All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- ✨ !108 Prepare develop iteration 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !104 Added Github from PR releases support (GithubPRs provider) (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !101 Added --no-dups (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !95 Added revert support (@aoterocom)
- ✒️ !94 Improved controller layer tests (@aoterocom)
- ✒️ !93 Improved application layer tests (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !89 Gitlab dual namespaces doesn't work for the api calls (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !85 Allow option to --pre-update changelog or not when using release and calculate-release commands (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !79 Implemented Jira tasks pipe (@aoterocom)
- ✒️ !76 Improved logging joining the errors as attached fields (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !82 Error parsing git remotes ssh links to grab Github namespace and repository (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !81 Fixed (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !80 Unreleased section update problems when using main command (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !77 Fixed Github task labels retrieving (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !70 Added Github as new provider (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !73 Task from older releases coming up at release time (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !67 Fixed logging level always set to ERROR (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !66 Fixed inclusions_exclusions pipe not working at all (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !65 Fixed pipes ordering changing after each release parsed (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !64 Retrieving unreleased tasks already on release with Git provider (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !37 Enable and implement CLI args (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !36 Added calculate-release command (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !34 Added Exclusions tasks pipe (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !32 Added Conventional Commits pipe (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !31 Implemented logging system (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !28 Allow different input and output templates (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !27 Added release-notes command (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !26 Added stylish_markdown style template (@aoterocom)
- 📖 !42 Update documentation (@aoterocom)
- 📖 !30 Update (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !38 Update Unreleased references to unify nomenclature (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !29 Fixed release titles on stylish_markdown template (@aoterocom)
- 🏗 !40 Refactorized panic calls into more friendly errors (@aoterocom)
- 🏗 !33 Rebrand styles into templates (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !17 Abstract Changelog classes to allow different changelog styles (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !14 Added yanked command (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !12 Added insert command (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !11 Added generated by Changelog Guardian (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !10 Added release command (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !9 Fixed Gitlab provider release URL (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !8 Added release and tasks filters (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !7 Finished Git provider and allow setting provider by config (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !6 Improved release retrieving performance with boundaries (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !5 Added support for internal settings overriding (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !4 Added regular command for generating a Changelog (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !3 Added Gitlab controller (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !2 Update mod naming to 'changelog-guardian' (@aoterocom)
- ✨ !1 Added git controller (@aoterocom)
- 📖 !22 Added (@aoterocom)
- 📖 !21 Improved documentation (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !20 Fixed setting's internal Gitlab provider labels (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !18 Fixed MergeReleases function to add retrieved releases above in desc order (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !16 Fixed Gitlab provider tests (@aoterocom)
- 🐛 !13 Fixed forcing specific bump type behaviour on release command (@aoterocom)
- 🏗 !19 Rebrand middleware / filters into Pipes (@aoterocom)