] - Memory leak when switching between pages
- [SPOI-1097] - dashboards not being saved
- [SPOI-1101] - Explore Kibana 3 as UI option for site stats
- [SPOI-1103] - Kill button doesn't work on applist palette
- [SPOI-1104] - Mode switch separator in header still visible
- [SPOI-1105] - shutdown application command requires empty data object
- [SPOI-1114] - Test for AlertManagerTest.testAlertManager failed
- [SPOI-1118] - Upgrade grid to 4GB containers
- [SPOI-1121] - URL for deleting alert is incorrect
- [SPOI-1123] - Add alert action not sending all parameters
- [SPOI-1126] - Latency is whacked after adding alerts
- [SPOI-1137] - DAG Page View - JavaScript Error
- [SPOI-1144] - stram-site properties not applied to the operators (possibly?)
- [SPOI-1145] - ConcurrentModificationException when used launch local in stramcli
- [SPOI-1147] - Cannot kill "running" or relaunch "killed" application instance from AppLIst widget
- [SPOI-1157] - NoSuchElementException in stramcli
- [SPOI-870] - Alerts parent jira for phase I
- [SPOI-462] - Feature to specify that an operator cannot be partitioned.
- [SPOI-523] - Document OS style guidelines
- [SPOI-750] - Performance Metrics Widget Unit Test
- [SPOI-937] - Incorporate jQuery UI into current dashboard
- [SPOI-962] - Daemon REST API Conventions
- [SPOI-963] - For exactly-once pick the correct checkpoint for recovery
- [SPOI-979] - Need old versions of javadoc available online
- [SPOI-983] - Front-End Release Branch
- [SPOI-1019] - switch to jquery ui tooltip
- [SPOI-1028] - Correctly order output port list for operator AlertThreeLevelTimedEscalationOperator
- [SPOI-1078] - Add appInfo to apps.list WebSocket topic
- [SPOI-1094] - Subscribe to app-specific websocket topic while on application
- [SPOI-1102] - Alerts should be a list of js object literals
- [SPOI-1106] - tables should resize as widget resizes by default
- [SPOI-1119] - Remove Malhar subtree dependency from Core
- [SPOI-1125] - Utilize new "optional" attribute with alert template parameters
- [SPOI-641] - Setting partition on operator not supporting partitioning must result in error.
- [SPOI-810] - Create a line charting module using d3.js
- [SPOI-831] - Create REST API call for uploading JAR files
- [SPOI-832] - Create REST API call to retrieve all uploaded jar files
- [SPOI-834] - Create "Top N" widget
- [SPOI-874] - Provide description information for filter/throttle/action classes to be used by UI
- [SPOI-940] - Alert List Widget - Actions (Add/View/Delete)
- [SPOI-987] - Add stramcli tab completion for alias and macro
- [SPOI-989] - Operator Properties Widget - Data Access Logic
- [SPOI-1011] - AlertModel - Delete
- [SPOI-1012] - Mock Node.js Server - Alert Delete
- [SPOI-1014] - AlertCollection - Retrieve
- [SPOI-1016] - AlertModel - Create
- [SPOI-1018] - GitHub issue exporter for changelog
- [SPOI-1024] - AlertModel - Unit Test
- [SPOI-1025] - AlertCollection - Unit Test
- [SPOI-1026] - OpPropertiesModel - Unit Test
- [SPOI-1029] - Unit Testing - FakeXMLHttpRequest
- [SPOI-1040] - Node.js back-end for Ads Dimensions Demo
- [SPOI-1046] - Templatized Alert Creation Page
- [SPOI-1055] - Node.js Redis Client (Ads Dimensions Demo)
- [SPOI-1080] - Node.js Daemon
- [SPOI-1085] - Unified Demos Page
- [SPOI-1095] - Move Twitter Demo to Node.js
- [SPOI-1096] - Move Mobile Demo to Node.js
- [SPOI-1111] - Get common urls for all demos - POC
- [SPOI-1112] - Shutdown command from UI
- [SPOI-1116] - Move Machine Gen Demo to Node.js
- [SPOI-843] - Evaluate current market features
- [SPOI-846] - Implement exactly once
- [SPOI-855] - Dynamic re-partitioning happens on a snapshot, need to do a moving average by default
- [SPOI-895] - Implement REST API filterClasses for Alerts
- [SPOI-896] - Implement REST API escalationClasses for Alerts
- [SPOI-932] - CLI: support alert operations
- [SPOI-941] - Include latency in operator list in the dashboard.
