4.4.0 (2021-11-24)
- 🩹 See if this fixes the proxy issue (74d1aca)
- 🔖 Set version to correct number (1a7b9b5)
- 🐛 bump ver (5207b21)
- 🐛 Fixed Ombi not writing the baseUrl correctly (e9cc8b6)
- 🐛 Fixed the issue parsing TheMovieDB dates. They have broken something... (6e397e0)
- 🐛 Fixed the issue where the user management login dates were not local time (97be373), closes #2925
- 🐛 Fixed the issue where we were not generating the newsletter plex mediaserver link correctly (b6064e9)
- 🐛 Fixed where the Play On {MediaSever} was not appearing for TV Shows (06b60ee), closes #4303
- 🐛 Hides no results message during search. (#4375) (b819b0e)
- 🐛 Pretending to fix a bug (5351c14)
- 🐛 Really really fix it this time? (543d36e)
- 🐛 Set the real tag version now (9287d83)
- 🐛 Small change to the URL we generate for the Play on Plex link (e8810e8)
- 🐛 Stop Devops from building and releasing, GH Actions will now call the APT Build (1fda2a1)
- 🐛 updated contributors PAT (a1d22db)
- 🐛 Upload the correct artifacts (a249805)
- 🔥 Really fix the base url issue this time (9f36923)
- #4344: 🐛 Fixed an issue where we errored on Plex Episode Scan (cd5532f)
- #4345: 🐛 Fixed the issue where denied requests we not appearing correctly (5a2f652)
- 4153: 🐛 fixed gravitar issues (ec963d8)
- details: 👽 Removed the RT API calls from the frontend for now (99c7289), closes #4305
- discover: 🐛 Fixed up the discover lists, (fc69158)
- discover: 🐛 Made the poster images on discover the same size no matter how many results there are (78b9eef)
- newsletter: 🐛 Fixed a few small bugs in the newsletter (21dba4c)
- oauth: 🐛 Fixed an issue where on occasions the Plex OAuth wouldn't work (ce1ed01)
- request-limits: 🐛 Fixed the issue where we were calculating Tv Request limit reset date incorrectly (ceaec3f)
- search: 🐛 Fixed an issue where changing the filter wouldn't refresh the search results (10f5e05)
- settings: 🐛 Fixed the issue where you couldn't save the Plex settings (89a856a)
- src/Ombi/ClientApp/package.json & src/Ombi/ClientApp/yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (294b075)
- src/Ombi/ClientApp/package.json & src/Ombi/ClientApp/yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (2b27b0d)
- src/Ombi/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (2fe175b)
- translations: 🌐 Localization - Ensuring all of the app including backend are localized #4366 (5e140ab)
- translations: 🌐 New translations %two_letters_code% from Crowdin [skip ci] (8fbd267)
- translations: 🌐 New translations en.json from Crowdin [skip ci] (52eda6a)
- translations: 🌐 New translations en.json from Crowdin [skip ci] (1095d52)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (b0f3abb)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (77d017b)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (f6e9784)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (601a877)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (a4a80ba)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (2961319)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (fc8d108)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (1e03651)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (c0dd327)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (2156129)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (aef0368)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (a38090b)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (c5f1d33)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (3846d56)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (dafe9c1)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (edb418a)
- translations: 🌐 New translations from Crowdin [skip ci] (dadabf9)
- try and fix the artifact upload (fb9ff4c)
- user-management: 🐛 Fixed an issue where the Copy users App Link did not generate the correct app link for that user (8cafcdc)
- ✨ Added the ability to provide your own custom plex url (6c6b7bb)
- ✨ Added the ability to specify which branch you are on (61f3e94)
- ✨ Added the ability to specify which branch you are on (777ed2f)
- discover: 💄 Moved the advanced search to the nav bar for better discovery (f83abaf)
- notifications: ✨ Added Partially Available Notifications (1ef45dc)
- plex: ⚡ Use the new Plex Pass includeGuids feature for syncing plex movies (7c5646d)
- request-limits: 🗃️ Added new user field migrations to mysql and sqlite (f73bccb)
- request-limits: ✨ Added in the main logic for the new request limits (70d5bf5)
- request-limits: ✨ Added the new request limit options into the user importer (01d4f4d)
- request-limits: ✨ Added the new request limit options to the bulk edit (03bc23a)
- request-limits: ✨ Added the UI portion to set the new limits (978d4ea)
- request-limits: ✨ Request limits are no longer a rolling date. But reset at the start of the week or month depending on the preference (364b9f1)
- request-limits: ✨ Updated the RequestLimit Rules to use the new refactored service (e31ee8d)
- request-limits: 🎉 Started on the request limits, applied to the user model (f5310b7)
- ⚡ Use ngxs store for the whole customization section of the app (97b493d)
- Revert "Revert request.service.ts to version on upstream/develop" (a23c103)
- Revert "Fixed Plex OAuth, should no longer show Insecure warning" (cbf331c)