- [SPOI-955] - Demo showing recurring payment check
- [SPOI-956] - Demo application for Machine (appliance) generated data monitoring resource usage (resources like CPU, RAM, etc)
- [SPOI-972] - Adapt core versioning scheme
- [SPOI-973] - Setup node.js as a supported technology
- [SPOI-982] - Version Eclipse settings
- [SPOI-986] - Version Nebeans settings
- [SPOI-995] - Unit test for AlertsManager
- [SPOI-996] - Unit test for AlertEscalation Operator
- [SPOI-1001] - Create a convenience script to start and stop hadoop cluster
- [SPOI-1008] - Cluster configuration versioning
- [SPOI-1009] - Need a signup link to Google group on Malhar first page
- [SPOI-1010] - Notificaitons on Malhar to include Google group
- [SPOI-1015] - Evaluate anomaly algorithms
- [SPOI-1021] - Set up user communication process
- [SPOI-1031] - Hide operations/development mode switch in UI
- [SPOI-1039] - Grid access
- [SPOI-1052] - Update node1 with latest release (0.3.4)
- [SPOI-1053] - Add users to grid
- [SPOI-1056] - Add create alert template REST call
- [SPOI-1057] - Change create alert REST call to use a template and parameters
- [SPOI-1058] - Retrieve alert REST call should include template name and parameters
- [SPOI-1060] - Get rid of stramRoot from the REST API (back end)
- [SPOI-1061] - Get rid of stramRoot from the REST API call (front end)
- [SPOI-1064] - Make machine generated data demo generic and launch on node1
- [SPOI-1070] - Dashboard look and feel for demos
- [SPOI-1071] - Dashboard look and feel for twitter firehose demo
- [SPOI-1072] - Dashboard look and feel for mobile demo
- [SPOI-1073] - Dashboard look and feel for ads dimensional demo
- [SPOI-1074] - Dashboard look and feel for machine gen demo
- [SPOI-1077] - Dashboard look and feel for logs demo
- [SPOI-1079] - Evaluate Integration with third party tools
- [SPOI-1100] - Update https://github.com/DataTorrent/Malhar
- [SPOI-1117] - Allow exactly-once with downstream at-most-once only
- [SPOI-1132] - Create Training session 1
- [SPOI-1151] - AngularJS Integration
- [SPOI-876] - Allow for saving alert configurations as templates for future use, back-end
- [SPOI-877] - Allow for saving alert configurations as templates for future use, front-end
- [SPOI-978] - Fix dependency among open source and platform
- [SPOI-1042] - create alert template model
- [SPOI-1047] - create new page for add alert and re-route current url
- [SPOI-1048] - create parameter fill-in fields
- [SPOI-1113] - Remove child module poc build from framework build
- [SPOI-1176] - Remove malhar subtree from Core
- [90] - Fixed generics usage and renamed operator classes as per convention
- [89] - Added operator to convert json byte stream to java hash map
- [87] - Added operator to convert json byte stream to java hash map
- [86] - Web Demos Update
- [85] - Web Demos - Architecture Documentation
- [84] - Adding TravisCI build status to README #83
- [83] - Add TravisCI Build status to README
- [82] - Add TravisCI Integration
- [81] - [Logstream] Reads apache logs from RabbitMQ and prints basic aggregations to console
- [80] - Webdemos - round time to minute
- [79] - Adding apps project and logstream application skeleton. #62
- [78] - SiteOps Demo - Totals Calculation
- [77] - Operator changes for issue #76
- [76] - Remove hardcoded values from RabbitMQ input operator
- [75] - [Issue 52]: addCombination doesn't work in DimensionTimeBucketOperator
- [74] - AMQP input operator for logs with sample aggregations #35
- [71] - Move Machine Generated Data Demo to Node.js
- [70] - Clean kafka package in malhar library #53
- [69] - Pull request for issue #53
- [68] - Web Demos Update
- [67] - SiteOps Demo - Redis Service
- [66] - Web Demos - Describe Configuration in Readme
- [65] - Ads Dimensions Demo - Redis Configuration
- [64] - Web Demos - Relative URLs for JS/CSS
- [63] - Adding apps project and logstream application skeleton. #62
- [62] - Create skeleton application for log stream processing
- [60] - Move SiteOps Demo to Node.js - Unit Tests
- [59] - Move SiteOps Demo to Node.js - License Headers
- [58] - Move SiteOps Demo to Node.js - Charts
- [56] - Clean input operators in malhar-library
- [55] - Github 54
- [54] - PubSubWebSocket operators tests should be self contained and not need other helpers.
- [53] - Clean up Kafka input/output operator
- [51] - Ads webdemo is showing a drop in the graphs at the end
- [50] - Link to webdemos in main readme
- [49] - Clean input operators in lib
- [47] - Ads Dimensions Demo - JavaScript Loading Issue
- [22] - Node.js Ads Dimensions Demo
- [15] - Cleanup malhar-library input operator packages
- [SPOI-569] - Ads demo charting is not stable; Needs cleanup
- [SPOI-570] - Mobile demo does not run forever
- [SPOI-599] - Sometimes in the metrics charts widget some charts are flat
- [SPOI-617] - Change error code from 500 to 400 for bad request
- [SPOI-630] - Stop recording action does not work
- [SPOI-660] - Recording shows a red light, but no recording is being done
- [SPOI-674] - AppModel and AppInstanceView need clean-up
- [SPOI-704] - Red dots show up in the dashboard, as if the operator is recording
- [SPOI-714] - Ads UI load is alow
- [SPOI-715] - Ads demo chart is 25 mins behind
- [SPOI-724] - Fix LocalFileInputOperator logic and documentation
- [SPOI-730] - Developer version for Mac OS X
- [SPOI-731] - Cannot record anymore. Tuple recorder is broken
- [SPOI-732] - Cannot stop recording
- [SPOI-742] - Installation/Compilation fails with maven-eclipse plugin
- [SPOI-744] - Facilitate the "accepted" app state for the app instance view
- [SPOI-747] - StreamingContainerManager.getContainerAgents() returns inactive containers
- [SPOI-748] - Build Kestrel as 3rd party library and depend on it instead of including the code with operator library
- [SPOI-751] - browser CPU utilization excessive with larger number of updates
- [SPOI-755] - Evaluate ads dimensional data demo
- [SPOI-756] - Account for single-item, non-list responses from web services
- [SPOI-757] - docs directory re-link for new version install
- [SPOI-762] - Application Model not updating correctly, causing graph issues
- [SPOI-764] - Malhar engine build is including StramAppMaster in engine jar in some cases
- [SPOI-765] - Datasource constructing tuple GET URL incorrectly for tupleviewer
- [SPOI-768] - Log file rotation support issue
- [SPOI-804] - If a node is bad the app master should choose a different node for the containers.
- [SPOI-806] - list-apps shows duplicate entries
- [SPOI-807] - downgrade jvm on node3
- [SPOI-809] - Add pig distinct semantic operator to library.
- [SPOI-811] - shutdown app does not work when not connecting to an app
- [SPOI-842] - Generated javadocs are missing several packages
- [SPOI-845] - Installer test fails when executing from different directory
- [SPOI-849] - Start recording from port list
- [SPOI-863] - Display application-wide latency in Application View
- [SPOI-883] - StramDelegationTokenManager should not be started if security is not enabled
- [SPOI-888] - Account for delay in Stram initialization in recently launched apps
- [SPOI-890] - Stram unit test is creating events data in stram/stram
- [SPOI-892] - getAppInfo throws an exception during the beginning of the application
- [SPOI-902] - Tupleviewer filter by port fails
- [SPOI-903] - Tupleviewer preview of loaded tuples not rendering
- [SPOI-905] - Review/fix license headers in open source
- [SPOI-911] - Sync recording call fails with 500 error
- [SPOI-915] - Log collection tool for hadoop cluster
- [SPOI-918] - Partitioning stopped on MobileLocatorDemo instance 48
- [SPOI-933] - Specify application names in stram configuration file for the customer demos on the cluster.
- [SPOI-946] - Certify Sandbox for Ubuntu
- [SPOI-951] - Auto completed file name does not work with launch command
- [SPOI-952] - Remove operator returns error about input stream still connected.
- [SPOI-958] - LocalFsInputOperator test is failing
- [SPOI-965] - UI: Make sure empty lists and single-item lists in JSON returned from Daemon is handled properly
- [SPOI-969] - UI: Stop recording fails with error saying some recording name was not found with operator undefined.
- [SPOI-971] - Aggregation function for application stats fails intermittently
- [SPOI-974] - PageLoaderView Unit Test
- [SPOI-981] - Ensure "ports" are in the operators of the logicalPlan response
- [SPOI-991] - Daemon: windowIds must be sent as strings
- [SPOI-997] - Compute throughput as rolling average
- [SPOI-434] - Ability to subscribe to buffer server stream at next begin window
- [SPOI-450] - CLI: Allow wildcard in launch file name
- [SPOI-463] - The appMetrics widget should remember the choices on the graphs (on/off)
- [SPOI-470] - Provide allocated/planned container count
- [SPOI-614] - Better Error Handling/Error Pages
- [SPOI-620] - Allow recording from operator/port page
- [SPOI-624] - Normalize appid/appId opid/operatorId and similar discrepancies
- [SPOI-677] - Setup both Core and Front-End to run on local environment
- [SPOI-685] - Explore other charting libraries to replace custom chart module
- [SPOI-687] - Improve CSS for tupleviewer
- [SPOI-696] - Only update whole application collection on applist page
- [SPOI-712] - Explicit Errors when daemon provides data in unexpected format
- [SPOI-753] - Overview metrics for Port View should have comma separations
- [SPOI-835] - CLI needs to be able to handle spaces and escape characters
- [SPOI-844] - operatorClass REST call should also accept "chart" or "filter" for charting and alert filters
- [SPOI-901] - Add palette for containers list
- [SPOI-938] - Centralize reused templates for links
- [SPOI-70] - Parent JIra: Webservices for Streaming Application
- [SPOI-73] - Job completed report
- [SPOI-74] - Reporting: Job completion report should have the list of persisted files per node
- [SPOI-75] - Parameter to specify if persisted file names should be included in the job completion report
- [SPOI-127] - CLI: Throughput data (streams)
- [SPOI-129] - CLI: Streaming Ap Master data
- [SPOI-134] - Webservice: Stream data/throughput per stream in the application
- [SPOI-138] - Webservices: Data on committed windows
- [SPOI-139] - Webservice: Latency across the dag/application
- [SPOI-140] - Event Logging
- [SPOI-143] - Webservice: Bottleneck analysis
- [SPOI-219] - Evaluate if we need a naming scheme to identify a physical node of a logical dnode
- [SPOI-337] - Do an in-node stream by user choice
- [SPOI-403] - Design license file format
- [SPOI-417] - Licensing Specification
- [SPOI-460] - Create Preconfigured Sandbox
- [SPOI-471] - Stream View
- [SPOI-551] - Create Video for Recording Tuples
- [SPOI-628] - Web service for event logging
- [SPOI-698] - Add streamquery operators that support expression
- [SPOI-699] - Add pass through streamquery operators
- [SPOI-710] - DatatTorrent Wiki
- [SPOI-718] - Implement at most once for Operators with two or more connected input ports.
- [SPOI-719] - Implement Dag Validations for At-Most-Once
- [SPOI-738] - DT Phone Home Phase II
- [SPOI-829] - Calculate overall latency for application
- [SPOI-830] - Deduce critical path in DAG for application
- [SPOI-833] - operator's latency should be shown in the UI
- [SPOI-891] - Create a web service API for describing operator class
- [SPOI-906] - Add palette for ports list
- [SPOI-908] - Selecting recordings from recording list fails
- [SPOI-909] - CSS issues with tupleviewer when port name too long
- [SPOI-920] - Application DAG UI Integration
- [SPOI-921] - Sandbox icons
- [SPOI-934] - Alert List Widget - Date/Time
- [SPOI-936] - Alert List Widget - Dynamic Width
- [SPOI-949] - Documentation processor from markdown to html
- [SPOI-60] - Streaming app master logging
- [SPOI-191] - Enable compression for end of window data or for throttled N tuples (N sent together)
- [SPOI-198] - Evaluate if buffer server should retain data in a compressed state
- [SPOI-199] - Evaluate if we need buffer server to keep data in compressed state
- [SPOI-425] - Checkpointing for exactly once operator recovery
- [SPOI-514] - Open Source Transition for Library/Contrib/Demos
- [SPOI-603] - Evaluation version for Mac OS X
- [SPOI-631] - Make a site operations video
- [SPOI-633] - Need changelog for new version
- [SPOI-656] - Performance metrics charts does not remember preferences
- [SPOI-681] - Added library description to index.html
- [SPOI-682] - Display Application DAG in UI (evaluation)
- [SPOI-706] - Allow app name to be specified in launch time config file
- [SPOI-708] - Set up demo procedures
- [SPOI-713] - Technical evaluation of UIs
- [SPOI-717] - Create launch macros on demo server
- [SPOI-734] - Push 0.3.3 to demo server
- [SPOI-735] - Launch the latest software on customer app server
- [SPOI-736] - Certify customer application server
- [SPOI-737] - Clean up redis history on customer apps
- [SPOI-740] - Updated documentation generation process
- [SPOI-745] - DT Phone Home Server side work
- [SPOI-754] - Create other user for node0 launches
- [SPOI-759] - Technical Evaluation
- [SPOI-760] - Format comments for ASF project for Malhar GitHub
- [SPOI-761] - Format comments in API
- [SPOI-769] - Fix sql DeleteOperator to make it pass thru.
- [SPOI-770] - Fix SelectOperator to make it pass thru.
- [SPOI-771] - Fix sql UpdateOperator code to make it pass thru.
- [SPOI-773] - Add seolect expression index.
- [SPOI-774] - Fix sql InnnerJoin operator join condition.
- [SPOI-775] - Fix sql Outer Join operator to merge left/right/full join sql semantic.
- [SPOI-776] - Add sql Having semantic operator to library.
- [SPOI-777] - Add sql select top operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-778] - Add sql select between condition sematic to library.
- [SPOI-779] - Add sql select compound condition AND/OR semanticf to library.
- [SPOI-780] - Add sql in condition semantic to library
- [SPOI-781] - Add sql like condition semantic to library.
- [SPOI-782] - Add having coprae value semantic to library.
- [SPOI-783] - Add having condition interface to support sql having operator semantic.
- [SPOI-784] - Add sql select unary expression semantic to library.
- [SPOI-785] - Create sql binary expreesion index semantic in library.
- [SPOI-786] - Add sql select negate index semantic to library.
- [SPOI-787] - Add sql slect sum index semantic to library.
- [SPOI-788] - Add sql select string mid index semantic to library.
- [SPOI-789] - Add sql slect string len semantic to library.
- [SPOI-790] - Add sql select string upper/lower semantic to library.
- [SPOI-791] - Add sql round double semantic to library.
- [SPOI-792] - Add sql select rtound double semantic to library.
- [SPOI-794] - Add sql sleect count aggregate semantic to libarry.
- [SPOI-795] - Add sql select min/max fucntion semantic to library.
- [SPOI-796] - Add sql select first/last aggregate semantic to library.
- [SPOI-797] - Add sql sleect sum aggregate semantic to library.
- [SPOI-798] - Add pig group operator semanitc to library.
- [SPOI-799] - Add PIG filter operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-800] - Add PIG cross operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-801] - Add PIG split operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-812] - Design wireframes for widget for SiteStats
- [SPOI-814] - Prototype UI dashboard change to facilitate "app store" paradigm
- [SPOI-815] - Add pig join(inner) semantic operator to library.
- [SPOI-816] - Add pig join(outer => left/right/full) semantic operator to library.
- [SPOI-820] - Implement Dimension Operator that allows custom explosion
- [SPOI-825] - Evaluate non-Hadoop Streaming Platforms IDE
- [SPOI-826] - Add pig order by operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-827] - Add pig limit operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-828] - Add pig stream operator semantic to library.
- [SPOI-836] - Design Alert-related API
- [SPOI-840] - Add spark add flat map function semantic to operator library.
- [SPOI-848] - Introduce ContainerLocal as replacement for Inline
- [SPOI-850] - Evaluate Hadoop IDE
- [SPOI-851] - Evaluate JavaScript data visualization libraries
- [SPOI-858] - Class loader support issue: org.fusesource.hawtbuf.UTF8Buffer.class
- [SPOI-859] - Evaluate Streaming Platform Back-End Development Workflow
- [SPOI-860] - Evaluate Node.js as Back-End for Site Stats Demo
- [SPOI-864] - Redesign REST for altered escalation approach
- [SPOI-865] - Create "List of Alerts" widget
- [SPOI-866] - Add DataSource methods for alert REST API
- [SPOI-879] - Create a data list of grid nodes
- [SPOI-881] - Create Compute-Local api
- [SPOI-882] - Add compute local api to documents
- [SPOI-884] - Update dhcp configuration on cluster nodes.
- [SPOI-885] - Create prototype with Node.js + Redis + REST for Site Stats
- [SPOI-886] - Implement remove logical operator
- [SPOI-889] - Alerts persistence with Backbone.js models
- [SPOI-893] - Externalize UI settings
- [SPOI-894] - Implement JavaScript Filter operator for Alerts
- [SPOI-910] - Node.js Mock Server and JSONP Cross-Domain Requests
- [SPOI-913] - Flesh out "kill app" command from the instance view
- [SPOI-914] - Alerts REST API Error Handling
- [SPOI-935] - Make patch for flawed start/stop recording mechanism
- [SPOI-939] - Remove references to unfinished features for 0.3.4 release
- [SPOI-943] - Certify Sandbox on various OS
- [SPOI-944] - Certify Sandbox on Mac
- [SPOI-947] - Certify Sandbox for Windows
- [SPOI-948] - Improvements in sandbox based on OS certification feedback
- [SPOI-957] - Update license header
- [SPOI-970] - Download latest G! documents
- [SPOI-985] - Macro argument expansion in stramcli
- [SPOI-1006] - Update @since tags for 0.3.4
- [SPOI-880] - Investigate options for sandbox environment
- [SPOI-922] - Sandbox default hadoop configurations
- [SPOI-923] - Sandbox demo script and application launcher
- [SPOI-924] - Sandbox size and performance optimizations
- [SPOI-926] - Sandbox documentation
- [SPOI-942] - Demo launch page
- [SPOI-990] - Add launch-demo macro to clirc during install
- [SPOI-1004] - End user license agreement updates
- [12] - Site Stats Operator and TopNOperator issues
- [10] - getTopN() function returns ArrayList in com.datatorrent.lib.util.TopNSort class
- [9] - Another Bug in offer(E e) function of com.datatorrent.lib.util.TopNSort.java
- [8] - Bug in offer(E e) function of com.datatorrent.lib.util.TopNSort.java
- [7] - Add ability to configure timeout of RedisOutputOperator
- [6] - Add a continue on error functionality to AbstractKeyValueStoreOutputOperator
- [5] - Add rollback to AbstractKeyValueStoreOutputOperator.
- [3] - Map Reduce job tracker
- [2] - Fix application name of mobile demo
- [1] - Console Operators
- [SPOI-418] - Duplicate - Demos need better documentation
- [SPOI-438] - Remove outdated zookeeper dependency from contrib test scope
- [SPOI-456] - CLI: kill-container should accept container number
- [SPOI-464] - Update README to clarify development environment sydtem requirements
- [SPOI-472] - dashboard fails with empty app list
- [SPOI-478] - Recreate a page view on URL change
- [SPOI-509] - Fix UI build on Linux
- [SPOI-517] - Ensure inputPorts and outputPorts are not undefined before merging them
- [SPOI-519] - Investigate Intermittent cease of publishing from Daemon
- [SPOI-527] - divison by zero exception in StreamingContainerManager for calculating throughput
- [SPOI-554] - Fix MergeSort operator and test
- [SPOI-571] - Siteops demo hangs
- [SPOI-604] - Empty site subdirectory in dist installer
- [SPOI-607] - Auto publish websocket data get stuck
- [SPOI-618] - Start and stop recordings broke from DataSource change
- [SPOI-622] - Get Port REST request fails for running applications after 399
- [SPOI-629] - Fix DataSource.stopOpRecording usage (options object).
- [SPOI-653] - Fix name in package.json
- [SPOI-655] - Fix "Cannot read property 'ports' of undefined" bug with RecordingModel
- [SPOI-659] - PortPageView should override the cleanUp method to unsubscribe to port topic
- [SPOI-669] - Daemon starts secondary process if already running
- [SPOI-673] - Operator List Widget only needs appId, not whole app model instance
- [SPOI-733] - Incorrect documentation in README.txt developer version
- [SPOI-454] - CLI: Feedback when not connected to app
- [SPOI-467] - Backbone.js MVC: View -> Model -> Data Source
- [SPOI-469] - Normalize naming convention for all modules
- [SPOI-500] - Move require calls to widget classes to the top of each page file
- [SPOI-510] - Change API for Datasource module
- [SPOI-512] - Remove dataSource from model attributes
- [SPOI-528] - PortInfoWidget Unit Test
- [SPOI-547] - Convert Notifier module to an Object
- [SPOI-563] - Move WebSocket creation out of DataSource constructor
- [SPOI-582] - Document Front-End Architecture (UML Diagrams)
- [SPOI-596] - Move require calls to the top of pages.js
- [SPOI-602] - Get siteops demo to work without needed high bandwidth for UI
- [SPOI-608] - Rename Page Views according to naming conventions
- [SPOI-615] - Add 'port' to breadcrumb label in port view
- [SPOI-616] - The 'type' attribute in portmodel is not being extrapolated in subscribeToUpdates
- [SPOI-621] - The DataSource should URL-Encode port name in the getPort method
- [SPOI-676] - Return better response for apps.list when no apps running
- [SPOI-135] - Webservice: Provide statistics per streaming operator
- [SPOI-397] - Download Parent Jira
- [SPOI-402] - Document demo examples
- [SPOI-460] - Create Preconfigured Sandbox
- [SPOI-466] - Design and Implement Port View
- [SPOI-468] - Design and Implement Container View
- [SPOI-476] - DT phone home first cut
- [SPOI-503] - Create a pipeline for handling UI feedback
- [SPOI-518] - Implement at most once for Operators with one or zero connected input ports.
- [SPOI-598] - Daemon to serve historical stats data
- [SPOI-700] - Remove demo/groupby
- [SPOI-453] - Update the mobile demo to version with map
- [SPOI-513] - Move JavaSerializationStreamCodec operator to library/util package
- [SPOI-515] - GitHub Release: Review/format source and docs for library/io/AxctiveMQ Input Operator.
- [SPOI-516] - GitHub repository structure and build system changes
- [SPOI-520] - Test strategy for operators that currently use LocalMode
- [SPOI-521] - Review/fix code formatting / style issues
- [SPOI-524] - Refactor script operators
- [SPOI-526] - Modify library to use CollectorTestSink
- [SPOI-539] - Move PerformanceTestCategory annotation to library
- [SPOI-541] - Port View Unit Tests
- [SPOI-542] - Publish library tests jar
- [SPOI-543] - Remove dependency to Tuple for library tests
- [SPOI-545] - DataSource Unit Tests
- [SPOI-546] - Determine best approach to mocking require()d modules
- [SPOI-552] - RedisOutputOperator stops running abruptly
- [SPOI-553] - Test code for InnerJoin/InnerJoin2 operators
- [SPOI-555] - Fix Unifier in match/change operators
- [SPOI-556] - Graphs show up after a delay with the new ads demo web changes.
- [SPOI-558] - Benchmark tests depend on STRAM
- [SPOI-559] - Move benchmark tests to a separate module
- [SPOI-560] - GitHub release: SumTest math operator still has reference to STRAM
- [SPOI-561] - Duplicate - Separate benchmark tests into a separate module
- [SPOI-562] - Fix HdfsOutputTest to not depend on STRAM
- [SPOI-565] - GitHub release: Change Http operator tests to use mortbay jetty
- [SPOI-566] - Remove reference to StramTestSupport from KafkaInputOperatorTest
- [SPOI-567] - KafkaInputOperatorTest is using DAG
- [SPOI-568] - Modify contrib build to not depend on STRAM
- [SPOI-583] - Implement a sample PubSubWebSocket servlet for testing
- [SPOI-584] - Contrib test classes have dependency to bufferserver
- [SPOI-585] - Implement a helper OperatorContext
- [SPOI-586] - PageLoaderView Unit Tests
- [SPOI-587] - Create SQL operator base interface/class
- [SPOI-588] - Add SQL Select Oprator to library
- [SPOI-589] - Create Sql Update operator in library
- [SPOI-590] - Create Sql Delete operator in library
- [SPOI-591] - Create SQL GourpBy/OrderBy Operator in library
- [SPOI-593] - Create SQL Outer join operator in library
- [SPOI-605] - Port View - Info and Overview Widgets
- [SPOI-636] - Apache Open Source Release : Review cods and source code for lirary/algo operator.
- [SPOI-637] - Create output Unifier on library/algo/BottomNOperator.
- [SPOI-639] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/Distinct Operator.
- [SPOI-640] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/FirstMatchMap Operator.
- [SPOI-642] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/FirstMatchStringMap Operator.
- [SPOI-644] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/FirstN Operator.
- [SPOI-645] - HttpOutputOperatorTest is failing
- [SPOI-646] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/InsertSort Operator.
- [SPOI-647] - NavModel/Router Unit Tests
- [SPOI-648] - Remove hash map output port from Insert sort operator.
- [SPOI-649] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/InvertIndex<K, V> Operator.
- [SPOI-650] - Mocha global leaks issue
- [SPOI-651] - Create output port unifier for library/algo/InvertIndexArray<K, V> Operator.
- [SPOI-652] - SlidingWindowTest is failing
- [SPOI-654] - Fix output port unifer for LeastFrequentKey operator.
- [SPOI-658] - Add Mocha Console Reporter
- [SPOI-661] - PageLoaderView Router Navigation Unit Tests
- [SPOI-662] - Refactor Bash Script oPerator.
- [SPOI-663] - Refactor Python script operator.
- [SPOI-664] - Fix output port unifier for MostFrequentKey Operator
- [SPOI-665] - Fix output port unifier for MostFrequentKeyValMap Operator
- [SPOI-666] - Fix output port unifier for libarry/algo/TopN Operator
- [SPOI-667] - Change output port for library/algo/TopNUnique Operator, add output port unifier.
- [SPOI-668] - Remove demo operator TupleOperator from library.
- [SPOI-671] - Create unifier on output port for library/algo/UniqueKeyValOperator
- [SPOI-672] - Remove demo operator : libarry/algo/WindowHolder
- [SPOI-675] - Review source/docs for library/io operators
- [SPOI-684] - Remove stram dependency from hdfs input operator test.
- [SPOI-686] - Fix HTTP output operator and test, failing right now.
- [SPOI-688] - Remove TestTupleCollector from io tests, it is not a test for any thing.
- [SPOI-689] - Remove com.library.io.anootation empty test package.
- [SPOI-690] - Move com.library.io.helper test to sample library.
- [SPOI-691] - Review source code/docs for library/logs operator.
- [SPOI-557] - Review/change code for MergeSort Operator
- [SPOI-205] - Protocol for stram to change network/message bus parameters of the outstream of output adapter dnode
- [SPOI-324] - Performance data to be written to HDFS
- [SPOI-459] - Test installation on OS X
- [SPOI-473] - GitHub Release : Code review for library/math operators
- [SPOI-474] - Document mobile demo
- [SPOI-475] - Document twitter demo
- [SPOI-477] - Review/format doc for apche open source release of library operators.
- [SPOI-499] - Review/format doc for apche open source release of library stream operators.
- [SPOI-504] - GitHub Release : Review cods and source code for lirary/multi window operator.
- [SPOI-505] - GitHub Release: Review/Format source/docs/test for AbstractSlidignWindowKeyVal Operator
- [SPOI-506] - GitHub Release : Review/Format source/docs/test for library/MultiSlidingWindowKeyVal Operator
- [SPOI-507] - GitHub Migration: Review/Format source/docs/test for library/SimpleMovingAverage Operator
- [SPOI-508] - GitHub Release : Review/Format source/docs/test for library/MultiSlidingWindowRangeKeyVal Operator
- [SPOI-511] - GitHub Release : Review/Format source/docs/test for library/logs operator
- [SPOI-514] - Open Source Transition for Library/Contrib/Demos
- [SPOI-530] - Operator tests dependent on stram.
- [SPOI-532] - Remove stram dependency from com.datatorrent.lib.testbench.EventGeneratorTest
- [SPOI-533] - Remove stram dependency from com.datatorrent.lib.testbench.RandomEventGeneratorTest
- [SPOI-534] - Remove stram depnedncy from com.datatorrent.lib.testbench.SeedEventGeneratorTest
- [SPOI-535] - GitHub release - Remove stram dependency from com.datatorrent.lib.math.MaxKeyValTest
- [SPOI-536] - Remove stram dependency from com.datatorrent.lib.math.MinKeyValTest
- [SPOI-537] - Remove stram dependency from com.datatorrent.lib.math.MaxMapTest
- [SPOI-540] - Remove stram dependency from com.datatorrent.lib.io.ActiveMQInputOperatorTest
- [SPOI-549] - Create a process for change.log for .3.3 release
- [SPOI-550] - Need license file changes to add DT Phone Home
- [SPOI-564] - Duplicate - Need to update license text to reflect "DT Phone Home"
- [SPOI-572] - Create a library for sql operators
- [SPOI-573] - Move GroupBy to Sql library
- [SPOI-574] - Move innerjoin operator to Sql lib
- [SPOI-575] - Move util/DerbySqlStreamOperator to sql libraray
- [SPOI-576] - Move util/AbstractSqlStreamOperator to sql library
- [SPOI-577] - Move OrderByKey operator to sql library
- [SPOI-578] - move algo/OrderbyKeyDesc operator to sql lib
- [SPOI-579] - move algo/orderbyvalue to sql library
- [SPOI-580] - move algo/orderbyvaluedesc to sql lib
- [SPOI-581] - move algo/innerjoincondition to sql lib
- [SPOI-592] - Create SQL Inner Join Operator in library
- [SPOI-594] - Archive release builds
- [SPOI-601] - Include twitter demo on demo server
- [SPOI-623] - Formalize a release procedure for future release
- [SPOI-625] - Add footer to guides
- [SPOI-626] - Get site ops demo UI to scale
- [SPOI-627] - Site ops demo UI changes
- [SPOI-635] - Ensure notice in html javadocs
- [SPOI-670] - Create output port unifier in libarry/algo/UniqueCounter Operator
- [SPOI-692] - change UI version to match streaming platform version
- [SPOI-697] - Demo of JIRA commits feature
- [SPOI-702] - Create a google groups for GitHub project Malhar
- [SPOI-705] - Setup a server for customer apps
- [SPOI-29] - Pig: A inner join node
- [SPOI-55] - A library module/adapter or node for creating keys from general text
- [SPOI-325] - need better error reporting, not sure what host it is trying to connect to
- [SPOI-412] - UI update rate should be 1 sec (default) and allow customization
- [SPOI-441] - Investigate javadoc errors in build
- [SPOI-452] - recompile embedded zmq with 1.6
- [SPOI-482] - Fix the NPM issue when installing UI in the build process
- [SPOI-490] - Clear chart when switching between operators
- [SPOI-497] - Application dashboard starts flickering if I change the column widths too often
- [SPOI-498] - Update rate on UI - Default and Customize
- [SPOI-326] - Byte code obfuscation for future releases: Allow Malhar platform with premium features to be shared with early customers
- [SPOI-447] - Ability to filter app list in the CLI
- [SPOI-451] - Convert daemon stop/start into single service script
- [SPOI-484] - Add server timestamp to containers info
- [SPOI-69] - Persistence Node: A node to persist/spool every window into storage
- [SPOI-89] - Define and implement a RSS input adapter node
- [SPOI-112] - Versioning: Protocol between StramChild to app master
- [SPOI-121] - Parent jira for supporting Pig programming language
- [SPOI-153] - Heartbeat message
- [SPOI-201] - Parent jira for Checkpointing support in streaming platform
- [SPOI-254] - Design a general purpose read from stream and write to hbase node
- [SPOI-259] - Create db adapters - Need one jira for each db
- [SPOI-330] - Add a sql operator
- [SPOI-332] - Do y! finance demo: calculate last price, volume, time, charts, and moving averages
- [SPOI-333] - Do a pi demo
- [SPOI-334] - Write an RSS read operator
- [SPOI-335] - Add persistance/recording for operator, tuples should be stored in-order
- [SPOI-336] - Add persistance/recording for an port of an operator, tuples should be stored in-order
- [SPOI-343] - Design Malhar Deamon for the UI
- [SPOI-344] - Design for Live as well as Historical data access via daemon/stram
- [SPOI-345] - New optimal buffer server to get around memory issues with netty
- [SPOI-347] - Develop cli commands as a foundational part of an operating system
- [SPOI-348] - Allow commands to run as a script through CLI
- [SPOI-356] - Input adapter for DRUID
- [SPOI-357] - Output Adapter for DRUID
- [SPOI-362] - Create Alert operator that does moving average and alerts if that drops by more than X%
- [SPOI-365] - Output Adapter for Redis
- [SPOI-374] - Size limits on log files (STRAM mainly)
- [SPOI-380] - Add security to STRAM
- [SPOI-383] - Implement do-As
- [SPOI-386] - Design latency computations
- [SPOI-387] - Design CPU, Memory, and Network IO usage
- [SPOI-388] - Added resource usage to stats and access via webservice
- [SPOI-391] - Design and implement at least once
- [SPOI-394] - Add input adapter for Redis
- [SPOI-395] - Create an output adapter for Redis
- [SPOI-398] - Test download on Amazon
- [SPOI-405] - Design, document, and test download to work with Apache Hadoop
- [SPOI-416] - Local only Download licensing
- [SPOI-426] - Create an attribute that forces the checkpoint to align with application window boundary
- [SPOI-479] - Design and implement ad data charting
- [SPOI-481] - UI design for application platform charting (live and historical dimensional data)
- [SPOI-485] - Placeholder for list of possible UI work for Summit
- [SPOI-486] - Enable security in the UI (need to check that the user has permission)
- [SPOI-487] - Design and implement new SVG charts
- [SPOI-489] - Alerts
- [SPOI-491] - Create login error pages for UI on secure cluster
- [SPOI-492] - Design UI for resources and latency data
- [SPOI-493] - Design and implement per operator view
- [SPOI-494] - Design and develop the "Operations" dashboard
- [SPOI-495] - The recording tab should show list of recordings by operator or by operator:port
- [SPOI-496] - Securitiy UI (sign-in, get token from deamon, etc.)
- [SPOI-371] - Review Storm features vs our open source plan
- [SPOI-372] - Ensure that premium feature implementation is hard for outsiders to do on the open source tree
- [SPOI-14] - Dynamic run time optimization framework: Load balancing and load shedding
- [SPOI-39] - Should be able to track window id through the DAG
- [SPOI-40] - Output messages of each node should be persisted/buffered
- [SPOI-63] - Output Adapter logging
- [SPOI-64] - Levels in logging
- [SPOI-231] - Demo tweeter feed analysis on Hadoop 2.0 with basic streaming setup
- [SPOI-273] - Setup CI and run existing demos to ensure that code does not break any
- [SPOI-419] - Certify our build on Amazon
- [SPOI-420] - Convert mobile location demo to a google maps demo
- [SPOI-421] - Ensure that checkpointing happens at Application window boundary
- [SPOI-422] - Allow an operator developer to enable checkpointing within an application window
- [SPOI-423] - Have a "ALLOW_CHECKPOINT_WITHIN_WINDOW" attribute (default is FALSE)
- [SPOI-424] - Document new checkpointing logic in app dev guide and op dev guide, add attribute to operations guide
- [SPOI-442] - ASF License header for downloadable sources
- [SPOI-443] - Packaging for dev and cluster versions
- [SPOI-480] - Add aggregate i/o buffer server bytes for application level
- [SPOI-483] - Tie up loose ends for summit version
- [SPOI-488] - Remove failure count column from "Live" table